Book Read Free

Moon Fever

Page 11

by Ileandra Young

  “And I’m trying to do mine.”

  I snort. “And how are you going to do that with Aleksandar digging the floor from under you? You know what he’s doing, right?”

  At last they look at me. “Of course I do, like, I’m not an idiot. But I can’t…I’m not strong enough to stop him by force.”

  “You have to be.”

  Their pale pink eyes narrow. “No, I have to be smarter than him. Look, you think I’m weak, right? Like a child. But I know what I have to do, Agent. I’m not here for fun. I’m trying to hold us together. But Aleksandar was right in what he said before. You can’t interfere with this, get it?”

  I bite my lip. “Pete, please. I get it, really I do, but I need to—”

  “No, you don’t. Don’t you understand? Wensleydale is mega out of touch, he’s, like, losing the pack. If you butt in now, the fingertip grip I have on these wolves will slide and then poof, it’s gone. If you want to help, stay out of it and get out of the Bowl. Like, now.”

  A light tap at the door breaks through the conversation.

  The woman with the tattoos opens it to let Rayne through and the expression in her eyes twists my innards in knots.

  “I left the rest of the team outside.” She walks to my side and puts a hand on my arm. “They’re watching the doors with the handful Mx. Dunn brought, but it’s not enough. I overheard Aleksandar. He knows we have Mr. Gordon and claims we’re here to take the rest of them.”

  Frustration boils within me. “But that’s bullshit.”

  “I know that and you know that.” Rayne frowns. “I’m quite certain even he knows that, but the rest of these people are afraid and without a strong leader.”

  “Uh, hello?” Pete clears their throat.

  Rayne arches her eyebrow. “Yes?”


  She continues. “He was the one who ordered you driven off pack territory this morning. This is no longer a safe place for any of us.”

  “We’re pack-friends—”

  “Only so long as the alpha who ordered it remains in control of the pack.” Her grip tightens on my arm. “Come on, Danika. We can’t stay here. You have to know that.”

  “But Wendy…”

  She shakes her head. “We’ll find another way. Please. Before it’s too late.”

  No. No way. There has to be a way I can fix this. There has to be something I can do to help Wendy and get him out of that cell. I can’t leave him there.

  I pull my arm away. “We’re focusing on the wrong things here. We’re supposed to be investigating this potential new pack and figuring out who framed Wendy. We need information.”

  Pete sighs. “All we know about the new wolves is that they’re physically strong and, like, major powerful. And they’re recruiting. As for Wensleydale, I can vouch for him whenever you want. I’ve known him, like, since I was a kid so I’m an awesome character reference. He would never hurt anybody the way they said. Like, for real.”

  “But who would?”

  “You really have to ask?”

  My mind darts back to the man outside. “Aleksandar. Are you sure?”

  Another sigh from Pete. Part of me begins to wonder if they have some sort of lung capacity issue.

  “Are you blind? Like, I don’t know what’s happening in SPEAR, but down here? We have our own problems to deal with. It’s not all about you guys. Internal pack politics boils over all the time, but we’ll handle it. Like always. Yeah, I’m seventeen, but I’ve been Wensleydale’s second for three years. There’s a reason for that.”

  I snort. “Yeah, that being no one wants to challenge a child to a death match.”

  “I’m not a child.”

  Loud howls break through our argument, long, high, and haunting.

  Damn it. What’s happening now?

  * * *

  Rayne growls and shifts her weight to the balls of her feet. Pete dashes over to the window. I follow.

  Down on the pavement, close to my car, a huge half-circle of pack members, almost three deep surrounds the tiny cluster of Pete’s followers close to the door. Between the two groups stands Aleksandar, one hand on his hip.

  “What’s happening?”

  Pete grunts. “Stay here.” And they’re gone, out the door and down the stairs with a clatter of heavy booted feet.

  Stay? Ha, right.

  I’m already moving, through the dim room toward the door. I’m aware of Rayne behind me, a silent, deadly presence at my back. She doesn’t speak, but I can feel the tension on her like a prickly jacket.

  On the landing to the three apartments, the woman with the tattoos cuts across our path with outstretched arms.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I need to see what’s happening.”

  “You need to stay here.”

  I look her up and down. Yeah, tall and slender. I could probably take her. Then again, she is edane.

  “I have to—”

  “We want to put our support behind Mx. Dunn.” Rayne speaks over me, softly but with urgency. “We know it’s not our place to interfere, but our teammates are also outside. We should join them.”

  “Oh. Yeah, um. That makes sense.”

  “We’ve no intention of putting ourselves between Mx. Dunn and what must be done.”

  “Your word on it?”

  Rayne touches her chest. “My word and my bond.”

  “Right. Um, then I guess that’s all right.”

  “Great.” Enough of the pleasantries, I have to get out there. “Move it, spirals.” I shove past her and down the stairs, hurrying as much as possible without risking a twisted ankle. In moments, I’m at the bottom, through the door, and out onto the street…straight into the back of Pete who stands facing outward.

  They right me as I stumble, but otherwise ignore me.

  “Ah, and here she is.” Aleksandar smiles my way, flashing unnaturally white teeth. He gestures to his companions. “Agent Karson. Your interference here belittles our pack and our power. Any leader in their right mind would ensure that you left as quickly as possible since you don’t belong here.”

  Pete sighs, but gives the smallest of nods. “You need to leave, Agent. This isn’t your fight and, like, we’ve not broken any laws. There’s no reason to stay. I’ve got this.”


  “Just stop, okay? You need to get out of here.”

  I eye the crowd. I know they’re watching, both sides, following my every move with near hungry intensity. “Pete, please. Let me back you up. You know you need me. Wendy needs me.”

  Aleksandar’s chuckles. His smile grows even wider. “Need you? We don’t need you, Agent, none of us do. Or rather, only the weakest of us do. Do you need her, Petra? Do you need help from outside the pack to guide us while our leader is under SPEAR control?”

  The silence and expectancy those words carry are thick enough to feel. I can taste it.

  Pete shifts uncomfortably, mouth opening, closing, then opening again.


  “It’s not SPEAR control.” I step forward. “We all know Wendy was falsely accused. All we want to do is find evidence of that.”

  “So why come here? You think one of us framed him?” Aleksandar glances back at his followers before continuing. “You think one of us could be so dishonest and calculating as to conspire against our alpha? You dare insult us?”

  Even the wolves siding with Pete begin to murmur at that one.

  Still Aleksandar goes on. “Petra, will you allow this human to come onto our land and talk to us like this? Exercise your right as acting alpha and control her at once.”

  At last they turn to me. “You need to leave, Agent.”

  “No.” I allow my voice to drop to a heated whisper. “Don’t you see what’s happening here? If I leave now, you’ll have no one and—”

  “I’ll have the pack. You need to get out of here, while you still can. I’m serious.”


  Aleksandar snarls, soft
but menacing. “Pathetic. Do you see? This is what I’ve been talking about. Petra can’t control a single human, let alone this pack. Since Wensleydale was taken this morning, two more of our number have been arrested. Before that, three went missing. Between you and our alpha, our pack is going to fade away into nothing.”


  “Shut up, human.” Aleksandar’s eyes flash with fury. “I’ve known it from the start. I’ve known it since you marched down here and took half our number on some fanger-based death mission. Four brothers and sisters died in Club Starshine and now you’re back to gather more fodder from our numbers. How dare you use us like that?”

  Starshine? Oh, bloody hell.

  At last I recall Aleksandar’s face. This is the guy who spoke against Wendy the last time Angbec grew hot. This is the same wolf who refused to join the mission with me against Vixen and the rest of her nest. The one who refused to bow and show his neck when Wendy gave his pack the option to stay out of the fight.

  A chill ripples through me.

  Even back then I said that lad would be trouble. I warned Wendy. He brushed it off to help me, but we both knew what kind of trouble such open disrespect could cause.

  How long has Aleksandar been playing this game? How much time has he spent planting the seeds of dissent, building up his own little offshoot of followers?


  But Aleksandar doesn’t wait. He speaks faster and louder, now jabbing a stiff finger right at Pete’s startled face.

  “This is your fault, Petra and I won’t stand by and let you kill us all one by one. Our alpha is gone and we need a strong leader to keep us together. But that leader isn’t you.”

  I know what’s coming. I can feel it on the air. “Wait, Aleksandar—”

  “Without our alpha we’re as good as sitting ducks waiting to be swept up by SPEAR or this new pack threatening us and everybody else.”

  “Will you just listen to me—”

  “Face it, Petra, you can’t guide us. You never could.”


  “From the start it was clear Wensleydale gave you his second position out of pity, nothing more. He knew as well as the rest of us that you would never challenge him because you’re too weak. You’re. No. Threat.”

  Pete seems to sink lower and lower with every word. Their gaze drops to the ground and stays there. “I’m doing my best—”

  “Your best isn’t good enough. It never was. And now, without Wensleydale here to protect you I think it’s time I proved that to everyone else.”

  “Wait—” This time Rayne is the one to cut me off, snatching at my arm and yanking me back to the side. She shakes her head. I let out a whine of frustration and silently beg Pete to lift their head.

  Pete flinches but keeps talking. “I don’t need Wensleydale’s protection.”

  “Good.” A chuckle from Aleksandar. “Then at least this will be a fair fight. Petra Dunn of the Dire Wolves, chosen second in command…I challenge you.”

  Oh, shit.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The words are like a hammer on the fragile truce between both sides. The moment they leave Aleksandar’s mouth, both sides of watching wolves break apart into clear, wholly uneven factions. Those around Aleksandar begin to shout and punch the air while those closest to Pete form a thick protective ring around them.

  There are others, a mere handful that stand in the centre, avoiding both sides. They huddle together like children though their backs are together and their faces pointed outward. Their position is perhaps more dangerous than Pete’s and it’s clear they know it.

  Rayne’s grip tightens on my arm. “We need to get back to the team.”


  “Yes. You know there’s nothing we can do now. We need to get out of the way before this starts.”

  From the corner of my eye I see Aleksandar grinning, accepting praise and well-wishes from his huge cluster of followers. There is no hesitation or regret in his expression or actions, just excitement and eagerness.

  When he spies me staring, he pauses long enough to thumb his nose and blow a lewd kiss in my direction.

  I take a step.

  Rayne yanks me back. “We need to get to the van.”


  “Now, Danika.”

  And then we’re running.

  I can hear the wolves behind us preparing for the fight, the dominance battle that will decide who rules the pack in Wendy’s absence.

  This is so bad. We don’t have time for this right now, there are more important things to be worrying about, and—

  The first punch is loud enough that even I can hear it. The thick, meaty thud of bony fist against squishy face.

  Pete skids toward on us on the ground, mouth and nose dribbling bright red blood. They snarl and flip onto their front, balanced lightly on hands and knees. A ripple across their back and arms shows the change beginning to take over.

  “Move.” Rayne hurries me ahead of her.

  At the van the rest of my team stands at the open doors, beckoning me through. One gargoyle named Hawk, two werewolves playfully nicknamed Solo and Duo, a goblin we’ve named Erkyan, and a willow sprite who conveniently calls herself…Willow. Erkyan, Hawk, and Willow wear expressions of horror and fear, though the two werewolves, currently in their human form, peer past me toward the mayhem happening behind.

  Rayne is first into the van and leans out to pull me in, but I stop just short of the doors. Turn.


  I can’t. I need to see.

  Pete is already up, wiping blood smears from a face growing increasingly furry. Where once small and delicate, their body morphs into something huge, wide, and fierce. Muscles ripple beneath melting skin and their mouth yawns wide in a roar of rage. Their fur is sleek and white as snow, or chalk if the nickname is to be believed.

  They bound upright and dive forward, sprinting across the short space between themselves and Aleksandar who has yet to shift.

  The pair collide with a thud I feel on the air, and they immediately settle into a rhythm of biting, punching, and kicking.

  My insides twist and writhe.

  Pete can’t win, not like this. They’re too weak, they’re—

  Aleksandar’s body spins through the air like a hurled ragdoll. He lands on top of my car with a sickening crunch and sinks deep into the metal which bows beneath his weight and impact. Pete follows with a bound, landing on the bonnet and scoring the paintwork with sharp, deadly claws.

  Oh, well. I’ve been saying for a while that I need a new car.

  The watching crowd shifts to accommodate the movement of the action, always keeping the fight to the centre. The motion blocks my view, leaving me with growls, yells, and snarls to interpret.

  “Hey, Hawk, boost me.”

  The gargoyle frowns and sneaks a glance back at Rayne.

  “I’m not going to do anything stupid. Just boost me up. I need to see. Come on, Hawk.”

  Again he hesitates.

  “Fine.” I dart round the front of the van and scramble up onto the bonnet. A quick two-step takes me up the windshield and another scramble gets me on the roof.

  From this new vantage I can see Aleksandar prying himself free of groaning, twisted metal. He does it with a roar and a flex of freshly enlarged muscles. When he stands, the car groans even further under the increased weight.

  Yeah, that pile of scrap metal won’t be driving anywhere now.

  “Fight me properly, Petra.” His voice is a horrifying blend of animal and man. “You call that fighting? You’re weak. You’re pathetic. You don’t have the power to lead us—”

  A huge slab of white fur and muscle tackles him clear off the roof of the car.

  Other wolves scatter and the pair resume their battle on the ground.

  I’ve seen werewolf battles before. Even at Club Starshine with Rayne, we caught the tail end of a dominance battle spilling from the bathrooms onto the dance floor.
But this is something else. This is deadly and terrifying in a way I’ve never seen.

  Pete is huge, the largest creature I’ve ever seen that didn’t have troll blood. Their huge red eyes are wide and angry, ringed by bloodied white fur. Their claws are pale, though long and sharp, with teeth sized to match. By comparison, Aleksandar is whippet slender, though muscled and lithe. His fur is a patchwork of grey and black, with small hints of white around his amber eyes.

  Both roar at each other, furious bellows of defiance and rage.

  And then they clash again.

  Aleksandar slashes with huge, heavy claws, while Pete ducks out of reach. Then Pete snarls and aims a bite that goes wide as Aleksandar darts to the side. The fight is a dance, a graceful, powerful, deadly ballet that can only end one way.

  None of the other wolves have shifted, just staying close to bear witness. I see one or two of them swapping money, while others point and stare, and a few of them even begin to laugh.

  Soon Pete’s fur is splotched pink and dozens of crimson droplets dot the ground.

  I tell myself that the white fur makes it look worse, but the panting, yelling, and gasping doesn’t help.

  Then again…Aleksandar runs in from the left, feinting side to side before driving upward with a powerful punch. It grazes Pete’s chin, then nothing but air as the huge white form bends like a sapling in a stiff breeze. Aleksandar stumbles, cursing and shaking his furry fist.

  If Pete looks a little the worse for wear, then Aleksandar is truly struggling. His own breath comes in rasping little gasps and several long claw-slashes mark his once smooth fur.

  I find myself punching at the air, grinning and stamping my feet. The van rocks beneath me, causing startled yelps from inside, but I don’t care. Pete could actually win this.

  My companions still watch with wary eyes, Rayne especially sharing her gaze between the action and myself. She frowns up at me.

  I glare right back. “It’s going to be okay.”

  “You sure about that?”


  Hawk gives a loud yell. I have just enough time to see him scoop Erkyan and Willow into his arms before he leaps into the air, barely avoiding Aleksandar as he slams into the side of the van.


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