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Murdering Her Light

Page 19

by Michael Clement

The witches pushed their way towards us, placing their bodies between the men and the car.

  “Fuck off!” Delilah shouted, gesturing for the two of us to leave.

  I slowly slid off of the hood, taking Faith’s hand and helping her down as well. Then, I wrapped the Sorceror’s cloak back around me.

  I didn’t let go of Faith’s fingers, as I moved towards Zebulon.

  “Traitor,” one of the women hissed at my savior.

  “Fuck you, Lucy!” Faith spat back.

  “Enough!” Zebulon decreed, as he pushed both of the prisoners forward.

  “Back to the truck,” he instructed, as he grabbed my arm and thrust me up into the tail of the vehicle. I quickly reached down and grabbed Felicity, yanking her into it with me.

  “Give us, Felicity,” Delilah threatened, pushing forward.

  Zebulon snapped his fingers, as Faith and I climbed into the back of the first truck.

  The truck behind us threw the prisoners -- including Felicity -- over the side, into the mob.

  Our truck roared and jerked forward.

  The mob of witches grabbed the prisoners and pulled them into the tavern.

  Then, Delilah shouted, “Kill them!”

  Gunfire erupted, as flaming arrows rained down onto the trucks.

  Zebulon roared angrily and black fire shot out of his fist, as he climbed into our truck.

  Gaining momentum, our truck plowed forward, despite the mob clustered around it.

  But, the second truck exploded into flames. The Shadar hanging onto it jumped free, but the crowd closed over them with broken bottles, knives, and spears in their hands. Green blood exploded into the air, as the truck continued to burn brightly.

  “Fuck,” Zebulon cursed, as his guards continued to rake the crowd with their machine guns.

  An arrow ripped through the tent lining and slammed into Faith. It picked her up and slammed her into the truck bed.

  She screamed in pain, thrashing, as we shot forward away from the tavern.

  The final truck behind us roared around the destroyed one, running over people as it made its break for freedom.

  Zebulon cast another spell, as I pulled Faith closer to me.

  Her shocked eyes stared at me, not really comprehending what was going on… anymore. Blood was pouring down her front, coating the truck bed with her lifeblood.

  Her fingers automatically grabbed my arm, holding on as she fought to breathe.

  I could feel the bolt sticking out of her back. It had a wicked curvy tip on the end of it. Blood pouring out of her back also, as gunfire roared around us.

  The third truck exploded, covering the road behind us in a flaming mess.

  “Don’t let me die,” Faith whimpered in my arms.

  Not knowing what else to do, I slammed my palm down hard on the butt of the arrow, forcing it deeper into her.

  Faith screamed.

  Ignoring her pain, I grasped the shaft below the arrowhead and yanked the whole thing through her.

  She convulsed and then stopped moving. Blood poured unimpeded out of her cooling flesh.

  Praying that I hadn't just killed her, I slapped my palms on either side of the wound and drew on Prudence’s healing magic.

  It filled my fingers with an orange-red glow that reminded me of Halloween.

  Faith wasn’t breathing, so I used Prudence’s magic to shock her… hard.

  She screamed and arched her back, as she fought to live.

  I had to lay on her, to hold her still, as I poured more healing into her body.

  Muscles, blood vessels, and even her heart began to heal.

  Skin sealed over the wound, but the damage was dire. The bolt had been poisoned.

  I kissed her, using my magic to pull the poison out of her body through her mouth.

  I spat it out and did it again, and again, as the truck tilted this way and that. It took all that I could do to hold her down and suck the death from her lips.

  The magic flowed into Faith’s body, awakening her nerves, stimulating her lust. Prudence’s magic worked on desire. I could heal, but my healing would turn into sex.

  I didn’t let go of her wound sites, as I poured everything that my companion could give me into Faith’s body.

  My new companion, the friend that lived between my legs quivered.

  Then, she fed me power as well.

  My body lit up with the orangish red glow, as I buried my tongue in Faith’s mouth, and fumbled with her pants. When I couldn't unbuckle them, I slipped my hand down and cupped her womanhood with my fingers.

  Faith moaned, as I poured more magic into her.

  She was kissing me deeply, as the battle continued around us.

  I brought her twice with my fingers, as my magic healed her body. I lost track of time, it no longer had any meaning, as I made love to her in the back of the truck.

  Her arms were still wrapped around me… when the truck’s engine exploded, and we tipped over, and rolled end to end .

  -- M --

  I opened my eyes, feeling blood dripping down my forehead. Sitting up, I couldn’t understand where I was. It was still dark, and no one was near me. A dozen yards away, the truck burned with a merry crimson glow.

  “Truth?” Zebulon whispered.

  I could hear him breathing hard.

  Slowly, I moved over to him in the darkness, feeling my way there because I couldn’t see well. Even with the truck burning, it was so dark that I could barely see my own hand in front of my face.

  “What happened?” I asked when I saw his great bulk looming out of the darkness.

  “My enemies used this trip as an opportunity to attack,” he wheezed.

  “Why are we still alive?” I asked.

  He shook his head, unsure.

  Then, I noticed a piece of metal the size of my arm sticking out of his torso. Green blood covered his lower chest and the ground around him .

  “Fuck,” I cursed.

  “Indeed,” he replied.

  “I don’t think that I can heal that,” I said.

  “Not yet,” he agreed. “Healing is too new of a skill for you.”

  “What do we do?” I asked.

  “Truth?” I heard Faith whisper.

  “Over here,” I said.

  Faith crawled over to me, keeping her body low to the ground. “There are monsters everywhere,” she said. “We need to go.”

  “I can’t leave him,” I said, pointing at his wound.

  “Fuck me,” she exclaimed, then she quickly covered her own mouth, embarrassed at her outburst.

  I watched her eyes, as Faith tried to decide if she was going to stay and help, or flee into the night.

  Finally, she shrugged, “I died once already today, why not twice.”

  Looking at me, Faith said, “We need to move him. There is an old subway entrance not too far from us.”

  I looked at Zebulon. “We need to move you.”

  Zebulon paled. Then, he nodded.

  Together, Faith and I helped the Sorceror walk to the subway entrance and down the stairs. I could feel his legs quivering in pain, but we made it.

  The three of us moved deeply into a tunnel. Zebulon became our eyes in the darkness, as we moved further into the dark.

  “We have company,” Zebulon whispered.

  I could hear scurry movements behind us.

  “I think this is the end ,” he said, with a sigh.

  “Hold him,” I instructed, as I called fire to my hand.

  It wasn’t much. The flames rose up off of my fingers about six inches. But, it felt more powerful than ever before. My newest friend who lived between my legs was feeding my spell energy.

  But, I didn’t have time to even think about my new parasite, because, there were giant bugs standing in front of me.

  They were bright green, an aggressive color that screamed predator. The monsters looked like praying mantises that had fused with snakes. Their upper body was mantis, while their lower torso was a snake. Huge coi
ls held their mantis bodies up into the air.

  I could hear more slithering behind me.

  “Oh fuck,” I hissed.

  Waving my flames, I yelled, “Go away!”

  “Little witch,” one of them crooned. “You are newly born and are no threat to us.”

  Not knowing what else to do, I summoned the hound. Black claws that were more like talons slipped out of my fingers, as darkness turned my hands to a black darkness. It flowed down my wrists, covering my tattoos, as I prepared to fight.

  “You wear our scales,” one of them murmured.

  I growled as flames coated my talons on both of my hands.

  They chittered and watched me closely, as my vision changed from color to black and white.

  My face began to change, as I bent over and growled loudly.

  Then, I let out an eerie howl that echoed down the tunnels.

  My mouth filled with blood, as dark black fangs replaced my human teeth.

  “Food,” the Hound whispered, as a long red forked tongue licked my once human lips. I felt my body changing, as I grew and morphed into a monster.

  I wasn’t going to die here, eaten by bugs.

  “Chupacabra,” one of the bugs whispered.

  Then, they all began kneeling before me.

  Good, I thought. It will be easier to eat them.

  “Truth?” Faith whispered, as she snuggled up against me. “Please, come back to me.”

  I felt her warm breasts pushing into my side, while her trembling fingers played with my fur.

  Fur? My mind questioned.

  I looked at the female and wanted to fuck her again.

  “Truth? Please,” she whispered.

  I licked her face, intent on flipping her over and mounting her. Food would have to wait. Sex always came first.

  “Return,” My Master commanded.

  I felt his power ripple through me, as goosebumps ran up and down my spine. Slowly, I let go of the Hound. My fingers and teeth slipped back into their normal configuration, as Zebulon collapsed onto the ground, spent from freeing me from the Hound’s Embrace.

  Faith kissed me, as I shook, shocked by how deeply I had fallen into the curse.

  The bugs were laying on their bellies on the subway floor, shivering with fear.

  “Chupacabra,” they continued to whisper.

  “My Master needs healing,” I told them, ignoring their chant.

  “Of course,” their leader chirped, as he slowly stood up. “Follow us... Mistress of the Dark.”

  - 34 -

  They lowered Zebulon into a deep oval depression filled with golden fluid, just like I had slept into after I was hurt in the gas station fire, so long ago.

  After his face slipped under the surface, Faith said, “Will he drown?”

  “No,” one of the bugs said. “It will heal him.”

  The creatures led Faith and me into a large cavern.

  It was a damaged basketball stadium that had sunk beneath the desert sands. Stadium seats encircled the cavern and basketball hoops accented each end.

  But, my attention was drawn to the mural in the center of the room.

  It was a huge black hound. It had massive black teeth and a body that looked like a cat, a dragon, and a dog had a threesome and gave birth to a monstrosity.

  The San Antonio Devils, a faded sign proclaimed above it.

  Beneath the hound was the words, “Fear the Chupacabra!”

  With a gasp, I realized that the bugs thought that I was their long-lost deity, come to life.

  “Please sit, Mistress,” a bug asked, bowing low.

  I sat down on one of the dilapidated benches. Faith slid up next to me for warmth. Without a top, she was probably cold. I rearranged my cloak, pulling her close to me.

  The creatures brought us a steady stream of food and liquid to eat and drink.

  But, all I could think about... was Faith’s skin up against mine.

  Somehow, I ate my meal without groping her. But, it was close.

  How had I ever gotten this interested in female flesh? My mind wondered.

  Trying to focus, I finished eating.

  Seeing that I was done, a bug covered in bones and feathers bowed before me.

  “When will you bless our tribe, Mistress?” he crooned, lowering himself to the ground.

  Thinking quickly, I said. “I need to consult with my High Priest, who lies in your healing bath first.”

  “Very good,” he moaned. “Do you need anything while we wait?”

  “A safe place to sleep,” Faith answered for me.

  “Of course,” he replied. “We have a room already prepared for you.”

  Then, he led us to a room on the middle level of the stadium. Once it had been a luxury suite for someone with lots of money. It was filled with pillows and blankets. Broken TVs covered the walls, except on the north side. There, glass windows ran the length of the wall, looking down on the stadium floor.

  “My guards will protect you while you sleep,” he said, bowing lower as he closed the door.

  I walked over to the pillows and collapsed.

  I was exhausted.

  Faith lay down next to me. “How are we going to get out of this?” she asked.

  “What are they?” I whispered to her.

  “I don’t know,” she replied. “I have never seen anything like them before.”

  “I need to sleep,” I said, as my eyes grew heavy. My stomach was wonderfully full and my body was exhausted.

  The other girl slid up next to me for warmth, sleepily, I wrapped my cloak around her. Then, I drifted away into my dreams.

  -- M --

  I dreamt of flying through the air with the world below me. Female laughter filled the clouds, as I turned over and moaned happily.

  I woke up with my head on Faith’s chest, as she snored. Drool was slowly leaking out of her mouth and dripping onto the floor.

  Now that the light was better, I could see that she was much older than me. She had dozens of tattoos on her skin. I could see little crows-feet at the edges of her eyes, and she had several strands of gray hair, mixed into her blonde.

  “Mistress?” a voice whispered, drawing my attention away from Faith.

  I sat up, a mantis creature was coiled up in the corner, waiting to speak with me. He had a painted red crescent on his forehead, and when he saw that I was awake, he bowed low.

  “My name is Aarav,” he said.

  Holding his hands tight to his chest, he let out a nervous, shuddering breath.

  “I am sorry to wake you,” he murmured, keeping his voice low. “But, I needed to warn you.”

  “About what?” I asked, as Faith stirred and rubbed her eyes.

  “The Masters are planning on eating you,” he replied. “They are preparing the ritual right now. You have been in a drugged sleep for three days.”

  “What?” I sputtered.

  Faith sighed and swore, “Baise Moi !”

  “I can save you,” he insisted. “If you bless me first.”

  I knew what blessing meant to the Gray Walkers . I was really hoping it didn’t mean the same thing to the mantis-snakes.

  “What is blessing mean to you?” I asked, hoping that I wasn’t going to have sex with him.

  His claws clicked together nervously. Explaining a blessing to a deity must be a stressful event.

  “You just need to cut off a small portion of yourself,” he explained. “Something tiny, like a finger or a toe.”

  He slid forward. “It will make me invincible.”

  Oh fuck.

  He wanted to eat me.

  “Just a little piece, My Lady,” he murmured, licking his lips with his forked tongue.

  Faith shot him.

  His brains exited a hole on the back of his head. Blood and gore splattered the walls behind Aarav. The noise was so loud that I covered my ears and shook, as his body hit the floor.


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