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The Boy Aviators in Record Flight; Or, The Rival Aeroplane

Page 6

by John Henry Goldfrap



  The final touches had been put on the _Golden Eagle_ and she had beentransported to Governor's Island off the Battery four days later. Thestart for the great transcontinental race was to be made from the flatsat the southern end of the reservation. The boys discovered that as theday of the race drew nearer that the list of entrants had narrowed downto three. There was their own aeroplane, the Slade entry of the_Despatch_, and a big dirigible which had also been entered by the_Despatch_. This left them the sole representative of the _Planet_. Ofthe large number of original entrants, some of them had becomediscouraged. Others' machines had been broken in practice and stillothers were convinced, as the starting day drew near, that it would beimpracticable to make the long flight.

  "Well, the contest is certainly narrowed down," commented Frank one daywhile they were all seated in front of their shed watching the_Despatch's_ plane alight from a flight it had taken above the Jerseymeadows.

  "I'm glad of it," said Harry; "the fewer there are in the race theeasier it will be to avoid collisions and accidents."

  After his attempt to steal the plans of Mr. Joyce's gyroscopic balancerthe boys heard no more of Fred Reade in a hostile way. Of course, theydid not speak, and Reade cast black looks at them as he came and went onhis frequent visits to the aerodrome of Arthur Slade. However, hisactive antagonism seemed to have ceased. Probably he was too busyarranging the final details of the start to be able to spare the time tomake himself unpleasant.

  The big dirigible, a red painted affair with a crimson gas bag, was alsohoused on the island. So great was public interest that the littleGovernment steamer that brought visitors over from the mainland wascrowded down to her guards with the curious who had obtained passes tosee the racing machines.

  For her dash overland the _Golden Eagle_ had been equipped with herwireless. An outfit of Frank's invention had also been installed in theautomobile which was to carry old Mr. Joyce, Lathrop Beasley and BillyBarnes. Lathrop was an expert operator and the boys hoped to be able tokeep in constant touch with each other by means of the apparatus. Mr.Joyce, it had been agreed, was to accompany the expedition as mechanic.His skilled knowledge of aeroplane engines and construction was expectedto prove invaluable in case of the breakdowns which the boys knew theymust expect on such a voyage.

  At last the night came when the red flag with a white ball in thecenter, which meant the racing ships would start the next day, was runup on the tall flagstaff at the army post. The boys could hardly sleepfor excitement and lay awake till late talking over final details. Itwas agreed that the auto was to "pick up" the aeroplane as it flew overJersey City. From that time on they would keep in touch by wireless ortelegraph all the way across the country, the auto carrying extrasupplies, machinery parts and gasolene.

  The _Despatch's_ aeroplane was also to be followed by an auto in whichFred Reade was to be a passenger, as was also the red-bearded man whoseidentity was a mystery to the boys. The red dirigible drivers, not beingable to afford an auto, had had to depend on luck for gasoline and othersupplies en route, although they could carry a good load.

  The day of the start dawned fair and still. The bay lay an unruffledsheet of gray water. The flag drooped on its flagstaff. It was idealflying weather. All the aviators on the island were up early and workingover their machines. There were joints to be tightened, stay wires to becarefully inspected, oiling devices to adjust and engines to be turned.This work was impeded a lot by the inquisitive crowds who began toarrive on the first boat.

  A detachment of soldiers was finally set to work roping off a space inwhich, as the time for the start drew near, the air ships were "parked."This relieved the situation and the boys could work unhampered. BillyBarnes, Lathrop and Mr. Joyce started for Jersey early.

  "Good luck!" shouted the boys, as they rolled on to the boat in theirbig auto.

  "So long, see you after dinner," cried Billy with a merry wave of thehand.

  The boys' parents, relatives and groups of their school friends had comeover to see them off, and when the hard and dirty work was finished theboys had their hands full explaining to their young friends all aboutthe _Golden Eagle_.

  At last the bugle that announced that it was half an hour beforestarting time sounded. An electric wave of enthusiasm ran through thecrowd. Over in the city windows of skyscrapers began to fill with menand women anxious to watch the contestants shoot into the air. On ferryboats and roofs all along the water front thousands of eyes werewatching.

  "Are you all ready?"

  It was General Stanton, commander of the Department of the East, who hadconsented to start the race, who spoke.

  "Yes," came in a shout from the aviators.

  The dirigible men began to cast off ropes and the aeroplanes weredropped into position. A squad of men drove back the pressing crowds,and the boys, after kissing their parents and bidding farewell to theirrelatives and friends, took their seats in the _Golden Eagle's_ chassis.

  There was a mighty roar and blue flames and smoke spouted from theengine exhausts as the motors were started. Men, with their heels duginto the sandy ground to avoid slipping, held back the strugglingplanes. The dirigible swayed and tugged at her resting ropes like animpatient horse.


  It was the starting gun at last.

  "Hurrah!" roared the crowd.

  "They're off!" shouted everybody, as if there could be any doubt of it.

  "They're off!" shouted everybody.]

  Like mighty birds the two aeroplanes swept swiftly forward a few yardsover the level ground and then headed out far above the river toward theJersey shore. The big dirigible, its engine droning like an enormousscarab beetle, followed, keeping well up with the speedy winged craft.

  From thousands of windows, banked with white faces, handkerchiefs andflags waved and from the roofs of the office buildings housing the_Planet_ and _Despatch_ plants bombs were exploded at regular intervalsto spread the news broadcast that the race had begun. In the offices ofthe evening papers the great presses were already rushing out "Extras"telling of the start. Soon newsboys in the canyon-like streets of lowerNew York would be crying their wares.

  Every pilot of every boat on the river pulled his whistle cord and tiedit down as the air craft swept far above. The uproar was literallyear-splitting. Owing to the roar of their engines, however, the aviatorsheard little of the turmoil which they caused.

  In a few minutes Jersey City, which had gone just as airship mad as NewYork, was reached. On swept the high-flying craft above its crowdedroofs and bellowing factory whistles. Far beneath them they could seethe flat green expanse of the meadows beyond with the silver pathsmarked on them by the Hackensack and Passaic rivers. As they flew onwardand left the city far behind the boys could spy on the road beneath themthe two convoying autos.

  All at once the wireless began to crackle.

  "They are sending up a message," exclaimed Harry.

  "Great start--good work--we'll beat them all to a frazzle," was themessage the spark spelled out.

  "Thank you, let's hope so," replied Harry.

  The course had been marked on maps that both the Boy Aviators and theircompanions had handy for reference. From the autos, too, flew red andblue flags, which made identification easy. At night the Boy Aviators'auto was to burn red lights. The signal that a good landing place was athand would be flashed upward at night by a blue flare. Of course, if itwas necessary to alight in the daytime the occupants of the _GoldenEagle_ would be able to spy such spots far below them more readily thananyone driving on the surface.

  The engine was working perfectly as the _Golden Eagle_ rushed onward.Its steady song delighted the young voyagers. Harry, with watchful eyes,looked after the lubrication, while Frank kept the craft steady on hercourse. On and on they flew, the autos beneath seeming specks in cloudsof dust. The dirigible was about two miles behind and the _Despatch's_aeroplane
was a short distance in front of it. The boys, therefore, hada good lead.

  "That's a good start. We're beating them already," exclaimed Harry.

  Frank smiled.

  "Two miles isn't much in a race of this length," he remarked. "We'veonly started, Harry. We'll have lots of ups and downs before we'vefinished."

  How prophetic his words were neither of the boys realized at that time.


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