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The Swordsman of Fae

Page 5

by A L Issett

  “Come on in and sit down” Jakob said as I could see Jan was at his side along with Field Marshall Gallant. Also present was Irina, she was still beautiful but looked to had gained a little weight no doubt caused by the blond haired baby that was laughing in her arms. We walked in and I could tell most of the eyes instantly went to Vlora, Irina was beautiful, Vlora had sex appeal. The way she walked, the way her creamy looking green breasts threatened to free themselves from her top to the way her long black hair hung from her head, anyone could tell she was all woman. I sat her and the master down at the table then stood back along with Brix. Around us were guards I had known and some I didn’t know. Also around the great table were various officers in the Faelin forces.

  “I am called Balrog, thank you for this meeting” master said in an even voice. “My companions are Vlora, Brix and Crux. I speak for the Great Chieftain, I come here as a friend to offer help, perhaps we could both benefit”.

  “What type of forces can you give to aid us?” the field marshall said getting right to the point. “The enemy is numerous and we are few because we have troops waiting for you to attack again”.

  “I have a couple thousand in the mountains ready to move on my word” Master explained.

  “Hmm that could help out a lot especially if I can move troops off of our border with you and place them in front of the Rouseians” the Field Marshall replied more to himself than anyone else.

  “Our troops are meant to be complimentary, not frontline fodder” I spoke in my deepest voice possible. “We are willing to help, but we need to be let in on all troop movements as well as what our piece will be. We also need to know the enemy’s strengths and weaknesses you have found”.

  “Crux is my second and his words are as good as mine while we are here” Master hurried up and replied before anyone raised a retort.

  “You want me to give my troop movements away to a bunch of goblins?” The field Marshall said shocked.

  “I am asking you to let an ally know what they are getting in to as well as what help can be received, if not I do not see how we can work together” I said as I stepped forward. “We do not trust you as much as you do not trust us”.

  “What have we ever done to you!” Jan said in a voice I knew meant he was barely holding it together.

  “Your kind has put restrictions on goblins and forced us to live deep in the mountains where we starve while you fatten yourself up down here” I began basically rehashing what I was told. “We come down into the valley to fight because we are starving, it is the only way to get rid of hungry mouths while gaining food and supplies, but that was before we found gold, which we know you need if you are going to win this war”.

  “You certainly have a lot of knowledge about our tactics, who are you?” The field Marshall said as he stared at me a little harder.

  “Are you in a position to meet our demands if we were to send you troops?” master asked the field marshall.

  “We may need to wait for the King” the field marshall said as he relaxed a little.

  “Tell me something goblin” Jakob said as he ate a strawberry. I had avoided looking at my brother, he looked even heavier than he had been when I left. “Enough about all this military talk, let’s talk about the gold you found”.

  “We have plenty of the yellow rock” master said as he pulled a gold nugget out of his pocket and tossed it to Jakob. My eyes widened slightly as I knew that stone could feed a peasant for more than a year easily. “We are prepared to pay for supplies and land with this, just let us know how much”.

  “Well” Jakob said as he eyed the nugget. “Perhaps we can talk later when the King is around. Is your lady your wife or mate as you all say?”

  “She is not” Master replied as Jakob eyed Vlora lustily. I could see Irina’s face fall as her husband was oogling women right in front of her but that is the man she wanted.

  “Well I would love to get to know her and the rest of your people at the ball tonight” Jakob said as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. “I do not know what you like but your man there seems to be a know it all, I will have some food brought up to your room shortly, lets pick this back up later”.

  I pulled out master’s and Vlora’s chair and could see eyes were on me. I walked everyone back to their rooms and walked towards the kitchens. I had not had human food in a while and even the beast was demanding to try it. As I turned the corner I could see two guards standing by with my brother Jakob and Duke Rutland. Rutland must have just gotten here or he would have been in the meeting. Rutland was holding his grandchild, my niece or nephew whom I had never met. I got closer to the kitchen and could see Jakob get a sour face then motion the guards in my direction. I walked around a corner and could hear them running to intercept me.

  “Where do you think you’re going traitor” one of the guards said as I turned around. “You would rather have us die then some fucking goblins, someone needs to teach you to shut your mouth”.

  “Go away while you have the time” I said as the beast threatened to come out.

  “Oh you are a big one, I’ll give you that” the other guard said as he pulled out a truncheon. “We will see how big you are when we get finished with you. The guard on my right advanced on me as I spun to let the hit fall on my shoulder. The pain felt like nothing as I returned the blow with a stinging slap to the face. The other guard missed as I shifted my stance and caught his arm and flung him forward on his face. I walked away as the guards started screaming out they were being attacked. Many guards came piling out around the corner as I laughed at such a happening. I let them take me down to dungeon and throw me inside. I smiled as they locked the door, perhaps they were trying to keep me away from the proceedings. I turned into smoke and easily found my way out side, the dungeon was drafty and I was easily able to pass through the stones and around the estate until I convalesced inside Vlora’s room.

  “Was that her?” Vlora asked me as I could tell she was nervous.

  “That was Irina” I replied.

  “She doesn’t look very happy” Vlora said as she cast her gaze downward.

  “That is her problem; this reunion is not as bad as I thought. I am here with the most beautiful woman in any country”.

  “Your brother, the human shaman looked angry the entire time” Vlora began. “I can guess by the attention human males find me attractive, all except him, he had nothing but hate in his eyes”.

  “Jan will be okay” I sighed thinking about my brother. “They do not recognize me yet, and I want to keep it that way until later”.

  “You seem to have a lot of thoughts going around” Vlora said as got a little closer to me. “Do you need any help getting them to go away?”

  I took Vlora then and there, the fell beast inside of me was worried about spilling his seed and gaining offspring. Vlora looked like she had hunger, perhaps she felt inadequate next to Irina and wanted to give me her body to make up for it. I just wanted to be with her, to be inside of her. It took skill to couple with her without messing up her dress or hair but it was done. As soon as I finished I could hear a knocking at the door followed by someone opening it. I turned to smoke and flitted under the bed. Well most of me did, I left a little of myself floating around the room and could see Jakob was there holding a platter full of meat and cheese.

  “I came to make sure you ate well, Vlora was it?” Jakob said as he came in and sat down. “I hope these are to your liking. I am a very powerful man in the human world and let me be the first among many to say I did not know goblin women were so fetching have you ever lay with a human before?”

  “I have lain with Crux” Vlora replied looking a bit uncomfortable. As Jakob was talking I could see Vlora’s face go blank, I could tell she was using her power to see what the outcome was.

  “Well your pet human has had the honor?” Jakob said as he touched her arm. “I’ll tell you what, if you let me have a go I’ll see to it that you get whatever you are looking for. The king is my uncle,
he will listen to me”.

  I could see Vlora was thinking about it but I would not have Jakob touch her. I was about to reveal myself when I heard Jan’s voice screaming for Jakob. Jakob sighed and opened the room door and Jan came inside.

  “Jakob you are disrespecting your wife by being in here with this, this thing” Jan said as he pointed towards Vlora.

  “I am the earl, you don’t give me orders little brother” Jakob said non chalantly.

  “We had a little brother once or have you forgotten?” Jan said as his voice got louder. “Those things killed him. Now it is bad enough we need their help but now you are going to further dishonor his memory. First you take the girl he loves now you have tossed her away”.

  “Irina is pretty to look at but she got boring, besides her body doesn’t look the same now. I am an earl you can’t expect me to only lay with one woman”.

  I could somehow see Jan was boiling as Jakob walked out of the room with him. Poor Vlora had to hear everything that was said. I led her to my room after making sure there were no guards. We ate the meats and shared with Brix and master as I let them know what was going on and to play along when I sprung my trap. I was dark when they came for us again, I dressed back up in the clothes I had worn when I first came back since it was now laundered. I stepped into the room and instantly swords were drawn and trained on me.

  “How did you get out of the dungeon?” Jakob screamed as guards started surrounding me.

  “What is this all about?” Master asked playing the part I gave him.

  “Your human attacked two of my guards when they stopped him” Jakob screamed out as my brother Jan trained his staff on me.

  “Your guards grabbed me by the cuff and hit me with a truncheon” I replied.

  “My guards were doing their job they cannot let outsiders roam the hall” Jakob replied.

  “Then in front of Duke Rutland I demand satisfaction from both guards and you in a duel to the death” I said as I took off my coat.

  “Who are you to demand such a thing?” Jan spat. “That is only among our nobles do those rules apply. I don’t care who you are I will fry you like a piece of pork”.

  “Well that wouldn’t be a very nice thing to do to your little brother, and here I thought you would miss me” I replied.

  “My little brother is dead!” Jan screamed. “He died-“.

  “Your little brother saved your ass while you and this fat piece of shit got away unharmed through the secret passage” I said as my temperature began to boil. “I fought off the horde while your fat piece of shit brother ran and hid. As Earl Gastonin’s seventh son, I Joshua Gastonin demand fucking justice from the piece of shits who attacked me!” I then walked over to Jakob as the guards parted. “And when I am done you will be next you fat piece of shit, you will be next”.

  “Josh, is that really you?” Jan said as he came down to stared into my eyes.

  “I am changed a little bit but it is for the better” I said as I hugged my brother. “But this is a story for another time; bring the guards who attacked me forward, the crime of attacking a noble without cause is very clear. I was never kicked out of this house so I am still a resident, one who was unjustly attacked”. I drew my sword as one of the men was pushed forward on the order of Duke Rutland. I could see Irina gasped as recognition dawned on her as the first guard drew his weapon. I closed the distance and yanked the weapon away before bringing my claws down across the man’s face, shredding it. He screamed out as I threw him to the ground and began punching his face. Crack, Crack, Crack, each hit sounded like lightning splitting a tree as I went to work. The beast inside me shouted in glee as I lost track of how many times I had hit the man, his skull having caved in long ago as Brix pulled me off of him. I got up and wiped my knuckles clean on the dead man’s tunic and waited for the second guard who was scared shitless.

  “You follow orders from a fat fucking pig and now you will pay with your life for attacking me” I said as I took off my shirt and let my muscles show. “Now draw your fucking blade so I can take your life”.

  The man pissed himself as I plunged my clawed hand into his chest cavity, breaking bones along the way as I ripped his still beating organ out of his chest and took a bite. The beast in me roared its approval and wanted more. The lifeless man fell as I tossed the organ, then made my way over to my brother Jakob.

  “I-I am the Earl, your rules do not apply” Jakob said scared.

  “Then I challenge for the spot” I said as I walked closer.

  “Josh we are brothers, surely you-“ he never finished his sentence as I held him up by his collar and slapped him hard across the face, sending him sprawling and bleeding on the ground. I was going to kick him as Jan stepped in between us and leveled his staff at me.

  “So this is the way it is going to be huh brother?” I said as I stared down at his staff.

  “I can’t let you kill him Josh” Jan said as he kept his staff trained on me.

  “Then you have made your decision like you did a year ago when you left me to face my death alone” I said as I turned around and could see the shocked faces of many who were in attendance. I slipped back on my shirt and led my companions to a seat at the table as Gertrude came over somewhat nervously.

  “Master I would like you to meet Gertrude” I said breaking the ice and pulled the woman in for a hug.

  “Hello Gertrude” master said as I could tell he was nervous.

  “With me are Brix and my betrothed, Vlora” I said as I introduced the rest of the companions.

  “Your betrothed?!?” Gertrude said surprised.

  “Of course, you couldn’t expect me to go pinning away forever over your sister did you?” I said as I put a little laugh in my voice.

  “It is nice to meet you all, I am a little nervous because I have never met anyone like you before” Gertrude stammered.

  “They are normal folks just like you and me” I replied.

  “Josh you have changed, a lot” Gertrude said as she touched my hair.

  “Yeah, master here fixed me and made me a bit better, the side effect was the hair and the eyes though. I don’t mind it though, I can’t speak for Vlora”.

  “I like the way you look Crux” Vlora said hesitantly.

  “You have gotten so big, I knew there was something about your face but I couldn’t place it” Gertrude said as I pulled a chair for her to sit down.

  “I can’t Josh, I wanted to thank you for saving me that day” Gertrude said with tears in her eyes. “That was the bravest thing I had ever seen. We found plenty of dead enemy around the estate, Jan grieves for you daily”.

  “Well I doubt that, he is happy over there with his real brother” I replied. “But those wounds are old, no need to reopen them. It was nice seeing you Gertrude, if you ever find yourself in the goblin capital Gobi, look me up”. I watched as Gertrude walked away, dinner was served soon after as Jakob had come back somewhat angry but unable to do anything. The king needed the goblins and if Jakob screwed it up he would have to answer for it. I stayed glued to Vlora for most of the night, I could tell Jan had wanted to talk but I was still far too angry to say anything to him. Irina on the other hand spent the night getting berated by Jakob and his foul mood. Me and my companions should sleep together I thought, while no one would attack me or master, I am sure they would aim from Brix or Vlora. After the food was eaten and I caught up with various nobles who definitely wanted a story I was unwilling to tell I walked my companions back to our rooms where Jan was waiting in the hallway.

  “Can we talk Josh?” Jan said as he leaned on his staff.

  “My name is Crux now wizard” I said nastily. “We are still committed to our part of it, and will say more only when all of your people are around that can make a decision, good night to you”.

  “I don’t mean about that brother, I mean can I talk to you”.

  “You brother is dead, the only one you have now is Jakob, run to him and tell him your worries” I said as I
shoulder checked him hard enough to send him crashing into a wall. I opened the door for my companions as he got up.

  “So that’s the way you want to play it huh little brother” Jan said as he level his staff at me. “It has been awhile since I had to let you know the picking order”. Jan whispered something and a light shot out of his staff and up my arm. It tingled a little as I snatched his staff away from him and broke it in two places over my knee before tossing it to the ground. Jan looked shocked as he pulled out his wand and hit me with some kind of electric spell, I could see the lightning wash over my body and it stunned me a little, I quickly snapped out of it as I could see Jan pour more power into it. I snatched the wand out of his hand and snapped that in two and tossed it down. Jan gasped as I closed the door and locked it.


  The King arrived the very next day with much fanfare. I embraced him as he looked me over and quickly introduced him to master. The king brought with him some of his Generals whose faces told grave news about the way the war was going. The king agreed with everything we put forth, I tried to make it fair but I really could have been extremely evil but this was my blood uncle. Goblins would get everything up until my brother’s estate for a large pile of gold and troops to help fight the war. My uncle also insisted that he have a ready communication with the goblins and wanted an ambassador. He didn’t want just anyone though, he wanted me. Master agreed as we went to grab the gold and the army from Cyrax and gather goblins to settle the area. Cyrax like the wimp he was readily took back up the hill with four or five of his Revan as master led the army into Fae.


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