With the Dyaks of Borneo: A Tale of the Head Hunters
Page 9
Flight across the Land
"We will take it easy, for we have ample time in which to reach thetrees," said Tyler calmly, as he and John Marshall pulled towards theland. "Once there, we will select a hiding-place and keep watch uponthe schooner, and upon the prahu as soon as she rounds the bend. If, asseems more than likely, her boat is dropped and preparations are made tosend a party in pursuit, we will steal off into the forest, using theutmost care to leave as few traces behind us as is possible. A few morestrokes and we are there. Now out you get, John, and give me a hand topull up the dinghy, for we will hide her amongst the bushes in case weshould have need of her on a future occasion."
Waiting until the boat struck against the soft bank of mud at the mouthof the river, the two sprang ashore, and, lifting the dinghy bodilyfrom the water, carried her up amongst the bushes. A hasty search soondiscovered a mass of dense undergrowth, into the centre of which she wasthrust.
"That should keep her from all prying eyes," remarked Tyler in tonesof satisfaction, "while a cross on one of the trees near at hand willserve as a mark by which we shall be able to find her when we come thisway again. Now for the bags and rifles, and afterwards we will turn ourattention to the schooner, and to Hanns Schlott and his friends."
Slinging bags and weapons over their shoulders, Tyler and his companionleft the dinghy in her hiding-place, and having marked an adjacent tree,returned to the bank of the river once more. There was the schoonerwith her head in the wind and her sail flapping loudly. That she wasdeeper in the water both could see at once, while the manner in whichshe careened to one side told them that very soon she would sink to thebottom. As for the prahu, there was not a sign of her as yet, thoughdistant shouts told clearly that she could not be far away.
"She will round the bend before the schooner goes down," said Tyler intones of conviction, "and then Hanns Schlott will meet with anotherdisappointment. I have no doubt that he has guessed our object in makingfor this river, and knows well that it is our intention to escape himby that means or by the land. But he will hardly have expected suchcomplete preparations as we have made, and his anger will be great whenhe finds how we have hoodwinked him. But let us make up our minds inwhat direction we shall go. Shall we strike up along the banks of theriver, or shall we turn to the south and west?"
"The last, sir," was John Marshall's emphatic answer, "for I reckon thatif we made up the stream we should strike across creeks and smallerrivers running into the main channel, and should be constantly delayed.Besides this, Hanns Schlott and his fellows will have seen our dinghy,and will guess that we have rowed up stream in her, hoping in that wayto escape them. That being the case, we must do exactly the opposite,and must go into the forest. Then, when the search is over or nightfalls, we can return to this spot and cross to the other side; for that,I take it, is our direction."
"Sarawak is the point for which we must aim, and, as you say, it liessouth-west across the river," replied Tyler. "I happen to know thatan Englishman, by name James Brooke, is there at this moment, and ifwe could only reach him we should be perfectly safe. But it is a longjourney from here, and before we can hope to come across it we shallhave to cover two hundred miles at least. However, I would far rathertravel double that distance than fall into the hands of the pirates."
"The same here, sir," exclaimed his companion. "Like you, I'd faceanything almost, for there will be little mercy if Hanns Schlott putshis fingers on us. But look up! Here's the prahu!"
Lying concealed amongst the trees, the two watched with beating heartsas the native craft swung round the bend and came into the river, andeach noted with feelings of alarm, which they could not easily suppress,that her deck was covered with men. At her tiller stood Hanns Schlott,and, catching sight of the schooner, he at once directed the prahutowards her. Then shouts of exultation came across the water, and theMalays were seen preparing to throw themselves on board their prize theinstant that they came up with her. It was pretty to watch the manner inwhich her lateen sails were dropped when well within reach of her prize,and at another time the fugitives would have admired the seamanlike wayin which the operation was carried out, and Hanns Schlott's handling ofthe craft. But they had other and far more engrossing things to occupytheir attention, and kept their eyes riveted upon the dusky Malays whoswarmed upon her deck. Shooting up into the wind, just as the schoonerhad done before her, the prahu came to rest for a few moments. Then sometwenty sweeps were shot out from her wooden sides, and like a giganticcaterpillar she came crawling towards her prize.
"Boarders prepare!" shouted the Dutchman in stentorian tones, "andremember the reward which I have offered. Take them alive or dead and itbelongs to you. Lose them, and you shall know what it is to experiencemy anger."
With trained eye he steered the prahu for the schooner so that sheglided alongside with a gentle grating sound, and then shouted again tohis men.
"On board!" he cried, "and as they are not on deck search for them anddrag them from below."
Instantly some thirty Malays sprang from the prahu on to the planks ofthe sinking schooner, and, unsuspicious as yet of her condition, at oncerushed for the steep ladder which gave access to the interior. Roused tothe utmost eagerness at the prospect of slaying the two white-faces whohad punished them so severely, and stimulated by the offer of a specialreward, the men struggled to be first, and almost fell into the cabin,their shouts startling the peaceful scenery around. Hark, something iswrong, for a head appears at the opening, and a shriek of terror setsthe air ringing. Then, like hunted beings, as if they were face to facewith some horror which they were endeavouring to escape, the Malays camepouring up in a confused heap, this time struggling even more fiercelyfor the leadership.
"What is it?" shouted Hanns Schlott wrathfully, his desire to capturethe fugitives and his anger preventing his seeing the sinking conditionof the schooner. "Do you wish to tell me again that two boys havefrightened you, and that you are flying from them? Back, hounds! and donot let me see you until you have reported that they are dead, or untilyou can say that they are gone from the ship."
"They would be fools to stay," called out one of the men who haddescended, leaping with one big bound to the deck of the prahu, uponwhich he alighted with every sign of satisfaction. "The cabin is filledalmost to the top with water, and in less time than I care to mentionshe will go to the bottom of the river. Hasten, comrades, or you will bedragged down to the depths with her."
With shouts and screams of rage and terror the Malays who still remainedon the schooner came pouring up from below, their limbs dripping withthe water, and all at once ran at their fastest pace to the rail, where,careless of the space which now intervened between themselves and theprahu, they sprang outwards in their desire to escape from the sinkingvessel. Some, more fortunate than their fellows, reached their comradesin safety, and, turning swiftly about, looked back at the schooner witheyes which bulged from their sockets, so great was their alarm andconsternation at the trap into which they had fallen. A few, however,who had been unable to reach the deck before owing to the narrowness ofthe ladder and to the press of men, found that the jar with which theprahu had hit against her prize had caused her to sheer off into deeperwater, leaving a gap which no one could hope to jump. For an instantthey hesitated, and then with shrill cries of fright they plunged intothe river, and went clambering into their own ship by means of thesweeps which hung overboard. As for Hanns Schlott, he was like a madman.Rushing along the deck, he had at first thrown himself upon the Malaycrew in his anger, and had buffeted those who had returned till theycowered at his feet. Then, suddenly realizing that he had been fooledfor the second time, and that Tyler and his companion had been tooclever for him, he danced between the masts as if his feelings were toomuch for him, and as if violent movement were necessary.
"A second time!" he cried in shrill tones of rage. "They have made melook foolish again, and I should have guessed their plot, and, leavingthe schooner to her fate, should h
ave landed and searched for them inthe forest or upon the river. But it is not too late even now. I mustnot allow my vexation to master my reason, and I will at once see to itthat they are followed. Listen!" he went on, turning fiercely upon thepirate crew; "the dogs have played a prank with us again, and have fledfrom this spot. Did anyone see a sign of the boat which was towed behindthe schooner?"
For a few seconds there was silence as the Malays watched their comradesclimbing on board. Then one of them, anxious perhaps to appease theanger of his leader, or drawing upon his imagination in his excitement,ran towards Hanns Schlott and bellowed some information into his ear.
"You ask for the small boat," he cried. "I saw it disappearing round theangle farther up, which hides the upper reaches. There you will find thefugitives rowing for their lives. Hasten! Send after them, and when youhave captured them let them be punished for the trick which they haveplayed upon us."
Without waiting to consider whether the report were a true one or not,and roused to a high pitch of anger and vexation by the manner in whichhe had been foiled, Hanns Schlott sprang upon the rail of the prahu,and, holding there to the rigging, stared towards the upper reaches ofthe river, shading his eyes with his broad palm, for the hour was anearly one and the sun as yet but low in the heavens. Then he directed aswift glance to the schooner, as if a sudden suspicion had seized himthat another trick was attempted, and that the fugitives were still inhiding there. But a moment's contemplation showed him that this couldnot be the case, for the sinking vessel lay wallowing in the river,which was slowly drifting her towards the bay outside. Already partof her deck was awash, while a trembling of her rigging, a curiousfluttering of the sail, seemed to denote that her end was at hand.Indeed, as the Dutchman observed her, and endeavoured to make up hisdull and heavy mind to the thought that she was alone, the schoonersuddenly came to a stop in her gentle course towards the bay, thenshe heeled to starboard with such a jerk that her topmasts bent likefishing-rods and threatened to break away. Next second, however, sherighted, and then her stern subsided beneath the water while her bowscocked high in the air. Down she went inch by inch, while those on boardthe prahu fixed their eyes upon her as if they were fascinated. Suddenlythere was a low report, bubbles of air came seething up beside her,throwing the surface of the river into froth, and instantly the goodship disappeared from view, only one of her topmasts remaining above theriver. But there was no great depth there, and ere a minute had passedshe had struck upon the bottom, and, sousing forward on to a level keel,she came to a permanent rest with both topmasts elevated some twentyfeet in the air.
"Out with the boat!" shouted Hanns Schlott as she foundered. "Let thecrew get overboard at once and row for the shore, there to search fortraces of the fugitives, while we will sail up the river in the prahuand give chase. If they have escaped in that direction and we do not seethem within half an hour we shall know that they have landed and hiddenin the swamps, for our progress will be far more rapid than theirs. Asfor you other men, you are to search the bank of the river closely onthis side, for it is obvious that they have not crossed to the oppositeshore, for otherwise we should have seen them. If you find traces oftheir presence fire a gun to recall us, and we will come back to helpyou. Above all, should you see them, shoot them at once, for otherwisethey may escape you."
"Evidently a big movement afoot," said Tyler in John's ear as thetwo kept watch upon the pirates. "They were nicely taken in over theschooner, but now they are going to take up the pursuit in earnest. Herecomes a boat-load of the ruffians, while the prahu is already hoistingher sail to proceed up the river."
"Then what are we going to do?" demanded John Marshall in tones ofanxiety. "If we remain here we shall nearly certainly be discovered, andI for one do not look forward to becoming a prisoner."
"There will be no making prisoners," was Tyler's short and expressiveanswer. "You must realize the fact that those men are the hounds whowill hunt their quarry to the death. As for remaining here, it is outof the question, for though we have been very careful it was quiteimpossible to set foot upon the soft and muddy bank without leavingimpressions behind us. These Malays are, no doubt, excellent trackers,for they have been accustomed to these forests and swamps all theirlives. They will quickly discover our landing-place, and once that isdone they will follow us. We must leave the spot at once if we wish toremain alive. Come, let us be going, and be careful to leave as fewtraces behind you as you can."
But now the prahu had dropped her boat into the water and was standingup the river, while the crew who had been left behind were alreadyputting out their paddles and preparing to row for the land. To havewaited longer would have been foolhardy in the extreme, and therefore,without further delay, Tyler and his companion stole off into theforest. Soon they broke into a trot, Tyler being in advance, and thisthey kept up for half an hour, when the jungle thickened and made rapidprogress impossible. Squeezing between gigantic tree trunks, at timescrawling beneath tangled masses of creepers and undergrowth, they spedon their way, taking the utmost pains all the while to replace brancheswhich had been pushed aside. With quick eye Tyler sought for the hardestgrass, and led his companion over it. But soon it became evident thatthey were approaching a swamp, for the earth beneath their feet becamesoft and spongy, and within a hundred yards they were wading knee-deepthrough a mangrove swamp which seemed to stretch in every direction butthe one from which they had just come.
"Halt!" cried Tyler, lifting his hand to warn his companion as a breakin the trees denoted the fact that they had come across a creek or somearm of the river. "Let us listen so as to make sure that we are beingfollowed. If that is the case we will swim across and continue ourflight on the opposite side."
Throwing themselves down upon the long and twisted root of a durianwhich stood above the surface of the water, they sat there panting withtheir exertions, and listening eagerly for sounds of the Malays. Norwere they destined to be kept waiting long, for hardly had they regainedtheir breath than shouts came echoing through the forest, while the snapof breaking branches, and the splash of many feet wading through thewater, told that the pursuers were near at hand.
"They have quickly got upon our track," whispered Tyler, "and I fearthat, after all, we shall have to fight for our lives. Now, how are weto get across the river without damaging our weapons?"
"Tie the ammunition on to our heads and swim with one hand, holding theguns above water. It ain't easy, I know, sir, but we've got to do it."
Hastily unslinging the bags in which the ammunition was stored, theyplaced them upon their heads, winding the slings round till the wholewas secured. Then they pressed forward into the wide stream, whichseemed to cut its course through the heart of the forest, and, waitinguntil the current almost carried them from their feet, commenced toswim for the opposite shore. As John Marshall had truly stated, it wasno easy task which they had set themselves, for the ammunition, bearingupon their heads, made it difficult to keep their mouths clear of thewater, while the gun, which was held at arm's-length above the surface,added to their trouble. But they were not to be easily beaten, andthough already fatigued by their flight through the forest, they swam ongamely till their feet touched the opposite shore.
"Now for the forest and cover," said Tyler. "Then we will sit down torest and watch our enemies. But I suppose that they will make nothing ofthe river, and once across will rapidly pick up our trail again."
"Then it's a case of fighting," was the boatswain's dogged reply. "Ifthey're bound to come up with us what's the good of our tiring ourselvesout by flight? Why not look out for a likely spot at once and get readyfor 'em? With our rifles we ought to be able to kill a few of theseMalay ruffians, and as we know that Hanns Schlott is not with them,but has gone on with the prahu, it is just possible that they may takefright and run for their lives."
Both were silent for some minutes as they waded into shallower waterand disappeared within the forest; for the effort of pushing theirway through the stagnant river, the creeper
s and weeds which aboundedeverywhere, demanded so much of their breath that they had none to sparefor talking. However, a few minutes brought them to higher land, andboth were about to dash forward and leave the water when a thoughtsuddenly occurred to Tyler, and with a quick movement of his hand hearrested John Marshall's progress.
"Hold on a bit!" he cried. "Do not move an inch nearer to the dry landor we may ruin all our chances. Listen to me, for an idea has suddenlycrossed my mind, and it may mean the saving of our lives. Tell me, if wepush on in the direction that we were going, would the Malays pick upour tracks?"
"Just as quick and as true as a blood-hound, I reckon," was the rapidanswer, in tones which showed that the boatswain had no doubt of thematter.
"And how long would it be before they came up with us and forced us tofight?"
"Maybe half an hour, maybe less. It's jest a question of the densenessof the forest, sir; but it wouldn't be long, I know."
"Then supposing we do not climb on to the higher land. Supposing we wadethrough this shallow water, which will effectually hide our tracks, and,turning to the right, strike along the margin of the creek, and withinthis screen of trees. A mile of water should bring us to the river, whenwe must consider what is best to be done, though I have the feeling thatwe shall do well to return to the spot at which we started."
"Leaving these Malay blokes to push on in a dead straight line!"interposed the sailor with a chuckle. "I see yer meaning, sir, and Ifalls in with the plan right away. The success or failure of it will besettled within the next half-hour, for if our pursuers cross the creekand plunge on into the forest we shall know that all is well, for a timeat any rate. What's more, I've a kind of a notion that we shall find itsuit us well to fish out the dinghy and cross to the other shore of themain stream. Then their difficulties in following and in picking up ourtracks will be so great that the chances are that they will give us upfor lost."
"Not if Hanns Schlott still remains their leader," said Tyler withemphasis. "Do not forget that he is a vindictive man whose pride hasbeen severely wounded, for on two occasions we have foiled him and madehim look foolish. Then there is the other matter to consider. Murderin these seas may be of almost daily occurrence; indeed I believe Iam right in saying that Borneo and the islands around are infested bypirates who fall upon any and every ship with the one object of plunder.Crews are ruthlessly slain and their bodies tossed into the sea. Andwhen there are no ships to be attacked these pirates make for the shore,and, ascending one of the rivers, fall upon the peaceful tribes within,with the sole object again of obtaining booty and the heads of theirenemies. But Mr. Beverley was an Englishman, and this Dutchman knowswell that however apathetic the British Government may be with regard tothe loss of native life, they will resent the murder of a countryman.The Dutchman will never feel secure till he has captured us, and I tellyou now that he will follow us, even if our flight takes us right acrossthe island."
"Then the sooner we push on the better," answered John Marshall in toneswhich showed that his leader's words had impressed him with a sense oftheir danger. "If this here scoundrel will follow us across the islandit'll be well for us to obtain the longest start that is possible. I'mwith yer, sir, and if you think that this plan is a good 'un, why,forward's the word."
That Tyler and his companion had been wise in coming to a halt ere theyreached the higher land was evident, for had they rushed on through theswamp they could not have failed to leave impressions of their feetupon the soil. Then again, some yards beyond the belt of trees whichfringed the edge of the creek the jungle became rapidly thicker, andpassage through it would have been slow and difficult in the extreme,while it would have been impossible, in spite of every care, to traverseit without leaving abundant signs of their passage behind. By keepingto the water, however, their course would carry them through a portionof the swamp where creepers and bushes were few and far between, andcould be easily avoided. Indeed, there was little doubt that if ordinarycaution were observed they could pass along beside the edge of thecreek without leaving a single sign to aid the Malays. And what wasmore natural than that the latter, finding that the fugitives had spedin a direct course through the forest from the point at which they hadlanded, should plunge into the creek, and, gaining the opposite side,should continue in the same line themselves without suspecting the factthat another trick was being played upon them.
"That is what I think and hope that they will do," murmured Tyler, ashe waded on through the swamp. "No doubt they will tell by the trackswhich we have left on the opposite shore that we have but littlestart of them, and in their eagerness to come up with us and revengethemselves for the suffering which we have caused them they will rushon thoughtlessly and in hot-headed haste. While they do so we will keepwithin this belt of trees until we get close to the main river, where Ifancy that our best plan will be to float down to the dinghy. Then wewill cross to the opposite shore and take the road for Sarawak."
Anxiously did he and John Marshall listen for sounds of the enemyas they sped on through the water, and great was their relief when,happening to peep from their screen of trees, they caught sight of somedusky figures swimming across the creek, while others could be heardcalling to their comrades from the forest into the depths of which thetwo fugitives had almost plunged.
"On the wrong scent for sure," whispered John Marshall. "I reckon themchaps is too bent upon laying their hands upon us to make full use oftheir senses, or otherwise they would have seen in a moment that we werefooling them. As it is, once they see through the game they will comehowling back to the edge of the creek, and then they'll be bothered."
"They'll find it difficult to make up their minds in which direction tofollow," said Tyler with decision, "and I have little doubt that theywill separate into two parties, which will go to right and left. If theydo so it will make our task an easier one, for then, should they comeup with us, we shall have fewer enemies to deal with. But do not let uswaste time. Remember, John, that our safety depends upon the length ofstart which we obtain. Forward! And do not let us halt until we comeupon the river."
With ammunition-bags still strapped to their heads, in case they shouldfind it necessary to enter the creek again, they plunged on through theswamp, leaving a black trail of muddy water behind them. But there wasno fear that the latter would betray them to the Malays, for scarcelyhad Tyler and his companion progressed a dozen yards than the thickmud settled upon the bottom again, leaving a clear surface above. Atlength, after traversing half a mile of the swamp, a break in the treesdisclosed a wide stretch of water, while careful inspection showed themthat they had arrived at the point where the creek entered the mainstream, and where they, too, must alter their course.
"The orders, sir?" demanded the boatswain, as if a long swim werenothing to him. "Do we cross to the opposite side of the creek and makealong to the dinghy by means of the shore? Or shall we jest give theriver a turn? It's one and the same to me, though the first'll be theeasiest."
"And the most dangerous course to follow," replied Tyler curtly, "foronce we landed on the farther bank we should leave traces of ourpresence there, and sooner or later these Malays would pick them up. Weshall be wise if we leave the land alone altogether, and take entirelyto the water till we reach the southern shore of the river. Yes, thatis my proposal; for if we return, by whatever route, to the dinghy, ourpursuers will become acquainted with the fact, and, besides, how are weto know that they have not already found and destroyed our boat?"
"Jest the thing I was about to mention, sir. And, what's more, how dowe know that men have not been left in the sampan which brought thesepirates from the prahu? Supposin' we was to drop down upon them, they'draise such a shoutin' that every one of the dogs would come rushing downupon us."
For a time the prospect which had just been brought before him startledTyler, for the Malays' boat had escaped his memory. But a littleconsideration showed him that to descend the river would be madness,for in all likelihood the craft lay moored off the
shore, with a guardaboard her to protect her in case the fugitives should attempt hercapture. And if men were there they would certainly find some means bywhich to attract the attention of their comrades away in the forest.A shout, the report of a gun, would go echoing along the swamp, andwould soon acquaint the pursuers of the fact that their prize lay in adifferent direction; then back they would come, and once more Tyler andhis companion would find themselves so closely pressed that they wouldhave to consider the advisability of searching for the most suitablespot and making a stand. Yes, the dinghy was out of the question, andthat being the case it was necessary at once to hit upon some other plan.
"There is no alternative," he said, suddenly turning upon the sailor,"and our way lies clear before us. We must now turn to the left and wadethrough the swamp beside the river until we have ascended sufficientlyfar to make it certain that, while venturing to swim across, we shouldnot drift down as far as the mouth."
"Then the angle, or jest above it, will be the spot, sir, for there theriver narrows, and while the stream will run strongly below, above itwill be pent up and there will be little flow. That should enable us tocross easily and without being seen. But steady! Ain't that the prahu?"
He pointed eagerly between the tree trunks to the open stretch of river,and there, swiftly coming into view, was the native craft which boreHanns Schlott and his crew of desperadoes.
"Drawn the upper reaches blank," said Tyler, lowering his voice to awhisper, as though he were fearful that the ordinary tones would carryas far as the prahu. "It is clear that they have found no trace of usabove, and are returning to rejoin their comrades. How angry theirleader will be when he finds that they are baffled, and how fortunate itis for us that they have deserted the water above the bend!"
"Ay, it is that," was the emphatic answer, "for it was bothering me howwe were to keep out o' sight of them chaps when crossing above the bend.Now they've jest played into our hands, and if we ain't successful,well, we ought to be."
With a vigorous shake of his head, and a hitch to the bag suspendedabout his shoulders, which had swung too far to the front owing to hisactive movements, the boatswain intimated to Tyler that he was readyto proceed, and instantly fell in behind his leader. It was nervouswork wading through that swamp with the dull echo of splashing waterreverberating amongst the trunks, for the sound which they made asthey plodded forward seemed to their anxious ears so loud that thosewho were in pursuit of them would certainly hear. Then, too, the dreadlest a clearing should suddenly bring them face to face with the Malaysfilled their minds, and caused them to halt every few minutes. But not asplash, not an answering sound, came back through the dreary forest, andbut for the fact that they had full knowledge that Hanns Schlott and hiscrew were in the neighbourhood, they would have imagined that they werethe only two human beings for miles around. But hark! Shouts from themouth of the river attract their attention, while the sight of the prahustanding up-stream again causes them to crouch low in the water.
"Steering for the creek," whispered Tyler. "She is going there to helpour pursuers, and no doubt will soon clear up the mystery. Let us pushon without a moment's delay."
Stimulated to greater exertions by the thought that the course oftheir flight was already discovered, and that even at that moment thepirates were following in hot haste, the two forgot their weariness,forgot the fact that their limbs ached with the effort of ploughingthrough the swamp and mud, and filled with the determination to makegood their escape, they plunged forward as though they were incapableof experiencing fatigue. Then, too, convinced that any sounds whichthey might make would fail to reach the enemy, they crashed on at theirfastest pace, without care or thought for the traces which they mightleave behind them. Indeed they had already planned a clever ruse whichhad gained a long start. But both knew that ere many minutes had passedthe lynx-like eyes of the searchers would discover some sign of thefugitives, and that done, to trace them would be a matter of no greatdifficulty, for their course could only take them through the swampwhich lay at the margin of creek and river. Without pausing, therefore,to look back, Tyler and John Marshall trudged on and fought theirway through the water till they reached a spot which was some littledistance above the bend in the river which hid the upper reaches fromthe view of those who entered at the mouth. And here they came to a haltat the edge of the swamp and peered across at the opposite side.
"The current is sluggish, as you said," observed Tyler thoughtfully,"but the distance is greater than I had anticipated. It will be a longswim."
"But it has to be faced, sir, and we had best set about it at once. Whenall's said, it's little after what we have gone through."
"We shall do it, I have no doubt," was Tyler's reply, "but I wasthinking of our weapons and of our kit. You see, this is a far longerswim and a far bigger crossing than we had to face at the creek, andeven there I am bound to admit that I felt done. The effort of holdinga rifle in the air is by no means small."
"Then let's get something to float 'em on," said the boatswain suddenly."Now that we've carried our packs so far we are not going to desert themwithout an effort, particularly the guns, for our lives depend upon 'em,do yer see, Mr. Richardson. Ain't there some sticks or something of thatsort hereabouts upon which we could give them a lift to the oppositeshore?"
"Sticks? Of course there are, and creepers in abundance," cried Tyler,leaping at the plan thus put before him. "John, you have a knowing head,and have been of the greatest help to me. Wait here while I see to thematter. I will get on to the dry land and out of this swamp, where Ishall be able to obtain the materials which we want."
Not for a moment did Tyler allow the fact to escape him that it wasnecessary to blind their pursuers as much as possible and throw dustin their eyes. True, he and the sailor had dashed forward through theswamp at their topmost speed and without any great amount of care; butthey had been particularly cautious when first they had turned fromthe direct course of their flight, and here, at the point where theywere again about to make a break in the line, the necessity for thoughtoccurred to him.
"We must not let them think that we have made across the river justhere," he said to himself as he turned from his companion. "They must beled to imagine that we have pushed directly on, and as the river is wideat this point they will readily believe that we are still in the swamp.For that reason I will get to the dry strip of land beside the swamp byother means than by my feet. Ah, here is a likely tree!"
An overhanging branch caught his eye, and in a twinkling he had sprungat it and was swarming along. Arrived at the trunk he clambered roundit till upon a second branch, which ran close to another tree, to whichhe was easily able to stretch. And thus, by making use of the fact thatthe monsters of the forest were placed at close intervals, he contrivedto land upon higher land at a considerable distance from the edge ofthe swamp. To draw his knife was the work of a moment only, and verysoon a shower of creepers was being directed in John's direction. Forthe purpose of binding the materials together these were all that couldbe desired, but for the raft itself something entirely different wasrequired. Fortunately a bank of thick reeds was at hand, and an armfulsoon fell to his blade. A second followed, while the first had alreadybegun to assume shape and form at the touch of John's deft fingers. Athird completed the supply, and at once Tyler swung himself into thesame tree, and, swarming along to the others, finally came splashinginto the water again.
"We have delayed long enough already," he said, as he stood therelistening to distant shouts which came echoing through the forest,"and I think that it is high time that we waded in and set out for theopposite shore. Is all in readiness now?"
"All but the weapons, sir. We've to lash them to our raft, and then wecan begin the swim as soon as we like. Your ammunition-bag, please, andnow your rifle and revolvers. That's the sort, Mr. Richardson. Mine joinyours, and this length of creeper fixes the lot properly. Now for theriver, and I jest hope that that fellow Hanns Schlott and his covieswon't get a sight of us."
"And I too," was Tyler's emphatic answer. "A very great deal dependsupon our getting across unseen, and once there I propose that we taketo our heels and run for all that we are worth, so as to put a gooddistance between ourselves and the pirates. Come, John, I will take mypost at one side of the raft and will push with my left hand, while youuse the opposite one."
Assuring themselves that their weapons were securely fastened to theupper surface of the reeds, and that the latter were of sufficientthickness to make it certain that the top would be above the surface ofthe water, they began to direct their strange craft through the swamp,guiding it carefully amongst the trees. Soon they were at a point wherethe belt of jungle and swamp came to an end, and here they paused whileTyler waded out into the stream and looked carefully about him.
"All serene!" he called out gently, after looking to left and right;then, rejoining his companion, the two urged the raft into the river.Very soon they were out of their depth and were forced to swim, on thisoccasion finding the task of crossing to the opposite shore far easierthan before. Indeed, now that they were freed of the dead-weight of theammunition-bags, their progress seemed to be unusually rapid, and erethey could have expected it they were wading in shallow water once more.
"Off with the guns and shoulder the bag," said Tyler sharply, as theydisappeared within the trees. "Now cut the creeper through and push theraft out into the open. Yes, that will do very well, for now that theyare loose the reeds will become separated and, will soon be washed outinto the bay."
"Leaving Hanns Schlott and his men scratching their heads and jestpuzzling where we've got to and how it is that we have disappeared sofinely," laughed the boatswain, his spirits rising as the distancebetween himself and the pirates steadily increased. "And now, sir,which way? I reckon that we've got the whole of the northern portion ofthe island before us, and as that is a larger piece of country than werequire, it seems to me that the best idea will be to set a course atonce and follow it."
"Exactly so, John, but first of all we have to get out of this swamp onto dry land, and in doing so we must not forget that a trail may be leftwhich will help the Malays to follow us. Just recollect the fact whichI have mentioned before, that they are splendid trackers and thoroughlyused to the country. That being the case, we must use the utmostcaution, for our lives will undoubtedly depend upon our doing so. Nowlet us look out for a likely tree, and then we will go through the samemovements that I practised when obtaining the reeds on the oppositeshore. Ah! this seems to me a suitable spot."
He pointed to the twisted, snake-like root of an enormous durian which,emerging from the earth, had shot out over the water for all the worldlike the branches higher up. About five feet from the surface of theswamp it was sufficiently flexible to be drawn within an inch or two ofthe water, and taking advantage of this fact, Tyler and John Marshallin turn threw their legs astride it and shuffled along to the shorewardend. Another branch here came to their aid, and ere many minutes hadpassed both were safely on dry land, with the satisfaction of feelingthat however closely their enemies searched the fringe of trees whichbordered the river they would find no trace of the fugitives. Then wouldcommence a tedious hunt a few yards within the forest, and while thatwas in progress the white men would be speeding away. Yes, haste was ofthe utmost importance, and realizing this to the full, Tyler and hiscompanion took to their heels, and, setting their faces towards thesouth-west, ran on in that direction with the understanding that as soonas they had placed some five miles between themselves and the piratesthey would halt and settle the direction in which they were to march.
At length, breathless and exhausted after their exertions, for it was nolight task to push through the forest at that rate, the two arrived at apart where the jungle was broken by a clearing, and, throwing themselvesdown upon the ground, waited there to rest. Scarcely had they recoveredtheir breath and turned to one another to discuss the situation thana loud shout close at hand startled them, and in an instant they hadsprung to their feet and faced about to meet the enemy.