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Brick: Blacktop Renegades (BRMC Book 2)

Page 6

by Chelsea Handcock

  “We need to talk.”

  Ryan was already shaking her head. “Nope, no need. It’s all good. I had my freak out, you saved me, and brought me back from the brink. Nothing else needs to be said.”

  “Yeah, not what I’m talking about, but we’ll get to that in a bit. What I want to talk about is how we keep dancing around each other.”

  Ryan bit her lip, inching back as far as his grip on her arm would allow.

  “How about we just say that we did and leave it at that?”

  Brick took her mouth quickly before she had a chance to say another word. Hell, the man kissed her so well, the action was like a conversation of its own, and Ryan was losing this debate hands down. She might be smart, but she was putty in Brick’s hands.

  Where she found the resolve or the willpower, Ryan would never know, but she pushed Brick back and said, “No.”

  Brick glared at her but stepped back out of the way.

  “Listen, I’m not going to deny the crazy-ass chemistry that’s going on between us, but we both know this is a bad fucking idea. Hell, you don’t even like me.”


  “Don’t even say it.” Ryan held up her hand. “I can already see it tumbling around in that head of yours. I know you don’t have to like someone to fuck them, but I’m not that girl, Brick. I can’t be with a man, fuck him, allow him into my body when I know he doesn’t trust me, doesn’t even like me, or that I’m just another notch on his bedpost. I won’t be that woman. No matter how hard you push or,”—Ryan waved her hand down his body—“display the goods, I won’t be taking the bait. Let’s consider last week our one-off and just ignore the rest.”

  Brick smirked in that sexy way as if he knew the words coming out of her mouth were complete and utter bullshit.

  He came closer, caging her with his body and her back up against the wall. Her nipples hardened like homing beacons as they rubbed against his chest, and as soon as those lips touched hers again, she knew Brick was going to be the biggest mistake of her life. His kiss was every fantasy, dream, and erotic vision she’d ever had, rolled into one flame-inducing conclusion. His lips molded to hers perfectly, his tongue tangling with hers in a duel she had no intention of winning.

  When his fingers skimmed down her sides, circling back to her ass, squeezing it, then pulling her up and forward, she was helpless and lost. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his hips as his hands guided her ass, so his dick hit her in just the right spot, and Ryan was lost again. She had a fleeting thought—how had this man gotten under her skin so fast and completely, making her forget everything else but him?

  Brick pulled back just enough to look her straight in the eyes. If his kiss was devastating, having his complete focus on her was fatal. Her heart actually fluttered. When he brushed his finger over her swollen lips and smiled in triumph, her breath hitched. He knew he had her exactly where he wanted her, willing to agree to just about anything. Ryan had no willpower against this man, even though she knew he was going to hurt her. The only question remaining was, would the heartache be worth it?

  His fingers touched her hair lightly, pushing it back behind her ear in a sweet move, his eyes boring into hers as though he was reading her mind. Pulling back, he kept her wrapped loosely in his arms.

  “Yeah, I don’t think we’re going to play this your way, Ryan. I want you in my bed, and I always get what I want.” He leaned forward to kiss her again, and all her resistance was gone. The only thing that saved her was the banging on the door and Roo’s loud voice echoing into the room.

  “Church in five, asshole. Bring Ryan.”

  Brick’s forehead met hers as they both moaned.

  “Shit! This isn’t over. Ryan, don’t think just because we leave my room, this is over. We are just getting started.”

  Brick took her mouth fast and hard, his tongue sliding along hers, and she met him with equal vigor, but this time, she was able to think. Roo’s interruption, just in time, gave her some clarity. She was the first to pull back from the kiss, struggling just enough to let him know that she wanted down. He resisted for only a second but allowed it.

  “I don’t think so. This is a mistake, and I don’t think I’m willing to take the risk.” The look of retribution he gave her sent chills up her spine and zinged across every erogenous zone in her body. His eyes tracked down her body, then he moved before she even anticipated it, his hand cupping her soaking wet pussy.

  “You want this just as bad as I do. It’s going to happen, babe. The only question is how soon.”

  Brick reached behind her, opened the door, and walked out, with her standing there, completely stunned.

  Chapter Nine

  Ryan was sitting out in the bar area, getting more and more pissed off. It had been two days since their confrontation in his room when he made his declaration. She had to give it to him. Brick was persistent, but she was just as stubborn. The man left her nothing but confused and frustrated. Her body was thrumming with unsated lust, and her vibrator had stopped taking the edge off days ago, leaving her wanting the real thing, specifically Brick’s thing. Damn, she was going nuts. It had been the best damned foreplay she’d ever had, but watching him now wasn’t helping his case. Brick was a player. Every woman in the place either had to touch him, talk to him, or engage him in some damn way, and he welcomed all of it.

  She hated every second but couldn’t just get up and walk away. It was almost as if he was taunting her, pushing her to do something or agree to his terms. The past few days had been tough. She’d sequestered herself in the office the guys had set up for her. Perez still hadn’t opened her link. He just needed to do it once for her to start what she needed to do.

  “Hey, girl, what are we watching?” Ryan smiled at London as she slid onto the chair next to her, sliding it closer. They’d met shortly after Ryan took up residence at the BRMC and instantly formed a friendship. London was good people, funny, smart, and sassy enough to handle anything that came her way. And strong—the woman had been through things at Perez’s hands, no person should go through.

  “Ah, I see. So, Brick is being a douche, or should I just say his normal self?”

  Ryan laughed. “We both know he isn’t a douche. It would almost make it easier if he was.” Ryan groaned and put her head down on the table. London rubbed her back in support.

  “You know, I’m a firm believer in that turnabout is fair play.”

  Ryan picked up her head enough to turn it on the table and look at London.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I’m just wondering how good ol’ Bricky would feel if you say, danced with one of the other guys or showed them a little attention? Right now, he’s getting exactly what he wants—you, sitting here, watching him do his thing, getting under your skin, and all that jazz. What if the tables turned a little? Do you think he would appreciate it if…” London looked around the room and zoned in on someone. “What about Junior?”

  This time, Ryan sat up.

  “What about Junior?”

  “Well, come on, girl, the guy is sex on a stick. He’s gorgeous—”

  “London,” Ryan stopped her. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there isn’t a guy in this damn club who doesn’t deserve to have his own billboard. They’re all gorgeous, and except for Brick, I have been completely friend-zoned or more specifically, little sister zoned, which is probably worse. Besides, don’t you think me putting on a show is kind of like high school?”

  “Oh, it’s high school, alright, but we’re dealing with men here. They’re basic creatures.”

  “Oh, do tell, oh wise one.” Ryan laughed, picking up her beer and taking a drink.

  “Well, it’s simple. You want him, and he wants you, but you don’t want to play by his rules. So, you need to push him to give you what you want without bowing down.”

  Ryan sobered a little. It was true, she did want him, but there was a bigger issue at play, and all the humor from before wiped it away.
r />   “Yeah, but what if what I want gets me hurt?”

  London leaned up against her.

  “There are no guarantees in life, Ryan. Hell, we don’t even know if you have tomorrow. What I can tell you is, living with regrets sucks. Unfinished business is even worse.”

  Ryan saw Axel making his way toward the two of them. London’s face literally lit up, and Axel gifted her with a rare smile. Looking at the way the two of them were looking at each other with such love and longing almost made her turn away.

  London got up but bent down and whispered in her ear, “I fought it too, but sometimes, the risk is worth the possible pain. You are the only one that can decide if you want to take that chance.”

  That was the question—did she want to take the chance? She looked around at Brick again. A blonde was rubbing his arm and doing that girl giggle thing, leaning forward to rub her perfectly fake, humongous tits on his arm, moving in a little closer when he laughed at whatever she was saying. As he leaned close to the woman, his eyes were on Ryan. Yeah, it might be petty, but game on. Ryan looked around the room. Axel and London had already left, but that didn’t matter because Axel would have been a no-go, anyway. Caine was sitting at the end of the bar. She briefly looked his way and considered him, but the truth was, Caine kind of scared her, not in a bad way, but in a ‘you just didn’t mess with that man’ kind of way, so she instantly put him out of the running. Roo was a definite no-go because the man was like her brother, and that would just be gross. So, that left Junior.

  Getting up, Ryan adjusted her shirt and plumped up the girls, smiling back at Brick before making a beeline to Junior and running her hand down his chest. Junior just raised an eyebrow. She got on her tiptoes—the dude was seriously tall—and tried to whisper what she wanted, but the music in the place was just too damn loud. Junior leaned back, but she gave him those pouty puppy dog eyes that always worked on her brother, and with an exaggerated sigh, he leaned down, so he could hear her.

  “I will cook you anything you want, will even clean your room and do your laundry if you dance with me for two songs and make it look like you’re into me before taking me back to my office.”

  If Junior was shocked, he didn’t show it, but he did look at her with an intensity that felt completely uncomfortable before looking over her shoulder and smiling.

  “Make it a week and one favor to be called in later, and you have a deal.” Ryan nodded, and Junior said, “Damn, girl, I would have done it for three days. You need to work on your negotiation skills.” He laughed as he twirled her out, then brought her back to his front and started to sway in a very seductive dance. Ryan was a little uncomfortable until he leaned down and whispered in her ear, “I want chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, and pepper gravy.”

  Ryan leaned her head back and chuckled, putting her hand over his, just under her breast. For anyone looking at them, it would look like they were doing a sexy dance, not talking about food. It made her smile even wider and laugh as Junior went on and on about what foods he wanted her to cook. When the second song started, he detailed how he liked his laundry done, from the type of detergent to the fabric softener and how he expected his clothes to be folded. Ryan had forgotten about her plan and was just having a good time.

  When he twirled her out again and said ‘showtime,’ she was almost confused about what he was talking about until she was face to face with a very pissed-off Brick. She hadn’t moved an inch before he tossed her over his shoulder and stalked down the hall.

  “Not a fucking sound, Ryan, or I’m going to spank your ass. Got me?”

  For a second, Ryan froze against him, the prospect of a spanking making her speechless. When he rubbed his hand against her ass and did the deed, her pussy actually clenched. Jesus, this man was dangerous to her sanity. The thought of being spanked had never got her going before, but now, with Brick rubbing his large hand over her ass where a little sting was left behind, Ryan was gushing like a waterfall in anticipation of whatever he planned next. Brick was walking at a fast clip.

  “What the fuck, Ryan? I told you that you were going to be mine,” he demanded, and all the spanky afterglow left her in an instant. Struggling, she lifted up, but the man had a good hold on her, so she returned the favor and slapped his ass.

  “Are you kidding me right now?” Ryan screeched. His hand tightened on her ass, but Ryan sure as hell wasn’t going to take the caveman bullshit after what he just pulled. “You’ve been flirting with every single woman in this building for over an hour, and you go all neanderthal because I was dancing with Junior?”

  Brick stopped in his tracks and lamely said, “I was not.”

  “Bullshit!” Ryan struggled some more. “Barbie McBikerson was all over you, rubbing her tits on your arm, and you were laughing, looking right at me! Excuse the fuck out of me if I decided to hedge my bets and hit up another biker!” Brick’s hand smacked her ass hard. “Ouch, that one fucking hurt! Asshole!”

  Brick started moving again, her stomach bouncing against his shoulder as he walked down the stairs. Her head was getting fuzzy because of all the blood running to it. Her pussy, though, that bitch was a traitor—she was spouting off like a geyser. She looked up and realized he was taking her to her bedroom. That could not happen. He would have her naked and be inside her in seconds if there was a bed anywhere near them, and like the hussy she apparently was, she would sing hallelujah when he drove that massive cock home.


  She heard the door open and slam shut before Brick put her down on her feet. Light-headed from what he had done or what was about to happen, she stumbled.

  “You’re going to pay for that little show, Ryan. I told you I want you in my bed. That means you’re mine and off-limits, get me?”

  “What about your show, Brick?” Ryan mocked. “Who’s going to make you pay?”

  “Oh, sweetheart, you have been making me pay since the moment you stepped into this place.”

  Her mouth went dry as he stripped his t-shirt over his head and tossed it onto the floor. She watched with rampant attention as he popped the button on his jeans, then stalked toward her like a predator, his eyes promising payback for her little stunt.

  “We are going to finish what we started. I’m going to sink inside that sweet pussy until I can think again. I swear I haven’t been able to get you out of my head since that first night. Those other women don’t even hold a candle to you. I should have known better, but you pissed me off. For that, I’m sorry.”

  She couldn’t decide if the look in his eyes meant he wanted to kiss her or strangle her. Ryan was breathing heavy, turned on, angry, and apparently stupid because instead of demanding he get the hell out of her office, she challenged him.

  “You should be, but I hate to tell you, I meant what I said.”

  Brick licked his lips, his eyes scanning her body.

  “Bullshit. Your nipples are hard enough to cut glass, and I bet you’re so wet, I could slide right into that tight pussy without any foreplay.” His fingers covered her lips, and his eyes sparkled with laughter. “Don’t say anything you’ll regret.”

  She put her hand up, touching his chest, the hair there adding an extra sensation as she scratched her fingers through it.

  “I don’t know, you didn’t seem so intent on my sweet pussy while you were flirting with every available pussy in the place. Maybe I should explore all my options before I settle on just one dick?”

  Ryan enjoyed the way his temper frayed around the edges and veins in his neck pulsed. He moved closer, pushing her back until she was trapped between his hard body and the wall. His face so close, she could smell the smoky scotch he’d been drinking on his breath.

  “Nah, my dick is the only one you’ll be getting.”

  Ryan’s thoughts scattered. She whimpered as he took her mouth in a hot kiss, his tongue sliding inside and warring with her own. He braced his hands on both sides of her head, trapping her in his embrace.

  “Tell me the
truth, Ryan. Is it my dick you have been dreaming about while using that vibrator you smuggled in here? Every damn night, I stand by your door, listening to the sweet sounds of you getting off. I’m sick of waiting for what is supposed to be mine.” Nuzzling against the sensitive skin on her neck, he nipped his way up to her ear, where his tongue lightly traced the shell. “I’m tired of jerking off when you’re just a few steps away. Tell me what you want. Tell me you want this.”

  Her nipples brushed against his chest, sending tingles straight to her pussy. She wanted nothing more than to press into him, to feel the evidence he was just as hot for her as she was for him. His lips sipped and teased as he moved his hands from the wall, skimming down her body until his fingers bit into the flesh at her hips. Sliding them around until they cupped her ass, he pulled her toward him slowly, torturously.

  This man had control of her body like no one else ever had. When his hips anchored hers to the wall, she wrapped her legs around his waist, the hard length of his erection pressing against her.

  “Yes!” Ryan hissed as his fingers slid beneath her shirt, pulling the cup of her bra down and pinching her nipple. The hand at her ass flexed, and she felt his strength in the way his muscles bunched and rippled even as he held her. His breath feathered against her lips, and she could feel the orgasm building inside of her. She shook her head in denial of what was happening to her body. No man had ever brought her so close so quickly. His fingers pinched her nipple harder, and her body trembled as her breath heaved in and out of her lungs. She opened her eyes and stared into the blue depths of his own, her body and soul overwhelmed by the sheer force of him.


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