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Indiscreet (The Agency Dark Affairs Duet Book 1)

Page 13

by Amélie S. Duncan

  When he held out the band toward my wrist, I allowed him to lock it in place.

  Dane exhaled deeply. A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips. “Would you forgive me if I told you it arouses me to own you?” He lifted my wrist, and I had no way to steady my pulse as he pressed his lips over the lock. I had no chance to hide from what he did next. His gaze swept over me from head to toe, noting the telltale signs of my body warming, anticipating his touch.

  The shortness of my breath.

  The swollen points of my nipples jutting out through the fabric of my shirt.

  The shift of my legs to cover the inner clench of my sex, which already craved the thrust of his cock. Maybe it was the roller coaster of emotions that had swept through my life since he came into it—that, along with the memory of how good it had felt when we were together that first and only time. I couldn’t let myself get caught up again. Though his plan would make it harder to keep my distance, I had to. From what Dane had said, he’d devoted years to finding his Angel. She was branded on the skin of his back; she was his love. I would pretend so he could keep his search for her on track, and then he would return Perfetto to me. We were each a means to the other’s ends.

  As casually as I could, I eased my hand back and stood up. “What now?”

  He rose from his seat. “It’s late and you should rest. I have to go out for a while. I’ll have room service brought to you.” He was at the door when I called back to him.

  I licked my lips. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to be resting up for.”

  “I need to make sure no one questions you being here,” he answered. “You’ll need to learn how the women invited here operate.”

  “And how do I need to act?” I asked.

  “You’ll just have to do whatever is asked of you,” he said, a small smile on his lips. “Obey me in all things.”

  I rolled my eyes. He thinks it’s that simple.

  His lips twitched. “None of that or I’ll spank you,” he teased.

  I rolled my eyes again and covered my grin with my hand. “Seriously, I’m not used to taking orders.”

  His face softened. “I understand. You’re beautiful when you smile—I’ll have to keep one on your face as much as I can.”

  He closed the door behind him and I sat there for a while, staring after him.


  Neither Elliott nor Dane had come back, but I did find there were three bedrooms in the suite. I paced for a while, and the television had plenty of shows and movies. I tried to watch them, but I couldn’t relax, so I decided to take a shower. When I returned to the bedroom, I found a face mask and a dark silk robe had been left for me to put on. My own clothing was removed, and a note was left that it had gone to housekeeping. My battery had died in my phone, but I wasn’t getting any reception when I turned it on now anyway—more things to discuss with Dane when he returned. There came that flutter in my stomach at just the thought of being with him. I had to stop this insanity, stay focused on the way he’d hidden the fact that he was buying my company. He had chosen to let me think he was innocent so I would be open to his attention. Nevertheless, he promised to make it right. Still, what was going on and what was to come made me wary.

  When I returned to the living room, I was still alone, but there was now an array of foods left in heated trays for me to eat. My stomach grumbled on cue. Though my nerves were still making me feel queasy, I forced myself to have some soup and a salad to keep up my strength. Afterward, I went into the bedroom and lay down. The ship was so large, I didn’t feel anything but calmness on the water, and even with the turmoil going on inside me, I rested.

  I was roused some time later by the bed dipping on the other side. I tried to remain still. Dane. Opening my eyes revealed his carved muscles in the soft recessed lights I hadn’t turned off. He was naked and so close that I could smell the aroma of his body wash. My pulse jumped and pounded so hard I could feel it in my ears. I tried my best to remain calm and still.

  My lips parted. “We’re sleeping together?”

  “Yes, we are,” he replied evenly. “If we are to appear natural, you need to be comfortable with me. When and if we are in public, you need to be convincing to them that you are supposed to be there. You’ll need to behave like you’re not frightened and want my touch.”

  “But we already had sex,” I said, though it felt good to have him next to me. “I even let you tie me up.” The reminder and his closeness sent heat rolling though me. What tarnished the memory was how he’d reacted afterward.

  “I know I upset you,” he said on an exhale. “But for this to work, we need to start over.”

  What he said made sense, but was it all a pretense?

  Dane’s hand brushed down my arm. “I’d like to start over with you.”

  “How?” I whispered.

  “We can begin by you taking off your robe and moving closer to me.”

  I eased my robe off under the covers, which he then drew back as he boldly stretched out on his side. Now that I was absent of covering, his gaze freely roamed over my nakedness, and mine gazed at him. He was glorious nude. My eyes dipped below his waist to his cock, which was semi-erect on his thigh, and I stared—too long. There was no way to hide his effect on me. The tight points of my nipples, the heave of my chest as I struggled to get my breath and pulse back to a normal rhythm. The slickness between my thighs and ache of my clit, which I desperately wanted to soothe. My mind was telling me I should protest, resist, fight, but deep down, that wasn’t what I wanted to do. I wanted him to leave and stay. I wanted him. Damn him.

  I curled on my side and scooted back a little.

  Dane let out a low chuckle and tugged me until I was flush against the hard muscles of his solid frame. His closeness was like a drug, lulling me into euphoria. The brush of his lips on the back of my neck—so alluring. His thick cock pressed against my buttocks—too tempting.

  I hated how easily I gave in to him and how much I enjoyed it, yet I didn’t protest. I closed my eyes and took in a shaky breath.

  “You like this as much as me,” he murmured. “Let me see.” His hand slid over my hip and between my legs, cupping my mound possessively. I shuddered as he stroked the wetness there.

  “Dane, we shouldn’t,” I whispered, cursing myself for the huskiness of my tone.

  “Shouldn’t because you’re upset again?” he said as he nuzzled his nose against my neck. “You’re aroused like I knew you’d be. I understand and will do my best to make it right. I want you to submit, but when we have sex, I want you to come to me freely.”

  He removed his hand but stayed close at my back. An emptiness at the loss of his touch filled me. I groaned in confusion and frustration. What was going on with me? I didn’t understand, but it had me tossing and turning. In the end, I would lose.

  Dane would have me again.


  * * *

  “Do you realize it’s noon?” Elliott said after shaking me awake the next day.

  I tutted and pulled the covers up over my head. “Am I getting off the ship? If not, go away.”

  Elliott chuckled. “Ha. I pegged you for a morning person, but you’re grumpy. Get up. I need to give you a quick lesson.”

  “What kind of lesson?” I grumbled.

  I sat up and pulled the duvet under my arms to cover myself. His shirt was tight, showing every ripple of muscle in his broad chest and abs. His jeans fit just right—he was crazy hot.

  He cleared his throat and my eyes shifted up to his handsome face, which was now sporting a smug grin. “You can stop undressing me with your eyes. If you want me naked, just beg.”

  I guffawed, but ended up laughing too.

  “Good, you’re getting past the hate,” he said with a wink. “Seriously, Dane asked me to go over protocol for this type of party, but what I think you need first is self-defense training.”

  That woke me up. I was surprised by his offer, though the biggest obstacle could render m
y defense useless, which I was quick to point out. “I can’t fight a gun.”

  “It’s still possible to defend yourself, if you know what to do,” Elliott insisted. “I’ll go over some moves, but you will also have this.” He dug into the pocket of his trousers, brought out a little metal square, and pressed the side, producing a pocketknife. “This weapon will be between you and me. Dane didn’t want you to have it because he feared you’d end up hurt, but I think you’d rather fight than give up.”

  I dipped my head and smiled at the compliment, though I didn’t feel strong at the moment. “Thank you, but do you think it will come to a fight?” My voice cracked.

  He placed his arm loosely around my shoulder. “I don’t think so. Neither one of us plan to let you out of our sight. We will hurt anyone who touches you. This defense stuff is me being overly cautious.”

  My chest warmed at his concern and when he leaned in to peck my lips, I didn’t stop him. “I shouldn’t let you kiss me,” I said.

  He cocked his head. “But you did anyway,” he replied. “Don’t beat yourself up about it. You want to kiss me, and I want to fuck you. There is nothing wrong with it.”

  I pushed back my hair. I didn’t bother denying it, and his humor put me at ease, but I moved on. Slipping my hand out of the sheets, I grabbed my robe and put it on underneath the covers. Thankfully, Dane hadn’t put it out of reach.

  He handed me a tank and shorts to put on. “Such a shame to cover your sexy body.”

  My mouth dropped open. “I thought there was only a robe.”

  He laughed. “Good on Dane. There are a lot of things on this ship, including clothing stores.”

  “Then why don’t I have clothes?” I asked.

  He grinned. “Because we like you naked.”

  I tried to scowl, but ended up smiling. I quickly left for the bathroom to change. Both men were on my mind as I dressed and pulled my hair into a bun. They contrasted each other, but I found them both fascinating in their own way.

  When I returned to the room, Elliott waved me over to a spot near the enclosed patio area that had an obstructed view out to the deck.

  “This is how you hold the knife.” He took my hand and showed me the way to grip the handle. “Quick bend to the knee to go lower. Jab. If you’re close to his eyes or balls, go for it. You don’t fight fair.” He twisted his body and lunged out with the small knife. “Now you.”

  Elliott was a good and patient teacher. He spent a good part of the day practicing defensive moves with me, both with and without the knife, until I was less shaky and more confident. It also made me more relaxed with him, so much so that it didn’t bother me to return to the room in a robe when we separated to bathe and for Elliott to order brunch for us. I appreciated that it was one of those soft terrycloth robes even though its sleeves were a bit long and it hung just below my knees.

  Placing my hair in a loose braid, I padded back into the main room to find Elliott standing by one of the windows, looking out at the ocean. The denim of his jeans was darker than the ones he’d had on earlier, and they looked even better. He turned his head my way, and I didn’t look away fast enough. It was virtually impossible when he was in the room; he was just that appealing. “Nothing wrong with looking,” he teased.

  He would know—his gaze hadn’t moved from me.

  A bell chimed, giving me a needed break, though it didn’t put me completely at ease. Someone was at the door. He gestured toward the bedroom. “Go put on your mask then come out and kneel with your head down and your palms on your knees.” I quickly did as I was told. The only reference I had for the position was what I had seen in a movie, and I hoped it was good enough.

  “That’s sloppy,” he teased, letting out a low chuckle in response to the curse I said back before opening the door.

  “Elliott. This is the brunch you ordered,” said a female voice in a tone that seemed a bit too familiar.

  “Thanks. Set it up over there,” he replied, his voice just as friendly. He was charming, but then again, I had met him at an orgy.

  I waited until I heard the sound of the door closing before rising again.

  The brunch was a spread of bagels, scones, eggs, steak, fruit, and yogurt.

  I took the yogurt and bagel and was about to take off the mask, but Elliott shook his head when he sat down across from me.

  “No, leave it on to get used to it,” he said. “Outside this room you need to wear it and act as if it’s natural. Dane and I have been trying to do the social stuff and leave you in here, but I doubt that will work for the whole week.” I decided not to dwell on what was going on at the moment and instead changed the subject.

  “Where did you learn those moves? Hardly something an interior designer would use,” I said with sarcasm.

  “Let’s just say I didn’t start out as gorgeous as I am now,” he responded, buttering his toast. “I was a little guy in school. My parents got tired of me getting beat up, so they sent me to the gym to bulk up and hired a friend of theirs to teach me to kick ass.”

  I tried to hide a smile, imagining Elliott as a child. “Did you get your revenge?”

  “Damn right I did,” he said, and we laughed easily. “I kicked all their asses. I know that’s not the right thing to do and people should do good, but fuck them. Once I fought back, they left me alone. So, you find yourself scared or backed into a corner, you survive. That’s what I see in you, Gia. You came to Dane’s with brass balls and didn’t crumble to the ground when you had to come along. That’s nerves of fucking steel. That’s fucking hot.”

  My insides warmed at his praise. “You know, Elliott, if it wasn’t for this situation, I might like you and Dane.”

  His smile wilted at the edges. “I hate that you’re here. I had hoped the three of us would end up all having fun together.”

  I sighed. I had wanted that too. “Why do you even want to share me with Dane?”

  “Less expectations that I’d be in an exclusive relationship,” he replied simply. “I’m not the settling down type. Work keeps me busy and away from home. Most women want something steady. I also like variety in bed and want the same for whoever I’m with. Not many women can handle a man who likes to fuck other women, even if they get to fuck other men.”

  “Have you ever had a girlfriend or were you both sharing…Angel.” I said her name in a hushed tone.

  He hesitated before answering. “No. Angel wasn’t my type, but Dane did share her with me a few times. I shared the woman I was dating at that time with him, too. What I mean by share is sex. We both enjoy watching sex and fucking. That’s why going to something like an exclusive club was ideal. I can understand why Angel would try it. It seemed safer with all the privacy and medical tests.”

  “Do you think The Agency has Angel?” I asked in a hushed tone.

  “I don’t know.” He furrowed his brows. “But Dane deserves to know. It’s ruined him not knowing.”

  I agreed. Dane wasn’t all bad, and neither was Elliott. “You’re good friends?”

  “Yeah,” he said. “He’s the best man I know. When I had an accident that ended my first career, he didn’t think twice about helping me—he just did it. I’d do the same for him.” He took my hand. “I know you’re scared about everything that’s going on around you, and I think you should take it seriously and keep that guard up, but Dane and I are not out to get you. We want to help you.”

  I bit my lip. I liked them both and wanted to believe them. I just was still unsure, but the defense lessons did make me feel a bit safer. “I’ll think about it. Thank you for the lesson.”

  I stood up and was about to leave the table when Elliott pulled me onto his lap and captured my lips. His tongue slipped into my mouth, tasting mine. His kiss was sudden, and I was instantly swept in, kissing him back with my own eagerness and need.

  He undid the sash of my robe then his hands grasped the back of my neck and waist as he pushed his muscular thigh between my legs.

  I was caught u
p in the wildness of his dominant advance, and when he began moving, I was gone. He ground his thigh insistently into my crotch. The coarse material of his jeans against my skin worked as hot friction, setting off jolts of pleasure in my clit. I let out a moan and arched. My arms tightened around his neck, my hips grinding lustfully into his thigh, his mouth moving over my chest and breasts. Yes.

  “Fuck, Gia,” Elliott groaned as he pulled back, his chest heaving while he caught his breath. “We need to stop.”

  I climbed off his lap and cinched my robe back in place. My mind raced as I struggled to understand him, as well as myself. I was getting caught up again. This wasn’t a game to me.

  “Gia, don’t be upset. I want you bad.” He rubbed his jaw. “Dane and I are good with sharing you, and I’d rather we did it together. I don’t want—”

  “Me to have any expectations of more by being with you alone,” I interjected hoarsely. “I get it. I shouldn’t be doing anything anyway. This is an arrangement until we leave, that’s all.” I walked over to the couch and sat down, facing away from him.

  “You don’t believe that,” he replied.

  He was right; I didn’t. There was a part of me that wanted to see them again.

  The door opened and my pulse sped up. It was Dane looking impeccable in a dark pressed suit and gray shirt. His eyes shifted between us. “What’s going on?”

  “I wanted to wait for you before we fucked,” Elliott answered. “Gia’s upset about it.”

  My face burned. “I’m not upset,” I said with annoyance. “It was a temporary lapse in judgment. I’ve come to my senses.”


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