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Sparks of Love

Page 15

by McKenna Rogue

  The audience who stayed for the show after the game filed out onto the field for a perfect view of the fireworks. Allison and I unfolded our blanket, then she ran for the restroom before the fireworks started.

  “Thanks for letting me tag along tonight,” Theo said.

  “I’m glad you could come. You’ve been a big help to Allison going through all of this. I know she was glad to have you here tonight.”

  “Allison is the best.”

  “I find it a little peculiar you chose your best friend’s fiancée over your best friend.”

  Theo’s expression darkened. “Dean is not the guy I thought he was. We’ve been friends since elementary school, but the last few years, he’s turned into a real asshole. I just didn’t see it until I saw how he was treating Allison. She didn’t deserve that. I figured I needed a new friend, and she could probably use another one to help her through this.”

  “Glad to hear you’re a good guy.” I wondered if there was more to it than that, but I didn’t want to call him on it. He wasn’t doing anything wrong, and if he had feelings for Allison, maybe he would be more worthy of them than Dean ever was.

  Allison returned with bottles of water for everyone.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about Jason, wondering if he was still in the locker room or if he had left already.

  I didn’t want to get kicked off the field or the stadium for going where I didn’t belong. I wished he would come out here. I wished he would come find me and tell me goodbye, at the very least. But I’d blown it all because I was scared and thought there was no way he could really like me, which was stupid. He’d never done anything to deserve that.

  The fireworks exploded into the sky, and I leaned back to watch the show. The loud crack echoed through the air just before flowers of color painted the sky. In a pause of the fireworks, I went to grab my water bottle, then someone’s hand landed on mine.

  I looked over my shoulder and froze.

  Jason was sitting behind me.

  “What happened to your date?” he asked.

  My mouth fell open. I didn’t know what to say, but I didn’t know why he was sitting behind me.

  “I asked him to leave,” I breathed.


  “Because it was a mistake.”


  “Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be on your way to Omaha?”

  “I was. The bus is waiting.”

  Dread filled me. “Jason, I—”

  “Blaze, I didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye, but now that I’m sitting here, I don’t think I can say goodbye. Do you want to be with Larry? Or someone else?” The look in his eyes was so earnest.

  “No, I don’t want to be with him. I sent him away. It was a mistake ever inviting him. I thought if I could make you hate me or something... It was so stupid. I’m so stupid.” I wanted to say something else, but I didn’t know what to say.

  He reached up and cupped my face. “I’m going to kiss you now and call you tomorrow.”

  I just nodded.

  He leaned forward and made good on his promise. His mouth moved over mine slowly, my lips parting, making way for his tongue. Wrapping his arms around me, he pulled me against him the best he could in our currently seated arrangements. Another round of fireworks exploded above us. I was sure they were real, but it always felt like fireworks when Jason kissed me.

  He pulled back.

  “If I keep kissing you like this, I’m going to get us arrested,” he murmured against my mouth, tucking a flyaway strand of hair behind my ear. “Did you think it would be so easy to get rid of me?”

  “I didn’t know what else to do. I couldn’t ask you, and I knew you couldn’t ask me.”

  “True.” He nodded slowly. “But here’s the thing. I think you want to come with me. I know you’ve cultivated this great life here, but I think you’ve reached your peak here. I think there’s more opportunity in a big city, but we’ll talk about that tomorrow when I call you from Omaha.”

  “You got called up to the Majors.” I grinned and kissed him again.

  “I did, and I have you to thank for that.”

  “Hardly. You’ve been working your life for this.”

  “Maybe, but I would’ve never found the secret ingredient if it hadn’t been for you.”


  We both turned. Juarez was waving him over.

  Jason held up his hand. “I gotta go. I’ll call you tomorrow.” One more quick kiss, then he was running off with Juarez to claim his dream.

  I sat there while the fireworks boomed and crackled over our heads. Allison put her hand on mine. “You okay? What was that all about?”

  “He’s calling me tomorrow from Omaha.”

  She squeezed my hand. “That explains the shell shock look you have. Are you okay? Do we need to go?”

  I shook my head. “I want to stay.”

  The fireworks going off above my head couldn’t rival the fireworks going off inside of me. Even the grand finale was lacking, but I still enjoyed the show. When the sky went dark, the smoke faded, and I floated back to Theo’s car to go home, I finally let the walls around my heart dissolve.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Allison asked, twisting in the front seat to look back at me. “You’ve been really quiet.”

  “Yeah, I’m just… exhausted from holding off from being who I want to be and impressing people who never work hard to impress me. I don’t know why I was so willing to let my family think they knew best.”

  “You’re preaching to the choir. I let Dean walk all over me, and here I am. I wish I could’ve helped you break free from them sooner, but I’m glad someone did.”

  “I haven’t broken free from anything yet, but I’m damn well going to try.”

  Theo pulled over in front of my apartment building, then turned to look at me as I opened the door.

  “For what it’s worth, I think you made a good decision turning away that Larry guy. He was a douche. The things he said when you left were pretty gross. I’m glad you ditched him.”

  I curled my lip. “That’s… do I want to know?”

  “You really don’t. Just trust me, he’s better off in your rearview mirror.”

  “Thank you, Theo. And thanks for taking care of Allison.”

  Theo looked over at Allison, and I couldn’t help but wonder about their friendship—if that’s all it was—but it was none of my business.

  “Thanks for coming to the game tonight, guys. I appreciate it.”

  “Call me and tell me everything,” Allison said. There was a desperation in her voice as if she was afraid I was leaving her forever.

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “We’ll see about that, B. Just call me tomorrow.”

  “You got it.” I climbed out of the car before I made either of us cry. I was afraid of leaving, but I was even more scared of staying.



  The stadium seemed so much bigger than it had when I was a kid. Juarez and I were escorted by the manager, who took us into the locker room. We already had lockers and jerseys, and I got to keep my number thirteen. Most of the team hadn’t showed up yet, but they would be here soon.

  I glanced over at Juarez, who looked as wide-eyed and overwhelmed as I was feeling. Everything felt luxurious and expensive. There were name brand water bottles and food. It all sort of felt like a dream, and I felt like was thirteen, looking at everything I couldn’t have. I was afraid it was going to be ripped out right from under me.

  I needed to get a grip. That wasn’t going to happen. I’d worked too hard to get here. I wouldn’t let fear cripple me.

  I thought about Blaze. I told her I would call her today, and I would, but I needed to get through the game first. I needed to know I wasn’t going to fail. I wanted to call her and tell her I had a good reason to believe we could make a go of it... but I needed to be worthy of her.

  I still had reservations abou
t asking Blaze to come here. It was selfish, but when I thought about her with that Larry guy, I wanted to punch something. I still wanted to punch him. The slime-ball wasn’t good enough for her.

  Juarez clapped me on the back. “Get your head in the game, man. Let her rest for nine innings.”

  I nodded. He was right.

  I blocked out Blaze and focused on the current hurdle—playing my first Major league baseball game.

  It was like coming home—standing at home plate, waiting for the pitcher to give me his best, running the bases, playing in the black and gold uniform, being behind second base was where everything gelled. Everything came together and solidified. And by the end of the game, I knew I was exactly where I was supposed to be. I’d found it.

  The team welcomed Juarez and me with open arms, and it was easy to fall into step with them. We played hard and won our game against the Red Sox, and the team wanted to go out and celebrate.

  I told them I would catch up. I had a call to make.

  I called her from the parking lot.


  “Hey, Blaze, it’s Jason.”

  “I do have caller ID.”

  He smiled. “How are you?”

  “I’m good. It was an amazing game, Jason. How do you feel?”

  “Pretty amazing. It was everything I imagined.” I ran my hand through my hair. “I wish… I wish you had been here.”


  “Definitely. It was a big night. But that’s pretty selfish of me.”

  “You’re allowed to be selfish.”

  “Am I?”

  “Yeah. Especially after I pulled such a lame move.”

  “Next time you want to break up with me, don’t bring a guy with you to do it.”

  “I thought it was a good idea at the time, but there were so many reasons why it was a terrible idea. I was just so… freaked out.” Her voice trembled a little.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m nervous,” she muttered.

  “What about?”

  “There’s something I want to tell you, but I want it to be in person.”

  “You want to see me again. That’s a good start.”

  “How about right now?”

  It was then I noticed the echo. I pushed off the car and looked around. There she was, leaning back against my car. She hung up the phone, tucked it in her back pocket, and started walking toward me. I smiled when I noticed she was wearing her staple baseball shirt, only this one was a Meadowlark shirt.

  She was here? Had she been there for the game? I was in shock, but somehow, my feet started moving toward her anyway, stopping when we were a couple of feet from each other.

  “Uh, hi.”

  “Were you at the game?”

  Her cheeks reddened. “How could I miss your first game?”

  “I love you.” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop myself. Then I didn’t want to stop myself.

  She blinked at me through wide eyes. “I love you.”

  “I think you should come back to my hotel room, or I’m going to be fucking you against a car or in a car. I don’t want to get arrested after my first Major League game.”

  She grinned. “The coach let me bring you your car.” She held up the keys.

  I grabbed the keys, took her hand, and dragged her to the car. We climbed in, and I was squealing the tires through the parking lot, eager to get to the hotel room. I’d be searching for a place to live soon enough, but right now, I was in a hotel room.

  “When did you leave Jubilee?”

  “About an hour after I got home last night. I couldn’t believe how stupid I’d been and how quickly I’d nearly thrown everything we had out the window because my family doesn’t think I’m good enough for you. My father called me before I made the decision to leave. He was railing on me about how badly I treated Larry and how I needed to make it up to him. I just didn’t understand why my own father didn’t pick me. He’d picked some sleaze-ball. I told him he could adopt Larry because I was out. I hung up on him and haven’t turned on my phone, except to tell Allison I made it safely.”

  “Not good enough for me?” I shook my head. “Your dad is out of his mind.”

  “I have no idea what I’m doing, Calaveras. I don’t know if I can just pick up and move here, but I do have a job offer on the table, doing something I’ve always wanted to do.”

  “What? Where? Why didn’t you tell me?” I put my hand on her thigh and squeezed. I was getting ahead of myself. “Blaze, there’s no hurry. All I know is I want you with me. I want you to move here. I’ll help you figure everything else out. I mean, if you want to…”

  Her hand covered mine. “Jason, I want to be here with you.”

  It took way too long to get the hotel room. I couldn’t stop touching her. There were a million things to talk about and think about and discuss, but all I wanted to do was make her mine again… for the rest of the night.

  By the time we were in the elevator, my cock was hard. I pushed her up against the wall and kissed her until the doors opened on my floor. Tugging her to the door, I fumbled with the key card three times before it finally turned green. We tumbled through the door, and I pushed her against the wall, just inside the room.

  “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  She smiled up at me and ran her hand up my chest.

  “Do you really love me?”

  Her cheeks flushed a soft pink as she looked down for a second. “I do. I’m sorry I fought it so much.”

  I hushed her, pressing my index finger to her perfect, pink mouth. “We’re here now, that’s all that matters.”

  We fell into bed and spent the night naked and fucking, sleeping and talking. I could’ve stayed there forever, but dawn lit the world up, and we had to face reality again. At least we were going to face it together.



  A year later…

  The Meadowlarks were playing at home for the 4th of July game. I never sat with the rest of the baseball wives and girlfriends. I watched the game from behind the dugout. Jason had gotten me season tickets. Sometimes, I came alone, sometimes, I brought one of my friends I’d made in the last year, and sometimes, Allison came up from Jubilee Falls to watch a game or two. I even managed to steal Kaitlyn for a couple of games. She loved coming up to Omaha and playing catch with her cool Uncle Jason, and we were both more than happy to teach her the game, Dad’s wishes be damned.

  I missed more games than I would’ve liked, but only because my new job kept me so busy.

  I loved everything about it though. I worked with women, and some of them played baseball.

  During Jason’s offseason, he taught me how to cook and gave me all sorts of massages. He and Juarez hung out a lot, and I got to know his wife, Tina.

  I couldn’t believe how everything had come together so flawlessly.

  I still didn’t talk to my family much. I called on birthdays and holidays, but the conversations were about five minutes. I didn’t think my dad would ever forgive me, and I wasn’t sure I cared. It was his fault for thinking so little of me.

  Jason was digging his usual divot where the green and dirt met right behind second base, waiting for the next batter who was currently swinging his bat just outside of the batter’s box. He was fidgetier than usual. He couldn’t sit still, almost as if he was nervous, but the Meadowlarks were up, and it was the top of the seventh inning.

  The pitcher struck out the batter, and it was time for the seventh inning stretch. I was eager for the game to end. Jason was going to bring me down to the field to watch the fireworks with him. I couldn’t wait to be close to him again.

  The normal seventh inning stretch music didn’t start.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, Jason Calaveras has made a small request.”

  I blinked. Did I hear that right?


  I froze and looked to my right. Sure enough, there he was, in all his glory—dirt streaked p
ants, grass-stained shirt, and his hat on backward because he knew it drove me crazy. Tonight, our extra seat was empty. He scooted by the row of people, all of them smiling, giving him a high five as he headed right for me.

  “Calaveras, what the hell are you doing?”

  I glanced up at the Jumbotron, not surprised, but horrified to see I was on it.

  Oh God.

  Jason knelt down in front of me.

  I gaped at him. “What are you doing?”

  He pulled out a baseball, except this one opened at the middle. Inside was a delicate ring, propped up by black velvet. The silver ring had a baseball diamond on it, instead of an actual diamond. It was perfect.

  “Blaze Whitfield, will you marry me?”

  “Yes, you fool. Was the public embarrassment just a bonus for you?” I hissed.

  Jason grinned. “I want everyone to see the woman I love and see how fucking lucky I am to have her in my life.”

  I didn’t think I could get any redder, but it turned out I was wrong.

  I held out my left hand. “You going to put that thing on me, then?”

  He chuckled. “I know you’re going all gooey on me, Blaze.”

  “Well, that’s for me to know, not the entire Omaha population. Not to mention probably half of Los Angeles.”

  He slid the ring onto my finger, keeping my hand in his as he stood up.

  “I love you so much.”

  I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down for a hard and brief kiss. The audience erupted in cheers, then music swelled. Take Me Out to the Ballgame burst through the speakers, and the seventh inning stretch began.

  “I know you’re going to kill me later,” he murmured in my ear.

  “Oh yeah, big time. But I’ll let you make it up to me.”

  Jason kissed me again, slowly this time, taking his time, tasting me, damn well knowing he was working me up with his small touches and talented tongue.


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