Brooks (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Gold Team Book 1)

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Brooks (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Gold Team Book 1) Page 8

by Riley Edwards

  “You’ve got great tits, Doll,” I muttered before moving to the other side.

  Her hands were steadily working, trying to get her pants off. Once they were around her ankles and she was kicking them loose, her hands moved to my ass and she squeezed. I moaned against her skin before I lifted my head and slammed my lips back onto hers.

  I wanted to taste and touch every part of her. I couldn’t get enough. I’d never wanted to fuck a woman so badly, yet I also wanted to take my time and savor everything about her. Fast. Slow. Now. Later. I couldn’t make up my mind. I wanted it all. Now and later. Fast then slow.

  One of her hands moved between us. There was nothing gentle in the way she fisted my dick. Small fingers wrapped around my shaft and violently jerked. It should’ve been painful but it was raw and needful. I shoved her panties to the side and found treasure. Hot, slick, wet treasure. I slipped a finger inside, pulled out, and slid back in two. She stroked my dick and I fingered her pussy until we were both moaning our pleasure.

  I pulled my hand away, hitched her leg high, and waited. She guided the tip of my dick to her opening and I slammed home.

  “Christ,” I moaned.

  “Brooks.” Her moan was breathy but no less demanding.

  The sweet sound of sex filled the bathroom, coupled with the sound of water splashing between us. Hard. Fast. Heaven. So damn good, the lukewarm water doing nothing to cool my heated skin. My body was on fire, my entire being solely focused on the feel of her as she took me.

  “Please don’t stop,” she begged.

  “I can feel you, Tatiana. You’re there. Come on, baby. Come with me.”

  I pounded into her the best I could in the small space I was provided. Later, I’d take my time, enjoy making her squirm and scream. For now, it was a race to completion. Her pussy was contracting, threatening to unman me.

  “Brooks! Oh, shit. Oh, God. There.”

  “Mouth,” I growled and she leaned forward to kiss me.

  I swallowed her groans as she fell over the edge. Three strokes later I planted deep and joined her.

  I didn’t break the kiss for a long time, letting us both come down from our shared ecstasy. When she finally pulled back, her features were gentled and her eyes soft and I knew I’d been right. There wasn’t much a man wouldn’t give to have that look. I was so fucked.

  Chapter 13

  I tried to school my features. Hide from Brooks’ penetrating stare, but I couldn’t. The mask I’d perfected over the years refused to fall into place. And when he smiled, I knew I was in trouble. My leg was still around his hip, his strong hand holding my thigh where he wanted it. His other hand on the side of my neck, thumb grazing over my throat.

  I was such a slut. God. Ohmygod. I couldn’t even blame him for some crazy seduction. All it had taken was a tug of my arm and I’d stepped into the shower with him and threw myself at the man. What was wrong with me? Now I was looking at him like some love-sick teenager. Damn. What now? Do I say thank you? That was great, see ya around? He must have thought I was a slut, because, well, I was one.

  “What has you thinking so hard, Doll?”

  “How do you do that?”

  A sexy smirk played on his lips. Totally arrogant. “Do what?”

  “Know when I’ve drifted off.”

  “Oh, that.” He smiled. “Your eyes. They lose focus.”

  “Um. I didn’t know that.”

  He slowly let my leg down and I tried not to whimper when his dick slipped free. He chuckled and leaned forward, kissing my neck where his hand had just been. Before he pulled back, his tongue touched the skin there. Nice. Another kiss below my ear, my cheek, then my lips. It wasn’t as long and wet like the others. It was gentle and sweet. A touch of his mouth but it was no less powerful. I was so screwed.

  “Grab the soap and I’ll wash you.”

  His request pulled me back from whatever dream world I’d been living in. Hell no, he wasn’t washing me. Not only, hell no, fuck no. Sex up against a wall was one thing. He couldn’t touch my scars while my back was pressed to the tile behind me. And with us so close, he probably couldn’t see the ones on my abdomen clearly.

  What the fuck had I done? Now that the fog had disappeared I realized that once he stepped away, I’d be on full display. How was I supposed to get out of the shower unseen?

  “Whoa. Tatiana. What’s wrong?”


  “Don’t bullshit me.”


  Wrong answer. The lips that had gently kissed me moments ago were two hard flat lines. His jaw flexed. His brows pulled together.

  “Do. Not. Bullshit. Me. Not even five minutes ago I had my dick inside of you and you panting your orgasm in my mouth. Then I got the sweetest look I’d ever seen. You don’t get to put that hand back up and bullshit me.”

  “You’re unbelievable. You think because you had your dick inside of me, you get to boss me around? And demand I tell you my every thought?”

  “No, Doll, I get to demand that because when we were done your face said it all. Told me everything your mouth won’t. So I’m asking you again. What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

  The last part of his question deserved an answer. “You didn’t hurt me.”

  “So tell me why your face went from soft and relaxed to high alert?”

  “No reason. Brooks. Damn. There’s nothing wrong. I don’t need you to wash me, I just want to get out.”

  Wrong thing to say, again. His gaze became knowing and I involuntarily stiffened. So much for acting unaffected. He knew exactly what I’d been thinking.

  “I don’t care about your scars.”

  Punch to the stomach.

  “Well, I do,” I snapped.

  “Baby, you are absolutely gorgeous.”

  “Save the bullshit, Brooks. You already got in my pants. No need to sweet talk me.”

  “Honest to God, woman. Honest to God. I thought you had a chip on your shoulder. I was wrong. You have a fucking boulder sitting there. Do you really think I need to sweet talk you? Do I look like I need to blow smoke up a woman’s ass to get laid?”

  Jerk. Arrogant prick.

  “Right. Badboy, hot guy, Brooks doesn’t have a problem getting laid. I bet there’s no shortage of women who would love a roll with you.”

  His eyes narrowed into tiny slits. “You’d be correct. There is no shortage. However, women throwing themselves at me to say they’d been laid by a SEAL long ago lost its appeal. I do not go around saying flowery shit, in hopes to get my dick wet. I’m going to tell you this one more time. You are hot as fuck. When you forget to be a bitch, you’re beautiful. And right after you come, when your face is lazy, and your eyes are gentle, you are by far the most stunning woman I’ve ever seen. So you can spew your venom and try and pollute what we just shared, but it will not change the fact that the scars on your back take nothing away from you. As far as I see it, they tell me more about the woman you are. And, Doll, I like what they say.”

  Once he was done verbally beating me into a bloody pulp, he left the shower, grabbed a towel, and was out of the bathroom. Shit. It took me two point five seconds to feel like a complete bitch, and seconds more to mourn the loss of his presence. I hadn’t even had the chance to appreciate all of his finely-sculpted muscles and the fact that he’d made me feel more desirable in the short time we were together than any man, ever.

  I owed him an explanation.

  I finished my shower and quickly dried off and went into the bedroom. He was gone. Of course he was, I’d been a royal asshole to him—again. I found the clothes I’d had on before we went out on the unsuccessful op and went in search of the guys. Okay, I went looking for Brooks, but if he was already out talking with the team, I’d missed my chance to apologize to him.

  I found them in the living area lounging on the two well-worn large sofas. All eyes came to me and suddenly I was very aware there was a possibility they’d heard us having sex in the shower. Declan was on the phon
e and he was the first to look away, but the other four stared.

  Oh, shit.

  “Come here, Doll.” Brooks broke the silence.

  I shook my head not wanting to get too close. “What’s going on?”

  “Word is Al Issa retrieved the tablets from the Bitoos. The auction has been cancelled.”

  “Shit. What now?”

  “Abort. Regroup. Reengage.”

  “And where does that leave me?”

  I hated that I sounded so uncertain. If Zane wasn’t going to approve me joining the team, I needed to get to work. Finding someone to take me into Saudi Arabia wouldn’t be difficult but it would cost a mint. I’d need a day or two to get the money sorted. I’d also need to hurry and start setting up a support network. I still had contacts I’d used before but they’d need to be mobilized. And that took time.

  Before Brooks could answer, Declan stood and held the phone in my direction. “Here.”

  I took the phone and placed it to my ear. “Hello.”

  “Tatiana Jones. Long time.”

  “If it isn’t the pain in my ass, Zane Lewis,” I returned.

  His chuckle reminded me that he, too, thought I was a pain in the ass. The last time I saw him was on a Russian op when I was still in the CIA. The mission was fucked. He and one of his operatives, Laura Bennett, now known as Jasmin Parker, were captured and almost killed. I liked Laura. I was the one who had scrubbed her records and had given her a new identity. I’d also worked with her husband, Lincoln Parker, on a human trafficking case. He, too, was a good operative.

  “I heard you retired when you got hitched to that douchebag Monroe.”

  God, I hated to be reminded of my monumental lapse in judgement.

  “You heard correct.”

  “Glad you got shot of his ass.”

  That may’ve been the nicest thing Zane had ever said to me. The man shared and showed no emotion.

  “Yeah, me, too. So, you have concerns with me joining your team on this op?”

  “I did. I spoke to Leon Brown. We cleared some shit up. He offered your help. Tex confirmed the information he gave us. But before I clear you, I have some questions.”

  “Wait. Leon gave you information? What he’d tell you?”

  “Not at liberty to discuss that with you.”

  What the fuck?

  “Come again?”

  “Don’t bitch at me, woman. You’re the one that took the job. If you have the need to know more, ask.”

  Did he think I hadn’t tried that?

  “What are your questions?”

  “You gonna be able to keep your shit wired tight, you get close to Al Issa?”

  “If you mean, will I be able to not put a bullet between his eyes, then no. You asking if I can be professional and have the team’s back, then yes.”

  “Heard about that, too. Have to say, what you went through—”

  “I was there,” I growled.

  “Good to see you’re the same bitch you’ve always been.”

  In Zane Lewis’s world, ‘bitch’ was high praise.

  “What else do you need?”

  “You straight with Brooks?”

  My eyes shot to Brooks before they slid to Declan. Yeah, they’d heard. And Declan had reported in. Such a damn slut.

  “I’m straight,” I bit out.

  Zane didn’t chuckle. He outright roared with laughter. “Right.”

  “I heard some things, too, Z. Heard you’re now having heart-to-hearts and found yourself a woman.”

  His laughter died and he answered, “Found myself the perfect woman. And the day I start having heart-to-hearts is the day I hand in my balls.”

  “So that last question? The purpose?”

  “Just doing a head check.”

  “My head is fine.”

  “Right. And if that changes, you let me know.”

  “Copy that, boss.”

  “Now you’re in the spirit. This mission goes well, we might be able to work something out.”

  “I have a job,” I reminded him.

  “You do. But let’s just say, I’m a better option.”

  “What do you know?” I tried again.

  “More than you, less than I should.”

  “That’s not a damn answer.”

  “It’s the only one you’re gonna get.”

  “Glad to see you’re the same ass you’ve always been.”

  Zane was a lot of things, an asshole being one of them. What he wasn’t was a liar. He was a straight shooter, to the point of being rude. He didn’t say anything to spare feelings. He pulled no punches. If he was telling me working for him was a better option than working for The Company, then he found something he didn’t like about the group. That worried me.

  “We’ll be in touch. In the meantime, you’re one of us. You take your team’s back. Declan is the team leader. His word is law.”

  “Christ, Z, you make it sound like I haven’t been in this business damn near as long as you.”

  “No. You’ve been in the spy business. Where there is no loyalty. You people will disavow motherfuckers faster than I can blink. You’re a damn good operator, but your ability to be a part of a team is yet to be seen. Any of those men in that room will take a bullet for you. You let that settle in and think on it. If you can’t return the favor, get your shit, and good luck to you.”

  “I got it.”

  “Good. Don’t let my men get dead.”

  Nothing but dead air. In true Zane fashion, he had the last word.

  I handed Declan back his phone and fought the urge to punch the rat bastard in his stomach.

  “Damn, it’s like she’s been a part of the team for years.” Max laughed.

  “If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone call Z an asshole, I’d be retired living the good life. How long have you known Zane?” Kyle asked.

  “A long time. I knew of him long before I met him in person. Russia was the last op I worked with him. After what happened, he refused to execute anymore CIA contracts. Not that I blamed him. That mission was a whole lotta fucked-up. Too much intel was held back. Bad plays were made. Jasmin and Zane caught the shit end of it. I worked with Linc after that. Almost two years behind the scenes on his trafficking case. I’ve worked with Leo and Eric, too.”

  “Why’d you leave the CIA?”

  My lungs seized and my brain told me to tell Thad to mind his own business. But I couldn’t, not when I couldn’t forget what Zane had said – these men would take a bullet for me. Not because they knew me, simply because I was a part of their team for this mission.

  “Monroe asked me to.”

  “The fuck?” Brooks grumbled.

  “He said he wanted a family but my work was too dangerous. When he asked, things were still good between us. I wanted kids, so I agreed. After I quit, he found having a wife at home was too much for him. Things got bad. Let’s just say he’s a keep my private life and personal life separate kinda man.” Brooks stared at me, clearly not understanding my reference. I went on, “It’s rather difficult to hide your other women when your ex-CIA wife is home full-time.”

  “He cheated on you.” Declan observed.

  “Too many to count.”

  “Too many to count,” Brooks repeated.

  “In San Diego there’s a Frog Hog on every corner waiting to suck a Team Guy’s dick. He wasn’t even careful about it. He’d come home smelling like various different perfumes telling me he was working late. He’d already been sidelined from being deployed, so he was babysitting tadpoles at X-Division. He hated that command. The longer he was there the more of an asshole he became.”

  “Fucking disgrace,” Max said. “Why didn’t you call his command? He would’ve been court marshaled and chaptered out.”

  “Not the kinda woman who fucks with a man’s career. He did me dirty, but still, I’m a big girl. I didn’t need to go tattle to his commander.”

  “You would’ve done the teams a favor. No one wants a cheat a
t their back. A man can fuck over the woman he’s promised to love, he has no problem stabbing you in the back,” Thad told me.

  He was right about James. He had no problem breaking our vows, but he did have his team’s back. He was all about his team. He lived for the next mission. He believed he was the best man on the team and they wouldn’t survive unless he was there. He was a narcissist prick. Better than everyone else.

  I was done sharing, so I asked, “Any of you been married?”

  I got four nos and a mumbled response from Declan. I was getting ready to ask him to repeat his answer but when I looked at him, I stopped myself. Pain clear as day. I wasn’t sure if it was because he’d wanted to but never had married or if he had and was divorced. Whichever it was, I wasn’t touching it.

  I felt like I had to come clean with the team on one more topic. “I have full workups on all of you. Nothing personal. I only went through your service records. I don’t know how much Tex gave you on me, but if you have any questions, I’ll answer.”

  “Remember that first day we met you and you and Brooks were sparring?” Thad chuckled. “You said your accomplishments weren’t important. Care to share now?”

  “Same as most of you. Only without all the dive, that’s water and air both, master quals. Master range officer, rifle and pistol. I went through modified sniper training. Close quarter combat, hand-to-hand. Same training you got at BUD/s.” I added the last part just to ruffle their feathers.

  It didn’t take long for the banter to start. All of them calling bullshit on my statement.

  “I don’t know, boys. Every facet of SEAL school has been publicized and made into History Channel documentaries. It’s pretty tough but no one really knows what happens at The Farm. For all you know, it’s harder.”


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