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Mr. July: An MMA Sports Romance (Calendar Boys Book 7)

Page 13

by Nicole S. Goodin

  She couldn’t be more wrong.

  I wasn’t planning on becoming a dad, not yet, and I certainly wasn’t planning on getting her pregnant when we weren’t even officially together, but that’s what’s happened.

  Life might give me hell at times, but I always push back twice as hard, and this will be no exception.

  I’m a fighter, it’s what I do… and I’ll fight for her. I’ll fight harder for her than I’ve fought for anything else.

  Her and my child.

  I release her chin and step closer towards her, my hands that are wrapped tightly, ready to inflict pain, sliding around her middle in the softest of touches.

  I tug her into my chest, and she falls against me, her arms snaking tightly around my neck and clinging on for dear life.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for,” I whisper into her ear as I slowly and gently rub my hand up and down her back. “We didn’t plan this, but there’s always that risk.”

  She nods, snivelling.

  “We’re in this together, pinky.”

  She looks up at me, her lashes holding evidence of her pain. “We’re not together though.”

  “And that’s my fault. I fucked up.”

  “Hudson, you don’t need to say anything,” she says, her voice pleading with me. “I shouldn’t even be here, you have a fight soon and I’m messing with your head… I—”

  I can’t fucking take it anymore.

  She thinks I don’t want her.

  I’ll fucking show her.

  I drop my lips to hers and kiss her into silence.

  She pulls back in surprise, my name falling from her lips before she leans back in and welds our mouths together again.

  This is so reckless, claiming her out here where anyone could see, but I’m past caring.

  She’s mine.

  I’m hers.

  It’s about time the rest of the world caught up.

  I hear the booming voice over the loud speaker in the main arena, announcing that there is forty minutes until the start of the fight.

  “Shit,” I murmur as I pull away from her.

  Her eyes slowly open, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip.

  I grin, my heart swelling. She’s so fucking perfect, and she’s all mine.

  “I’ve gotta go.”

  She nods, but her grip on me tightens. She pushes up to her tip toes and brushes her lips against mine once more before letting go.

  “We’ll talk after?” I question, unwilling to walk away even though I know I’m out of time.

  She nods.

  I still don’t move.

  “Go,” she demands, shoving me in the direction of my changing room.

  I chuckle and head in that direction.

  I get only about four steps away when I stop and turn back to her.

  She’s still standing right where I left her, watching me, one of her hands resting on her still-flat stomach.

  It hits me again then. I’m going to be a dad.

  I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face.

  “You’re going to be late,” she warns me.

  I shrug.

  She rolls her eyes. “We’ll talk after.”

  “I know.” I nod, still unmoving.

  She pops a brow in question.

  There’s something I need to say now, something I need off my chest before I go out there under the spotlight.

  “You asked me a question – I know you were just repeating the horrible shit you heard me say, but I still wanted to give you an answer.”

  “What are you talking about?” She frowns.

  “You asked me what I thought was going to happen with us, if I thought we were going to fall in love and run off into the sunset.”

  Recognition dawns and I swear she looks like she’s going to cry again.

  “I don’t know about the sunset part, Ramsey, but the rest of it – that’s exactly what I thought was going to happen. From the moment I saw you, I wanted forever.”

  “Hudson,” she breathes as I turn away and head back to my team.

  “I love you, Ramsey Ashton,” I call out to her, over my shoulder. “Always have, always will.”

  She doesn’t answer, but when I reach the doorway I can’t help but look back at her.

  “Hey, champ,” she calls after me, “good luck.”

  I smirk. I’ve got all the luck I need right here.

  I’ve got her.



  I float back to my seat in a daze.

  He knows I’m pregnant and he didn’t yell, or get angry, or try to blame me for doing it on purpose or anything crazy like that.

  I’d never do that, but in the world he lives in, one of fame and fortune – it’s not entirely uncommon for women to give it a shot.

  I lower myself to the chair, all too aware of Juliet’s eyes on me and trail my fingers over my swollen lips longingly.

  I can still feel where he kissed me, his mouth hot and firm.

  I’ve never seen a person in the shape he’s in tonight; even his lips were rock hard.

  He’s a wall of pure muscle and strength, and I almost pity the man brave enough to take him on – almost.

  “Oh my god, spill already,” Juliet demands, grabbing my arm and shaking it.

  I snap out of my day dream, look at her with a stupid, sappy grin… and tell her every little detail.

  “Be still my beating heart.” She swoons when I’m done, clutching her chest for dramatic effect. “He really said all that?”

  I nod and nibble on my lip. I honestly can’t believe it either.

  Obviously, there’s still so much we need to talk about and iron out, but as long as he loves me, and I love him, which I really fucking do – then we can make it through the rest. I know we can.

  But first he has to make it out of that cage unscathed.

  “Where do I find myself a sexy fighter boy who’s going to whisper sweet nothings in my ear?” Juliet gushes.

  I pin her with my stare. “I think we both already know the answer to that.”

  She blushes.

  “You should tell him how you feel – as disgusting as it might be.” I mock shudder.

  She rolls her eyes at me. “Check you, miss thang, you finally go get your man and now you think you can just go dishing out advice?”

  I burst into laughter and she joins me.

  I don’t know what I would have done without my best friend these past few weeks, today especially. She’s been my rock.

  I would have been even more of a hot mess than I already am.

  “Are you nervous?” she asks me, her eyes drifting to the cage and the thousands of people in the huge arena surrounding it.

  “Honestly, I’m freaking out,” I admit.

  We’re only a few rows back, and I’m starting to feel sick about it all over again.

  I had good intentions coming tonight, but the reality is, that if I sit here, I’m going to see things I don’t want to see and hear things I don’t want to hear.

  I have faith in Hudson’s ability to win this fight, but I’m not an idiot. There will be blood and there will definitely be pain.

  Nobody steps into that cage and comes out completely unscathed – not even my champ.

  “I’d be freaking out if my baby daddy was about to take on that as well.” She grimaces as she points to the photo of Sonny on the brochure in her hand.

  “Shhhh,” I hiss at her, before glancing around to make sure no one heard.

  The last thing I need is the media getting hold of that little snippet of information.

  Hudson might have a reputation that keeps him from being hounded by his fans in public, but the press won’t afford him the same luxury – not with a story like that.

  “Shit, sorry.” She winces. “I’m not very good with secrets.”

  I roll my eyes at her. “Well, you’ve managed not to let it slip that you’re in love with my brother or that I’m in love with his
best friend, so I think you’re doing better than you give yourself credit for.”

  She opens her mouth to argue, but she’s cut off by the dimming of the lights and the announcer’s voice booming over the sound system.

  I take a deep breath in an attempt to settle my racing heart, but it’s no use, there’s no calming me down now.

  I don’t hear a word the announcer says, but even I can’t miss the thud of the heavy beat and the applause of the crowd as Sonny Perez enters the arena, a black robe covering his body. He steps into the cage and shrugs it off.

  I gasp.

  He’s even bigger than I imagined.

  Hell, he’s bigger than big… the dude is huge and terrifying looking.

  “Oh my god,” Juliet whispers, clutching my arm as we look on in terror.

  It’s lucky she’s holding on to me right now; it’s the only thing stopping me from flying out of my seat and running back to where I left Hudson so I can beg him not to go through with this.

  Sonny punches the air, his huge arms tensing.

  “This is not good,” I whisper.

  “This is a fucking disaster, what the hell was he thinking taking a fight against this ape? Does he want to lose his belt or something?”

  “Who gives a fuck about the belt?” I hiss, “I’m more concerned about his neck getting snapped.”


  I need to calm down.

  I shouldn’t be underestimating Hudson like this, but shit, this guy is massive.

  I try again to steady my breathing, and when I hear the announcer say the words ‘Hudson ‘The Horror’ Scott’, it almost works.

  His walkout song begins to play, and I instantly feel at ease as I recognise the beat of Phil Collins, In The Air Tonight.

  I must have heard this song a dozen times over the time we spent together, either blaring over the sound system or through the earbuds we shared sitting side by side.

  The airy melody floats through the air, turning the head of every person in the place.

  The tunnel he’ll emerge from remains dark, but he’s there – I can feel it.

  He’ll be jogging on the spot, his left hand with a slight nervous twitch.

  The beat drops and red spotlights flash to the man with the black and white shorts.

  His torso is bare and exposed, and it makes my belly flip.

  He jogs forward, and the crowd goes wild.

  I know Justin will be behind him somewhere with Randy and Owen, two of them are bound to be holding Hudson’s belts high above their heads – he’s the champ here after all, but I don’t even see them.

  All I see is Hudson as he struts – there really is no other way to explain that confidence-filled walk – closer and closer to the cage.

  He’s going to walk right by us.

  Juliet’s grip tightens on my arm, and I grip her back just as firmly.

  Hudson approaches us, and I wait for him to pass by and enter the cage.

  I glance back into the cage, looking for his opponent, so when I hear Hudson’s voice, I jump in surprise.

  “Make sure you close your eyes, pinky,” he growls, pausing only briefly as he brushes past.

  My mouth drops open, and he grins wickedly.

  He turns back to the cage and just like that, he’s back in the zone.

  I watch with shaking hands as he strolls in, as though this isn’t one of the biggest fights in his life.

  The two men circle each other like sharks, sizing each other up, and while Sonny still looks just as threatening, I have to admit that I feel better now that Hudson is in front of him.

  My man is strong, there’s not an ounce of fat on his frame – he’s literally built for this.

  If anyone is going to take Sonny down, it’s Hudson.

  He turns to the crowd, and the terrifying glint in his dark eyes gives me goose bumps.

  “I take back my previous statement,” Juliet whispers. “I don’t care how big that other dude is – Hudson is going to kill him.”

  I nod in agreement as the referee drags the two men into the centre of the cage.

  He barks his orders at them and gestures for them to touch gloves.

  Hudson holds out his hand, but Sonny turns his back – refusing to complete the sportsmanly gesture.

  Hudson smirks, and that’s when I know it for certain – he’ll win this fight if it kills him.

  “You ready for this?” Juliet asks me.

  My stomach lurches and I shake my head. “Not even a little bit.”

  The ding sounds, indicating the start of the first round and I know I shouldn’t look, but I can’t seem to pull my eyes away.

  Hudson prowls, like an agile cat towards its prey.

  The two men dance around each other for a few seconds, and when Sonny charges like a raging bull, Hudson is ready, faster, sharper and more accurate.

  He shifts, ever so subtly to the left, and the big man misses.

  Hudson shifts again and swings his leg, fast as lightening. The crack as it hits Sonny’s jaw rings in my ears.

  I squeeze my eyes shut. “I think I’ve seen enough,” I whisper.

  “Shut your eyes,” Juliet instructs, and I feel her pulling forward – she’s literally on the edge of her seat as I hear the two men exchanging blows and the crowd cheering and screaming.

  I shake off her hand and cover my ears.

  I’m starting to feel dizzy.

  I’m considering making a run for it when a firm hand grips my shoulder.

  I risk a glance and see Rusty smiling down at me. “You alright there, babe?” he asks, his tone amused.

  I shake my head. “Nope.”

  He chuckles. “He told me you’d need an out.”

  I frown at him.

  “Well, come on.” He holds out his hand to me. “I’m your out.”

  I take his hand gratefully without so much as a backwards glance at my violence-loving best friend as he leads me away from the cage and out of the main arena, into the back.

  Juliet will have to manage on her own. That girl has turned feral.

  My brother is messing with her head.

  “He told me to get you to wait back here,” Rusty instructs as I fall gratefully onto a couch in the corner. “He said you’d probably want to watch the fight on the TV – on mute?” He frowns at me like he thinks I’m crazy, but I don’t care, I’m too busy swooning over the fact that Hudson knows exactly what I need.

  “Don’t judge me,” I say with a grin. “I can watch with no noise or listen with no pictures – not both.”

  He hits a few buttons on the remote and the TV in front of me flickers to life, the volume muted.

  It’s the end of round one, Justin and Owen are in the cage with Hudson. Justin is talking at him – not to him – at him and Owen is icing his shoulder blades.

  There’s no blood on his face yet and I’m grateful for it.

  Even through a TV screen it still makes me feel woozy.

  “You want me to sit with you?” Rusty asks, as he lingers in the doorway – clearly dying to get back out amongst the action.

  I snort out a laugh. “I could say yes, and you’d have to stay, am I right?”

  I don’t know how much Rusty knows about Hudson and me, but it’s clear he’s been given his orders.

  He shakes his head and smirks. “No comment.”

  “Go.” I wave him away. “I’m fine here. Just keep an eye on Juliet, would you? I think she’s starting to go a bit savage.”

  He laughs loudly, throwing his head back. “You need to join us on the dark side, Ramsey, it’s fun, I promise.”

  I roll my eyes and glance back at the screen to see the referee ushering both men back into the centre.

  Nerves settle in my belly again and I tuck my legs under my body.

  “I’ll see you after,” Rusty calls, “Try not to puke!”

  I flip the middle finger at his retreating frame and then he’s gone.

  “C’mon, champ,” I mutter as the second
round begins. “You can do this.”



  This fight has been brutal.

  I’ve never been hit so hard in my life. I’m more than holding my own, but he just won’t go down, and I need him to go down – preferably two rounds ago.

  “Alright, bro, this is it – last round. If you’re going to win this thing by knockout, now is your time.”

  I nod my head and blink as blood dribbles down my face.

  I’ve split that fucking eye brow again.

  Owen grabs a towel and wipes the blood away before smearing more Vaseline on it to try and control the bleeding.

  It’s not likely to help much.

  I hope Ramsey isn’t watching.

  I know I shouldn’t be thinking about her right now, but that’s not going to stop me.

  She’s here and she’s going to be mine.

  Not only that, but she’s going to make me a dad.

  I feel the corner of my mouth twitch with a grin.

  “Are you listening to me?” Justin demands, snapping me from my fantasy and back to reality.

  “I’m listening.”

  “Get deep into that head, man, and find the thing that means the most to you.”

  He looks at me pointedly and I nod, picturing Ramsey.

  “Now get to your god damn feet and finish this fight – do it for whatever is in your head right now.”

  I nod again, this time really hearing his words.

  I’ll do this. For Ramsey, and my baby.

  For my family.

  The word family circles through my mind and suddenly I feel invincible.

  I don’t feel tired, or sore, or beaten.

  I feel like I’ve been shocked back to life.

  This is mine.

  “He’s tired. He’s hurt.” Justin grips me on the shoulders and looks me dead in the eye. “Finish him.”

  Owen pushes my mouth guard back into my mouth, and I snarl.

  I stalk to the centre of the canvas and stare hard at the man who dared to take me on. The man who stepped into the cage bigger and stronger than me. The man who I’m about to beat.


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