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Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8)

Page 21

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Marysue was laughing when she caught Gerald’s hand and got him to sit. She whispered to him, and after a few seconds, Gerald’s frown eased away and he nodded. The doors to the kitchen opened and the staff carried out the first course.


  Demon Lord Summoner

  Ambassador for the Dark Lord

  Level 97

  Strength: 393 (0)

  Agility: 393 (0)

  Constitution: 848 (430)

  Intelligence: 448 (30)

  Wisdom: 1,808 (1,060)

  Charisma: 423 (0)

  Health: 13,330

  Mana: 22,930


  Demon Skin-Rank 10

  Demonic Retribution- Rank 9

  Summon Imp Lord

  Fire Blast- Rank 9

  Sap Strength- Rank 9

  Demonic Haze- Rank 9

  Summon Greater Destroyer

  Demonic Vitality- Rank 9

  Fire Burst- Rank 9

  Summon Greater Succubus


  Personal Spells

  Flame Weapon


  Infernal Upgrade: (Succubus- Ally)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Imp- Big Boom)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Destroyer- Demonic Shell)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Succubus- Comforting Touch)


  Infernal Upgrade: (Succubus- Essence Drain)

  Still Caster

  Infernal Upgrade: (Imp- Burning Cleanse)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Destroyer- Savage Roar)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Destroyer- Bash)

  Imp Storm

  Infernal Upgrade: (Imp- Infernal Flames)

  Demonic Inspiration

  Infernal Upgrade: (Destroyer- Thunderous Stomp)

  Ranged Fire Burst

  Racial Abilities:

  Cast spells without verbal components

  Physical damage reduction 25%

  Magical damage reduction 10%

  Influence emotions

  Fire resistance 125%

  Reputation gains at tenth value

  All stats increase by 4 points per level

  Can use any weapon regardless of strength required

  Double movement speed when minion present

  Maxed reputation with all Infernals and Worshippers of the Dark Lord

  All Debuffs last half as long

  Immune to movement impairing effects

  Immune to mind altering effects

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Arriving at the castle the following morning, the group found a lot of people coming and going. All the other players they could see were heading toward the side of the castle where a number of guards stood, close to a pavilion.

  While Astov helped Stacia, Fluff, and Karen out of the carriage, Alburet caught enough snippets of conversations to know that the pavilion was where everyone was turning in the quest items. Once the ladies were all out, they moved off to the side just as Gerald’s carriage was arriving.

  When the couple joined them, they got into the fast-moving line to turn in their quest items. It wasn’t long before they were standing in front of Berk, who was collecting the items. “Next,” Berk said, writing in a book beside him.

  “Seems busy, Berk,” Gerald said as he began to unload his bag.

  Looking up, Berk gave them a tired smile. “It has been, and my day is just starting. I see you’ve been collecting the dead,” Berk said. He counted out the shards, handing them off to a guard behind him, who was putting them into a bag marked specifically for them.

  By the time he finished counting the shards, Berk was looking impressed. “That’s a good bit of work you’ve done, Alpha Company.”

  “Not done yet,” Gerald said as he pulled out the first heart.

  “Thank goodness. Rolland was getting nervous that no hearts would be showing up,” Berk said as he handed the hearts to the same guard, who put them into a different bag.

  “You haven’t had any others?” Alburet asked.

  “Not yet,” Berk said, continuing to count and pass the large hearts. Once he finished collecting them all, he made a note in his book. “Thirty Elder Sandworm Hearts and four hundred and sixty-two Dead Shards. Very well done.” Making out a slip, he handed it to Gerald. “Take this to the bank to receive your coin and experience.”

  “Thank you. I hope Ioaniss is well.”

  “He should be back from his trip tomorrow,” Berk said. “I’d love to chat more, but…” He motioned behind them, indicating the line.

  “Of course,” Gerald said as he took the slip and stepped aside.

  Gerald shook his head as they went back to their carriages, asking, “Shall we collect now or do it after our next round of hunting?”

  “We just leveled and I doubt it’s enough to get us to level ninety-eight, so I’d say wait,” Alburet said. “We’ll need to hit the Dead Sands Inn to grab more food from Stewart, too.”

  “I wonder why no one else has turned hearts in yet?” Karen said.

  “You all came back to resupply, too?” Violet said, her party coming even with the carriages.

  “We ran out of food and Pablo doesn’t have a lot in stock,” Fluff said, trading hugs with the Summoner.

  “Thought that might happen. We hit Wildwood to resupply and spent the night there,” Violet said. “The Lunari sure know how to party… so does your sister.” Violet winked at Stacia.

  “It be in our blood,” Stacia laughed.

  “We’re about to head back out. What did you bring to turn in?” Marysue asked.

  “Shards and hearts. Those Elder Sandworms are no joke,” Violet said. “I’m glad I went heavy with my minions, otherwise we might not have made it.”

  “Aye, it got bad a few times,” Kauree said with a grimace. “Luckily, they do nay attack often, so she be able to bring out her swarm of Imps to help.”

  “We know how that goes,” Karen nodded. “You going to a different zone or heading back out to the Dead Lands?”

  “Different zone,” Violet said. “My Succubi are upset they can’t help more. Thinking we’ll go hit either the Lunari or Elf areas.”

  “Good hunting,” Gerald said.

  Alburet’s carriage followed Gerald’s to the Guild Hall. Ferrin was seated behind the desk, but there was no sign of Vanessa.

  Gerald paused, “Where’s Vanessa, Ferrin?”

  “Taking the day off, Lord. She said it had been approved by Kim.”

  “Not like her to take extra days off,” Gerald said, surprised.

  “She went out to assist at one of the Keeps, Lord. Something about wanting to grow stronger and conquer her fears.”

  “Ah, she does nay want to get too far behind Kauree,” Stacia said.

  “As long as it’s accounted for,” Gerald said. “Keep up the good work, Ferrin.”

  “Of course, Lord.”

  Passing by the desk, they were soon in the back room, using the portal to Progress. The graveyard was clear of undead and the guards looked relaxed, but they quickly came to attention when Gerald appeared.

  “How long ago was the last attack?”

  “Three hours, Lord,” the Sergeant on duty said, snapping a salute.

  “Very well. Let Mantoya know that I’ll be heading due east this time.”

  “Yes, Lord.”

  The streets were busier than anyone expected, and they saw people heading in all directions on their way to the inn. “Busier than I recall it being,” Alburet said.

  “I’m sure they’re all using this as a staging area to head out,” Gerald replied.

  “Not enough action until you get a day away,” Karen said, looking over the players she could see. “Then again, most of them are in their seventies, so even the fights they get near the town are going to be tough.”

  Stewart stood behind the bar, serving drinks. “Stew, we’re here for the food,” Alburet called out as the group entered the inn.

  Stewart’s head snapped around and he smiled as he saw t
hem. “Have a seat. Tabitha will bring it out shortly.”

  Another group was seated around a table near where Gerald settled, and they greeted their Guild Leader with smiles all around. “Good to see you all enjoying your jobs.”

  “We’ll be heading back over there in about two hours,” the healer of the group said. “We haven’t had any problems, and the quest drops are nice. We’re going to hand in another set tomorrow.”

  “Good. Glad to see you’re using the job to get all you can out of it,” Gerald replied.

  “Here you go,” Tabitha said, coming over with a bag for them. “It has everything you’ll need for a week.”

  “Thank you,” Marysue said, taking the bag.

  “It is our pleasure,” Tabitha beamed. “Because of you, we have a good home and our families are allowed to be here.”

  “We have a number of Infernal friends,” Marysue said with a look at Bob and Tiny.

  “Friends,” Gerald muttered, glowering at Bob.

  Bob snickered, giving Gerald a wink, “Very close friends.”

  “Bob,” Alburet chuckled, “knock it off.”

  “Fine,” Bob huffed. “I only tease friends, though.”

  “You all heading back out into the sands?” Stewart asked, coming over with a round of drinks for the table.

  “Another week out,” Alburet nodded. “Have to get the drops for the quest.”

  “Grimgar was saying something about getting an itch to help out,” Stewart said. “I talked him out of it.”

  “How did Almira take that?” Fluff asked.

  “She shook her head, but I could see her hand twitch,” Stewart sighed. “They might join up for the assault on the prison.”

  Alburet felt conflicted over hearing that. After lobbying for others to risk their Final Deaths, he would be a hypocrite to try and persuade Grimgar and Almira out of it. “Did something happen to cause them to suddenly want to risk their lives?”

  “I think they both want to repay Stein for Alistern’s death,” Stewart said, his hands tightening on his mug. “I can’t fault them for that.”

  “Nay. It be their choice to risk it, but mayhap they will change their minds.”

  “You’re right, Stacia... but at the same time, I’ve already lost one of my oldest friends. I don’t want the other two to die anytime soon,” Stewart said, taking a deep drink from his mug.

  “Is it the certainty of death that changes how you used to feel?” Gerald asked.

  Nodding, Stewart sighed, “Yes. When we were like you, it was a gamble and we rolled the dice time and again, but now, it’s no longer a gamble. But I’m sorry for bringing up my own issues. You all have work to do.” Raising his mug to them, Stewart gave them a tight smile, “To a successful hunt?”

  Toasting back, they all took a drink before they set their mugs down and got to their feet. The goodbyes were a bit more poignant for a few of them when they left. Walking toward the east gate, Alburet kissed Stacia’s cheek. “You’ll support them no matter what they choose, won’t you?”

  “Aye. Though, like Unca Stew, I be conflicted on wantin’ them to stay safe,” Stacia said. “It be wrong of me, since I have backed me own sisters’ right to fight durin’ this time.”

  “You just don’t want to lose any more family,” Fluff said softly. “I don’t find it odd at all.”

  “Let’s go kill things and get our minds off what might happen,” Karen said.

  “Good idea,” Gerald agreed as they approached the east towers.


  The days went by much as they had on the last trek across the sands. They gathered their quest items from the mobs and the groups of Infernals they came across. The morning of their fourth full day on the sands, Alburet was cooking their breakfast.

  Marysue came out of her tent and took a seat. “Morning, Al. I have a favor to ask.”

  “You want me to see about pushing for you to get into Delta World,” Alburet said, not looking up from the pan of sausages.

  “That’s part of it,” Marysue agreed. “I want me and Gerald, not just me. I know you have some good connections with the company, and that’s usually better than just money for opening doors.”

  “I honestly don’t mind asking, but I can’t promise anything. I’m not even sure if Karen and Fluff are going to be able to.”

  “The quest does say that you’ll get a boon from the Overlord, and the way you’ve all been acting and talking, that’s going to be them going with you.”

  “That is our fervent hope,” Alburet admitted as he switched pans over the fire.

  “You aren’t going to ask me for anything in return?” Marysue prodded gently.

  “No. I’ll ask for you and Gerald. There’s nothing you could do for me.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Marysue’s voice held a hint that she knew something he didn’t.

  Looking up from the pan, Alburet met her eyes. “At the moment, not anymore. I know you’re sharp and that you have enough money to buy islands, but I don’t think you could do anything for me specifically.”

  “Your home is very nice,” Marysue smiled. “I was sad to see the memorials for your mother and friends.”

  “Oh, yes. They’re in one of the hallways of the manor,” Alburet said slowly.

  “It’s a shame when a family member dies so young. I could easily set up a scholarship in her name, something fitting for her.”

  Alburet went still as memories of Kaylee filled his mind. “She was special, so special. My best friend’s daughter… basically a daughter to me.”

  “I can see that,” Marysue’s voice was soft. “I don’t mean to bring up painful memories, I merely wished to offer something in return for what I’m asking.”

  “I won’t ask,” Alburet said, putting his focus back on breakfast. “It would feel like cheapening her memory to me. I’ll ask for you, though. I have very few friends in my life, and I count you as one of the brightest.”

  Marysue’s calm demeanor faltered, her eyes going soft as she looked at him. “Only a handful of people have ever declined a favor from me, Al. Very well, I withdraw the suggestion. I would not wish to harm your memories of her.”

  “Thank you,” Alburet managed to say after a moment.

  “Asthore, ya be okay?” Stacia said, poking her head out of the tent.

  “Breakfast will be ready soon, and everything is fine, love.”

  Stacia’s eyes met his before she gave him a sad smile, “I be getting’ the others up.”

  “I should wake Gerald,” Marysue said, getting to her feet and starting to walk off. Stopping a few feet away, she looked back at Alburet bent over the fire. Her mask slipped away as she tried to see if he even suspected what she was sure of.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  As the sun climbed toward noon, they reached the top of another dune. They hadn’t expected to see a battle below them, waged between multiple groups. The remnants of Infernals littered the ground, along with almost double their number in undead. The last of the Infernals— a Greater Imp— threw Fire Blasts down on the undead, but the monsters didn’t seem affected by them.

  “Charge,” Gerald said, sprinting down the dune. “Al, see if you can get that Imp out of there.”

  “Bob, BJ, give him cover,” Alburet said as he threw himself into the air. He sped toward the Imp that was trying to dodge bolts of ice from the four remaining undead casters.

  Two of the casters turned on Alburet and his Imps, trying to knock them out of the air with Ice Bolts. Without needing to speak, the three of them split off in different directions. A third caster turned on them, leaving the Greater Imp to deal with only one caster. Unfortunately, his attention wavered when he looked to see who was coming, and that momentary lapse was enough for one of his wings to get clipped, sending him crashing to the ground.

  Alburet managed to cast a Fire Burst onto the undead gathered below him, but his spell did nothing. “Bob, try a Fire Burst. See if your Infernal Flames can touch them.”<
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  Twin Fire Bursts engulfed the undead, chipping away small fragments of their health. “Yes, but not a lot,” Bob called back, throwing more Bursts as he weaved around the ice being thrown at him.

  Alburet saw the one mob turn on the downed Imp and landed between them. His axe came around and collided with the undead’s bare head. The remaining mobs turned on Alburet the instant his attack landed. He was thankful when Gerald Ground Stomped behind them, stunning all four before they could get any hits in on him.

  “Good timing,” Alburet said as he continued to hack at his target.

  “Damned close,” Gerald said. “Lucky for you that Charge closes the distance faster than I could even think of running.”


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