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Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8)

Page 29

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “As the oldest of the Ambassadors, I’ll go first,” Wildmane said, grinning. “Every once in a while, it helps to get away from it all. My gift is a small house in Wildwood. It has a single caretaker that will keep it ready for you.” Extending a key, Wildman chuckled, “Maybe wait until after the child is born before you come, though, unless you want all the women nearby to keep checking up on you.”

  “I’ve heard of the Lunari’s penchant for doting on expectant mothers,” Kim smiled as she accepted the key. “Thank you.”

  “Now that Ambassador Wildmane is done, I will clarify that he has held his post longest, but he isn’t the oldest of us,” Woodbinder said, getting to her feet. “My gift is a simple thing; in the coming months, visit Brightgrove and I will see to it that your home is furnished to your exact tastes.”

  “That is far from simple,” Rolland said, bowing to her. “We will be quite honored to have such items in our home.”

  “Aich, tha’ just be chairs,” Hammerhand snorted, standing as Woodbinder sat down. “Me gift to ye family be this: when ye child grows, and iffin ye be willin’, I will be hostin’ him or her for three years as me own child. They will get the same trainin’ as me own family gets.”

  The natives all looked floored by Hammerhand’s gift. Seeing the confusion from the Two-souled, Hammerhand chuckled, “Tha’ means he’ll be trained like a royal. Me brother be King, after all.”

  “Damn,” Alburet said.

  “Aye, it be a grand gift,” Stacia said.

  “I see someone didn’t want to lose to me again,” Woodbinder said.

  “Nay, tha’ nay be it,” Hammerhand said somberly. “Lord Magiblood be puttin’ his life on the line tomorrow to open the portals, so we can wipe Stein and this blight from the world. Me brother was the one to suggest this gift. In his own words, ‘Iffin he gives his life, who will help his wife raise their child? It be up to us to help shoulder tha’ burden, as we be askin’ him to do such a dangerous thin’.’ It does nay have anythin’ to do with us, nay this time.”

  “I see,” Woodbinder nodded. “I apologize for my assumption.”

  “I’m not sure we can accept such a grand gift,” Rolland said.

  “Ye would nay spurn the offer of a friend, would ye?” Hammerhand asked.

  “No, no we won’t,” Kim said. Getting up, she curtsied to Hammerhand. “We are honored by your offer.”

  “Aich, nay the bowin’. There be no need of tha’ in private amongst friends.”

  “I’m done,” Fluff said, going to Kim with the finished image. “I’m proud that my art will be used by your family.”

  “We are honored that such a talented person is willing to help us,” Rolland smiled. “This has become much more than I had thought it would be. It makes me hope that tomorrow will be the first step to returning the world to what it should be.”

  There was agreement all around and the guests got ready to take their leave. Wildmane suddenly went still, his eyes widening as he read something only he could see. He growled furiously, fur bristling at the message.

  “They would dare!?” Wildmane screamed, the usually docile Lunari now a seething ball of rage.

  “What happened?” Woodbinder asked.

  “The Pride Leader has been attacked… by a Two-souled,” Wildmane snarled, his whole body glowing the same red that Fluff usually emitted when using her Berserker talents.

  “Aich, tha’ be…” Hammerhand began, but trailed off as he also started reading something. “Me brother, too…” The Dwarf’s hands curled into fists, all of his knuckles popping loudly. “Another Two-souled attacked me brother.”

  “This has to be a…” Woodbinder began before her breath caught. “Oh no… The Brighttree is on fire!”

  “Stein,” Gerald said loudly, bringing all eyes to him. “We’ve heard that Stein likes to sow chaos. What else explains why the leadership of Stormguard’s allies have all been attacked the night before the raid is to start?”

  Wildmane’s shoulders heaved and the glow around him brightened, “Stein!? I’ll rip his throat out!”

  Hammerhand went cold, “We will nay back out.” Teeth gritting, the Dwarf stood upright. “I need to go assume the throne. Me brother has been turned to diamond. The Two-souled disappeared as soon as the orb he had given me brother turned him to a gem.”

  “The Orb of Depths,” Vladimir whispered.

  “Aye,” Hammerhand said. “I will send our army when the portal opens.” Pulling out Homestones with grim faces, Hammerhand and his wife vanished from the room.

  “I’m requested back home. My family needs me,” Woodbinder said. “A Two-souled was presenting the Quiver of Hunter when the tree went up in flames. My cousin… isn’t thought to have survived. I will do what I can, but… we might not be able to send aid.” She and her husband used their Homestones and left, looking worried.

  Wildmane’s fingers flexed, the claws emerging and retracting at their tips. “The Idol of Leo was handed to the Pride Leader by a Two-souled. The moment her hand touched it, she was engulfed in darkness and screamed. The man left and our court Shamans are trying to keep her soul from being torn asunder as I speak. I will marshal the Pride; we will bring death to Stein.” Growling as he grabbed his Homestone, Wildmane vanished.

  “I need to inform the King at once,” Ioaniss said, heading for the door.

  “I shall go with you. The King will wish to know about the relics that were used… they were among the items recently stolen by my traitorous servant,” Vladimir sighed. “Damn you, Renful.”

  “I’ll fetch my gear and report to Commander Roberto. The guard will be called up in full,” Wilbur said as he pulled out his Homestone.

  “Will ya send our coach home, please?” Erin asked Stacia as she also pulled out her Homestone. “I wish to be with me husband for as long as I can.”

  “Aye, go on,” Stacia said.

  Suddenly, Alpha Company were the only ones left in the courtyard. “I should begin preparing for the ritual,” Rolland said with a distant tone.

  “I will come with you,” Kim said. “Like Erin, I wish to be with you until I can’t be.”

  “Rolland,” Alburet said softly, “when it comes time, I’m going to have Bob near you. He’ll take the ring once the ritual is over.”

  “That’s fine, Alburet,” Rolland said. “Thank you for lending it to me.”

  “Call me Al. All my friends do,” Alburet said, going over to clap Rolland on the back and give Kim a hug. “We’ll finish this... don’t worry.”

  “You need the ring back because of your quest,” Rolland said. “It’ll help you meet the conditions.”

  “Yes,” Alburet said.

  “If you had another option, would you consider giving the ring to the King?” Rolland asked.

  “I don’t know,” Alburet said truthfully.

  “Please think about it,” Rolland asked. “I need to get everything ready.”

  Kim escorted them out. All of the Ambassador’s carriages were gone, and Stacia explained to Wilbur’s men that he was gone, as well. After exchanging promises to meet up just after sunrise outside the Portal Guild, Gerald and Alburet’s groups boarded their carriages.

  As the carriage took them home, Karen spoke into the silence, “Don’t do it, Al. Please?”

  Looking over to her, he could feel and see the fear and uncertainty in her face. “If there is another way that’s just as certain, wouldn’t it be worth it to save the King, too?” Alburet asked her.

  “I don’t want to risk it,” Karen replied. “I can’t stand the thought of losing this.”

  “He won’t, not unless he’s sure that the other way will work just as well,” Fluff said softly, rubbing Karen’s back. “Feel his emotions, too, Karen. Al won’t risk our love, but he also wants to do what he can to help his friends and family here.”

  “I won’t, not unless I’m certain and we don’t know of another way,” Alburet said, reaching out to take Karen’s hand.

family will still be here when we go. It would be nice iffin the country did nay fall apart on them when we left,” Stacia said softly.

  “I know I’m being unreasonable,” Karen said, “but I… please?”

  “Unless we can be absolutely certain that whatever comes is as good as the ring, I won’t. I won’t risk giving my family up.”

  Nodding jerkily, Karen lunged across the carriage and hugged him tightly. “Okay. Thank you, Al.”

  “It’s okay, Karen... it’s okay,” Alburet said, holding her close as the carriage rolled on toward home.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Stacia woke them all early, giving them time to shower and have a light breakfast. Tense silence surrounded them as they got into the carriage and made their way to the Portal Guild. When the horses came to a halt and Alburet got out, his eyebrows went up as he took in the mass of people milling around. He finally spotted banners scattered amongst the throng, each with a different emblem.

  “Alpha Company is over there,” Karen said, spotting it right before he did.

  “Let’s head on over,” Alburet said as Stacia climbed out behind them.

  There were clearly marked paths laid out, allowing access to each Guild’s rally point and the central area where the portal was being set up. Their path led them to the middle of the congregation, where Rolland was setting items out around an intricately drawn glyph.

  “BB,” Alburet said, “you’re to stay near Rolland. Once he’s completed the ritual and isn’t in danger of dying, get the ring from him and bring it to me.”

  “Got it,” the second copy of Bob replied, flying over to stand beside Kim.

  They exchanged quick waves with Kim, then moved off toward their Guild’s banner. Alburet was interested to see that Alpha Company, Delvers, and Heart’s Light were set equally spaced around the central area. Between each of the three Guilds were other, smaller Guilds and a number of different guard detachments, each with their own banner.

  When they reached Alpha Company’s banner, Alburet gave Gerald a smile. “Early morning for you?”

  “Very,” Gerald replied. “We’re waiting for the King, and then this whole thing will kick off.”

  “Morning, Alburet,” Violet called out.

  “Aye, mornin’ brother,” Deirdre smiled.

  “Go mingle,” Gerald chuckled.

  Alburet and his wives moved into the mass of Alpha Company, greeting friends and other Guildmates who called out to them. Looking around, he saw all of the natives who had joined the Guild in attendance and a shiver of fear shot through him.

  “Aye, they all be knowin’ what could happen, but they all be wantin’ to help end the nightmare,” Stacia said comfortingly. “I fear for me sis, as well, but I will nay try to tell her to nay come.”

  “Kauree is here, too,” Fluff said. “I hope Vanessa is okay.”

  “You can ask her,” Karen said, motioning with her head. “She’s over there.”

  All of them followed Karen’s gaze. Vanessa, dressed in light leather and walking with a staff, was approaching Kauree. Behind her by a dozen feet was Ferrin. His Angels were flying above him, and a single powerful Angel in plate strode behind him.

  “It looks like all of Alpha Company is here,” Alburet murmured.

  Gerald turned away from Marysue once the last Guild members arrived, climbing onto a box so he could be seen by the entire Guild. “Alpha Company,” he called out, his voice projecting enough to reach them all. Once he had everyone’s attention, he continued, “We are here to help the natives of Alpha World put to rest a long blight on their world. Today is the start of the raid on Alctriuz and the assault on Stein and his followers. Many of you are probably wondering what our specific role will be. The King has approved my request: we will be the wall around him and his closest advisors. It will be our duty on the march to keep them safe.”

  Excited conversations sprang up, making Gerald pause for a moment. A single voice called out from the throng, “Why aren’t we leading the way?”

  “The King gave that task to Heart’s Light,” Gerald replied. “We’ll all be doing what we can in different ways. I will remind you that if the King falls, the entire raid might fragment, so our duty is just as important as any other.”

  Conversations sprang up again, and Gerald waited before he started speaking again, “You have all doubtlessly noticed that the entire Guild has come for this, including our native members. They are risking their Final Deaths by being here; let’s do our best to support them while doing our assigned mission.”

  Everyone looked around at the handful of native Guild members, those closest slapping their backs or speaking softly to them. Before he could say anything else, trumpets rang out from the far end of the gathering as the first rays of light broke over the horizon. Getting off his box, Gerald turned to face the direction of the sound, along with the rest of the Guild.

  The sound of feet marching in unison and cheering grew closer. The King strode to the center of the gathering, the natives in attendance cheering as he went by them. Pausing to speak with Rolland for a moment, Tyr nodded before he climbed the small stage that had been set up.

  “Today, we strike back at the family that has long harmed our nation,” Tyr said without preamble, his voice echoing in the suddenly still air. “Stein and his followers have been a blight that has stained our history. Today, we will be marching to Alctriuz; once there, we will destroy his followers and find him. There will be no trial and no mercy. We will find and kill him. Justice, Peace, Hunter, Magica, Forge, Hearth, Bastet, Leo, and even the Dark Lord are united in this with us. Champions for all of the gods have been raised up, empowered, and will be with us in our righteous fight. We cannot fail, for if we do, the evil that Stein embodies will choke the world. Steel your hearts. Know that friends and loved ones will die, but they will never be forgotten. They will be heroes who have helped us bring justice to Stein.”

  Cheering started with the guards, but spread like wildfire among natives and Two-souled alike. The moment stretched until Rolland motioned to the King. The High Priests for Justice and Peace both slammed their staves into the stage, and silence suddenly filled the air.

  “The time has come,” Tyr said gravely. Extending his hand, the glowing sword Alburet had seen before appeared in his grip. “For Justice!”

  The glyph that Rolland had been working on started to glow. Everyone watched as the glyph rose into the air and expanded, in time with a heartbeat. Alburet watched Rolland closely.

  Hand extended over a large crystal, Rolland’s eyes were closed while he chanted something. As the ritual continued, Rolland’s color began to fade, his skin growing paler and his hand shaking as he kept it over the crystal.

  The growing glyph suddenly contracted and a bright blue glyph blazed from the ground in the center of the gathering. Rolland collapsed, and Kim along with four others cast magic on him.

  “For Stormguard!” the King called out. The first detachment of guards began to march over the glyph, vanishing as they went.

  Alburet felt a tight anxiousness in his chest when he lost sight of Rolland and people all around them began to move. He stayed where he was, knowing he couldn’t step on the glyph or BB would be pulled along with him.

  “I’ll go,” Karen said.

  “No need,” Bob told her. “I’m coming.”

  A moment later, BB flew over Alburet and dropped the ring in his hand, “Kim says, ‘thank you.’”

  Slipping the ring back on, Alburet felt the tension leave him. “I’m glad it worked. Come on ladies, we’re lagging behind.”

  The tension wasn’t just his, but from all of his wives. Each of them fell in around him, and Alburet and his family trailed at the end of Alpha Company’s contingent as they headed for the glyph.

  When they appeared on the far side of the portal, a ruined city stood around them. The sounds of combat could be heard, but distantly. Joining the others standing around the King, Alburet overheard the conversation.
  “They are here at the Dark Lord’s behest; make sure the guards understand they are our allies,” Tyr told a captain, who raced off.

  “It seems he was eager to help, but how did he know where to send them?” Tyr asked Ioaniss.

  “I believe he keeps an eye on his newest Champion,” Ioaniss said, looking over at Alburet.

  “My own stalker god... it’s a little weird,” Alburet shrugged.

  “If I might?” a clear voice said from behind Alburet. “Highness, I come on behalf of the Dark Lord.”

  All eyes turned to the startlingly beautiful woman that stood behind Alburet’s group. Alburet was the least surprised, “Mother. I had a feeling you would be here.”


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