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Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8)

Page 40

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “Darkknight, Jaxton, Tiny, Theo, tank the adds. Everyone else on Hemod!” Gerald said as they crossed the room.

  “That won’t do at all. I’d be denied my fun if we followed that plan,” Hemod laughed as a bubble of oily blackness covered him. Threads of energy stretched from the Puppets to the barrier.

  “Change plan: cut down the Puppets first.” Gerald Charged and hit two guards, coming to rest next to the mostly dead Lord Carradine. “I’ve got these three.”

  “Yes... play with my friends!” Hemod’s insane laughter echoed in the room.

  Alburet and the Imps flew above the scrum, throwing Fire Blasts and Bursts down, but their fire was doing minimal damage. Alburet growled as he watched the groups clash, pulling his axe from his back. “Fire is no good,” Alburet said, looking for a target he could land on. Diving down, Alburet let his boots crush one of the Puppets on Jaxton.

  “Al, what are you doing?” Gerald asked.

  “Too many bodies on yours,” Alburet replied as he stepped off the crumpled Puppet and slammed his axe down on it. “I’ll start in down here.”

  “My spells don’t affect them,” Marysue said, “which means they aren’t dead.”

  “Carradine probably wishes he was,” Karen said, having gotten a good look at the mutilated noble.

  “Failure is always punished,” Hemod said. “He failed to hurt the army, and even lost my latest toy. I’ll reclaim her after I deal with you, though. Her soft screams will again echo in these halls.”

  “Not if we can help it,” Marysue replied.

  “Champion of Peace, lost little sheep,” Hemod snickered. “Lost in both worlds, for no one wants you and no one needs you.”

  Marysue wobbled, her eyes fluttering, “No… I have Gerald.”

  “Gerald doesn’t love you,” Hemod continued, his voice soothing now, reasonable. “He is only using you, like all the others.”

  Stacia sang softly, her hand touching Marysue’s arm. As the song began, Marysue shook her head as if to clear a stray thought from her mind. “No, Stacia is right; Gerald loves me. He would die for me.”

  “Damned Succubus bitch. I’ll have fun twisting you. Maybe I’ll give you to Ophelia.”

  “Ya will nay have the chance,” Stacia said. “Ya will be dead before we find her.”

  The Puppet that had been Lord Carradine finally dropped dead. When he fell, he managed to make eye contact with Gerald, and the gratitude in his eyes made Gerald shiver. “One down,” Gerald said.

  “This is taking too long,” Karen growled as she stepped back and coated her blades in a new poison. “We need to bring them together so we can damage them as a group.”

  “Pull them in,” Gerald said, agreeing with her.

  “It doesn’t matter. Your time will be up before you can do more than posture,” Hemod growled.

  Once the mobs had been grouped as much as they could be, everyone who could inflict area damage did so. The Puppets didn’t have any special abilities, only mindlessly attacking what was in front of them. As each Puppet died, they thanked whoever landed the killing blow, giving everyone shivers as they all imagined being one of the Puppets.

  When they had finally dropped the last Puppet, the barrier covering Hemod fell. “Took you long enough,” Hemod laughed. “Now, let’s have some real fun.” A thick mist started rapidly filling the room.

  Everyone with wings took to the air, including Marysue. “That can’t be good,” Alburet said. The mist covered everyone still on the ground, and the sound of fighting resounded from inside it. “Fluff, might be time to use that trick.” he yelled.

  “Won’t the mist just affect them again?” Fluff asked, her voice rising from the obscuring mist.

  “Fuck,” Alburet hissed as he considered that.

  “Maybe we can burn it off?” Bob said, throwing a Fire Burst at where Hemod had been. The mist vanished, but soon began to refill the area. “We need to hit the group once and then burn it back from them.”

  “Do it. Marysue, be ready with the heals. I’ll take up the right side, because my spells would hurt everyone regardless,” Alburet said as he flew away from the others.

  “Okay, Bob, go ahead,” Marysue said as she started to cast Halo.

  The mist over the players vanished, revealing the various members trying to kill each other. The moment the mist vanished, Fluff used her headpiece’s ability to remove mind-control from her allies, breaking the spell.

  Halo landed on them, healing the injured and the other healers followed suit. The Imps and Alburet kept using Fire Bursts to disperse the mist, trying to find Hemod and keep their friends safe.

  “That just won’t do,” Hemod sighed. “Minions can be such a nuisance. I’ll just have to deal with them first, I guess.”

  Fluff leapt into the mist, her claws flashing. A brief scream came from the area she had landed in. “I found him,” she called out.

  The next Fire Burst landed where she was and revealed her and Hemod, who was clutching a dagger and rod. “Damned cat! Know your place,” Hemod snapped, a gust of black air rushing out of him.

  “I won’t be used,” Fluff snarled as her claws raked another set of furrows into Hemod’s flesh.

  “Meddling gods,” Hemod seethed. The rest of the group was able to get to him, following the path that opened up as the Imps burned the mist back.

  Hemod had a few spells that hit everyone near him, but the healers were able to mitigate that damage with area heals. When his life dropped to sixty-six percent, Hemod laughed and expelled a deep black breath over the group around him.

  “Bob, clear that debuff,” Alburet called out.

  Hemod’s Mania was inflicted on them, making them confused and prone to attacking anyone nearby. As the group faltered, Hemod shoved Jaxton into Fluff and stepped back into the mist. Bob was able to burn the debuff off the group one-by-one, but Hemod had vanished back into the mist and time was ticking away.

  “We need to find him again,” Gerald said, stopping Ironhand from stabbing him while Bob continued to clear the debuff.

  “Peace, we need your aid,” Marysue prayed.

  “This is my last boon to give, child,” a peaceful voice answered her. The mist completely vanished from the room.

  “Damn you,” Hemod raged as he tossed aside his dagger and rod. “I’ll twist both your handmaidens once these fools die.” Pulling a sword and shield from his bag, Hemod spat a glob of phlegm at Gerald, striking the Defender in the face. “Come now, let’s have some more fun.”

  The group raced at Hemod, who stood there waiting with a manic smile on his face. Gerald reached him first with a Charge, but Hemod didn’t become stunned— Gerald did. As the others got there, Hemod was cackling and stabbing Gerald.

  They all began attacking Hemod. Marysue’s eyes went large and she used Divine Heal on Gerald’s, as his health suddenly plummeted. “Stop attacking! He’s linked to Gerald,” Marysue said quickly.

  “Damn it,” Alburet hissed. “Bob, can you remove that link?”

  Bob used Burning Cleanse, but the debuff stayed. “I can’t.”

  “Attack, but be mindful,” Gerald said when the stun wore off. “We only have a couple of minutes left.”

  “Yes, time is ticking away, much like your life,” Hemod laughed. “Soon, I’ll have all of you as new Puppets.”

  Alburet frowned and cast a spell he hadn’t used in a long time. Sap Strength hit Hemod just as he was raising his arm to strike Gerald again, and both the shield and sword fell from his hands. “Now what are you going to do?”

  Gerald blinked when the debuff dropped off him. “That cleared the debuff. Get him.”

  “Summoners are horrid creatures,” Hemod giggled as they all began to lay into him, using their cooldowns to do as much damage as possible.

  His life falling fast, Hemod just let them hurt him, white spittle beginning to form at the corners of his lips. At thirty-three percent life, a wave of coldness washed over the raid and each of them felt their ver
y bodies start to freeze.

  Bob shook his head. “I can’t,” he told Alburet, having already tried to remove the effect.

  “Damn it,” Alburet muttered as he threw another Fire Blast. He wasn’t freezing and neither were the Infernals, but everyone else was. Think, damn it, think, Alburet chided himself. He advanced on Hemod as the others began to freeze in place.

  “Good! Now it’s just us, Demon Lord, and you won’t kill me in time. Maybe I’ll toy with your wives first as soon as you’re all my Puppets,” Hemod cackled madly.

  The rage he had been slowly accepting surged inside him, and Alburet agreed with it. Axe in hand, the head of it covered in flames, Alburet pulled back to strike. He felt it hit something behind him and brought it down fast. Hemod let the axe hit him, laughing as the time ticked closer and closer toward zero.

  “Al, Fire Burst,” Marysue said.

  Reacting without thought, Alburet did as she said, the ring of fire encompassing the whole group. Blinking as he realized that he had just nuked his friends, Alburet was surprised when Hemod screamed in anger and tried to back away.

  Gerald slammed his shield into the Prophet, “Oh no, we still have time. No running for you.”

  Everyone else was suddenly back in the fight and Alburet was at a loss as to what had occurred, but he set his confusion aside and went to join them in killing Hemod.

  Hemod didn’t strike back, instead trying to deflect their attacks and dodge what he could. “No, no, no! You are supposed to lose! Stein promised that I would have new toys today.”

  No one spoke as they kept attacking, focused only on the clock ticking down and Hemod’s life falling away. It was a close thing, but he died with seconds left to spare on the debuff. When the body fell to the floor, the debuff vanished.

  Slumping to the ground, the group looked at each other, surprised that they had all survived. Karen kicked the body, which looted it, prompting everyone to check their bags for items. Jaxton had a new sword in his bag, Violet got a necklace, and Ironhand a new dagger.

  “We need to head out and help the others,” Gerald said once they were healed up. “Let’s go see if we were fast enough.”

  Chapter Forty-six

  Making their way out of the building, Gerald slowed his steps. “How bad was it?”

  “They kept getting back up,” Benedict replied. “They all fell over a minute or two ago. I assume they died the same time Hemod died?”

  “He’s dead,” Gerald agreed.

  “Some of my people had loot show up in their bags,” Blaze said, joining them. “It looks like loot for the fight was distributed to everyone.”

  “Thank goodness,” Violet muttered.

  “Yes, it might have been bad otherwise,” Gerald agreed. “Have you sent anyone back to check on the King?”

  “We will be rejoining you shortly,” Tyr announced through the main Raidstone. “We had a few who kept trying to attack, but they stopped a few moments ago.”

  “Bob, recon,” Alburet said.

  “On it,” Bob said, heading for the minor security wing. His Copies and some of the other Summoners’ minions went with him, splitting apart to get a look at what was ahead of them.

  “Take a break, everyone,” Benedict said.

  Gerald pulled the ear plugs out, putting them into his pouch. “A recommendation if this has to ever be done again. Ear plugs: they really cut the difficulty down inside.”

  “Noted. Isn’t there another major boss who sang at you before?” Benedict asked.

  “Ophelia,” Alburet said through gritted teeth. “Yeah, keeping them on hand is a good idea.”

  “I’m having a few of my lower level guildies bring out a supply of materials to make more ear plugs because of that,” Benedict said.

  “That sounds like a good idea to me,” Blaze said. “Can you have them make some for my people, too? Pay you back once this is over.”

  “Of course,” Benedict chuckled. “Just call it a favor owed.”

  “Thanks, man,” Blaze said.

  “How bad was it out here?” Gerald asked them.

  “When we dropped the mobs, they stayed down for a few seconds before getting back up. If one of us died, we joined them,” Benedict sighed. “It was getting bad before you managed to finish up.”

  “It’ll be remembered by all of us out here,” Blaze said. “Not being in control of your own body is a little scary.”

  “Yes,” Fluff said softly.

  “We used up Peace’s favor, but we still have the others,” Alburet said.

  “She didn’t seem to do much for us,” Benedict commented.

  “She cut down the duration of the control from permanent to a minute each time,” Andrea said, landing beside them. “If she aided the group inside further, I’m not aware.”

  “She was very helpful,” Marysue said, glaring at Benedict.

  “I take back my hasty words,” Benedict said stiffly. “I didn’t mean it as an insult.”

  “We are aware,” Parsnew said, landing beside her sister. “We are sorry we couldn’t do more, but we had used our trump card earlier.”

  “You helped us through the first fight,” Gerald said. “We’re also glad you’ve been reunited with Andrea.”

  “That is very kind of you, Lord Stoutheart,” Andrea smiled. “I’m still ashamed that I was even captured to begin with.”

  “Here comes the King,” Blaze said. “Time for another strategy session, I’m betting.”

  “No bet,” Gerald said as he turned to watch the King and his entourage coming their way.

  Once everyone was assembled in the command tent, the King was debriefed about the fight that had occurred. “Very well, the Prophet is dead. Thank Justice and Peace for that.”

  “We have a map of the next wing,” Roberto said, laying out the map that Fluff had drawn from the minions’ reports of their fly over. “There’s a very large building in the middle of the grounds; that will be the minor security building. When I say minor, just remember that these were still some of the worst criminals in the history of the Empire at the time. Just inside the gates is a holding area right before the gate that actually enters into that wing. Between them lies the next graveyard.”

  “That will be nice. We won’t have to run back as far,” Sidewinder said.

  “Ye will be lettin’ us go forward now, aye?” Werrick asked as he played with Hearth’s coin. “I do nay wish to be left out of findin’ the harlot.”

  Alburet snorted at Werrick’s name for Ophelia, “Nice.”

  Werrick gave Alburet a small nod, “Me thanks.”

  “We will be sending all volunteers forward at this point,” Roberto said. “They’ll be under Benedict’s command.”

  “I suggest Blaze take command of them,” Benedict said. “My Guild is a bit restrictive for most others’ tastes.”

  “I’ll take them,” Blaze smirked. “I’ll have no problem adding them into my groups.”

  “I’ll take any who are known to us,” Gerald said. “I know there’ll be at least a handful.”

  “That’s fine with me,” Blaze nodded.

  “The least advanced Two-souled will be left to hold the first graveyard,” Roberto went on, “just in case more reinforcements do show up. We’ll be leaving a small detachment from each nation’s guard at this graveyard when we push on.”

  “Makes sense,” Gerald nodded. “If Stein is recalling the undead, the rear guard will be hard pressed.”

  “We are aware,” Roberto nodded. “We will have warning if that does happen.”

  “Are your Guilds ready to venture on?” Tyr asked.

  “Majesty,” Ioaniss said, stepping forward. “I need to go with them so I can properly document this.”

  “We all be wantin’ to go,” Hammerhand said, “but we can nay, unless it be to face Stein himself.”

  “Ioaniss, if you fall, it will hurt me,” Tyr said. “Are you sure this is what needs to happen?”

  “Yes, I can’t not go. This m
oment is vital,” Ioaniss said.

  “Very well, dear friend, but do try to be safe,” Tyr sighed.

  “Heart’s Light is ready to move forward,” Benedict said.

  “Alpha Company is ready, as well,” Gerald said.

  “Delvers is also ready,” Blaze added.

  “There has been no movement seen by the scouts, but that building is quite large, so please take the time to make sure it’s clear,” Roberto nodded.


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