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Billionaire Needs Nanny

Page 6

by Laurent, River

  He caught me watching and licked slowly as if he was luxuriating in the taste of me.

  "Fuck…" I breathed.

  It was bad enough that he was so damn sexy but for him to be that openly dirty? It wasn't fair. I felt as if the universe was trying to conspire against me. His hand gripped my ass and squeezed bringing me back to life. I glanced around the parking lot. Heck, I'd completely forgotten where we were.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a familiar figure. She was walking from the apartment buildings and headed in our direction. I groaned. My nosey neighbor Katherine. I quickly pulled myself off of his lap and settled myself back into the passenger seat even as I tugged down my skirt and adjusted my soaked panties.

  "Shit. That’s my nosey neighbor. I hope she didn't see anything," I muttered to myself.

  Katherine loved to gossip. Anything she found out about her neighbors would be known to the entire apartment building in no time. By now, everyone was well aware to avoid her like the plague at all costs.

  I fixed my hair and felt the loose strands on my shoulders before I swept them back up into a ponytail. "I should go," I said quietly.

  Christian nodded. I glanced at him fully, but his attention was in front of him and no longer on me at all. It made my stomach drop a little bit and I didn't know why. It's not like we'd even had sex. Still, I could feel that cold side of him coming off in waves. He was going right back to the way he was before. What the hell was that about? Did he regret what we did?

  It was silly, something that wasn't in the least bit important. I tried to convince myself of that, but I knew that even after that quick session of fooling around that I wanted him desperately. I would have let him upstairs, but I knew he had to get home to Annie.

  "I'll see you tomorrow," I said tentatively.

  "Yeah," he grunted and adjusted his pants. "See you tomorrow."

  I slipped out of the car and bit my lip. Was he mad because we had to stop there and he didn’t get his turn? I couldn't imagine him throwing a fit over not getting some pussy. Someone like him, he could get it anywhere and anytime. I doubted he needed me to get off. I watched him roar out of the parking lot before Katherine reached me.

  “Well, well, that’s some car,” she said.

  I knew she was dying of curiosity. “Nice, isn’t it? Anyway, good night, Katherine,” I said, before turning away and walking towards my apartment.

  Why did it feel like I’d just made a huge mistake?

  Chapter Fourteen


  What the fuck was I thinking?

  I stared at the ceiling and wondered what exactly had happened to my last brain cell to make me fool around with Annie’s nanny. The first one she actually liked.

  Seeing them together had made my heart swell with happiness that finally my daughter had found someone she liked, but it had also made me want Hannah Gray more than anything.

  My craving for her wouldn't calm down. I wanted her on top of me desperately. Hell, I hadn't fooled around in a car since I was a teenager. She'd rocketed me back to those times when life was easy and carefree. I thought about her cheeks becoming rosy and the way she gasped when my fingers slipped inside of her. I closed my eyes and imagined the way it felt when her tight pussy clenched around my digits. I heard her moaning my name and immediately felt my cock stiffen.

  It was still early in the morning. I knew she'd be in before Annie woke up, so I had a little time to myself. I fisted my cock and pumped it as I thought about her. Hannah's smooth skin, her angelic voice, her soft tits as she’d bounced against me.

  I stroked myself until her name was a prayer on my lips. Her sea blue eyes urged me on. I swore I could still taste her on my lips, still smell her on my skin.

  "Fuck, Hannah," I whispered.

  My back arched as my fist tightened and I thought about her soft lips on mine, the scent of her as she came, the flavor of her on my lips. She was perfect. She stirred up things inside of me I didn’t know existed.

  The sound of the front door closing brought me back to reality.

  “Hannah,” I whispered.

  I always knew when it was Hannah. She liked to hum first thing in the morning, usually whatever was on the radio on her way in. That soft sound drifted upstairs and permeated my door as she walked up and came closer to my room. I listened to the footsteps and thought about her coming into my room saying she wanted me as my cock swelled even more and filled my palm.

  Before she could take her clothes off in my mind, I had come hard and fast, my body convulsing with intense need, my cum shooting out of me violently.

  It was silent outside my door. I wiped myself with some tissue paper, scrambled out of bed, and made a beeline for the bathroom. Chucking the tissue into the toilet, I stood at the bathroom sink and looked at myself in the mirror. There was something different about me. My eyes looked almost haunted. It looked the way I felt—restless and dissatisfied. The hunger for her was like a disease eating me up from the inside.

  “Fuck, this is getting worse,” I swore angrily.“Don't fuck the fucking nanny. Is that so hard?”

  I thought I could purge her out of my system by masturbating, but that was just making it worse. I turned on the tap with a vicious movement. In the shower, brushing my teeth, shaving and brushing my hair, I thought about her. Her damn humming kept playing in the back of my mind. Like it was on a fucking loop.

  I grabbed my things and headed downstairs for a quick cup of coffee. It had already brewed and filled the house with its aroma when I walked into the kitchen.

  Hannah glanced at me then her eyes darted away quickly. "Morning," she said quietly. It was clear she wasn’t happy about what happened last night either.

  "Morning," I grunted out.

  Usually, she smiled at me every morning and we'd chat a little before work. Today, she was closed off and she busied herself by taking out activities that she'd planned to do with Annie and laying them on the table.

  I took a gulp of my coffee and burned my tongue, which made my temper even fouler.

  "Anything I should know for today?" she asked without looking at me. "Appointments?"

  "No," I answered shortly, putting my cup on the counter.

  I felt her eyes on me as I headed out of the kitchen. There was nothing else to be said between us. She knew how to look after Annie and if she needed anything, she could text me. If she felt too pissed about the night before, she'd quit and that would be the end of that. Maybe that would be a good thing. It would stop the torture for me.

  It wouldn’t be the best thing for Annie though.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Oh, my God! I knew it would end up being weird.

  I watched Christian's retreating back and it told me everything I needed to know. He regretted what we'd done and he was obviously irritated with me. After all, I started it. I hated the feeling in the pit of my stomach. There was no denying it… I cared what he thought and it wasn't going away either.

  I shouldn't have fooled around with him.

  But I didn't expect Christian to go back to being so cold to me right after we'd gone up in flames like that. I thought about his hands on my body, the feeling of his breath against my skin and his cock pressed up against my body until all I could think about was riding him.


  I snapped out of my daydream so quick, I damn near gave myself whiplash.

  Annie stood in the doorway in her PJ's and her bare feet as she snuggled one of her dolls to her chest.

  I smiled at her and her face lit up.

  "Good morning," I said cheerfully, putting Christian firmly out of my head. "I hope you're ready to have a lot of fun because I've got games, coloring books, dolls and we're going swimming."

  Her mouth dropped open. "We're doing all of that today?"

  "Sure are. Let's have a whole day of adventures. Soon, you’ll have to go back to school."

  Annie cheered as she ran from the room and back up
the stairs.

  I grinned and followed her. Annie and stairs were still a source of nervous energy for me. I knew she could walk them and run them, she had many times before, but seeing her land at the bottom of the stairs was still fresh in my mind.

  I helped her find an outfit for the day. She decided on a pair of soft, peach shorts and a white tank top with Princess emblazoned across the chest. Then I brushed her hair, braided it into a French braid so she would really look like a Princess. Once we fished out her swimsuit, we headed downstairs for breakfast and games until the sun had time to warm up the day.

  Thankfully, Annie seemed to have completely forgotten the traumatic events of the day before. She was in a talking mood and hardly stopped to even take a breath.

  I stared at her in amazement. She was like a different child and it seemed strange to me that simply falling had made all the difference. There had to be more, but I couldn’t figure out what.

  We had a wonderful day. We swam and played by the poolside under the morning sun, then still dressed in our swimsuits, she helped me cook and clean while she chatted my ear off. After lunch and a short rest, we went back into the water. It was nearly four when we came back upstairs. I put on the music and we danced like mad savages. It was fun and by the time we stopped we were both panting.

  I planned to take off when Christian came home, but Annie was already asking me to stay for dinner. As much as I wanted to hang out with her more, I knew I shouldn't stick around. Not tonight.

  "Please?" Annie pleaded. "Daddy will make something good for us to eat and we can stay up late because it's Friday! Please, please, please?" she begged.

  “You're a persistent little thing when you want to be," I stated with a grin as I dried off the dishes and placed them into the cabinet. "But maybe not tonight, Annie."

  Annie responded by whining and pouting. I knew she didn't mean to be a brat, but she was lonely as hell. She wrapped her arms around my waist and laid her head on my stomach as she pleaded again.

  "What's going on?" Christian asked as he stepped into the kitchen.

  Wow, he was back early. Thank God, I had slipped my robe over my bikini.

  "Daddy!" Annie yelled as she released me and wrapped herself around his waist instead. "We played games and we went swimming and we danced and... and..."

  "Oh, yeah?" Christian encouraged. He had no problem listening to Annie's plethora of updates about our day. Instead of being irritated the way I'd seen some busy, high-powered parents get, he always smiled indulgently and paid her his full attention. Often asking her questions and laughing at the silly jokes she'd told until she would wear herself out and simply hug him tightly.

  "Can Hannah stay for dinner tonight?" she asked eagerly.

  "Annie," I said wearily. "I told you that it wouldn't be a good idea tonight. Maybe another time."

  Annie pouted and I watched her little cheeks turn red. I could see her about to lose it, but I gave her a little look and she quickly stopped. As much as I adored her, the tantrum wasn't going to get me to stay. I wouldn't award that behavior and she knew it.

  "Please," she begged.

  "You could stay if you wanted," Christian said quietly. "We're not doing anything and it wouldn't take me too long to whip up a meal for us."

  I chewed my lip indecisively. Christian's expression had softened since the morning, and I couldn't stand the sound of Annie begging me for anything. I wanted to see her smile, not make her miserable. I slung the towel in my hand over my shoulder. "Okay, okay, I'll stay for dinner."

  Annie grinned. "Yay!"

  I walked over and pinched her nose to make her giggle. "Now go upstairs and get ready for a shower. We need to get that pool water off of your skin and get you into some proper clothes."

  "Can I wear PJ's to dinner?" she asked.

  "Ask your father."

  Christian seemed to think it over before he shrugged. "I don't see why not… as long as it doesn’t become a habit."

  "Yes!" she yelled and took off in a flash.

  I watched her go before I sighed and shook my head. "That girl is going to make all of my hair gray before its time."

  "You're just now discovering that?" Christian asked with a raised brow. "I've been going gray since she was two. Congrats, you get to share in these joyous moments with me now."

  I laughed nervously as he laid his briefcase on the table. I hadn’t forgotten about the day before and what we did. My laughter died a sudden death and I intentionally busied myself with wiping down the counters. It was better than seeing that cold look in his eyes again.

  "Can we talk?" Christian asked quietly.

  I glanced up at him.

  His face was serious, but it didn't have as hard of an edge. His hands were buried in his pockets as he looked at me curiously.

  I laid the towel down and nodded. "Yeah, sure. Why not?" I tried to smile. "What do you want to talk about?"

  "I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have let things go that far and make you feel uncomfortable about it."

  I stared at him. "I thought maybe you were mad at me," I said quietly.

  "Mad? No, I enjoyed it. That wasn't the point." He shook his head as if to wake himself up. "I shouldn't have made a move like that and I shouldn't have let it continue. Look, I don't do relationships. Ever. So I'm sorry if I led you on."

  I blinked at Christian. Not ever? I wanted to ask him so many questions, but instead, I choked it all down. I shouldn't feel any pain, but my stomach dropped and suddenly, I felt horrible. I nodded at him and forced a smile. "Oh, I understand. I'm not that great with relationships either," I said, and tried to shrug it off.

  Christian looked like he didn't totally believe me, but I didn't give him time to question it. I mumbled an excuse about changing out of my swimsuit and hustled up the stairs. As soon as I was in the bathroom, I took in a deep, shuddering breath and let it out slowly.

  "What did you think would happen?" My voice sounded bitter even to my own ears.

  I splashed my face with water and retrieved my bag before I changed. For once, I didn't want to stick around, but I did it anyway for Annie. At least, she would be happy and I would know for sure to put my silly fantasies behind me.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I rolled over the next morning and groaned. Sunlight beaming onto my face wasn't a good way to wake up, especially when I was slightly hung over. Natalie had showed up with two bottles of wine, a platter of sushi and an insatiable need to gossip and cheer me up. I loved her for it.

  Until now.

  It took more than a few tries to get out of bed and onto my feet. I staggered into the bathroom and started the shower. As soon as the water touched my skin, I slumped and rested my forehead against the cold tiles.

  Christian's face popped into my head and I groaned.

  Why can't I stop thinking about him?

  Throughout dinner, we'd remained civil, but I didn't look at him, could barely speak to him. It wasn't like I was trying to be unfriendly on purpose, but every time I tried to be normal with him my voice caught in my throat and I couldn't bring myself to further humiliate myself. I'd spent most of the night answering Annie until it was time to go and then I'd disappeared as soon as he started reading to her.

  My fingers worked through my tangled hair. I need to just get over it. I had been stupid, but this was the end of the madness. He’d put me in my place in no uncertain terms. I ran a hand over my face as I heard my phone ring. I stayed still like it was a predator and I was its prey. When it stopped, I resumed showering, but the sound reverberated once again, and demanded that I answer it.

  I stepped out of the shower dripping water on the bathroom floor as I rushed to the phone. When I grabbed my phone from my bed, Christian's name made me freeze. What could he possibly want? I wished I had the strength to let it go to voicemail, but I couldn't stop myself from answering, "Hello?" I asked tentatively.

  "Hey, Hannah," he said sounding relieved. "Are you at hom

  I stared at the phone for a minute. I hadn’t missed a day somewhere. It was Saturday, right? I checked the lock screen on my phone and it popped up as Saturday, after all. I hadn't expected to hear from him on a weekend. I nestled the phone back against my ear. "Yeah, I'm at home. What's up?"

  "Uh, I know you aren't scheduled to be working this weekend, but a commercial came on TV with a tiger exhibit and Annie has decided that she has to go to the zoo today. Right now, she's packing a bag and getting changed into her tiger print PJ's and I don't think she's going to change her mind."

  I grinned despite myself. I could already imagine her wrapped in her tiger PJ's with the hood pulled up and one floppy ear that never seemed to want to stand up even after I beefed it up with sticky tape.

  "Can you do this today? I’ll throw a bonus into your paycheck," Christian coaxed.

  A bonus? For going to the zoo with Annie and him on a day when I had nothing else to do but mope around the house. "Yeah," I agreed. “Whatever Annie wants, Annie gets." I laughed to make sure he did not think I was taking a dig at his parenting methods. "Let me get dressed and I'll be over."

  "Actually, I thought I could pick you up. We’re at the country house so it would be completely out of your way."

  The way my head felt? I could definitely use a day without driving. I quickly picked up a bottle of pills and shook two out. "I'll be ready when you get here."

  "See you soon."

  I took the time to change into a pair of black shorts and a bright pink tank top, just in case Annie wandered off she could find me easily. I pulled my hair into a ponytail high on my head. Annie loved it when I wore my hair that way. Every time she saw it, she got a kick out of it and I always had to do hers the same way.

  I was much more excited about the trip than I thought I could be. I was looking out of the window when they pulled up. Christian was not in his blood red Aston Martin, but driving a black BMW. I jogged down the stairs and slipped into the passenger seat.


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