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Return of the Prince

Page 21

by Nana Malone

"So if they were never delivered…"

  "Then someone tampered with them. But there would be evidence of them arriving."

  Roone picked up the phone and called home. As he spoke in a low murmur with someone, my heart leapt. Oh my God. What if this is real? What if he'd written me?.

  I could hear Roone muttering. "Starting about ten years ago. Anything that was maybe addressed to Lee Ariel Scott. She wouldn't have been a lady then. That’s right, her home address, not guard housing but her childhood home."

  He stood there quietly and waited.

  When his gaze met mine, he was patient and cool. After fifteen minutes someone came back. "Okay, so the records were digitized then."

  More silence.

  "They were tampered with? Okay so you see a record of letters coming in from the prince. To whom?"

  I waited, my heart beating too fast. God, all I wanted to do was sleep. Just crawl in my bed and sleep for ten months and wake up and find all this was a dream.

  Roone was talking again. "Wait so you have records of them coming in, addressed from the prince, and it says final destination Winston Isles, but there's no address? So it was deleted?" He paused. "Do we have the actual physical copies of the mail? Yes, I want you to fucking go look in the archives."

  * * *

  HE WAS silent for another minute and then spoke again. "Great. When you find them, I want them delivered to Royal Elite Security, care of Lady Ariel Scott."

  When he hung up and turned to me, he said, "Looks like the prince might be telling the truth. There were letters. From the records, it looks like over 100."

  "Oh my God." He'd been telling the truth. He'd written to me.

  Ashton lied.

  "Do they still have them?"

  "They're going to look in the archives, but I don't know. You'll have to speak to the prince."

  My hands shook. "Oh God. I ran away."

  Run back.

  "Yeah, I know. Happens to the best of us. But maybe you take a minute for yourself to figure out what outcome you're looking for. Go grab a shower, get some sleep."

  "Yeah. I'm going to do that."

  "You going to be okay?"

  "Oh, you know, I just have to reevaluate every thought I've had for the last ten years. It's going to take a minute."

  He nodded solemnly. "Yeah I understand that."

  When I left Roone’s room, I only had one destination in mind. My bed. I just needed to sleep this off. When I woke up, I would know what to do

  Are you so sure about that?



  ONCE I HAD my clothes on, I couldn't figure out what to do.

  I wanted to go after her. Every muscle in my body told me to go after her, make her understand, make her see that I would never have abandoned her. That Ashton must've interfered somehow. But I knew how it sounded. And after what I told her and what she'd seen at the airport, God, why would she even want me?

  There was a knock at my door, and I ran to answer it without even thinking. I yanked it open, and Roone was on the other side, arms braced in the frame, with a scowl on his face. "Mate."


  "First of all, you didn't even ask who it was. Second of all, if you're dicking with her, I swear to God I will have your nuts."

  My brows lifted. "Excuse me?"

  "Mate or not, prince or not, if you dick with Ariel, I will fuck you up, you twat."

  I squared my shoulders. "I'm not dicking with her. I fucking love her, you prat."

  "She loves you too, you knob. So how are you going to fix it?"

  It only occurred to me then that she must've told him, and I stepped back. Roone barged into the room, and I closed the door behind him, crossing my arms and glaring at him. "I wouldn't hurt her."

  "I was an idiot who didn't really see it at first. But now after watching you guys for a couple weeks, it's fucking apparent."

  "Yeah, well. What am I supposed to do? I love her."

  "Yeah well I do too. She's fucking family to me."

  Hearing this made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. "Just family?"

  Roone rolled his eyes. "Yes, just fucking family. I'm in love with Jessa remember? Gorgeous princess. A smile that can light the room. Basically looks like sunshine?"

  My lips tipped into a smile. He did love Jessa. "Mate, I'm not lying to her. I did write her letters."

  Roone nodded. "Yeah, I made some calls. The mail was tampered with. It seems that any letter you sent home, if it wasn't addressed to your parents, it never made it to its final destination."

  "Wait… not just letters to Ariel?"

  "Yeah. I have someone checking the archives to see if we can actually locate the letters. But anything not directed to the palace never made it out for delivery. They couldn't erase the incoming records, but they erased the final destination. So someone didn't want her to get those."

  "Fuck Ashton."

  Roone frowned. "Why would your brother care if Ariel got letters?"

  "It was his whole goal in life to make sure that I enjoyed none of mine. He hated me."

  "Fuck, I'm sorry."

  "I’m even more sorry he continues to fuck with our world."

  Roone narrowed his gaze on me. "What the fuck are you going to do about it?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well, she knows that that farce with Ella isn't true."

  I winced. I guess Roone knew too.

  "Look, let me think here."

  He shook his head. "She didn't tell me, just so you know. I could see it."


  "If you're going to pretend to be shagging someone, you're going to have to touch them. Like a lot."

  I frowned. "Right."

  "Just saying. It shows when you're into someone and when you're faking it."

  "Yeah good to know."

  “Also, every time you look at Ariel it basically looks like you want to jump her bones and shag her senseless. So, there's that too."

  "Ah, bloody fantastic."

  "So, are you going to go get her?"

  "There's nothing to say. It's been too long. A lot of pain. And anger, clearly."

  "You're a twat."


  "You heard me. You are a twat."

  "I heard you."

  Roone lifted a brow. "Oh, you don't know what it means? Well, generally it means you're a giant pussy. But since I don't want to use pussy in a pejorative sense, because it is my favorite thing in the world, I'll call you a wanker, a knob, an egit."

  "Yeah, thanks for that. Why the abuse?"

  "Because you don't see that she loves you and that she could make you happy."

  "Yeah, but I don't think I'd make her happy. She deserves a lot better than me."

  Roone grinned then. "You won't get any disagreement from me. But, you seem to be the one she wants. So you know, don't be an asshole. Fix it. Whatever it is, fix it. Otherwise you'll regret it for the rest of your life. And if I ever, ever see Ariel actually fucking cry again, I will kill you. Whether or not I'm sworn to protect you, I will kill you with my bare hands."

  And with that, he stormed out.

  "Christ." I stared after him. I needed her. I didn't want to be weak, but I did need her. I just wanted to talk to her. Really talk. Not that talk-shouting thing we've been doing at each other for weeks. I needed her so badly I could breathe it. My body vibrated with it.

  Then go and get her. And make it count.

  I just hoped to God she would let me in.



  I WAS SCARED. I could admit it.

  I ran down to Ariel's room and then stopped just short of knocking because I had no idea what the hell I was going to say.

  What if she slammed the door in my face?

  What if she told me she didn't want me?

  What if she told me the lies were too much, and she was sick of it?

  What if she told me she wanted someone else? Just the thought of Ian with
his hands on her pissed me off all over again, and I had to work to quell my anger.

  I wanted her. I just had to make her understand that I wanted her. That I had always wanted her. That I never would have abandoned her. I didn't know how I was going to do that.

  Well you won't know if you don't knock. Finally, I just sacked up, lifted my hand, and knocked on the door.

  It took her so long to answer, I was afraid she wasn't going to. When she finally did, her eyes were red-rimmed, and she looked tired.

  "What do you want?"

  "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry I lied. I'm sorry my brother is a psychopathic asshole. I’m sorry you got caught up in our hate situation. I’m sorry that I ruined your life. I'm sorry for all of it. But I love you."

  Her eyes went wide. "What?"

  I nodded. And then I kept talking faster and faster in hope that she wouldn't turn me away. "I love you. I loved you from that moment I walked in and you tried to explain the benefit of action movies to me, a guy. But from like this completely philosophical, intelligent angle. About what they did for the release of endorphins in our brains. And then you proceeded to outline your favorite.

  She shrugged.

  "Die Hard, of course."

  "Yes. But, I mean, I still argue that there are others. I mean, you have to reevaluate that whole list. John Wick is out now."

  "Yeah, that's fair."

  "Ariel, I bloody love you. And I'm sorry about the Ella thing, and I'm sorry that it seemed like I've been dicking with you. That was not my intention. I just... it's a mess and I never expected to see you again, and I didn't think that you would want to, and—"

  She stepped forward and placed a hand on my stubble. "You love me?"

  "Absolutely. Without question. I haven't been able to love anyone else." I almost told her that even when I was with someone else, she was who I thought of. But I didn't want to conjure up those ideas of me being with anyone else, so I kept my mouth shut.

  "You wrote to me?"

  "I did. God did I. I didn't know why you didn't come. I thought you'd had second thoughts or didn’t want me—"


  "Yeah, Ariel?"

  "I love you."

  The simple words flooded my veins with a mixture of relief and need. I couldn't even think at that moment as I crushed my lips to hers. I had everything I had ever wanted, and I never, ever, ever wanted to let it go.

  My arms wrapped around her. It was impossible to think.

  My tongue slipped between her lips and she moaned.

  Fuck, she tasted good.

  Too good. I never wanted to stop.

  I stepped us both inside and backed her up against the wall as I growled low in my throat. I slid my thumbs over her cheekbones, and I nipped at her bottom lip. Ariel hesitated for only a second before her arms looped around my neck into my hair. When she twined her fingers into the strands, I groaned and deepened the kiss.

  Fuck. She was going to light me on fucking fire from the inside. I couldn’t think. All I knew was I needed more. So much more.

  I braced her against the wall and urged her legs around my waist. We both moaned as that brought her heated core in contact with my pulsing erection.

  I treated her mouth like a delicacy, tasted and tempted and teased her tongue into playing. Making sure she wanted this. Wanted me.

  Before it had been sweet. Two kids in love. She’d been so innocent I hadn’t wanted to push her too far. And with my shit, I didn’t think it was fair, so we’d never taken things this far. But there was absolutely nothing stopping us now, and I intended to make up for lost time.

  As I licked into her mouth with my hot tongue, I slid a hand up her stomach and ribs. I paused just short of touching her breast, and Ariel whimpered, arching into me.

  So soft.

  I skimmed my thumb over her breast, and she gasped, undulating her hips, grinding along my cock. With a muffled moan, I scooped a hand over her ass and held her tighter to me, pressing my erection against her.

  Control. Get goddamn control. But I was losing it. She was rocking against me, and the pleasure… Christ the pleasure. I wanted to make this so good for her. This wasn’t about me.

  My dick had some other ideas about that at the moment with her heated center grinding against it. My tongue slid over hers, and I sucked her tongue into my mouth, her little whimpers spurring me on.

  I tore my lips from hers and dragged in ragged breaths. Ariel forced her eyes open and met my blistering gaze. When I spoke, my voice was low, gravelly. “I’m going to make you come.”

  “Yes, fucking please.”

  * * *

  I PICKED her up and carried her to the bed. I would have loved to sink into her there against the wall. To get that first desperate orgasm over with so that we could both take our time and bask in the pleasure, but for what I had in mind, I needed a bed.

  Once I had her settled in the middle of the king-size bed, I wasted no time hooking my thumbs in her shorts and tugging them down her long, lean legs. I went to her tank next. I already knew she wasn’t wearing a bra, but I needed her bare to me. I planned on paying proper homage.

  I was going to lick them. Suck them… fuck them.

  I loved everything about the way she tasted. Spicy, with just a hint of sweet. I’d been slowly losing my mind for weeks. And now she was in my arms and she wanted me. I looped her hands over her head and clamped them in place with one hand. I ran my other hand down her body.

  Her lips parted on a sigh, and she relaxed her thighs, slightly opening her legs for me. My cock throbbed.

  A tremor ran through her body, and I kissed her softly, still sliding my hand over her belly. At the juncture of her thighs, I dragged the back of my knuckles over her panties and she pulled in a shuddering breath.

  “You’re so responsive. I bet you’re soft as butter too, aren’t you?”

  She mumbled something unintelligible, and I swallowed hard. My hand shook as my fingers traced the edge of her panty line. I watched her face intently for a hint of hesitation, but there was none. Only the same longing need that drove me.

  I slid my finger just under the fabric, and she wiggled in my grasp. Her legs widened, and I held my breath. So damn wet. So hot.

  I found her slick entrance, and I slid the tip of my finger inside her. Ariel tossed her head back and bit her lip. God, I could have come just from watching her, she was so beautiful. As I slid in farther, I bit back a curse. “You’re so tight.”

  “Tristan… oh God.”

  I kissed her again, sliding my finger in deeper as I did. While I sucked on her tongue in time to my questing finger, I slid my thumb over her clit.

  She bucked and tore her lips from mine. “Oh, oh, oh.”

  With another gentle stroke of my thumb, she flew apart in my arms, whispering my name as she milked my finger.


  Shudders racked my body.

  Jesus Christ, the prince had a way with his hand. And I wanted more. Needed more. I slid my tongue over his and rolled my hips into his hand.

  He released my hands and tugged his shirt over his head. I reached for him with frantic, trembling fingers then slipped his belt from its loops, and he growled low.

  I watched him intently as I slid my hand inside his trousers. When I closed my palm around the scorching-hot length of him, he dropped his forehead to mine and cursed. I let my hand slide to the tip and smoothed the drop of pre-come over the head of his erection, then I squeezed him gently as I slid my hand to the root. His hips bucked into my hand.

  “Bloody hell, I…” His voice trailed, and his breathing was heavy and labored. “Do you have any idea how close I am to losing it?”

  I could do this to him? The feminine power went to my head, and I slid my palm over him again. This was why Tristan was so dangerous. His ability to make me believe I was sexy and powerful and a goddess.

  He snagged a hand around my wrist, and my gaze snapped to his. I saw more than lust in hi
s gaze though. I saw trust and love.

  Tristan kissed me again, and my insides turned to liquid. I slid my hand from his flesh, and he quickly shrugged out of his pants. He yanked a condom out of his wallet and sheathed himself with a quick efficiency that I marveled at.

  When he turned his attention back to me, I shivered. To be the object of that kind of focus was overwhelming. He slid his hands over my thighs, his gaze on mine as his fingers grazed the lips of my sex. A shudder racked my body, and I gasped.

  Tristan kissed up my body. When he reached my lips, his thumbs stroked over my cheeks as he kissed me. A move so tender in contrast to the way he’d previously devoured my mouth like a starving man.

  Tristan lifted me again and I willingly wrapped my legs around him. I arched my back and he leaned forward, nuzzling one breast before suckling the tip. As he sucked, he palmed the other and tested the weight while teasing my nipple.

  God, I could totally come this way. But I wanted him to make love to me. I arched into his palm, spreading my legs wider to make room for him between my thighs. Gently he teased my nipple, sending a spear of need through my core. “Tristan, c’mon.”

  With a chuckle, he positioned himself at my slick center. “Look at me,” he whispered.

  I disobeyed and let my eyelids flutter closed.

  He pinched my nipple lightly. The moment I arched my back, looking for more, he ceased the action. “I said, look at me.”

  I dragged my eyes open. “Stop teasing me.”

  His lips tipped into a smile. “I want to see your eyes when I sink into you.”

  Inch by inch he slid into me, both of us holding our breath. I grasped on to his shoulders, digging into his flesh for support, while Tristan slid his hands under me, cupping my ass as he sank deep into me.

  It was all too much, too intimate. I tried to look away. But with every shift, he met my gaze. There was no hiding from the intimacy between us, no running from it. No concealing the vulnerability.

  The thick length of him rocked inside me then retreated slowly. The tension coiled deep inside me as I slid my hands into his hair. As he nuzzled into my neck, I tugged on his hair slightly, and he hissed, “Harder. I like that.”


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