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Booker (San Francisco Steel, #5)

Page 5

by KJ Dahlen

  Suddenly, the still uneasy silence inside the club was shattered by the sound of a phone ringing. It was Slammer’s phone and when he answered it, he put the call on speaker-phone, “What the fuck do you want?” Slammer snarled.

  “So the fucking bitch lied to me huh?” an older man’s voice came over the speaker.

  “Who the hell is this?” Slammer demanded.

  “The people on the street call me Venom.”

  “What the fuck do you want Rand?”

  There was a long pause.

  “Yeah, you heard me,” Slammer went on. “I know your real name. Rand Brakenell. And your baby snake is Virgil Brakenell. You can leave your fucking so called scary names out of it, you pussy.” Slammer’s grey eyes nearly glowed with anger.

  “Well, ain’t that sweet? You took the time to check me out. Well, who the fuck cares? I think you know what I want.” Venom snickered. “I want you and yours dead at my feet. I want the blood of those who betrayed me and I want to know where that fucking treasure is hidden. Your time is done Mr. Fists and now, it’s my time. My time to rule this city. My time to leave my mark on this world.”

  “Dream on, you fucking fool,” Slammer told him. “You are delusional as all hell.”

  “That treasure belongs to my son. He is the only descendant of the pirate left alive,” Venom swore.

  “Except he isn’t a descendant of the pirate is he?” Slammer informed him. “He’s no relative of this pirate at all, just an adopted son of the real family. He’s not part of the Halliday family at all. The treasure belongs to River.”

  “River is dead and as the only remaining family member it belongs to Virgil,” the older man swore.

  “Except for the fact that she isn’t dead.” Slammer growled at them as he hung up the call.

  Shotgun grabbed his President by the cut and backed him up against the wall. “What the fuck did you just do?”

  Slammer stared at the other man. “Do you really think they didn’t know? Do you really think one of those bitches didn’t tell them she was here?”

  River rushed over to Shotgun’s side. “Let him go honey. He’s right. Anaconda and Venom both know I’m here. They both know I’m still alive.”

  Shotgun released Slammer slowly. Turning to look at his woman he said, “You don’t know that.”

  River looked at him and lifted her hand to cradle his cheek. “I know it and I think you know it too.”

  Shotgun closed his eyes and nodded slightly.

  River slowly turned her head to Slammer. “So, what are we going to do next? The women of this club are not helpless, we can help too, you know.”

  Slammer shook his head. “We protect you, not the other way around.”

  River got a crazy look in her eyes. “Listen up buster, if you think I’m going to hide in a corner and watch you guys get shot without doing what I can to watch your backs, you are sadly mistaken. I can shoot a gun and I can watch a tree line. We aren’t helpless here.”

  Ivy, Andrea, and Zoe all stepped forward and stood behind her.

  “You claimed us, so we belong here too,” Ivy told her man. “We may not be as badass as you guys are but you belong to us. I’m not gonna watch you fall without at least trying. Get your mind wrapped around that big guy.”

  Slammer raised an eyebrow at the women who’d literally backed him into a proverbial corner then he looked over at his men.

  Most of them had a proud look in their eyes at the women’s stand.

  Quincy got to her feet and joined the others. “I’m here and looks like I am in it now.” She glanced over at Booker who hadn’t yet taken his intense eyes off of her. She then again stared up at the tall man who ran this club. “So I’m willing to help too.”

  Carson chuckled. He knew his sister all too well. “I’ll help as well. Somebody has to keep an eye on her.” He motioned toward his sister.

  Booker raised a brow at this comment.

  Carson turned to Mammoth and nodded. “You think I’m a good sniper?”

  Mammoth nodded. “Well shit yeah. I remember many times when you saved the whole dozen of us, just with one sniper shot.”

  Carson nodded. “Well, she’s even better than I am.” He motioned to his sister. “Who do you think trained me with a weapon?”

  Slammer turned his stunned gaze over to Quincy. “How is it that you can handle a weapon?”

  “Our father was a war hero. He served in Desert Storm and when he came back, he trained us to protect ourselves. Then when I was twelve years old and Carson was ten, our dad died protecting us from a home invasion. The three men that broke into our home wanted guns and money. My dad wouldn’t give them what they wanted. He stood in front of us to shield us when the three men broke in. He took the first bullet but the three men who shot him died as well.”

  Carson nodded. “She got her hands on my dad’s rifle and wasted all three of them. She took a bullet to the abdomen but she wouldn’t stop until all three of them were dead. Believe me, she can shoot,” Carson assured them all.

  Slammer looked sympathetic as he shook his head. “I’m sorry you all went through that.” He looked over at the women. “If it comes down to it, you can help. Just don’t make us worry about your safety. Just don’t distract us.” He stared at Ivy.

  She let out a sigh, as she looked frustrated.

  “Right now, we’re playing his waiting game and that may be good for him but it’s bad for us,” Slammer informed them all. “Venom knows he’s losing his numbers, numbers he counted on to strike us with. The Triad is taking them out and they are hunting for him and Anaconda. Tommy Wong told me either that four men escaped the bar when they arrived. They got the head of their holy man but they will stop long enough to bury him properly at sunset tomorrow tonight.” He looked around the room. “I figure Venom will strike then. He knows this as well. He’ll figure as long as the Triad isn’t out, he’s got free reign to strike tonight.”

  “What do you want us to do?” Ivy asked.

  “Well, don’t think the police want a piece of this action, so I’m thinking we’re on our own here. They want to get inside these walls because if they do, they know they will be safe from the Triad even after the day they take to bury their holy man. Venom knows they won’t step a foot on these lands because of the pirates head buried here. So they have an even bigger reason to want to take this house.”

  “Not only his head but one of their own’s head is buried here for breaking their word,” Shotgun reminded him.

  “So you will make your stand tomorrow tonight,” Quincy spoke with a final note in her voice. She looked over at Booker.

  Booker stared back at her and nodded.

  “We have to get some rest I have a feeling it’s gonna be a long day tomorrow.” Slammer looked around the room. “Half of us will rest while the others watch four hours on, four hours off. We all need to be alert for nightfall. Do whatever you have to do before then.” He looked at Carson. “There’s a free room first door on the left down the hall for you and your sister.” He then grabbed his woman and walked down the hall. Their bedroom door closed quietly behind them.

  Shotgun grabbed River and scooped her up in his arms, carrying her down the hall.

  Grinder and Mammoth followed suit as they left with their women.

  Chapter Seven

  Carson watched them all leave then shook his head and looked over at his sister.

  She was looking at Booker with interest and he was looking back... With the same interest.

  Carson raised a brow.

  This was something new. Since he’d come back from the sandbox, his sister had shown no interest in men. She said she was always too busy to even think about having a boyfriend. Carson was well aware of everything his sister had sacrificed for him. From the time their father died, she had taken care of him. Now maybe, it was time to let her go and have a life of her own.

  He walked over to her and nudged her shoulder. “See something you like here, sis?”

  Quincy blushed. “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, I think you know what I mean. Why don’t you take a chance for once?”

  She turned to look at Booker. She was surprised to see him looking back. “I won’t be any man’s one night stand, brother,” she whispered.

  “Damn right, you won’t be,” he growled. “But I don’t think that’s the case here. These men are honorable.”

  “You really think that?”

  “Yeah, I really think so. At least see if it could be something.”

  “You wouldn’t be disappointed in me if I took the chance?”

  “Hell sis, I love you and you’ve taken care of me all my life. I could never be disappointed in you. But let me say this much. I will kill the man who disrespects you. I got your back.”

  Quincy smiled. “I know and I’d do the same for you.” She looked over at Booker. “I’d like to take the chance with this one. I mean I don’t know him yet, but I think I’d like to. I felt something startling when he came out of nowhere and walked over to us on that beach. I like... I couldn’t even breathe. I never felt that ever before.”

  “Then go for it.” He smiled. “He’s a lucky man.” Carson did a short salute to her. He let out a low whistle as his dog came to his side then he walked down the hall to the room, Slammer had told him about.

  Booker was standing there leaning against the wall watching Quincy and her brother. Whenever she looked at him, he felt something slam into his chest. He wasn’t sure what it meant but he did know what that whatever happened next would change his life forever. He never read much into the relationships his prez and his brothers had took up recently. He’d always thought that maybe females were too much trouble if they hung around for more than a day or two.

  He’d avoided anything close and serious by making it clear from the start when he went out with a woman that he wasn’t settling down.

  Yes, he’d been on the road most of his life and this statement he would make to anyone he wanted to sleep with was just common sense. He couldn’t expect a woman to embrace that life. Be on the back on his bike for weeks on end. So, he just never opened his mind to having more than a one night stand.

  Here though, with this woman, he knew from the minute he laid eyes on her. This could be a lot more than just one night. It wasn’t just sex or attraction. Though, his palms even sweated when he thought of getting a taste of her. No, it was something more than that. He had this feeling deep in his gut that he would keep her if he bedded her. And his gut had never failed him before.

  Quincy came closer to where he was standing and she looked him in the eye. “Can we go somewhere quiet and talk?”

  Booker thought maybe he’d made some silent, secret wish and here it was standing in front of him asking for him to... He nodded, then ushered her down the hall. He opened his door and waited for her to proceed him into the room.

  When he closed the door behind them, Quincy looked a little nervous. She was in his bedroom and they met what... two or three hours ago? She turned to gaze at him. “Will you do something for me?”

  “If I can.” Booker cocked his head her, curious about the request.

  “Will you kiss me? I need to know if what I felt earlier was real or not.”

  Booker now knew he had his wish granted as he walked toward her slowly. “And what did you feel earlier?” His voice came out low and deep. The thought of kissing her had made him as hard as flint... all over.

  “I’m not exactly sure but I think I have to find out.”

  Booker reached up and slipped his hand behind her head. Slowly drawing her close to him he spoke to her lips, “Shall I tell you what I felt? I felt instant desire and I’ve never felt that way before about any woman. Oh, I’ve felt attraction before, but never that strong or that fast. Then when I was covering you during the fireblast, I was surprised to find you and me, we sort of just fit together.”

  “You felt all that?”

  “I did, just as I’m feeling so much more right now,” he whispered as he crushed her mouth under his. The kiss was harsh but they both felt the sudden heat.

  Quincy groaned as he lifted her to his body. His hard cock ground into her belly and they both gasped at the feeling. They were both in nirvana and they needed to take the next step.

  Booker broke the kiss and quickly took several deep breathes. “I need inside you woman. I need to claim what’s mine to claim.”

  “I think you should know I’ve never done this before,” Quincy admitted in a quiet voice.

  Booker was stunned. “You’re a virgin?”

  Quincy nodded as her face flushed. “Life just got away from me. I had other things to do. I mean I know you are probably used to—”

  “Hush woman, you are giving me a gift that’s so pure I don’t know if I deserve this or not.” Booker smiled and brushed a strand of her hair away from her face.

  “Please make me your woman,” she begged as she initiated another mind blowing kiss between them.

  Booker groaned as he tore her tank top off. Her skin felt warm and a satiny and was the color of pale alabaster. Her breasts were medium size and looked as if they would fit into his hands perfectly. He unhooked her bra and then his hands were around them and he was right. They fit just fine.

  He licked and nibbled his way down her neck to her collarbone and then dipped down to her chest. He pulled a nipple into his mouth and it made his cock pulse almost to the point of pain as he sucked and then played with her other pink nipple.

  Quincy began trembling and her fingers began to unbutton his shirt so she could slip her hand in and touch his chest.

  The moment her hands touched his skin, Booker snapped. He stepped back far enough to rip her jeans off, panties and all and then he took a moment to study her nude figure. It was glorious she did have the curves he had guessed at and he couldn’t believe all this glory had been hidden by her clothing. “You are so beautiful.” Again, his breath felt trapped in his chest.

  Then she watched as he began to undress. First his cut came off and he put it on the table at the foot of his king size bed. Then he fairly ripped his shirt off and when he unbuttoned his jeans she found he had no underwear on. The man went commando. Wow. His cock was long and thick and it stood ready and willing to do its job.

  Only when he was completely naked, did he take that first step toward her.

  Next, she felt like she was floating and only when she hit the mattress, did she realize he’d tossed her down on the bed. He followed her down and when he laid on top of her she opened her legs to accommodate him.

  Booker groaned as he took a moment to realize they did fit together well. He leaned down and kissed her silly. Her core was wet and the scent of her arousal surrounded them. He pumped his cock outside her, coating it in her juices and he felt her heat calling him. He then took a hold of his cock and swiped it up and down along her slit.

  With a gasp, Quincy grabbed his shoulders and hung on. “Oh god, how are you doing that?” She was already panting and squirming with need.

  Then his lips covered hers and he pushed a finger inside her.

  Gasping at the intrusion, her core enveloped him like a snug glove. He then pushed a second finger in, testing the waters so to speak. She was so dammed tight, he wanted to prime her to get her ready. He wanted her to feel pleasure immediately after the pain. He then began to stroke her with his fingers and thumb her clit. He kept plunging and rubbing her. He had his mouth over hers and he stroked it with his tongue to match his finger’s rhythm.

  Quincy went out of her mind with a yearning need as she climbed higher and higher toward something unknown.

  He broke the kiss and looking into her eyes he said, “I want you to watch me. You are giving this gift to me and I want to see your eyes when I take it.”

  Quincy nodded as her labored breathing prevented her from speaking.

  Booker then continued stroking her and thumbing her, she was so slick with her own moisture that he had trouble when his
thumb slipped a couple of times.

  Gasping for air and with her body arching, Quincy came to that peak of an erotic rush then screamed as she flew over the edge. Her eyes remained on his as she was startled by the overwhelming sensations that had taken over her body and mind.

  Booker again, smothered her cries with his hot mouth and immediately lined his hard throbbing cock up at her slick entrance then lunged up inside her to push through her barrier.

  Quincy winced slightly but the pain of his invasion was lost as pleasure took over. She was climaxing as he filled her. He began to thrust inside her very slowly at first and each thrust caused her to feel that rise to the edge again.

  Chapter Eight

  Sweat beaded on Booker’s forehead and ran down the side of his face. He’d never felt this way before, but he was feeling it now. No other woman ever made his heart race like this one did. Before now, sex had just been a welcome release but this time it was so much more. When he felt the tingling in his spine telling him it was almost time for release, he increased his strokes to help her fly.

  A minute later, when he felt her core grasp his cock tight then scream out his name and go over the edge, he then planted himself deeply inside her and grasped her face to gaze into her glazed looking eyes as he came inside her.

  He came so hard he almost passed out. For a moment, they room got dark as his body closed down for a moment. He came back almost immediately and tried to push himself off her but she locked her ankles together at his waist.

  “Sweet woman, I’m too heavy for you, I don’t want to crush you,” he murmured as he paused then broke away and slid down at her side.

  “Humm,” she whispered. “You felt so good right where you were.”

  He nuzzled her neck and whispered, “You belong to me now. I’ve never said that to any other woman before and I’ll never say it to anyone but you.”


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