Taboo Daddy

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Taboo Daddy Page 4

by Crowne, K. C.

  She also gave me a quick hug. I smiled down at her and returned the hug.

  “How was your study group?” Noah signed as he spoke, and though his fingers moved expertly, they were a little slower than they’d been in the store. I understood that he was doing this for my benefit, to include me in the conversation, and I appreciated it.

  Tess beamed. She signed and Noah translated. “It was really good!” She bounced over to her father and took his large hands in her small ones and squeezed before dropping them to sign. He didn’t say her words out loud, so I waited patiently.

  “She wants to know if you can stay for dinner so she can hear all about your plans for her room?” he asked, shifting his weight from foot to foot in a sign of discomfort.

  I found it incredibly sweet that he would do just about anything for his daughter even if it made him uncomfortable. “Sure. If it’s alright with you, I can stay.”

  “What would you like to eat?” he asked gruffly, looking from me to Tess.

  I shrugged and offered a smile. “I’m good with just about anything.”

  Tess was vibrating with a ton of energy, and Noah spoke out loud for my benefit. “Can we get takeout?”

  “What type?”


  “Sushi?” I asked. “I’ve never actually had sushi before.”

  Noah translated my words with his hands. Tess gasped and threw her hands over her mouth in disbelief.

  “How have you not had sushi?”

  I chuckled and shook my head. “My parents were never big fish eaters. They’d rather have poultry or pork. My mom wasn’t a huge fan of beef either.”

  She quirked her head to the side and gazed at me with wide green eyes. She signed, Noah spoke aloud. “Would you like to try sushi?”

  “I’m always willing to try something once.”

  I glanced at Noah, who watched us with a strange intensity. It was strange to suddenly realize that he was a spectator to this whole conversation. I was conscious of the fact that I’d been talking to Tess even though Noah had been representing both of our voices. How long had it actually been since he’d said anything?

  I waited for him to voice his opinion about the sushi, lifting my eyebrow at him in question.

  “Sushi is fine by me. We can get a variety for you to try.”

  “Sure, that sounds great.” I looked between Tess and Noah. The man seemed more relaxed with Tess here, which I thought was incredibly sweet. His daughter made him into a softy. Tess continued to smile and took my hand. She guided me to the kitchen where I saw a cork board covered with takeout menus.

  “How do you find everything?” I asked in regard to the board.

  “We only find the menus we’re looking for half the time,” Noah answered me.

  We were able to actually find the menu, and Tess spouted off her order with ease. Noah smiled at her antics and told her to wait.

  I sat down at the island bar and scrutinized the menu. I hadn’t eaten much fish in my life. I’d sometimes get a fish fry or have a tuna melt. Other than those I didn’t have much exposure. I hadn’t noticed that Noah walked over to me until I saw him out of the corner of my eye. I jolted at the sudden closeness and waited for him to do something. I felt as if I was walking on eggshells around him

  “Do you have any idea what you might want to eat?”

  I felt his breath on my neck and could feel the baby hairs there stand on edge. “Oh… um… I guess something basic? I don’t want you to waste your money on me.”

  “Food isn’t a waste of money.”

  “It is when it’s not eaten,” I retorted.

  Noah leaned back and gave an absentminded nod. “I guess that’s true, but Tess would never see any food be wasted. She’ll eat just about anything.”

  “That must be nice.” I had laughter in my voice. “Most parents have to deal with picky devils.”

  “Most yes, but not me.”

  Noah ordered our sushi and told Tess and me there would be around a thirty-minute wait. Tess groaned aloud and dramatically clutched her stomach. The three of us walked back up to her bedroom. She had begged me to tell her my thoughts about what to do with her room.

  I explained my desire to make a table the center of the room where she would spend most of her time. We would get rid of her desk and replace it with the table so she could have group study sessions at the house and be tucked away in her room. I also wanted to get her a new, full-sized bed and new frame, one with the storage compartments built in. I explained about the walls, the curtains, the bedding, so she could get a clear picture.

  Before Tess came home, Noah told me that I could do anything to her room as long as she liked it. I didn’t need to worry about a budget. I could only imagine what his job was if he had that much expendable cash lying around.

  Tess jumped in place as she looked around her room. I imagined she was picturing the finished product. She signed something to her father, who laughed and looked at me. “She’s excited,” he said.

  “I’m glad you like my ideas so far. When I get home, I can make a concept board so you can actually see my ideas.”

  “My room is gonna be so awesome!” Noah translated.

  During the thirty minutes we had to wait for the food, I spoke more to Tess about what she’d like in her room. Overall, it was a pleasant experience, except for the fact that I could feel Noah’s eyes on us. Even when the food arrived, his eyes bore into me.

  Maybe it was all my imagination. Maybe it wasn’t. But I could feel a tension forming between us. I ignored it to the best of my ability with Tess as a buffer between the two of us.

  Noah didn’t participate too much in the small talk over dinner. He asked me what I thought of the sushi, which was called a California roll and was apparently one of the usual beginner rolls for first-time sushi eaters.

  I enjoyed the sushi and told them so. Tess insisted I try some of her rolls, which were very good as well, and I thanked her for opening my tastes to something new.

  Different topics were tossed around during dinner, and I tried to ignore the burning green gaze two seats away from me. I was proud of myself for not squirming under his stare.

  Tess was oblivious to any of the tension between Noah and myself, for which I was grateful. I didn’t want to explain what happened, because I didn’t know myself. I was also grateful that dinner didn’t last too long. I arrived around four-thirty and had been at their home for a couple of hours. I didn’t want to walk all the way home at nine or ten.

  Maybe I could convince Sara to pick me up. If I did, she would badger me for details. I sighed through my nose and finished what was left on my plate.

  “Thank you both for having me.” I pushed my plate back and hopped out of my chair. “I really do appreciate this, but I need to head home. I don’t want to walk home super late.”

  “You walked here?” Noah asked, seeming shocked.

  “I don’t have a car,” I said with a shrug.

  Noah rested his elbows on the table and frowned. “You shouldn’t walk home so late.”

  I gulped and had a sudden fear that he would offer to drive me home.

  “Let me give you money for a cab. I wouldn’t feel right if you walked home in the dark.”

  “No, that’s not necessary. I’ll be fine, I promise. I have pepper spray and am always very aware of my surroundings.”

  He hesitated. “I still don’t like the idea of it. Here, let me drive you.”

  I tried to protest, but Tess jumped up and grabbed my hand, leading me toward the garage.

  The ride home was awkward, especially since it was completely silent. Tess and Noah couldn’t really converse with her in the back seat while he was driving. When he pulled up in front of my building, I nearly jumped out of the car before it came to a stop.

  “Thank you for the ride and for dinner.”

  “Of course,” Noah replied. Tess jumped in the front seat in my place before signing to her father. “She says she can’t wait to
see what you come up with.”

  “I’ll get in contact with you when I finish the concept board, ok?” I directed that more toward Tess than her father.

  Tess signed something, then slowed down so I could see and copy the gesture. “It means okay,” Noah clarified.

  I grinned and signed okay back. Tess gave me one more hug before I closed the car door and they drove off into the night.

  Chapter 7


  I got home from work and all I wanted to do was lay down and sleep. Tess was off for the weekend at a friend’s house, so I would be home alone for the first time in a long time. I honestly didn’t know what to do with myself.

  I was suffocating in my suit. My tie constricted my breathing, and I just wanted to lounge in my boxers. I took off my jacket and laid it over my left arm and began to disrobe by the door. I walked to my room and noticed something was wrong. I knew I’d locked the house before I left for work. I knew this, yet a woman was splayed out across my bed.

  At first, I didn’t recognize her. Her long dark hair shrouded her face and chocolate eyes. Then she moved and I realized it was Jenna. She wore nothing but white lace panties that left little to the imagination. Her hair covered parts of her torso, but I could still see her pert breasts and pebble-like nipples.

  A hunger hit me like a tidal wave. I wanted to launch myself forward and ravish her. Make her scream my name as she bared her neck to me. I wanted to mark her and claim her as my own.

  I fought the beast inside me and stood still in the doorway of my room.

  “I’ve been waiting for you, Noah.” Her voice was like silk dancing across my skin. “I’ve been a patient girl. I want you so bad.” Her full lips formed a pout, and she climbed onto her hands and knees. She began to crawl across the mattress toward me like I was her prey.

  “I’ve been thinking about all the naughty things I’m going to do to you.”

  Jenna paused to lick her lips and tucked a chunk of hair behind her ear. I had a good view of her breasts and wondered what it’d be like to grope them. Would they be as soft as they looked? Would she moan as I played with her nipples?

  “I’m gonna milk you dry, Noah,” she rasped. “I’m gonna suck your cock so good. I want you cum in my mouth. I’ll swallow it all for you. I want your seed inside me. I want taste you so bad!”

  She reached the edge of the bed and stalked toward me. She swayed with a confidence I hadn’t seen in her. The lace panties clung to her body, and I wanted to rip them off her with my teeth.

  “After I suck you off, I’m gonna ride you. I’m gonna bounce on your dick while you make my pussy sopping wet.”

  Jenna stopped walking once she was in front of me and began to palm her mound. She bit her lip and let out a soft moan.

  “I want to do all of that, Noah.” My name coming from her lips made my already hard cock twitch. “Will you let me?” She sunk to her knees and reached for my belt…

  * * *

  I woke with a startled gasp. My breathing was ragged, and my dick throbbed. I could barely wrap my head around the dirtiest dream I’d had in a while.

  It was one of the first dirty dreams I’d had since my wife passed, and I had no idea what to do with myself. I wanted to go back to sleep and forget it. Perhaps in another life, I could, but in this one, I wouldn’t be able to.

  I groaned and rubbed the ridge of my brow. I needed to deal with the situation in my pants fast. I was so hard it was beginning to hurt. I slipped pajama pants over my boxers in case Tess was awake for some reason. I also grabbed a clean pair of boxers because the pair I currently wore were ruined with precum.

  I closed the bathroom door behind me and pulled off my pants. I ignored my aching length and turned on the shower. I let the water come to temperature and tested it with my hand. I stepped into the large shower and shivered as the water cascaded down my back. I let the warmth sink into my skin, and I put my hand on my cock.

  The image of Jenna from my dream was still in my mind. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back as I began to stroke myself. I gasped as my mind conjured unspoken fantasies.

  She still wore those damn panties. I wished she was fully exposed to me so I could take her all in. I tried to pick back up where my dream cut off. Jenna was on her knees and reaching for my belt. Her hands were smaller than mine and unbelievably smooth. She pulled my pants down so my dick was free from its confines.

  “Oh wow!” Jenna would gasp. “You’re so big.” She’d bring my length to her mouth and tentatively licked its tip.

  I copied the motion with my hand. I ran my thumb over my tip and felt the muscles in my thighs twitch. A growl came from my throat as I continued to imagine her doing wonderful things to me.

  She’d greedily take me in her mouth, and I would be swallowed by her warmth. I would try not to thrust into her mouth and let her go at her own pace.

  My eyes rolled back as I palmed my groin and moaned as I began to pump my dick at a faster pace. I could see Jenna picking up the pace as she got used to my size. Her jaw would be slack, and saliva would start to pool in her mouth as she sucked.

  I imagined that she would pull herself off me and precum would stain her mouth and chin. She’d tell me to fuck her throat, and I would almost lose all control.

  She’d open her mouth wide with her jaw slack once more. Her eyes would roll back a little as I stuck my member back into her mouth. I would start slow and let her get used to the full length of my cock. I would begin to pick up speed, and I could feel Jenna moan against my dick as I fucked her mouth.

  I’d grab a fist-full of hair and tug her all the way to the base of my dick. I could hear her choke, and I’d let her pull away to breathe. The next time she wouldn’t go as deep, but she would use her hands to stimulate what she couldn’t with her mouth.

  I tightened my grip on myself and began to thrust into my hand with wild ferocity. I could feel my balls begin to tighten and knew I was close. I pictured Jenna giving me one final suck that had more pressure than any mouth I’d felt before. In my imagination, Jenna happily gulped down the spray I unloaded down her throat.

  In reality, I came into my hand and my seed spilled to the shower floor. I didn’t scream when I came, but I was close to roaring Jenna’s name.

  I panted as the reality of what I’d done hit me with full force. I’d just jerked off and came to a fantasy of Jenna, a woman who wasn’t my wife. I hadn’t really touched myself at all since she’d passed. I hadn't even thought about being with another woman.

  But there I was.

  I had no idea what to think. It was the first time I’d felt such desire in two years.

  I sighed and stood under the stream of water until it ran cold, giving my head and body a chance to cool off.

  I finished my shower, dried off, and changed into clean boxers. I crawled back into bed and tried to fall asleep. I was still awake when my alarm starting blaring at six-thirty.

  Chapter 8


  I looked around my current client’s house. I tried to ignore the rolling in my stomach at the fact that my mother got me the job. I’d been on my own for years, but my mother still had an influence in my life. However, I couldn’t say no; I needed every job I could get so I could build my portfolio.

  I hated that I had to rely on my mother at all. Especially when I had to use her contacts to pay my bills. This wasn’t what I had envisioned for myself at all. I was dumb and hadn’t discussed payment with Noah. Now I had no idea what I would be getting paid after everything was done. I couldn’t afford to hope I’d be getting a nice chunk of cheese from the Clarks and had to find another client.

  I almost felt like it was a set up when my mother called Friday. She said she knew a ‘nice young man in need of help decorating his apartment’. I could roll my eyes now at how fake her description was.

  My client, Josh, wanted to turn his apartment into a man cave. I wanted to pull my hair out. He’d continuously gotten in my way as I’d worked on the
apartment, and he gave me the creeps. The job in its basic state wasn’t too hard, but the client himself made it infinitely more difficult.

  Josh kept hitting on me, and I wanted to turn around and smack him. He’d used mommy and daddy’s money to get his apartment, and I could tell because he was always there. He didn’t have a job to go to, so he watched me with his smarmy eyes and creepy grin.

  I’d gone to his place a couple of times to get an idea of what I wanted to do and to make sure items would fit. Each time the place looked like a natural disaster struck. Half empty soda cans and take out had been left to rot on the kitchen counter. I’d asked him to pick up, but the guy didn’t seem to care. I was just grateful I was finishing today. All the furniture I’d ordered had been delivered, and once it was placed, his perfect man cave would be complete. I would get the pictures I needed and try and erase the job from my mind.

  I don’t know if I’d ever been so excited to finish a project before.

  I worked on the finishing touches until I was content with how it looked. I had asked earlier if I could take pictures to add to my portfolio and got permission. I took my camera out of my messenger bag and photographed a bunch of different angles. My main focus for this project was his living area. I had no desire to go anywhere near his bedroom.

  I would do some light editing to the photos later before I added them to my portfolio. I also managed a blog where I posted designing tips and posted before and after photos of projects - with the homeowner's permission, of course.

  I took one final picture and felt like I had enough. I put my camera and any other loose ends back in my bag. I’d already received payment earlier in the day from Josh’s father. Another clue as to his spoiled behavior and seeming lack of employment.


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