Murdering Her Light

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Murdering Her Light Page 14

by Michael Clement

  It was torture holding still… But, I liked it. Giving control to Daniel felt so good.

  Tori ran her hands over Prudence’s flesh, as golden light roamed the leather.

  I grabbed Tori’s face and pulled her close to me, filling her mouth with my tongue.

  Daniel slid his whole left arm across my breasts, holding me against him. His right slid lower and began to caress my clitoris, as I held his wife pressed up against me.

  Tori nearly lost control when I slid my fingers into her.

  I couldn’t move.

  But, she could.

  Keeping the skin pressed between us, Tori began riding my fingers.

  Feeling evil. I plunged one of my fingers into her ass, as I kept my tongue buried in her mouth.

  Tori moaned loudly, almost making my teeth rattle.

  Her groans of satisfaction filled the room, making her husband even harder inside of me.

  Water splashed and frothed around us, as Tori’s golden light filled the tub.

  Then, a blue glow wrapped around me, as Daniel added his power to the mix.

  My new curse woke up. The swirl of magic around it excited it.

  I pulled their emotions out of their minds and wrapped the three of us in one big horny mess of feelings.

  I… no -- we -- could feel Daniel’s hardness and both of our wetness.

  Tori’s excitement mixed with Daniel’s desire to flip me over and fuck me hard.

  Together, we experienced each of our excitement.

  Teeth bit my shoulder and I relished the pain, as my fingers dug deeper and then began to rub together inside of Tori.

  Daniel’s hardness within me drove both of us crazy with lust.

  Tori’s golden glow and Daniel’s blue glow mixed and swirled around me.

  I could smell my flesh burn, as the metal and ink from Prudence’s flesh burned into me. Then, the skin went up in flames, as another piece of Prudence became mine.

  The smell of citrines filled the air, and I swore another woman was in the tub with us. Her arms were wrapped around the three of us, and I felt her sorrow that she was so far away.

  Daniel climaxed... filling me with his warmth.

  Tori shuddered, threw her head back and wailed in pleasure mixed with sweet, sweet pain, as she came as well.

  My mind shattered as I climaxed, wrapped in the emotions and feelings of the priests who were fucking me.

  Then, Prudence pulled my mind back together, and I felt content.

  - 26 -

  “Tell me about her,” I asked Daniel, as we lay in bed together.

  “She was my first love,” he whispered back, as he glanced warily at his wife lying next to me.

  “It’s hard to forget her,” Tori agreed. “She was so full of life.”

  “Her name was Prudence Criswell,” Daniel continued, sensing that it was safe. “And, I loved her. She was my teacher and after I became a Gray Walker , my wife. Prudence loved springtime... when everything bloomed.”

  “She loved babies and booze,” Tori added.

  “And, chocolate,” Daniel agreed.

  “And, fucking,” Tori chuckled.

  Then, Daniel looked at Tori, “And, she loved you.”

  Tori smiled.

  “She was a Gray Walker of immense power,” Daniel continued. “Prudence was respected among the Assembly and the Confederacy. She could have become the Prime, but she didn’t want that.”

  “She would have had to give us up,” Tori explained. “The Prime can’t have… limitations or emotional connections to other Walkers.”

  “Prudence would never call us limitations,” Daniel explained. “She loved us too much.”

  I looked down at my new tattoo. It was a fallen angel’s skull with white feathery wings. Each of the wings rose upward and caressed the sides of my breasts. It was supposed to represent healing, but I felt something more within it.

  I could sense violence inside of the healing matrix. Deep within me, I now knew that Prudence enjoyed hurting her lovers when they had sex. That tendency towards violence had stained her tattoos.

  I suddenly saw visions of Tori strapped to a bed face down ... while a woman’s hand spanked her. Tori’s ass was glowing red, and she was squirming uncomfortably, but that didn’t stop Daniel from slipping a finger within her, as his wife cracked Tori’s ass again.

  Shaking my mind loose from the memory, I realized that saying Prudence like sex was like saying that an addict liked his addiction.

  Prudence loved it... Every last second of it.

  “How am I going to survive this?” I asked. “Just withstanding one of his tests nearly destroyed my mind.”

  I looked at Tori, who sighed.

  Daniel said. “If we try to run, the Confederacy will find us and execute all three of us. Our only hope is that you survive.”

  “And thrive,” Tori added. “Just surviving isn’t enough.”

  Reaching out, she began to caress Prudence’s tattoo.

  “I’m sorry that all of this mess rests on your shoulders,” Daniel said. “If I could, I would take this burden from you.”

  “He almost raped me,” I whispered. “It was seconds away from happening.”

  Daniel and Tori both pulled me close in a comforting embrace.

  “I’m sorry,” Daniel whispered.

  Tori’s hand began to massage my hair, comforting me. It felt nice that someone cared enough to try to calm me.

  “Prudence’s tattoo will help,” Tori finally said. “It will allow you to block the pain... if you desire. The pattern will heal your wounds and allow you to heal others. Poisons will no longer affect you either. It is a very strong pattern.”

  “You can feel her living again,” I asked Daniel, “inside of me.”

  “Yes,” he whispered. “A part of her is alive again... within you.”

  Tori touched my scales. “Do they hurt?” she asked.

  I clenched my fist. “No,” I said. “It does feel a bit strange though, like I’m turning into a snake or a dragon.”

  “I wonder whose scales they are?” Tori mentioned.

  I shrugged. “Zebulon isn’t really a touchy-feely type guy. I’m not sure that he will ever tell me.”

  The other two could feel my doubts and worries.

  They spent the rest of the night filling me with their fingers and tongues. Their teeth brushed my skin and their mouths filled mine.

  I don’t know when I have ever climaxed so many times.

  But, deep inside, I still felt alone.

  -- M --

  In the morning, I again knelt at my new Master’s feet. We were in a new room, a library. Books covered the walls on shelves made of ancient black oak. The books were thick and heavy, more like manuals. They reeked of age and dust. Ancient black carpeting covered the floors and a painting of a Texas sunset covered one wall. It seemed so out of place, hundreds of feet below the surface.

  Zebulon stood in one corner of the room, staring at an old wooden globe that had to be almost three feet thick. He spun it and then absently stared at it, trying to decide on my fate. He hadn’t spoken a word since I entered and knelt on the floor.

  My feet and legs were beginning to cramp up, so I tentatively drew on Prudence’s pattern, just a little. Instantly, warmth flowed through my body, easing the pain that I was feeling. Even my lower back felt better, which I hadn’t noticed until the pain was gone.

  But, the warmth awoke a fire between my legs. Prudence’s healing apparently came with a price. The more I used it, the wetter I would become.

  I wondered if Zebulon could sense me growing ready for a lover.

  “God,” I whispered, I hoped not.

  Finally, the red-robed Sorceror turned and stomped over to me. Each of his taloned legs cracked into the ancient tiles on the floor, like a toddler having a temper tantrum.

  “What am I supposed to do with you?” he complained. “Not only did you pass the first test… you aced it.”

  I grinned inside.
But, I kept my face neutral, as I stared at the carpeting.

  Zebulon leaned back on the desk and thrummed his fingers on it.

  The room was silent... for almost 20 minutes.

  I had to use Prudence’s gift several more times, as my back began to ache.

  Zebulon would have to be nose blind not to smell me.

  “I have decided to allow you to live,” he grumbled.

  The Sorceror stood up and stomped over to me, until Zebulon was looming over my body. I looked down meekly, trying not to draw his anger.

  “Look at me,” he ordered.

  I looked up. His poison stinger was very close to my face. A vivid purple bubble of goo sat on the end of it, like a man’s precum before he had sex. While I stared at it, I saw tremors of lust shake through the organ.

  Zebulon had been envisioning my death.

  A cold chill dripped down my spine.

  My life was hanging on by the width of a razor blade.

  He lowered his hand. Between his fingers was a black ribbon with an ivory stone held in its clutches.

  “You will wear this at all times,” he told me. “It tells other Shadar that you have passed the first test and are now mine.”

  I took it with trembling fingers and tied it around my neck. It was made to fit snug, like a priests collar.

  “Thank you, Master,” I whispered.

  Zebulon began grumbling again.

  “Don’t thank me yet,” he promised. “This will be a trying day for you.”

  Clacking his black talons together nervously, he said. “Normally, I would have you practice with your new curse for months, but we don’t have sufficient time.”

  Sighing loudly, he said, “Follow me.”

  The Master Sorceror led me out a different door than I had entered. We walked down a hallway piled high with LP records, of all things. They were all in dust jackets, but they were piled to the ceiling. There had to be thousands of them.

  Next, we entered a new room filled with animal cages.

  The noise was deafening.

  Chirps, squawks, howls, barking, screaming, and hissing pounded at my ears.

  “Choose a familiar,” he insisted.

  “Master?” I asked.

  “Choose a creature that you will bond with,” he instructed. “Most Sorcerors have one.”

  “Do you?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he responded.

  “Use your new spell to make it your servant,” he ordered. Then, he turned and stomped out of the room.

  So, I walked among the cages. There had to be a thousand animals in this room. Spiders moved between the pens, cleaning and feeding the creatures.

  How was I supposed to choose?

  There were normal animals that I recognized from Earth, but there were also hundreds that were new to me, like the hyena creatures that I had fought when I arrived here.

  Christ, I thought. I don’t want a pet.

  I could barely take care of myself.

  And, it would just give Zebulon something new to use as leverage against me, or he might even kill it.

  But, if I didn’t choose, I was sure that he would do even more terrible things to my soul.

  Sulking, I wandered through the cages, until I noticed a small cage down near the floor. Getting on my hands and knees, I peered into it.

  Suddenly, a nasty little furball slammed against the metal bars, growling and hissing at me. I flinched back, slamming into the cage behind me, causing the creatures to shriek and caterwaul around me.

  The little critter was on its hands and knees, hissing at me. Its ears were long, like a rabbits , but they were currently pulled back as it hissed like a cat. Ferocious teeth jutted out of its mouth, telling me that it was a predator, not an omnivore. It had white fur on the sides and red scales on its back and belly. Hanging from its chin was a long strand of hair that looked almost like a beard. Black highlights accented its ears, ribs, and claws. And, black sprouts of fur dotted its head like little whiskers that got lost.

  Claws extended out of its soft little paws, as it tried to reach through the bars to scratch me. Wrinkling its nose in disgust, it let out a tiny little grr noise.

  Fuck. I was in love. It was so nasty and vicious that it appealed to me.

  “What are you?” I whispered.

  “Fuck off,” it hissed at me with a long forked tongue.

  In shock, I just stared at it.

  “You can talk?” I asked.

  “No, I can’t, stupid,” it replied. “Fuck off!”

  Turning, it pointed its hairy ass at me and farted a stream of purple gas at me.

  The smell was so toxic that I nearly threw up.

  Kneeling, I coughed and hacked as I tried to catch my breath.

  The whole time, the little bitch laughed at me even harder.

  Pissed off, I reached out with my new curse determined to teach it some manners. My mind lashed out, attacking the little beast’s mind.

  “Fuck off,” it spat back at me, unafraid of my attack.

  Wrapping black spell tendrils around its mind, I cursed the little beast.

  “Mine,” I hissed at it. “You are mine.”

  Then, I began squeezing those words into its head.

  It thrashed and squealed, as it fought me for dominance.

  Visions of my skin being flayed filled my mind. I could feel the pain and agony as each piece of flesh was yanked from my body, as the little creature fought back.

  “Fuck you!” it hissed at me.

  Summoning more power, I lashed out at it again. Its mind was like a brick wall. I sent black tendrils probing for a way past its defenses.

  More memories of childbirth, cancer, and tumors flooded my thoughts, filling my mind with images of blood, death, and starvation.

  This wasn’t going to work, I realized. It was just as stubborn as me. Trying a new tactic, I used my ability to sense the creatures past, reading its memories like a man would look through a file filled with papers. It was hungry and thirsty a lot. Rejection and pain permeated its past.

  And... she was lonely.

  It was a girl.

  Instead of warring with her, I sent the little furball images of me feeding her. I showed her my life and how I was now an apprentice to a Sorceror, and that I needed a friend.

  “Fuck off,” she spat at me, but it was a little less venomously.

  I pushed images of water at her and thoughts of strawberries.

  That got her attention.

  I tried to send her feelings of friendship, of tribe , of pack.

  I radiated my loneliness to her and my sense of loss of control. And, how I felt like a leaf in the wind, out of control and just trying to keep from utter destruction.

  I sent memories of my near rape the night before, and how I had fought and then killed the bastard.

  “Good,” she shot back, sending me similar images, of a male with blue in his fur, as he tried to mate with her without permission.

  I showed her my new lovers, but expressed my worry that I would be left behind and forgotten.

  “Kara,” she purred, showing me similar thoughts. How her pack had left her behind, so that they could escape.

  Haunted memories filled my mind. Her lover had bit Kara’s leg, leaving her crippled, so that he could escape.

  I showed Kara how I felt about him. Images of her lover being ripped to pieces filled my thoughts.

  Visions of struggle filled my thoughts, as I showed her the heavyweight of survival that I faced and how I needed an ally. I needed someone who I could share my life with. Someone who wasn’t looking at me as a mate, or a source of power.

  I wanted a partner who could care for herself. Someone I could share my magic with and possibly make stronger.

  Someone I could bond with.

  Kara shivered.

  I waited for her answer. I wasn’t interested in forcing the issue any longer.

  A little paw stuck out of the cage.

  Throwing caution to the w
ind, I put my finger in her furry grip, hoping that she wouldn’t claw me.


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