Taboo Daddy

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Taboo Daddy Page 2

by Crowne, K. C.

  I picked up my phone again and dialed Sara’s number. Sara Mills had been my best friend for years. We met senior year of high school when she moved into the district and had been extremely close ever since.

  “Hey!” Sara answered her phone on the second ring. Her voice was cheerful as ever and brought a grin to my face.

  “Hey Sara.” I got off my chair and meandered around my apartment. “Do you want to go to the mall with me?” I grabbed my wallet off the counter and took my keys off the hook by the door. I still had things to do at home, but I wouldn’t be able to focus with the thought of the dress looming over my head.

  “What’s up?” she sounded concerned when she heard the tone of my voice.

  “My mother, but what else is new?”

  “What did she do this time?”

  “She’s holding Grandma Susie’s apartment over my head to get me to do what she wants,” I grumbled.

  “What the hell? You know she can’t do that legally, right?”

  “I do, but she knows I don’t have the money to take her to court.”

  “Ugh. What does she want you to do?”

  “I have to bring a date to Jessica’s wedding.”

  “But the wedding is so close!”

  I snatched my favorite purse off my couch and nodded. I put my wallet in the purse and walked to the door.

  “I know, Sara. Believe me, I do. And I don’t know anyone to take.” I sighed as I unlocked the door and walked out, locking it behind me. “My grandmother’s apartment is so important to me. We always talked about it becoming my dream studio.” I grouched as I headed for the stairs, “Mom hates the fact that I’ve always refused money from her and Dad but would accept Grandma’s city apartment. She doesn’t understand. She never did. And now, I’m gonna be so fucked if I can’t find a date.”

  “I wish I had a brother to lend you.”

  I laughed as I rounded the first bend in the stairwell. “I wish you did too, but I’ll figure it out. By the way, you never answered my question.”

  “What? Oh - mall! Of course!”

  “Wanna pick me up? I don’t really have extra money for a cab and I really don’t want to walk.”

  “On it. Gimme a solid ten minutes and we’ll be cruising to the mall.”

  “Thanks. I really didn’t wanna go alone.”

  “Think nothing of it. I’ll be right over.”

  I clicked the end call button and grinned as stepped into the main lobby of the apartment complex. I lived on the third floor, and though we had an elevator that worked, it always made me nauseous, so I just used the stairs. Plus, all the walking made my legs look great.

  There was a little lounge area in the lobby, and I took a seat. I wouldn’t have to wait too long for Sara. She lived close and drove like a madwoman and texted me not even five minutes after we hung up. I could only hope the traffic wasn’t too horrendous. I walked out front with my purse draped across my torso and spotted Sara’s beat up purple 2010 Ford Fusion.

  I waved and hustled over to the car, climbing in and buckling up.

  “Ready to go?” Sara asked with a grin.

  I nodded. “I just want to get this over with.”

  “Valid, now letsa go!” Sara did a poor Mario impression and pulled out of the parking lot.

  Chapter 3


  I took a quick, hot shower and massaged the ache out of my legs. I changed into a fairly casual outfit, a navy-blue button-up shirt with dark jeans and socks. I didn’t have to go to the office today, but I still did some work from home.

  I was able to work for about thirty minutes when my phone rang. My brows furrowed as I looked at the caller ID. It was Tess’s school, and I knew something was wrong. I answered with a curt, “Yes?”

  “Is this Mr. Clark?”

  “Yes. Is everything alright?”

  “Well sir, Tess didn’t show up this morning for her first period, and she’s absent from her second period as well.”

  I tried not to groan because I knew there was no need to panic. Tess wasn’t missing or in danger; she was simply having a bad day. She’d had such a hard time after her mother’s death and began to hide away in her room and not come out for hours on end. I could hear her cry herself to sleep. Even though Carolyn had been gone for two years, we still struggled to come to terms living life without her.

  Tess had been out so much she had to be tutored for a couple of months to make up what she’d missed while absent.

  “I feel as though Tess might need to see a therapist about some behavior correction. It’s not healthy for a girl her age to just skip school because she doesn’t feel well. Maybe she would do better in a special education environment.”

  My brow twitched in anger at the pretentious tone in the principal’s voice. She sounded so high and mighty, as if she knew what was best for my daughter.

  “With all due respect, ma’am, I think you should keep your opinions to yourself.” If the woman was anyone other than Tess’s principal, I would have likely ripped her to shreds for insinuating there was anything wrong with her. “Tess is already seeing a therapist by her own volition, and she doesn’t need any behavior correction.”

  I could hear the principal huff over the phone, preparing to say something I was certain would piss me off more. I was quick to hang up on her rather than say something I would regret. I wasn’t thrilled that Tess skipped school, but I knew why she did and where she would be.

  I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my wallet and keys before I left the house. I made my way to the mall and tried to ignore the animal in me that wanted to roar in grief. I was able to find a parking spot close to the food court entrance. I got out of my car, wandering into the mall and using the escalator to get to the second floor as if I were in no rush. As I got off, I could see the silhouette of Tess through the shop window.

  She was nearly identical to me but with dark hair that fell past her clavicles and bright green eyes. They looked like malachite, with different shades of green flecked throughout.

  Next to Tess was a woman I’d never seen before. She was tall with defined curves accented by her form-fitting shirt and jeans. Her straight brown hair hung around the middle of her back and was tucked behind her left ear. What struck me was her wide brown eyes that reminded me of a doe. For a brief moment, I felt a surge of desire shoot through me. I pushed it back and ignored the warmth that brushed my stomach.

  I moved behind Tess and rested my hand on her shoulder. I hated sneaking up on her like that, knew it would scare the daylights out of her, but in a situation like this, that was inevitable.

  Tess whipped around to face me. In an instant, I saw all color drain from her already pale face.

  Papa… She gulped as she signed, and any frustration that fogged my mind faded.

  I sighed, and a heavy weight bore a hole in my heart. I hated that I couldn’t take my daughter’s suffering away from her. I hated that she had to feel even one ounce of it. But I couldn’t shelter her from everything, and she still had to learn that there were consequences to her actions.

  Darling, you’re supposed to be at school right now.

  Out of my peripheral, I could see the woman look between Tess and me.

  I know, Papa. I know I’m supposed to be there. I just couldn’t. I tried. I really did.

  Tess brought her right hand up to her face and tugged gently on her hair, a nervous tick she’d picked up after her mother passed. I stepped in front of her and dropped into a crouch. I was more or less eye-level with her, and I placed a large hand over the one pulling her hair.

  It’s ok. I took her hands in mine and squeezed them gently. I’m not upset with you.

  Tears pooled in Tess’s eyes and I pulled her into a hug. I heard her whimper into my shoulder, and I could feel her tears soaking through my shirt before she pulled back and looked up at me.

  I’m sorry, Papa! I made it all the way to school, but I felt so sick. I couldn’t be there. No one understands - not t
he teachers or even my friends. They try to be supportive, but they don’t get it! She hiccupped and blotted her tears on my shirt.

  I know, baby, I know. You just need to let me know if you feel like doing something like this again. I don’t want anything to happen to you.

  Okay. I’m sorry. I just had to come here. I know it’s been two years since Mama died, but it still hurts so much. I wanted to come here because it almost feels like she’s with me. Like she’s just in the dressing room and is gonna come out any minute to ask what I think.

  Her hands flew faster than hummingbirds, and I understood exactly how she felt. The store was one of her mother’s favorites. She would always come and look at all the dresses. After we started dating and later got married, she would drag me inside to get my opinion on all the beautiful and bizarre things she would try on.

  I also felt like she was there. I didn’t really believe in the supernatural, but I did like to think that she watched over us. Maybe she did. I didn’t know for certain, but both Tess and I were emotional wrecks, even if I didn’t display my emotions publicly.

  I’d lost my mate, the woman I thought would always be by my side. And Tess had lost her mother, the most important person in her life, besides me. To be in the store she frequented didn’t help ebb the feeling of loss.

  You’re ok, baby. Do you want to stay here or go home?

  Can we stay here?

  That’s fine by me. I let Tess go and rose to my full height. I offered her my hand and she gladly took it.

  The woman who had been standing with Tess didn’t look at us and was instead busy looking at the jewelry display. I didn’t know her exact role in helping my daughter, but I couldn’t mistake the kindness and compassion in her eyes when she’d looked at Tess.

  “Thank you.” My voice was rough with emotions I tried to keep in check. “For keeping my daughter company.”

  The unnamed woman nodded and gave me a weak smile. “It was my pleasure.”

  I nodded in thanks and watched as she scurried out of the store. As she passed, I thought I caught the scent of lavender.

  Chapter 4


  I was surprised by the wave of attraction that ran through me at the sight of the stranger. I didn’t even know his name. I only knew he was a father with a sweet and very sad little girl.

  That and he looked something akin to a Roman statue. I could see the outline of his rippling muscles through his shirt, and his pants hugged his ass perfectly. When he crouched in front of his daughter, lust had curled in my stomach. Those pants should have been illegal. They fit him like a second skin, and I struggled to keep my mind off the thought of him without them on.

  When I ran into the girl, Tess, I didn’t want to leave her alone. Maybe it was some maternal instinct in me, but as soon as her calm demeanor broke, all I wanted to do was embrace her and tell her everything would be alright.

  I left in a hurry after the two decided to stay in the store. I spotted Sara as she strutted toward me with two black bags in her hand, and I stared in confusion. I wasn’t familiar with a store that had those bags. Sara hurried to reach me, and I gestured for us to stand off to the side of the store entrance.

  “What’s going on?” Sara stared at my dress-less hands.

  “So, while I was in the dress store, I noticed a young girl standing there and she just looked so lost. She didn’t have anyone with her and I was worried something might happen to her.”


  “Well, her dad came and found her. And...” Sara waved a hand to motion for me to continue. “Well, he was really fucking hot.”

  Sara smirked and nudged me. “Ooohh! Jenna thinks a boy is cute and he’s a dad!”

  “Cut it out!” I swatted her on the shoulder. She just continued to grin.

  “This is almost perfect though!” Sara laughed. “You haven’t gotten any in ages. Maybe you should ask this guy on a date?”

  “Are you crazy?” I hissed, “I don’t know this man!”

  “Yeah, but you said he’s hot.”

  “Yeah, so? He’s got a kid, so he’s probably married.”

  She shrugged. “Yeah probably. Too bad.”

  “Yeah, too bad.”

  “By the way…” Sara’s grin reminded me of the Cheshire cat and I knew she was up to something.

  “What?” I narrowed my eyes at her in suspicion.

  “I have a gift for you!”

  She lifted one of the black bags in front of my face for my scrutiny. She sighed and forced it into my hands. There was a fairly small package in the bag, and I decided to bite the bullet and look inside.

  “Sara!” I smacked her with a little more force than was required.

  “What?” She started to cackle. “I thought this could help with the little dry spell you were complaining about the other day! It’s actually perfect timing, too, since you found yourself a new hottie to fantasize about.”

  I growled and quickly shoved my gift into my purse. From my quick glance in the bag, I realized that Sara hid the receipt so I couldn’t return it. Could you even return vibrators?

  I looked towards the store and could see the father and daughter perusing through dresses. Tess held up a dress, and I could just make out a smile on her father’s face. I took a deep breath to try and calm myself and walked back into the store. I still had to pick up a dress.

  The little girl and her father were signing rapidly back and forth to each other. We’d had a deaf student in a few of my core classes in college who used an interpreter, so I had seen enough sign language to recognize it, but I didn’t have a prayer at keeping up with their quick as lightning hands. I only knew a few words and the letters of the alphabet. What fascinated me, though, was the way the man maintained eye contact with his daughter as they communicated. It was as if there was nothing in the world more interesting to him than what his child had to say. It was heartwarming to see how much this man cared about his daughter.

  And that made him even more attractive.

  He chuckled at something she’d said. “Redecorate your room, huh,” he murmured.

  My heart leaped into my throat. Were they considering a redecorating project? If so, it had to be a sign, didn’t it?

  “Um, excuse me.” I waved and neared the two. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but if you’re thinking about redecorating a bedroom, I might be able to help.” I pulled one of my business cards out of my purse and handed it to the man. “I’m an interior designer.”

  He looked down at my card and read my name in his deep voice. “Jenna Robertson.”

  I nodded, smiling. “Yes. I have a degree in interior design. If you’re interested in hiring me, feel free to call the number on the card.”

  I smiled at the girl and heard my name called by the store owner who had gone into the back to find my dress. The girl waved as I turned to walk away. I returned the farewell and retrieved my dress. I didn’t want to stick around too long and possibly embarrass myself in front of the hot dad. I quickly found Sara sitting on a bench outside the store. She fiddled with her phone and finally noticed I stood in front of her.

  “Oh, hey! Did you ask the hottie out?”

  I rolled my eyes and ignored the blood that rushed to my face. “No, I did not ask him out. I gave him my business card. They seem to have a lot on their plate right now. It didn’t seem appropriate. Besides, I don’t even know his name. I think that would have been a little weird.”

  Sara groaned and threw her hands up. “You’re no fun!” She scoffed and moved on. “Is there anything else you want to do?”

  “As much as I would love to walk the mall with you, I have a ton of work I need to get done.”

  “That’s fair.” Sara stood and grabbed her ominous black bag. I didn’t want to even think about what she’d bought for herself.

  After we made sure we had all our belongings, Sara drove me home and I finished the work I’d stopped for my mother. It wasn’t until midnight that I crawled into bed and
fell into a dream with the hot dad as the main star.

  Chapter 5


  I felt the nearly scalding water run down my back. I let it pound into me, the pressure almost uncomfortable. I deserved the discomfort. Since I woke up that morning, a vision haunted my thoughts. Jenna Robertson. The beautiful stranger kept crawling to the forefront of my mind.

  I tried to push her away, but she was persistent. I couldn’t shake how patient and kind she was with Tess. Jenna didn’t know my daughter, but she felt the need to keep her company out of concern for her well-being. I only saw a brief interaction between the two, but I could imagine the impact she’d had on my daughter.

  Tess kept gushing about how sweet Jenna was and how pretty she was. It was the first time in a long while that I’d seen Tess so lively. I felt conflicted. I was overjoyed that she was happy, even if it was for a short while. But I also couldn’t shake the spot of jealousy that coiled in my stomach. I couldn’t make her smile like that these days.

  I came to the conclusion that Tess needed a mother figure in her life. I knew that, but to see how quickly she warmed up to a stranger caused my heart to ache. I wasn’t always there when Tess needed me because of my work and having to run the company. I tried my damnedest to be a good father, but a young girl needs a mother.

  Tess was brilliant and so independent at twelve, partly from losing her mother. I couldn’t, with good conscious, smother and coddle her. I would always be there when she needed me, but I knew she would come to me when she needed help.

  I fought a growl as the image of Jenna with Tess crept into my mind again. The thought of my daughter couldn’t even keep the woman out! I couldn’t waste more time in the shower thinking about strangers. I grabbed my Old Spice body wash and cleaned myself with quick, mechanical movements.


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