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Omerta: Book One (Battaglia Mafia Series 8)

Page 36

by Sienna Mynx

  Catalina screamed.

  Lorenzo turned to see the horror on her face. She had wandered in and then ran out of the room screaming.

  “Get it out of here!” Lorenzo said and dropped the head in the box. One of the men did as he asked. The others just stared at him in a collective silence that made the hairs to the back of his neck stand on end.

  “When did it come?”

  “A day before we arrived,” Josef answered for the group.

  “So it was mailed here? From America?”

  “A boy delivered it to the gates,” another man responded. “A Russian boy.”

  “Russian?” Lorenzo frowned. “In Sicily? How do you know he was Russian?”

  “He spoke Russian to my men, how the fuck else would they know!” Josef seethed.

  “Everyone leave except Josef.”

  “No.” Josef raised the gun he had at his side the entire time. Lorenzo had been so out of his head that he hadn’t even noticed. Josef aimed the gun at him. “Vladik Yeremain of the Akhperutyuns brings you death. I spoke to him before we got this gift from Giovanni. Marissa is dead. What was left of her decayed body was delivered to her father, by the Russians. They kept that beautiful angel until she rotted. The bastards!”

  Catalina’s screams had sent his men running in. Now guns were pointed in every direction. But only one gun was aimed at Lorenzo and it’s was Josef’s.

  “Put the gun down,” he said.

  “I told Alik not to trust you.”

  “Put the gun down,” Lorenzo warned him.

  Josef kept talking as if on autopilot. “Was this your plan? Were you working with the Russians to set up Alik? To make us think that Giovanni had him killed. What did you think? You’d take him down and we’d roll over and play dead too!”

  “There are enough guns to end us all in this room. That’s what Giovanni wants. He set me up. You idiot!”

  Josef shook his head. His hand shook with the finger tight to the trigger. Lorenzo saw the same irrational anger he carried inside for so many years. And he knew that rage could not be extinguished by words. The gun lowered. The other men who once served Alik lowered their guns. Lorenzo nodded to his men to disarm them. One of them took the gun from Josef and handed it to Lorenzo.

  Lorenzo stared at Josef who stared at him. He understood him. He was appreciative of him. Without his help he wouldn’t have gotten as close to his daughter or rescued his Marie.

  “Thank you, Josef,” he said. “I had nothing to do with Alik’s death. I had nothing to do with Marissa’s death. But I’m not surprised that Giovanni sent this message. This is war after all.”

  “The Akhperutyuns will have revenge,” Josef insisted. “I will get justice from Giovanni and you. This doesn’t end in words. You will help me bring the Battaglias to their knees.”

  “I’m sorry my friend I can’t give you justice. I have other priorities. Send Alik my regrets.”

  Before Josef could process the parting, words Lorenzo raised the gun his man had handed him and fired two kill shots, one to the chest the other between the eyes. Josef was thrown back into the wall where his brain matter painted it magenta. The other men retaliated in anger and a few were pistol whipped into obedience. While others were on their knees refusing to react.

  “Clean this up. And get rid of the Armenians.”

  Lorenzo tossed Josef’s gun to the ground and walked out.


  Come andrà a finire - How will it end

  Sorrento, Italy - Melanzana

  “Scusi, Donna, you have a phone call upstairs in your office.”

  Giovanni ate his dinner. He glanced up at Mirabella who was also distracted by the infant in her care.

  “Who is it?” Mirabella answered while patting the baby softly on her back to burp her.

  “Your sister.”

  She glanced to her husband and he held her stare. She nodded to the servant her gratitude for the message.


  “You need to take a call,” he said. He continued to eat with Gianni standing next to him explaining something about a truck he wanted his Papa to fix.

  “Belinda?” Mirabella said. The young woman pushed back from her seat and came over to take the baby from her. “Take her to Cecilia if she doesn’t burp. Okay?”

  “Yes, Mirabella,” Belinda smiled.

  After a final glance to her husband and children Mirabella followed the servant out and went upstairs to her office. Climbing the stairs in her pregnant state was becoming harder and harder. The phone waited for her on its side upon her desk. Mirabella stared at it. She had envisioned this call. Giovanni had told her to expect it soon. But even now she wasn’t ready. Not after knowing what Marietta must have felt to have her baby ripped from her arms. She walked over to the desk and sat behind it. She put her elbows to the surface and her hands to her mouth. She stared at the phone. What could she say? What should she say?

  “Hello?” Mirabella answered.

  “Thank God you took the call. Thank you, God. Is she with you? My baby-girl? Is she there?”

  “Yes. She’s with me.”

  Marietta let out another deep sigh.

  “Her name is Lorenza Marie. Not just Lorenza. I know Carlo may have told you that we named her Lorenza after Lo, but we changed it. A little. I think we might call her Marie. It’s what Lorenzo wants. Okay? Okay? I... she has a tough time sleeping without... uhm, her pacifier or my breast. Did they bring it? She’s gassy too. Is she burping? You must put her on your knee to burp. It’s the best way. Okay? Is Dhakyia there? She’s seen me do it before.”

  “No. She’s gone.”

  “Mirabella,” Marietta let go a painful groan and the fixed her tone. “I know a lot has happened. I know this. But she’s a newborn. My baby. My only child. Listen to me. Please. I can pump milk. Have it sent to you. Or... I dunno. I just need to know how she is. Is she with you now? Is she sleeping okay? I’m rambling. I know. I know the truth. Lorenzo and Gio are brothers. Isn’t that crazy? Brothers! All this time and they’ve been fighting over nothing.” Marietta let go a weepy laugh. She sniffed and Mirabella could hear the strain and panic in her shaky voice. “We have to end this. We’re sisters. Right? Twins. I love you, Mirabella. No matter what, I love you. Gio... he made the doctors give me a hysterectomy. I can’t have any more kids. Did he tell you that? She’s all I have in this crazy world. You know what? I blamed mama. For choosing you and not me. But now I understand. I understand how she could leave you behind and go to Chicago and risk her life to bring me home. That’s real love Mirabella. The realest kind of love. The one between you and your baby... there’s nothing more powerful. I made the wrong choice. I chose Lo over my baby girl. If something happens to her I won’t ever forgive myself.”

  “I swear to you. Nothing will happen to her.”

  “Oh God, thank you. She needs me. Please. Please help me.”

  “Giovanni wants to speak to Lorenzo. He has an offer to end this war between them.”

  “I’ll talk to him. I will. I’ll have him call him. Okay? But... she’s breastfed. She needs me. I need you to have her brought back here. To Sicily to... be with me. I... I know you can’t give her all the attention you need too because so much is going on. Let them war. I need my baby. Hello? Hello? Mirabella?” Marietta clenched her teeth. “Will you help me?”

  “I’ll protect her, with my life. But I can’t help you. I’m sorry.”

  Mirabella hung up the phone.

  CATALINA STOOD NEXT to Marietta’s chair. She stroked her hair while Marietta rested her face against Catalina’s belly and wept. It was evident that she was exhausted. The old Marietta would have pushed them all down to get to Lorenzo when she heard the gunshots. She however, was in the room trying to get through to Mirabella. Catalina had to find her and drag her into the kitchen. Now Marietta agonized over one heartfelt loss of her daughter. Zia sat at the table in silence. She hadn’t spoken a word since she told them the darkest family

  “Bionca, hurry. You will find it in the back of the cabinet. Behind the pots,” Catalina said.

  “Si, Donna, I will see to it.” Bionca hurried.

  Catalina had learned since her arrival where guns were kept by the staff. It was very critical information. Bionca located the weapon as the rest of the kitchen staff all gathered to the furthest corner of the room away from the door.

  “Shoot the first person to come inside.” Catalina said.

  “Si, Donna,” Bionca raised the gun with shaky hands.

  “It’s okay. Marietta, you have to remain calm. It’s okay,” Catalina repeated.

  The first man to walk into the kitchen was Lorenzo. Bionca fired but missed and hit the doorframe.

  “Whoa!” Lorenzo shouted.

  “Lo?” Marietta looked up. She got up from the chair and went to him.

  “Perdonami, Signore Lorenzo. I didn’t know it was you,” Bionca explained.

  Catalina took the gun from her trusted servant and smiled. “It’s okay. You did good. Need to teach you to be a better shooter.”

  Bionca frowned. Catalina glanced over at Lorenzo and Marietta and shook her head. Armando, like Giovanni would never allow danger to be so close to home. With Lorenzo everything remained chaos.

  “I called Mirabella. I know you told me to wait, but I had to. They have our baby-girl. She has her. And we heard gunshots?” Marietta explained her distress.

  “It’s fine Marie,” he said and hugged her to his chest. He looked at Catalina and then Zia who only sat in silence. “The Armenians are no longer welcome here. They are gone. Your friend Marissa is dead.”

  “What?” Catalina said.

  “You heard me.”

  “Did you kill someone? In my home! Are you fucking insane!” Catalina shouted.

  “Yes! Yes. I’m fucking insane. This entire family is.” Lorenzo said to her but glared at Zia.

  “I did what was necessary to keep you all safe.”

  “You have to go, Lorenzo. You have to leave here. For all of our sakes,” Catalina pleaded.

  “I’m not going anywhere. Do you hear me?” Lorenzo let go of his wife. He took a step toward Catalina but Marietta pushed him back.

  “That little nasty welcome home gift you saw. It was Alik’s head. Thanks to Giovanni.”

  “Oh please. With you it is always Giovanni!” Catalina shot back.

  “Stop it,” Marietta pleaded with them both.

  “Your brother sent me the head of Alik Yeremain! He knew that would set off Alik’s men and put us all in jeopardy!” Lorenzo said. “We have now lost our biggest ally.”

  “My brother? My brother? Isn’t it our brother?” she countered.

  Lorenzo glare switched to Zia. “No. He’s no fucking brother of mine. I’m not stupid. The story you told is a lie.”

  “Zia doesn’t tell lies,” said Catalina.

  “It’s a fucking lie!” he shouted. “A lie to make me weak. Sei un fottuto bugiardo, Zia.”

  “Don’t you swear at Zia! She’s never lied to anyone in her life!” Catalina repeated.

  “Please stop!” Marietta begged. “I can’t take this. Who cares? Who cares? My baby is gone.” Marietta wept. She pulled on Lorenzo’s arm as if to try to bring him out of the kitchen and away from the argument. But nothing could stop her husband from his rage. To their horror it was mostly directed at Zia.

  “She’s a lying cunt like every other woman in this family! Including your whore mother!”

  “Basta!” Marietta shouted. Lorenzo head turned to look at her. “Don’t you dare attack us. Do you hear me? Don’t you dare! All of you men in this family are monsters! You use and abuse us as if you have the right! Basta! No more! It will be the women who will outlive you all. And our children will grow up to respect their mothers! Do you hear me! You are the greatest love and the greatest mistake of my life!”

  “I’m sorry, Marie—.”

  “To hell with your sorries! I can’t take any more of this. My baby is just a month old. She is breastfed, tiny, vulnerable to disease and everything out there. She’s confused and needing me. I don’t give a damn about you and Giovanni anymore. I want my child. You get her,” she shoved him. “Do you hear me!” She shoved him again. “Do you? Whatever you have to do you do it. Noooooooooow!”

  Lorenzo glanced to Catalina and Zia. He looked to his wife and the tears streaming down her face. There was nothing he could say to any of them. So he turned and left.

  Catalina went to her aunt and hugged her. Marietta found a chair to sit in once again. Bionca ushered the staff out of the kitchen and then fixed Marietta some water. All of this happened and Catalina was too emotionally drained to instruct or counsel them. They’d all lost and been through too much. She sat in the chair at the table with Marietta and Zia. She steadied her nerves and clenched her trembling hands into fist.

  “It’s time to call Mirabella.”

  Marietta looked up at Catalina. “I tried that. You saw! She hung up on me.”

  Zia didn’t bother to speak.

  “I know. But that isn’t the call we need to make. We have to fix our relationship with her. Forgive her, and get her forgiveness. She is the only one that can help us now. The only one that can stop Giovanni.”

  After a few sniffs Marietta nodded her head in agreement. “I’ll do anything to get my daughter back. I’ll call her every night and beg if I have too.”

  “Are you sure? Because it may come to that.”

  Zia reached out and touched Marietta’s hand. Marietta looked at her with red, swollen eyes. “You must be strong. You’re her mother. You’ll have your little one again soon. But you must be strong.”

  Marietta nodded.

  “Is it true Zia? Is what you said about Tomosino and Isabella true?” Catalina asked.

  “It’s true. Giovanni is like Lorenzo. He refuses to believe the truth. But eventually they both will. And when they do this nightmare will end for all of us.”

  “I hope so, because I don’t know how much more I can take,” Marietta wept.

  CARLO PARKED OUTSIDE of his villa. It felt strange returning home. He’d been gone so long he barely recognized the place. It was the same. The old cars and electronics he tinkered with were on his lawn. The tents where boys camped out were up, but no one was in them. His gaze focused on the front of his villa. There was a single light on beyond the window. Another strangeness. Who the fuck leaves a light on to welcome their prey inside? He shook his head at the armature. Carlo tossed his door open. He didn’t bother with his luggage. Everything he’d taken with him to Africa could burn. Instead he grabbed his gun.

  A lesser man would run. Escape into the night and fight off whatever executioner Giovanni sent after him. He wasn’t the best of men, but he was no fucking coward. He walked up the cobblestone pavement to his door. He’d take a bullet, but he’d get off two to leave his mark before the end.

  Carlo put a hand to the door. To his surprise it was ajar. He eased the door open and raised his gun. There was no unexpected gunfire. Only the soft sound of music playing and the sweet smell of gravy boiling. He stepped inside. He heard a woman singing along with the radio and the clanks of pots. Carlo looked around his place. It had been cleaned. Almost spotless. And there were fresh flowers. He hated flowers.

  The woman sang a note higher than the soprano on the radio. And her voice was familiar. He slammed the door shut to announce his arrival. He kept the gun at his side.

  He waited.

  Adara walked out of the kitchen.

  She was pregnant.

  Not the kind of pregnancy that would warrant a conversation, but the kind of pregnant that demanded an explanation. She was swollen with life. Her breasts two sizes larger, her thighs thicker, her cheeks, neck, nose and lips puffy.

  “Carlo. They called and said you were on your way. They sent someone to protect me but I sent him away. I told them you wouldn’t want the disrespect.”

  His gaze lowered to her stomach.r />
  “Surprised. Huh? Me too.”

  He stared at her stomach.

  “It’s yours. Since the last time you saw me I was in jail. This is what you gave me before I left. We’re going to have a son.”

  Carlo shook his head no to the news.

  “I know you’re confused, angry. You should be. But please let me explain.” She walked toward him with a hand to her belly and one to her back. “I was arrested because I wouldn’t tell them about you. I didn’t know I was pregnant at the time. And when I found out all I wanted to do was find you. When I was released I didn’t know where to turn. They told me they could re-arrest me at any time. So I went to Turkey. But I had to come back. I had too. I don’t care about anything Carlo, but you, us, our baby boy.”

  Carlo closed his eyes. He gripped the gun so tightly he almost fired a round into the floorboards. “You need to leave. Get the fuck out of here.”

  “I can’t. I don’t have anywhere else to go.”

  He raised the gun and pointed it at her.

  “You’re going to be a father. Better than the one you had, better than the one I lost. You’re going to have your own son. Your flesh and blood. And I’m going to make sure that nothing in the world, not the past, not the Battaglias, not the Parliament, come between us again.”

  She pushed the gun aside as if it were a toy. “Did Giovanni tell you? He gave us his blessing.”

  Carlo tossed the gun aside. He put his face to his hands and rubbed as if to wake up. “I can’t deal with you now.”

  “You have no choice. I’m here. I’m yours.”

  He lowered his hands.

  “I’m not her, Carlo. But I’m all yours,” Adara said.

  He took her hand and pulled her in before he hugged her as best he could. For a long time they held each other that way. Adara’s bravery grew. She lifted on her toes and he leaned in to kiss her. And then he lifted her up into his arms with her arms locked around his neck to deepen the kiss. Adara kissed his face. She said sorry many times. He didn’t want to hear it. He didn’t need to hear it. He only wanted this gift of life.


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