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Brick: Blacktop Renegades (BRMC Book 2)

Page 17

by Chelsea Handcock

  Maria Perez, Cin, was leaning against the hood of a car. He sat there for a few minutes, just looking at her. At one time, he would have done anything for her—hell, he had—but over the years, the delusions of puppy love had faded. He realized no matter what he did, how much he loved her, or how much of himself he gave, she would always want more, and he couldn’t do it anymore. At the age of seventeen, he had sold his life to save hers. At the time, he didn’t regret it, but now, he wished he had never met her.

  Cin smiled when she noticed him but stayed back. The last several years had caused that distance—he had caused that distance—but he didn’t doubt she would try to reel him into line again. Shutting his bike down, he got off, pulling his sunglasses off and hooking them into the collar of his shirt.

  Summer was quickly changing to fall, and even though it was still as hot as hell in Kentucky, the leaves were starting to change, and the signs of the changing season were everywhere.

  For the next few months, he and the boys would enjoy the cooler weather while they planned. This meeting was the first step. He felt obligated to Cin, so he was going to fulfill that obligation and move the fuck on, once and for all.

  Caine walked a couple of steps before Mickey Perez got out of the car, shutting the door.

  “What the fuck, Caine? We are not at your beck and call.”

  Caine walked right up to Mickey, getting in his face. Cin grabbed for his arm, but Caine yanked it out of her grip.

  “Bullshit, asshole. Tell me about Donovan Lowe, and why in the fuck a man I consider a brother and thought was dead is alive and well, apparently working for your father.”

  “Caine,” Cin pleaded, but Caine just shook his head, glaring at her. It was enough to make her take a couple steps back.

  “I’m done playing your game and your father’s. I came here to warn your asses, the Blacktop Renegades are coming right at you. We are going to use everything at our disposal to bring your father down. If you guys get caught in the battle, it’s not my problem anymore. I’ve done enough for both of you.” Caine looked directly at Cin and added, “I will not lose another person because of some long-faded loyalty.” Turning around, he walked back to his bike.

  “This is a mistake, Caine. Even without my father, I’m an enemy you don’t want to make.”

  Caine turned and walked backward for the first time in his life. He felt like a weight had been lifted off his back.

  “Fuck off, Mickey. Come after me, and I’ll come after you. Remember, I know enough about you and your family to make it hurt.” Turning back, he walked the last few steps, then threw his leg over his bike, starting it up and getting the hell out of there. He’d said what he had come to say. He was done.

  He had just made it back to the blacktop when Axel pulled up next to him. A mile down the road, Junior and Brick pulled in behind them, and a little further down, Roo took up the position at their back. Caine smiled. Damn, he should have known his brothers, his club, would never let him go off by himself, putting himself at risk without having his back. They drove for miles. Now, this was the life he always wanted, the freedom he needed, and the family he chose. The only thing missing was Tiny, but now that they knew he was alive, the BRMC would do whatever it took to bring him back into the fold. If he only had a marked number of days left in his life, he could die a content man.


  Ryan had woken up early. For days now, she had a feeling she just couldn’t shake. Walking up the stairs, she went onto the clubhouse roof and looked around. The sun was just coming up in the distance, the sky sparking with golds, pinks, and orange, and the birds had just started their morning songs. It was all beautiful, but none of it could assuage the trepidation she felt in her gut. When she felt Brick’s warm body press against her back, she smiled as he kissed her neck, leaning it over more to give him more access.

  “Whatcha doing up so early? I wasn’t nearly done with you yet.”

  Turning in the cage of his arms, Ryan kissed him softly before laying her head on his chest and taking in how safe she felt in his arms. Brick allowed it for a few seconds before kissing her forehead.

  “What’s going on, Ryan?”

  Letting out a breath, she said, “Do you ever stop and think about all of this, what we’re doing, and how quickly things can change or crumble at our feet.”

  “That question is pretty deep for this early in the morning. Are you having second thoughts?”

  “Hell, no! Being with you is everything to me, and I wouldn’t change it for the world, but something has been bothering me. I just can’t put my finger on exactly what. Maybe, Caine pulling away from everyone or the data I’m just going through now, but I feel like it’s all going to crumble at our feet.

  “Caine is just being Caine, don’t put too much thought into it. You’ll never figure the man out.”

  Ryan didn’t doubt it. She had been working directly with Caine for weeks, gathering and sorting information, making sure it made its way to the appropriate people. Perez was rumored to have gone underground, and Ryan had already been trying to figure out where his hidey-hole was, but she knew she was missing critical pieces of information.

  “I think I met Cin once when you guys were on leave and came home with Roo, but it was brief. I was still a kid, more focused on other people who showed up at my house than a random woman.”

  “Really?” Brick tickled her sides. “I wonder who that was? Junior, maybe?”

  “Jerk,” Ryan laughed. “You know exactly who I was fixed on.”

  Brick took her hand, leading her over to the chaise lounges they had placed up there, sitting down and pulling her down until she was situated between his legs. Pulling her back into his chest, he leaned back.

  “That’s better. Okay, my genius, now you can ask me all the questions that brilliant mind has been conjuring.”

  God, she loved this man. He had come to know her so well. When she became fixed on something, her mind wouldn’t let it go until she figured it out or at least came to a conclusion. Data was easy, computers more so, finite and straightforward to her, but club dynamics or, more specifically, human dynamics were not her thing. She was a watcher by nature, more comfortable with her small group of people and her computers. It was probably why she and Brick had been such a train wreck, to begin with, and why he knew her so well now. They had been through a ton of trials and tribulations, coming out of them stronger each and every time. His patient, outgoing nature counteracted her stubborn, bullheaded reclusiveness. Ryan still couldn’t believe they worked, but damn, they did, and she couldn’t be happier about it.

  “Do you know anything about Caine and Cin’s history? Why this whole thing started in the first place?”

  “Not really. I never really understood their relationship. I know they’ve known each other since they were kids, and at one time, I think they were more. By the time I came into the picture, they basically hooked up when we were home on leave, sometimes not even dating. I know Caine didn’t get any love letters while we were overseas and that something changed between them big time when we got out of the service.”

  “I would have totally sent you all kinds of love letters. I may have even written a couple you’ll never see.”

  Brick laughed. “Oh, I think I can persuade you to give up the goods.” His hand skimmed up her side, his fingers dancing lightly at the side of her breast before pinching her nipple between his fingers.

  “Oh,” Ryan moaned. “I know you can persuade me to do just about anything, Mr. Wahl, but we’re getting off track. What changed between Caine and Cin?”

  Brick dropped his hand and groaned.

  “Fine. Cin went to Tuck’s club and became one of the RBMC puppets.”


  “We call them sweetbutts, chicks who are there to service the members... sexually, and in return, the club protects them.”

  “First off… eww! But I can’t see that going over well with Caine. He doesn’t seem like the kind of gu
y who likes to share.”

  “That’s just it. He couldn’t have cared less. I think a part of him was even relieved when Cin became Tuck’s problem instead of his.”

  “Hmm, interesting. And Perez? I know he’s been gunning for Caine, did a bunch of fucked-up shit to the Ruthless Bastards, but what about you guys before London? I mean, Caine had to have told you something.”

  “Babe, you don’t get it. Caine has earned our loyalty through blood, sweat, and even tears. I would follow him anywhere and face any threat. The details never mattered. I trust him with my life and yours. That should tell you something right there.”

  Ryan got what Brick was saying and understood that kind of blind loyalty. She had that for her family and Brick. She was even starting to feel that way toward the men and women of the BRMC.

  “But really, babe, does knowing any of this help? We already know what’s coming. I would much rather enjoy each and every day I have with you than try to figure out Caine and Cin’s past. We can prepare, train, and fight, but all we can ever hope for in life is one more breath, one more moment, or one more day. I’d rather spend mine with my dick shoved inside you while you scream my name.”

  He was right. It was a new day. For now, all those questions could wait. She still felt like something terrible was looming over all their heads, and it wasn’t just Perez, but that also made her realize something else. She needed to take advantage of every moment of peace she had left. She would figure out the answers to her questions later.

  All that mattered right now was the man holding her, making promises she would make him keep. Turning, she straddled his lap.

  “Or maybe I’ll make you scream out my name.”

  Brick put his hands on her hips, grinding her body down on his hard cock.

  “Challenge accepted, baby. Bring it on.”

  Coming Soon!!

  Cinnamon Spice and Nothing Nice

  Six months earlier

  “Come on, Maria, we’ve been here long enough,” Mickey chided.

  Cinny cringed at the mention of her given name. She much preferred one of her many nicknames, but Cinny was her favorite because it had been given with love. Her brother would never call her that, considered the name demeaning. Cin knew the truth, and that was all that mattered. Her given name was pretty standard, and there wasn’t anything really wrong with it, but she hated it because of the person responsible for naming her. There had been no love in his heart when he was beaming over his little girl, naming her. He was a cruel and sadistic man who felt the only purpose of having children was to use them for his own gain or benefit. Since Cinny was the only girl, her sole and primary contribution to the Perez empire was to marry the man her father deemed fit. The same man who left her aching, bruised, and belittled just hours before. Damian Castronova and her father had a lot in common. She detested both of them, but she was biding her time. None of this would last forever, and she would relish in their demise.

  Turning to her brother, she smiled. Deep down, Mickey was a good man but also a hard man, thanks to their father. His age was starting to show on his face, as well as the worry he consistently carried on his shoulders for her and their six brothers. Mickey had always been their protector, taking punishments, diverting their father’s attention, and hardening himself to the world they lived in, so one day, they could all be free. There was no leaving their legacy, they all knew it and accepted that, but they didn’t have to live the way they had been.

  Cinny had been fortunate. She’d had many years when she wasn’t under her father’s thumb, all thanks to the man she was watching, Caine Masters. She wondered if he saw her right now, would he charge in to save the day, putting himself and everyone else they cared about in danger? She wasn’t so sure, but that was why she was staying in the shadows. From the moment she met Caine, he had tried to save her from the inevitable. He would never accept it was a losing battle as she had.

  Smiling, she thought about the first time they met. She was a gawky fourteen-year-old, shy book worm, as he used to say, and he was everything a young girl could ever want or imagine—drop-dead gorgeous, football star, with that bad boy edge that got him more girls than she could ever count. He was also kind and a little sweet, at least where she was concerned.

  She put her hand on her brother’s forearm. “Just a few more minutes, please.”

  Mickey’s harsh features softened a little at her request.

  “Ria, he isn’t doing anything, and you know we need to get to the hospital.”

  Cinny knew he wasn’t doing anything, but he was there, and she had needed to see him, even if it was only for a few minutes. Caine had been her lifeline for so long, she didn’t know how to live without it. Just seeing him gave her the courage to do what needed to be done. Mickey didn’t understand their relationship—hell, she doubted anyone really understood—but Caine was her person. They had fought, made up, and moved on so many times, it was hard to keep up, but she would always seek him out. Cinny had many, many friendships, family, and people she cherished, but Caine was more. Until this point in her life, Caine knew all her deepest and darkest secrets.

  Closing her eyes, she could still see him walking up to her, in all his seventeen-year-old cocky handsomeness, one day outside of school. She had been crying over something stupid one of the mean girls had done. She couldn’t even remember what it was. All she could remember was Caine. They had been so young, and it seemed like a lifetime ago and only just yesterday. How weird was that? Having Caine pay attention to her was like a dream come true.

  That was where their friendship started. Years later, it turned into something more, or so she thought, but Caine wasn’t, and she worried he would never be the type of man to settle down. She had always wanted that for him—a love that couldn’t be denied, one that would make him grow roots and stick, even if it wasn’t with her. It would hurt like hell, but she knew she would be happy for him.

  Caine had always been her knight in tarnished armor. She loved him with her whole heart, but she also knew it would never be. They’d tried it and failed miserably.

  Opening her eyes, she took one last look, knowing this would be the last time. Things were in play that couldn’t be stopped, and she didn’t want them to be. Unfortunately, to save them all, she needed to do things Caine would not approve of or even want her to consider, but that was her life. Cinny flinched when she felt Mickey’s hand on her shoulder, the pain from Damien’s rough handling still stark.

  “We have to go.”

  This time, Cin didn’t fight it. She gingerly started to walk back to the car with her brother’s help. They made it, albeit slowly, but when he helped to lower her into the seat, tears burned her eyes due to the pain, and it pissed her off. Now was not the time to be weak and helpless. Now was the time to be strong. That was why she had needed to see Caine, even just for a moment. He reminded her of what she was doing all of this for.

  Mickey cursed as he shut her door and went to the driver’s side. Cinny knew she was in for a lecture, and her brother didn’t disappoint. His ass barely touching his own seat before he said, “I don’t know why you come here to see him. He isn’t good enough for you, never has been.”

  “He saved me, and whether you like it or not, I love him. I always have, and I always will. If it weren’t for him, I would have never gotten a chance to experience anything other than the backside of our father’s hand. That is until he pawned me off on one of the many men he deemed worthy. Don’t forget that, Michael.” Cinny hated using her brother’s given name, but she needed to make a point, and he needed to hear it. “You don’t have to understand it,” Cinny said, looking out the window. She couldn’t see Caine anymore but knowing he was close helped somewhat.

  “Understand it? Are you fucking kidding me? That man and his bastard brother turned you into a whore, then threw you away. Pining after the man does you no good,” Mickey barked.

  “Listen to me and listen well, brother dear. Caine Masters and Tucker Masters
on did not make me into a whore. I did that all by myself. Neither of them wanted me in that club, but it was the safest place to be, and you know it.”

  “There were other ways.” Mickey started the car and pulled out. “You just chose not to use them.”

  Cinny laughed at that. “If you say so.” This wasn’t the first time she had heard this argument, and she was pretty sure it wouldn’t be the last.

  “Damn it, Maria.” Mickey slammed his hand down on the steering wheel. “Do you honestly think our father will ever let those men live? They bested him when they were barely out of high school. His ego can’t take that, and you fucking know it. You need to let them go, all of them.”

  “No. They saved me, and I will return the favor, even if they don’t want me to.”

  “They didn’t save you, Maria. It was a fucking illusion. Don’t you get it? They never had the power, only a bit of leverage to keep the wolf at bay. That’s fucking all. Every day, our father sits and thinks about how and what he will do to take them out, and every day he adds to the people he’ll hurt in the process. You need to let them go. This isn’t going to end well. There is no way it will ever end the way you want, even if our plans work out.”

  Cinny didn’t doubt her brothers’ words. As a matter of fact, she knew them to be true, but she was determined to protect them the best way she could.

  “I already let them go, Mickey, the day I made a deal with the devil for Creed and Tessa lives.”

  “You haven’t. Your heart is still involved, and trust me, that doesn’t do anyone any good.”


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