Murdering Her Light

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Murdering Her Light Page 13

by Michael Clement

  Escape was impossible. The pain just kept rolling through my flesh and my mind.

  I felt my bladder release, as drool poured out my mouth. Blood coated my body, and I could smell my skin burning where the leather touched me.

  Screaming and moaning I wanted to die. Getting eaten alive would hurt less.

  The minutes turned into hours in my head. I could no longer think straight, I just kept screaming and thrashing.

  Finally, Zebulon pulled the leather free.

  Comfort unhappily pulled her talons out of me, with dull wet noises as they came out.

  But, the pain didn’t stop. It burned and throbbed.

  Moaning, I slid my bloody and burned flesh until I lay like a battered child, with my hand held against my chest.

  Why didn’t it stop, my mind screamed.

  I could feel my companion using its tiny healing spell to try to staunch the blood flow. But, it wasn’t strong enough to block the pain from my mind.

  I wanted to just climb free of my almost-corpse.

  Freedom… my mind hissed. Free yourself from the pain.

  A prisoner knelt over me.

  “I’m going to fuck you before you die,” he promised. His dirty rotting breath blew across my face, making me want to vomit.

  I felt rough hands grab my hips.

  I thrashed and fought, but he was too strong. He pressed down on me as he began fumbling with his belt.

  Not again, I promised myself. This wasn’t happening again.

  I twisted sharply. The blood made me slippery allowing me to break his grip, but all I succeeded in doing was flipping onto my back. My mind was starting to throb in tune with my hand. I could barely think straight.

  Pressing downwards, the pervert grinned at me through his long prison lice-ridden beard.

  “I like my girls a little bit younger,” he explained, in a cold dispassionate way, as he forced my wrists over my head.

  I fought him every inch of the way, but he was so much bigger than me and stronger.

  His smell wrapped around my mind, bringing back the old memories.

  Then, he used his legs to force mine apart.

  “I don’t mind the piss,” he mumbled, as he prepared to force his way into me. His pants were around his waist and I could feel his erect bulge pushing against my pelvis. He was so heavy on top of me. The stink radiating off of him was gagging. No matter how much I fought, I couldn’t get him off of me.

  My mind began to panic, like a rat caught in a trap.

  Not again.

  I had promised myself... Not again.

  Forcing away the headache, I summoned my flames into my left hand. Twisting, I grabbed his wrist.

  The prisoner screamed as my fire burned him.

  Screaming, he tried to get away from me… but, I wasn’t done with him yet.

  How dare he try to rape me! I wasn’t a victim anymore.

  This bastard needed to pay. The civilized woman that I normally was couldn’t handle this situation. So, I stuffed her away. The pain and violence were just too much for her to handle. Instead, I let the savage that lurks within us all takeover.

  It was time to fight back.

  I pulled on my magic hard and made my fire to burn hotter and wider than I had ever done before. His whole arm went up in flames.

  “No!” he screamed, as he grabbed my hair and face and slammed my head down into the ground.

  I saw stars. Darkness edged my vision, and I could taste blood in my mouth. My head began to throb even harder, and I was suddenly nauseous.

  More blood covered the back of my head.

  My fire died, and I twitched, as the sadistic bastard loomed over me and laughed.

  He flipped my body over, so I was lying on my stomach. Then, he spread my legs wide and began trying to force his way into my ass.

  Not again, my mind swore, as he lost his balance and pressed down on my body harder. One of his hands landed on the ground by my face, as he thrust again and failed.

  “Fuck,” he hissed in frustration.

  I grabbed his wrist with my throbbing fingers. Focus, I screamed at myself.

  “No!” I shrieked.

  Then, I seized the new spell that was still smoldering on my wrist and ignited it with energy from my own soul. I felt parts of me burn away, but I didn’t fucking care. I was not going to be raped again.

  The spell seized control of his mind, connecting me to him.

  My mind shuddered as I felt his grubby little mind gibbering happily, as he spread my ass cheeks with his free hand and prepared to successfully plunge into my flesh.

  Not again, I swore.

  I grabbed ahold of the curse with my mind, fashioning it into a mental dagger of hatred, rage, and disgust.

  Then, I slammed it into his soul.

  Again, and again, and again.

  Screaming, the bastard threw himself off of me.

  But, I didn’t let go of his wrist. I held on, like a tick on a rabid dog, as my mind ripped and chewed into his, devouring and burning his memories as I went.

  I tore out portions of his soul, pounding him into submission.

  He began to chatter insanely, varying between sobs and raging lunacy.

  His body grew placid as he lost control of most of his muscles.

  I let go of the spell and climbed onto his back.

  Then, I grabbed his hair and looked up at the other prisoners, as blood dripped down my face. They were staring at me in shock.

  Grinning, l began slamming his face into the ground, gripping his head with both hands. But, I never looked down. I kept my gaze firmly on the other killers.

  He kept moaning and sobbing as I turned his face into mush. Teeth littered the floor, along with his blood, but I kept on slamming away.

  I let all of my rage come out to play.

  “Fuck you!” I screamed at them. “I am going to kill you all!”

  - 25 -

  I didn’t stop pounding my would-be rapist’s skull into the ground, until his brains started leaking out.

  Most of the prisoners were looking at me in horror. But, a few smiled, enjoying my release.

  My rapist gave out a shuttering croak, as he died.

  I felt the life pour out of him with his final breath, as his body gave a final twitch.

  My headache returned full force.

  I fought to not throw up.

  Gagging, I bent over and drew hard on my new curse, forcing it to feed on his blood. Slowly, a black mist flowed out of his skull. It wrapped around my throbbing wrist and then flowed into my wound, easing the pain.

  Blessed release.

  The pain stopped.

  My mind stopped hemorrhaging in agony, and I could think again.

  Suddenly, I felt… strong, confident, and extremely horny.

  Moaning, I arched my back, as more mist flowed out of the man who had tried to rape and kill me. It flowed into my vibrating hand, filling me with power, replacing the energy that I had spent igniting the new spell.

  An itch erupted between my legs.

  No matter how much I tried to ignore it, or stifle it, I felt the rush of a sudden climax rushing up my spine.

  Kneeling, I spread my legs wide and leaned down towards the floor, hiding my face, allowing my hair to fall over it.

  Goosebumps flared on my arms, and I shivered in anticipation.

  “Stop,” I moaned, but the sensation only grew.

  Groaning, I reached the apex, that exact moment right before I always climaxed.

  “No,” I hissed, but it would not be contained. Like a wild animal, I arched my back and fell over the edge.

  In front of almost a half-dozen men, I climaxed on the floor, covered in blood, piss, and brains.

  It was the most intense climax of my life. I groaned, moaned, and shook. It was all I could do not to lay down in the gore and climax a second time.

  Breathing deeply, I tried to catch my breath.

  My rapist’s corpse was next to me on the floor. I
looked at it in horror, as the civilized American woman returned to the forefront of my mind.

  As I slowly sat up, I looked down at my hand in horror. Black scales began in the middle of my hand and flowed upwards, merging with my tattoos half-way up my arm.

  My fingers trembled as I touched the scales.

  They were real.

  I could feel warmth leaking out of them. Clenching my fist, I realized that they were now part of me. I could feel the curse lurking and waiting in anticipation of its next meal. It felt like a living beast who I could barely control. The blazing sun and the demon’s skull were hidden now, beneath the surface of the scales.

  I had to fight not to throw up. If I blew chunks all over the floor, Zebulon might kill me.

  On shaking legs, I stood up and stared at the killers in front of me, joining their evil ranks by murdering one of their brethren violently.

  They stared back at me in shock.

  Turning, I slowly walked back to Zebulon, making sure that I wasn’t stumbling or out of control.

  I was not failing this test, goddammit !

  I knelt in front of him, placing my heels under my ass; making sure to keep my back straight and unbent.

  Comfort looked surprised.

  And… Zebulon looked pleased.

  “You have done well,” he praised me. “I didn’t expect you to eat his soul.”

  Looking thoughtful, he said, “You might just survive.”

  Snapping his fingers, Zebulon dismissed me. “Return to your priests,” he commanded.

  My legs didn’t want to cooperate, but I forced myself to stand.

  Then, I walked out of the spider’s arboretum, thankful to be alive.

  -- M --

  I don’t remember stumbling up those cold stony steps. But, somehow I did.

  Somewhere along the way back to my room, I sank down to my knees and began crawling. My mind was beginning to have problems… understanding what I had just done.

  I could still hear the thunk… thunk… thunk of his face smashing into the ground.

  His voice kept whispering in my ear.

  The first time it happened, I collapsed onto my stomach and tried to brush him away, but he wasn’t there.

  I kept crawling and his voice kept following me.

  Blood splattered and stinking like an outhouse, I dragged myself into the Room of Ribbons.

  “Good Lord,” Tori shouted, seeing my blood covered body.

  Daniel and Tori ran over to me.

  I was shaking and no longer completely coherent.

  The two of them wrapped me in their healing embrace and held me... when the agitation increased. I had survived the torment and gained power, but my mind felt fragile… like it might shatter at any instant.

  Madness dribbled at the corners of my mouth, as I continued to remember what it felt like to slam someone's face into the ground again… and again… and again.

  “I enjoyed it,” I whispered in disbelief. The little savage within my soul was screaming happily and dancing a jig. And, it was pumping a delight into me that I had never felt before. A rush of adrenaline filled my chest, realizing that I had survived.

  “I smashed in his skull and crushed his brains,” I moaned, remembered the primal feeling of victory.

  “And,” I groaned, “I loved every second of it.”

  I now knew what hot brains felt like between my fingers.

  “Hush,” Tori insisted, as she helped Daniel pick me up.

  Together, the two of them climbed into the tub with me in their arms and began to wash the blood and gore from my skin and hair.

  My sanity returned slowly.

  I found myself with my arms and legs wrapped around Daniel, as Tori cleaned me off. I began to laugh... realizing that I was gripping her husband like a life raft in a storm of madness.

  “She doesn’t heal fast enough,” Daniel told Tori, “to survive much more of this.”

  “We will need to imprint Prudence’s healing prayer upon her skin, if she is going to not bleed out next time,” she said, agreeing with Daniel.

  Neither of them realized that I was sane again.

  “I can smell Prudence’s scent on her,” Daniel told his wife. “The more of Prudence’s prayers that we lay upon her, the harder it is to resist Truth.”

  “I know,” Tori said. “But, there is no other way. We don’t have time to inscribe the runes by hand.”

  Then, Tori chuckled. “And… You have done a bangup job of resisting her already.”

  Daniel agreed. “Sorry.”

  “We were both Gray Walkers when we were married,” Tori said. “Sleeping with other people is part of the job description.”

  “But, sleeping with Prudence again…” Daniel said with a sigh.

  “Yes,” Tori said. “That is the rub.”

  “I’m awake,” I announced, as I forced myself to let go of Daniel.

  “How are you?” he asked.

  “I murdered a man,” I admitted.

  “We know,” Tori replied.

  “I ate his soul,” I said, feeling the twitters of madness reaching for my mind.

  “I put it in my wrist,” I moaned, holding up the lizard-like scales on my arm.

  “And, you’ll have to do it again,” Tori instructed, as she slid up close to us both.

  When her breasts rubbed against my back, I realized, suddenly, that the three of us were naked. Apparently, I had blacked out while they were cleaning me.

  “It’s how Sorceror’s gain their magic,” Daniel admitted. “They ignite their spells with blood, death, and souls.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I rasped, ready to fall apart.

  “I thought that you knew,” Tori replied. “You have had a curse on the back of your left hand and a little one on your right hand.”

  “I don’t remember getting either of those,” I said.

  How many souls have I eaten? I wondered.

  The white rabbit of insanity went bounding into the room. My mind clenched, as it prepared to crash through the looking glass once again.

  Tori wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my shoulder, holding me tight, as her right hand cupped my breast.

  “It will be alright,” she whispered in my ear.

  Then, she kissed my neck while Daniel grabbed my hips.

  I killed the rabbit. Fuck sanity. It was overrated.

  I wanted to fuck Daniel and Tori, more than I wanted sanity.

  Lust filled me as heat erupted between my legs. Daniels kisses were hot on my mouth. I could feel his hard erect penis pressing against my wetness, as his wife’s fingers began caressing my left nipple.

  “We will help you,” she whispered in my ear.

  “Let us help you,” Daniel mumbled, breaking away from his kiss.

  I lifted my hips and slid down onto Daniel.

  “Get the prayer,” he told his wife.

  I didn’t fucking care about that. I just wanted to fuck her husband. The rush of killing was mixed into my blood along with the incredible lust that I felt for his flesh.

  I had survived. The words rang in my ears.

  Tori splashed out of the tub, while I began to ride Daniel.

  He felt so good. Just touching him pushed away the madness. Something within me throbbed. It was my companion I realized. She was happy as well.

  I had worked up a good rhythm by the time Tori returned to the tub.

  “Turn her around,” she commanded Daniel.

  Flipping me around, he stayed within me. Now my ass pressed into him, as he wrapped his arms around my chest and pulled me backward so that my stomach was facing Tori.

  Tori held up a large human skin with a tattoo on it. Before I could object, she placed it on the skin below my breasts.

  Then, she poured golden power into the tattoo.

  Moaning, I fought to go up and down on her man’s shaft... but he held me immobile.


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