White Meat: A BWWM Romance
Page 14
“Rebecca, I don’t know what to say.”
“Then don’t say anything and cook; it’s not going to be easy feeding Hank, let alone your entire staff,” jokes Rebecca.
But I give her a big hug all the same, “Thank you, Rebecca.”
“Just call me, ‘Ma,’ dear.”
I wipe the tears from my eyes, “Yes, Ma.”
We call everyone to the table once the braised brisket, boiled crawfish with corn cobs, and pecan pie are all prepared on the outdoor dining table. Everyone is in a panic as they immediately sit in their places and want to start eating.
“Not yet!” scolds Ma, “Nate, will you please say grace?”
“Oh. Okay!”
Nate quickly makes the sign of the cross and closes his eyes as we all hold hands, “Dear God, thank you for giving us Ma Rebecca, Uncle James, Hank, Mama, and everyone here at our table. They all cook really delicious meals, so I hope this time they will enjoy eating meals cooked for them. Amen.”
Needless to say, the food is amazing. Everyone is having a great time as Hank, and I listen to everyone’s stories over dinner.
Life is beautiful.
Crap. I’m running out of food, but most of all, I’m running out of time.
But everyone’s having fun, and if I don’t succeed on this one, I might just spoil the mood for the rest of the night. And everyone’s just recovered from the trauma that Andrew had on our lives.
“Oy, Hank, you gonna finish that pie?” asks Ernesto in front of me. We’ve finished eating most of the main course, and dessert is the only food left.
“Oh, here.”
Ernesto gladly takes my plate with a big smile on his face. Juan and Miguel then steal a forkful each before Uncle James scolds them and gives Ashley the entire pie. Cindy laughs at them, and all of my resolves melt away at the beauty of her smile.
Ma seems to notice as she sits beside me, giving me a disapproving glare and a sharp kick to my shin.
“Ow!” I cry out as I get up, forgetting how painful her shin kicks could get.
“What happened? Are you okay, Hank?” Cindy asks, looking worried.
“Oh, yeah. Just a mosquito bite.”
Uncle James suddenly sits up straight with anger in his eyes, “Mosquitoes! Those varmints spread disease. Everyone, let’s wrap this up and get inside before anything bad happens.”
Ma glares at me again and motions me to approach Cindy.
“How did you know?” I whisper at Ma.
She laughs as she caresses my cheek, “A mother always knows, son.”
“But I’m not prepared. I didn’t bring anything. What if––“
“Shush!“ interrupts Ma, “I’ll have none of your whinings anymore, you hear? You just go out there and do your best. Whatever happens, everyone here is still family. We all love you.”
Ma gives me a kiss on the cheek before following the rest of them back into the house.
Only Cindy, Nate, and I remain. Cindy lathers some mosquito ointment on Nate just to make sure.
Ma’s right; no matter what happens, we’re still family here.
And as Cindy finally gets up to leave, I make my move.
Cindy, looking surprised, turns to me, “Yes, Hank?”
The stars shine bright above us just as the full moon peeks through the clouds. Cindy looks absolutely magical only from the candlelight on our dinner. It doesn’t get any more romantic than this.
I need to propose to her now.
“Go, Bulldogs,” I mindlessly say.
Did I really just say that? And did I hear people groaning and laughing behind the bushes
Cindy laughs, “Way to keep the school spirit, Hank. Why don’t you save some of that later? Come on.” She takes my hand as she leads me back towards the house.
But her gentle touch invigorates my confidence. I drop down on one knee, “Cindy.”
“Yes, Hank?” Cindy’s eyes light up when she turns around, “What are you doing?”
“What I should have done days ago.”
I take a deep breath and gaze upon her lovely eyes.
“I lied to you, Cindy.”
“What are you talking about, Hank?” asks Cindy with a worried look on her face.
“I came back home to take care of Ma. But the truth is I was just a lost and dejected person, without a place to call my own when my career took a downturn. But then I met you and the rest of the crew in here, and my life has forever changed for the best. I don’t care where I end up cooking as long as I’m with you and Nate.”
“With Nate?” she asks with a gentle smile on her face.
I nod, “You guys have brought joy and meaning to my life. And I still have to pay him back for saving me from getting murdered by your ex.”
Cindy laughs, and my heart is all aflutter.
“So, what I’m trying to say here, Ms. Cynthia Alison Washington, is that I know we started out as a fake engaged couple. But I want it to be real now because I am desperately and hopelessly in love with you. Will you marry me?”
As confident as I am, I didn’t expect Cindy to freeze up as soon as I asked the question. But an awkward eternity pass as she continues to stare at me underneath the windy night.
“Just say ‘yes,’ mommy!”
Cindy and I turn to the voice source and find that everyone was hiding near the bushes all this time.
Ernesto slaps Juan on the head, “I told you to keep your mouth on, Nate!”
“He bit me!” complains Juan.
“Boys, it’s alright,” interrupts Uncle James, “That’s all the help that Cindy needed.”
Cindy reaches for my cheek and makes me look her in the eye, “I love you too, Hank. And yes. Yes, I will marry you.”
The words ring true in my ears as I get up and embrace Cindy. Everyone applauds us as they wipe the tears from their faces. Nate runs up and hugs both his mother and me.
“Okay, holmes,” says Ernesto, who’s still crying, “Everyone. Group Hug.”
Wait, no one said anything about a group hug.
But it was too late. Everyone gathers around us as we celebrate our engagement with a big warm hug. And I guess it’s only fitting since I’m not only committing to Cindy but with the entire Burnet High Steakhouse family as well.
Now that I have her, “I’m sorry I don’t have a ring to give you, Cindy. But I promise I’ll buy one as soon as I can save up for one.”
“No need to save, son,” informs Uncle James. He takes out his wallet and fishes his beloved late wife’s ring, “This here ring’s been hiding in my wallet for god knows how long. It’s already cut a permanent circle on the leather of my wallet. I don’t think I can find a better use for it now than a symbol of both of your love.”
Uncle James hands me his ring; it’s a gorgeous diamond ring that’s probably at least twenty-karats. I look to Cindy for approval, and she nods with tears in her eyes.
The ring fits perfectly in her finger, just as much as she fits perfectly in my life.
“You sure you don’t want something a bit more…elegant?”
Ashley looks at me with real concern. She’s been a trooper throughout all the wedding planning, but I know my choice of footwear just doesn’t sit well with her.
“Sure as shit. Hand ‘em over.”
She sighs and picks up the box from my desk. It’s not the most glamorous, but the back office at the Smokehouse is as good a place as any to get ready. The ceremony is supposed to start in five minutes. And, as clean as it is, I’m not going to be barefoot.
I open the large box and peel back the crisp tissue paper. The glorious smell of leather and possibility wafts up to greet me. Brand new, in a delicious shade of lavender, they cost more than my dress. But, these boots I can wear beyond today. I slide them on. Perfect.
Standing in front of the mirror, I take in the total picture. My champagne-whit
e lace dress with spaghetti straps flows down around my legs. It’s light, airy and shivers with my every movement. Better still, it’s simple, comfortable, and I feel like a million bucks.
Giving my head a toss, my curls bounce happily in response. The simple spray of flowers tucked behind my ear stays firmly in place. Thank god for bobby pins.
There’s a knock on the door.
Ashley trots over to take a peek. Nathan is there, his new suit crisp and clean but obviously hard for him to wear. A simple boutonnière made from Texan bluebonnets is pinned in his lapel. It’s already a bit crooked, God love him. He looks past Ashley at me and beams.
“You look really pretty, Mom.”
“You think so?”
“Mm-hmm.” He enters the room shyly and gives me a hug. I can feel his happiness buzzing through the suit.
“I hear there might be a bride around here that needs an arm?”
I look up to see Uncle James leaning in the doorway. He, too, wears a crisp, new, blue suit. His boutonnière is pinned straight and his eyes gleam, a grin lighting up his face.
“Well, sure! You two know where I might find some?” I laugh.
“Only the best in town! Nate, you ready? Mind you keep up, girl. We’ve been practicing our fancy-walking all week!”
Nathan’s face gets serious as he joins Uncle James outside the door. They both stand there, waiting.
Ashley steps in front of me, making a final once-over. After fussing with some imaginary lint on my dress, she purses her lips together, looks me in the eye and, blinking back tears, nods her approval.
I give her a swift kiss on the cheek, take a deep breath and sweep out of the room. Nate and Uncle James gallantly present their arms on either side. I hook in, and we’re pretty much ready to go. My heart only now starts to race in earnest.. Ashley hands me my bouquet, a clutch of white anemones and bluebonnets tied together with twine. I breathe in their scent, deeply.
I’m ready.
* * *
As we wind our way through the restaurant toward the patio, Ashley darts ahead to change the music in the restaurant speaker system. It fades from soft country to the opening strums of the wedding processional. The guests seated in small clusters, waiting for the ceremony to begin.
Hank and I have decided to keep things simple. The guest list is small, and we’ve arranged chairs in loose groups throughout the patio. For an altar, we’ve improvised a small podium dripping with flowers and greenery in the center of the whole shebang.
I crane my neck to catch a glimpse of Hank, but instead can only see our officiant, Sarah, standing at the podium. She seems a bit uncertain, dressed in a pristine pantsuit, rather than her customary chef’s scrubs and work shoes.
She is an unlikely person to unite us, but when the search for an officiant began, it had shocked everyone to learn she had been ordained some years ago on the internet. That was pretty much all it took.
“If I’m gonna share a kitchen with you two, I may as well be the one to make it official,” she had grunted. We didn’t think to argue.
We have arrived at the patio doors. I see the guests stand, on the signal of Sarah.
“Any last words?” Uncle James whispers.
“Nah. I feel good about this one.” I whisper back.
He gives me a smile and the doors open.
* * *
The next few moments are a blur. As we walk, I can feel the smiles, warmth and love coming my way from the guests, but it feels as though it’s all in soft focus, like I can’t quite see all the details.
But, what is crystal clear is the man standing to the right of Sarah. His light gray jacket and vest perfectly hug his torso, a soft green tie loosely tied at his neck. He’s wearing jeans so new they practically squeak, but it’s his hat that does me in.
As we approach, he tips his cream cowboy hat further back on his head. His lips part into a grin so full of love my ribs ache. His eyes are shiny and they are only for me.
Yup. Feel good about this one.
The next thing I know, Uncle James and Nathan guide me to a stop. There’s a lot of business between the men shaking hands and patting each other on the shoulder. Finally, Nathan gives me a hug. He looks me in the eyes and tries to give me a wink. But he can’t wink yet, so it’s more of a double blink and it’s the cutest damn thing.
He and Uncle James take their seats next to Ma Kingford in the front row. She’s resplendent in a dusty rose-colored dress and jacket. She’s already dabbing her eyes furiously and I have to look away so I can keep my composure.
I look at Hank. Our eyes lock. Our hands clasp. And while I hear Sarah’s voice, and I’m aware of people around me, the world falls away. For a few blessed minutes, it’s just us.
Sarah’s welcoming people, telling a story about Hank in the kitchen and how she knew he was perfect for me all along, but it sounds underwater somehow. The next time I really hear a voice clear and crisp, it belongs to Hank.
“Cindy. I’m not going to say a lot of words. Because they won’t be enough to express how much I love, admire, adore and need you. Be mine and I promise I’ll always be yours.”
I speak now, right?
Somehow I find the words.
“I had closed off a large part of my heart before I met you, Hank. A part I thought was sealed forever. You opened that door and made something beautiful grow there. I can’t wait to see what’s next.”
Where did that come from?
The blur happens again. Rings are exchanged, more words are said and then, like a dream sequence in a movie, the blur stops just long enough for me to hear the words, “You may kiss your bride.”
Hank’s mouth is on mine. It’s firm and strong and I can feel all his promises infused within it. We are one.
* * *
Don’t let anyone ever tell you that BBQ isn’t the best food there is for a wedding feast. All the tensions and excitement of the day are eased away with ribs, chicken, cornbread, collards, mashed potatoes, okra, and the cheesiest Mac n’ cheese in the Lower 48.
Country music, cold beer, whoops and hollers from the guests – it’s nearly too much. There’s even a surprise three-party harmony serenade from Juan, Miguel and Ernesto to make a perfect day even more delightful.
Throughout it all, Hank never leaves my side. His shiny ring-fingered hand is always on the small of my back or gently around my shoulders. Whenever anyone talks to him, he replies, “Would you like to meet my WIFE? Isn’t she something?” Though ridiculous, it somehow never loses its charm.
The dancing starts soon after and it leaves me breathless. Whirling and stomping, it seems impossible that such a small group of people could make so much noise. But, we do. Shit yes, we do. I even catch Ma Kingford dancing with Uncle James. Nathan shyly shrugs his shoulders and shuffles his feet, and Ashley finally lets herself enjoy the evening.
I’m just catching my breath when Hank whispers in my ear.
“Psst. Hey. What say we leave and see how good these clothes look on the floor?”
He presses his body into mine, breathing deeply behind me. I can feel the denim of his jeans swell into the lace of my dress.
In the week leading up to the wedding, we had decided to sleep at our own places. We wanted the wedding night to be very special, indeed. My need for him is intoxicating.
“Well, gosh. I dunno. I’m gonna have to ask my husband first.”
He guffaws and swirls me around and kisses me long and deep.
Some of the guests around us holler and yell. Sarah’s voice rises above the rest.
“Get a room!”
Hank stops the kiss.
“Don’t mind if we do!”
And, before I can blink, he sweeps me into his arms. I feebly try to protest. I blow kisses to Nathan. I tell him to be good and listen to Uncle James. The guests wave and cheer as Hank strides towards the exit.
We clear the door in one fluid motion, my lavender boots gently kicking the door closed on the way out. It’s a hell of a
n exit.
“Where are you taking me?” asks Cindy as she squirms in my arms, but with some dextrous fidgeting of the door, I carry her inside Burnet High Smokehouse.
Cindy looks around the place as we head for the kitchen, “Are we in the smokehouse, Hank?”
“Yup,” I reply as I set her down on the kitchen table, “I just wanted to get a couple slabs of steak before we ‘honeymoon’ for the weekend. Had these babies in the oven ever since the morning, and now they’re perfect for eating.”
I take a whiff at the foil-wrapped briskets. The aroma makes my stomach growl, but there’s a different kind of hunger I should feed first.
My carnal hunger.
“So, shall we?” I ask Cindy as I turn to the door with a plastic bag of steaks in one hand.
But to my surprise, Cindy is no longer on the kitchen table.
“Cindy?” I ask out loud. A chill fills my spine. But there was no response.
Then the lights go out.
Fuck, is Andrew here? Did he get out of jail somehow?
I instinctively head for the kitchen doors but find that they’re locked. I slam on the doors and call for Cindy.
“Now, we shall,” she calls behind me.
When I turn around, I catch a lump in my throat when I find my wife sitting on the kitchen table naked. She leans her head ever slightly as she leans back and puts one of her legs on the table. She motions her finger towards her, and like a snake to the snake charmer, I follow her lead.
“What’s all this, Cindy?” I ask her as my heart pounds faster as I get closer to her. Cindy grabs me by the collar and whispers in my ear.
“Oh, you know, the steakhouse is closed for the night, and this is where we met the first time, remember?”