Claiming London

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Claiming London Page 5

by Becca Jameson

  Never again. Not even for amazing sex. And she knew without sampling the goods that the sex between her and Pierce would be as explosive a second time as it had been the first.

  Chapter 5

  Pierce entered Zodiac late on Friday night. He’d gotten off work hours earlier, but he didn’t want to appear too eager. In fact, he preferred to picture London glancing at the door every few minutes hoping he would show up.

  He’d paid their bill at the diner Wednesday night and driven her home. After walking her to her apartment, he kissed her chastely on the cheek and left her standing there. He’d bet his last dollar she’d been seconds from asking him to come inside, but he didn’t want her completely calling all the shots. Or maybe he was protecting himself.

  He hated that she didn’t seem to be bothered in the least by his absence. It wasn’t like he wanted her to be mad, but it would have been nice if she seemed like she’d thought about him even once during those six months. Demo girl? He shuddered.

  Perhaps he was acting a bit immature, but London meant more to him than a quick fuck. So, now he was on a mission to convince her to give him a chance. He hadn’t had the balls to ask her if she was sleeping with the guys she played with at the club. Honestly, he hadn’t been prepared for the answer.

  It didn’t matter anyway. He certainly couldn’t fault her for having sex in the last six months since he’d vanished. Nor would he judge anyone for getting off when they played at a fetish club. Many people did. He needed to assume London was one of them. She certainly acted like it.

  None of that changed anything. He’d known the moment he set eyes on her that she still made his heart rate pick up and his cock hard. That reaction had been solidified while they shared late-night coffee and pancakes. Now, he just needed to convince her. And he didn’t suspect his plan to lure her into dating him was going to make her very pleased. Because it didn’t include sex.

  He needed to show her they were more than sex. If he couldn’t, then there was no point. She might as well get her itch scratched with one of the Doms at the club if he was nothing more than someone to get off with to her. He didn’t want a fuck buddy. He wanted a partner.

  Was he ready for that kind of commitment? He wasn’t sure. He’d failed at being a good husband in the past. However, he knew where he’d gone wrong. He’d also known there was a spark with London from the moment he’d met her.

  Pierce was thirty-eight years old. It was time for him to make some adjustments that would not leave him lonely and bitter for the rest of his life. If he hadn’t slept with London that night, maybe he would never had been assured of their chemistry. But he had, and in doing so, he’d gotten the big idea that it was time to stop dwelling on past mistakes, find a way to ensure he could be a better partner that wouldn’t cause his next woman to turn away from him, and convince London she was that woman.

  It was possible London didn’t want what he had to offer, but he refused to believe that. She was confused, lost, running scared. All things she’d earned the right to feel. All reasonable reactions after a five-year marriage to a man who manipulated her and belittled her.

  Pierce hated to think she couldn’t recover from the abuse of her husband. The guy was a dick, but that didn’t mean all men were dicks.

  Pierce took a deep breath as he entered the main room of the club. He spotted London quickly. She was cuffed to a St. Andrew’s cross, ass to the crowd, blindfolded. Good. That meant he could watch up close, and she wouldn’t know he was there. She was also naked.

  He approached slowly and then stood off to one side. Several people were watching. At least a dozen. The man dominating her was Rex, the guy Pierce had met the other night while waiting for London to change.

  Pierce was relieved to find her in a scene with Rex. He’d spent only a few minutes speaking with the Dom, but it had been long enough for him to know Rex was respected and seasoned. He was obviously friends with Aaron too.

  Rex was just getting started. He was pulling various items from his toy bag and setting them on a low table near the cross. Floggers. Several of them. Different lengths and widths.

  Rex spotted Pierce out of the corner of his eye and then faced him. He nodded his acknowledgment and then returned to his display.

  Pierce was dying to know if London was sleeping with Rex. Or, for that matter, how many other men she’d slept with? It didn’t matter, but he wanted her to be exclusive with him now that he was back.

  There was little chance he could stop her from doing whatever she pleased, however. In fact, if he even suggested that she adapt a celibate lifestyle while giving him a chance, she would surely balk.

  He had another option, though, and as he glanced around the room again, he knew he could make it work. Several members eyed him suspiciously. Not surprising. He’d made an appearance two nights this week. The first time he’d left with his hand on London’s back. This time he was very deliberately watching her scene. Yeah, all he needed to do was casually send a message to everyone around her, and there was a good chance the other Doms who regularly played with her would back off.

  Pierce watched Rex closely as the man stepped close to London and whispered in her ear. She nodded and set her forehead against the wood. Rex dangled a thick flogger over London’s shoulder and then trailed it down her back.

  London shifted her weight to one leg.

  This was going to be the most difficult half hour of Pierce’s life. Hell, he was going to suffer through other difficult hours in the near future too. If London was bound and determined to hang on to her independence and play with multiple partners every night, Pierce was going to be taking a lot of cold showers.

  None of this was Rex’s fault, of course, and Pierce needed to be careful not to become known as a dick on his second night inside Zodiac. It was entirely possible there were men who came to this club who’d been vying for London’s attention for months. Others might want her just as badly as Pierce. Including Rex.

  Pierce took a deep breath and reminded himself to remain calm. After all, Rex had glanced his direction a few more times. He didn’t make eye contact, but Pierce was relatively certain the dark-haired man was checking to see if Pierce was still watching.

  “Hey.” The whispered voice came from Aaron.

  Pierce glanced to the right and smiled. “Hey, yourself.”

  Aaron grinned. “How many nights are you planning to watch her play before you read our club policies and fill out paperwork?”

  Pierce smirked. “I’ll talk to your receptionist. I think she allowed me the benefit of the doubt since she knew I was a friend and a cop.”

  “I’ll tell her to set you up,” Aaron responded. He shifted his attention to the scene in front of them, nodding toward London. “I guess you’re planning to make a play for her.” It wasn’t a question.

  “Yep. You think I’m going to step on anyone’s toes?”

  Aaron chuckled, low and soft. “I’m not going to lie. You won’t be the first member to give it a shot, but she shuts them all down fast. It’s well known that she isn’t interested in seeing anyone outside of the club, nor does she consider herself relationship material.”

  Pierce nodded slowly as he watched Rex slide from one side of London to the other. He was talented. He knew how to make a submissive squirm. Several people watching were also squirming. Rex dangled the lengths of leather in a way that they barely grazed over London’s skin, skimming around from her shoulders to her ass to her thighs.

  Her skin was so smooth and tan. She had the kind of naturally darker skin that didn’t come from the sun or a tanning bed. It extended to every inch of her body. He knew from two nights ago and six months ago that her breasts were just as tanned, and her nipples were a dark rose that made him lick his lips.

  Pierce took a slight step to his left so he could get a better side view of this gorgeous woman. “How far does she let things go with the men who dominate her?” he asked Aaron.

  Aaron hesitated. “I’m not sure. If
you’re asking if she’s had sex with anyone, I’d say yes, most likely every once in a while. If you’re asking if it’s more than that, I’d say no. Never. I’ve never seen her leave with anyone, nor do I think she sees anyone outside the club.”

  That was a good sign. Pierce certainly couldn’t assume anything just because she was naked. Plenty of people enjoyed aspects of BDSM that involved nudity without sex.

  “I need to take care of a few things,” Aaron added. “I’ll see you later.” He left before Pierce acknowledged him.

  Pierce’s attention was on London.

  When Rex said something else to London, she nodded. He stepped back several feet and lifted the flogger, landing a soft blow to her upper back. He did the same on the other side next.

  London lifted onto her toes, her head tipping back. From the side, Pierce could see her parted lips. Damn. He was a ball of competing emotions. Aroused from watching. Frustrated from not participating. Concerned about what was going through her mind.

  He understood her hesitation to let herself fall for someone again. It made sense. She obviously hadn’t wavered on that point in his absence. After her husband’s death, Pierce had watched her go through the phases anyone in her shoes had to go through to get to the other side. She was one of the lucky ones. Her ex would never again hunt her down. He was gone. It helped her move on faster than she would have otherwise. She could leave the house without fear of being tracked down, hunted, stalked.

  As he watched her now, once again squirming back and forth with each blow of the flogger, he felt a sense of pride that she’d come so far in less than a year. He was happy for her. He reminded himself he would be happy for her no matter what happened between the two of them.

  Would she be able to forge a place in her life for him? He wasn’t sure. But he was damn sure going to give it a shot because he knew she was worth it. She just needed to take a breath, slow down, and realize life was hers now. No one was going to take away her independence. Especially not him.

  He pursed his lips and inhaled through his nose as he watched the scene. He’d been a member of Roses and Thorns for several years. He was no stranger to nudity or anything else that happened inside a fetish club. It didn’t particularly bother him that the woman he intended to pursue was naked in public. In fact, he would probably be proud to show her off—if she were his to show off. It might, however, irritate him for other people to handle her. In the long run.

  He reminded himself he currently had no claim to her. None. Not even close. Didn’t matter that he would like to make a play. She’d made it clear she still wasn’t interested in his play. So, he had to be good if he was going to win this battle.

  There was an impediment in his way, he reminded himself. A huge one. And he knew it. The primary reason his first marriage failed, the reason his first wife cheated on him, was because he wasn’t present. His job had prevented him from being present. Like this last investigation, he sometimes disappeared for weeks or months at a time on a case. He’d been in this particular department for years.

  Yes, he wanted London to give him a chance, but he was well aware he was in no position right now to offer her that chance. Not in the long run. Not yet anyway. He’d indicated to her that he was looking into switching departments. He’d done more than that. Even before returning home earlier that week, he’d put in his name for the supervisor opening in his department.

  It would change his life if he no longer had to hit the streets every day but rather assigned other detectives to the task and managed them. Until recently, he’d never wanted that promotion. He’d loved his job working undercover. It was invigorating, always changing. Kept him on his toes.

  This last assignment had been longer and far more brutal, however. He was exhausted. And he’d spent a lot of time thinking about the woman he’d walked away from after sleeping with her the night before he left. No woman before had ever captured his attention so thoroughly that he couldn’t shake her from his thoughts. Not even his ex-wife.

  It was possible the two of them wouldn’t have the connection his mind had conjured in his absence. Maybe she’d changed. Maybe he’d hardened. Or maybe the connection he’d imagined wasn’t really as strong a bond as he pictured or hoped for.

  He fully intended to find out, though. Plus, he’d felt the electricity between them from the moment he set eyes on her sweet nearly naked body Wednesday night. Jealousy had lifted its head, but arousal had been stronger.

  He glanced at Rex. Did the man feel something for London? If so, was it as intense as what Pierce felt? As if Rex sensed him staring, he glanced at Pierce. Unreadable. He returned to flogging London’s heated skin, giving her the amazing massage that came from the dozens of strips of soft leather.

  Pierce had permitted a Dom to flog him once. He’d done so in order to understand what he would expect a submissive to experience under his care. And he’d learned how very soothing the scene could be, especially the way Rex was handling London.

  Every few strokes, he increased the pressure. London leaned into each blow, her body craving more. She gripped the pegs above her head. Even though she wore cuffs that kept her from pulling her arms down, Rex had undoubtedly required her to hold on to avoid hurting her wrists.

  Her ankles weren’t strapped down, but they were spread shoulder-width apart. A verbal command Pierce hadn’t heard but could recognize.

  She was obedient. She neither drew her legs together nor tugged on her wrists.

  As Rex began to strike her bottom and her thighs, she arched inward, a soft moan escaping her lips.

  Pierce gritted his teeth against the impact her noises had on him and his hope that he wouldn’t have to watch her orgasm at another man’s hands. That might be more than he could endure.

  When she rose onto her toes and stiffened, Rex backed off. He dragged the strands of leather up her back and resumed striking her shoulder blades again.

  London moaned, squirming her ass and then dragging her thighs together.

  Pierce fist pumped inwardly. Yes. My God, yes. She was glorious to watch and even better if Rex didn’t get her off.

  Rex shot Pierce yet another glance. Subtle. Knowing. He’d gotten the message. And he was not going to hone in on Pierce’s absurd claim to this amazing woman. She would probably kill him if she knew he’d indirectly influenced Rex. Or maybe this was Rex’s usual MO. Maybe he liked to draw submissives to the edge and leave them hanging.

  It seemed unlikely though, considering the knowing glances.

  A noise to Pierce’s right made him shift his gaze to the man standing next to him. Mark. The man who’d been playing with London on Wednesday night. He grinned. “You marked your territory fast.”

  Pierce wasn’t sure how to respond.

  “I realize you didn’t exactly stomp in here and specifically claim her, but word is spreading around. You look like you’re barely holding back by a thread.”

  “I would never interrupt someone’s scene.” Was Mark going to argue the point? Would anyone?

  Mark glanced around. “That may be, but your stance and expression are loud and clear. No one is going to challenge you. Hell, her brother is the manager, as if that’s not intimidating enough. Besides, anyone who ever wanted a chance with London has given it their best shot. She’s a hard nut to crack. At some point or another she has turned down several Doms here. She’ll scene with anyone, but she doesn’t accept offers to date outside of the club.”

  Pierce lifted a brow, keeping one eye on the squirming woman who wasn’t getting the relief she desired. Mark’s words were encouraging. Or perhaps they should be discouraging…

  Mark sighed. “She likes to play. She claims she wants to experience everything. I think we’d all like to see her find someone she can trust enough to give them a chance beyond these walls. She deserves it.”

  When Rex put his flogger down and came to London’s ear, Pierce knew he was wrapping things up. Pierce made a sudden unexpected decision to leave the club befor
e she ever saw him. He couldn’t explain why. It just felt like the right move. So, he turned around and quietly exited.

  When he was in his car, heading back to his condo, he smiled to himself. Undoubtedly someone would tell her he’d been there. Pierce would love to see the look on her face when she found out he’d left. But he wanted to make her think. At least a little. Enough to pique her curiosity. Make her think about him—as much as he’d been thinking about her.

  Chapter 6

  Three weeks later…

  * * *

  London was frustrated as all hell when she arrived at Zodiac on a Saturday night. She changed into her favorite black corset and tight leather skirt—the one that barely covered her ass. After stuffing her belongings in a locker, she stepped out into the main room.

  A quick glance around told her Pierce wasn’t there. It was early still. The infuriating man was unpredictable. He often came to the club when she was in the middle of a scene and watched. She didn’t always see him, but others told her he was there. Sometimes he left before she had a chance to finish or speak to him. It was getting on her nerves for no apparent reason.

  Why should she care if Pierce Titus came and went from Zodiac without speaking to her?

  Honestly, she usually sensed his arrival. There was shift in the air in the room when he entered. Or perhaps it had to do with the shift in the demeanor of whoever she was performing with. She didn’t think she was imagining the way each Dom backed off a few inches and slowed down. It infuriated her because Pierce’s presence disrupted her concentration as well as that of whichever Dom was topping her.


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