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Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8)

Page 42

by Daniel Schinhofen

When the last Experiment fell dead, the Two-souled cheered. Those closest to the fallen mobs looted them while the healers resurrected as many of their own fallen as they could before their timers ran out. The gates swung open a minute later, allowing the respawning players back into the wing.

  “Blaze, you want to go search the building?” Benedict asked as the players started to trickle back in.

  “Let the others do it,” Blaze said with a frown. “Goodness knows they should be able to do that, at least. They almost caused a full wipe.”

  “Indeed,” Benedict nodded. “I’ll be asking the King to keep them back at the graveyard now.”

  “That won’t go over well,” Gerald comment. “A lot of them are going to think we’re trying to exclude them.”

  “We are, but for a good reason,” Benedict shrugged.

  “The King is coming,” Bob warned them from above.

  “Another meeting,” Gerald said.

  “Maybe the others will have to log out soon?” Blaze asked hopefully.

  “A number of them likely will,” Benedict chuckled. “The rest will have scheduled several days off. We need to call a break, anyway; our food timers are getting close to forcing us to eat.”

  “Al,” Fluff asked softly. “Your health earlier... was that Stacia?”

  “I’m betting it was,” Alburet nodded. “She took half my damage, so instead of thirty-three percent off my life, I only lost sixteen percent. Less than a second later, I was healed.”

  “Okay, maybe trading the bracelet for the ring wasn’t a horrible idea,” Karen said. “I still don’t like that you gave up the ring, though.”

  “It’ll work,” Alburet said softly and pulled the two women into a hug. “Have a little faith in us.”

  “I will,” Fluff murmured, resting her head against him.

  “I’m trying,” Karen sighed. “I really am.”

  “Alburet, the tent is going up,” Gerald called over to him.

  “We’ll be right back,” Alburet told Karen, giving her a quick kiss.

  “And this time, I wait by myself,” Karen said.

  “No, we’ll keep you company,” Bob said, landing beside her. “Right, Tiny?”

  “Of course,” Tiny rumbled.

  “Thanks guys,” Karen said, patting Tiny on the back and squeezing Bob’s shoulder.


  Tyr nodded as he stared down at that table as the debriefing came to an end. “I see. Sidewinder, what do you have to say for your collection of Two-souled?”

  “They’re painting it to suit them,” Sidewinder replied peevishly. “We were doing what we could, but we didn’t get the help they did from the Angels and Infernals.”

  “You are wrong,” Andrea said. “Your groups got the majority of help. You didn’t heed the warning to be mindful of the transitions, just as Lord Lightfist said.”

  “I concur with Andrea,” Yuna added. “From what Cal told me, over half of our forces were deployed to the rear of the compound.”

  “I see,” Tyr nodded.

  “Oh, I see. You all are favored, right? Guess I should have figured. Fucking elitist assholes, just because the rest of us have real jobs and can’t be on all the fucking time.”

  “That isn’t it at all,” Gerald said with a shrug. “If you look at the few groups that held out the longest back there, it’s because they listened to the warning, and instead of pushing their mob down as fast as they could, they paced themselves and even tried to help those near them.”

  “Oh, shut it. We all know that your Guild was handed most of your ‘accomplishments.’ You’re probably some spoiled rich kid who’s never had to do any real work before.”

  “You are wrong,” Marysue snapped icily. “He has worked more hours every week than you put in during two. But you’d rather lash out and deflect from your own failings than accept that you can do better.”

  “Fuck you, barbie doll,” Sidewinder hissed.

  “Commander, escort this person out,” Tyr said. “Find someone else who will accept the role of representing the smaller Two-souled Guilds for the raid.”

  “Captain, you heard the King,” Roberto told Mantoya.

  “You know what? Fuck you,” Sidewinder snarled before he vanished.

  “I guess just find another to lead instead,” Roberto said with a shrug.

  “Sire,” Ioaniss said. “With just two wings left, it’s likely we will be finding Dragon Eater and Stein soon.”

  “I am aware,” Tyr nodded.

  “I will ask you again to stay back until Stein has been killed.”

  Tyr shook his head, “I do not think that will be possible, old friend. Besides, I have faith that I will survive,” Tyr smiled while toying with a ring on his hand.

  “Lightfist, do you have a plan of attack for the next wing?”

  “We don’t,” Benedict winced. “All our scouts have been able to see is a large globe of darkness where the moderate security building should be.”

  “My brother is inside there,” Vladimir said softly. “I can feel him and my sister.”

  Looking at Vladimir, Tyr sighed, “Dracon, are you still insistent on facing him?”

  “I am,” Vladimir said.

  “Very well,” Tyr sighed. “Lord Stoutheart?”

  “Dracon has been very helpful to us, Sire. He helped save a few of our people in the last fight. We are ready to assist him in taking down his brother.”

  “Guess that will leave us securing the area and helping out where we can,” Blaze mused.

  “We don’t know what other tricks they might have up their sleeves,” Benedict said. “Blaze, you can be their backup.”

  “Ophelia likes to play with people’s minds, and Dimitry seems to be a hodgepodge of classes,” Gerald stated. “I would be ready to have to subdue or fight your friends, as well as a wide variety of other tricks.”

  “He’ll likely have Renful there, as well,” Alburet added.

  “I was lookin’ to be bringin’ Hearth’s favor into play, but me heart been tellin’ me nay to do so. I been hearin’ a rumor tha’ ye Two-souled be thinkin’ tha’ war be comin’ for our lands soon. Is tha’ right?”

  “It’s probable,” Gerald replied.

  “Aye, then me and Gaston will be holdin’ our favors back for when another Dragon tyrant awakens.”

  “One of my guildies talked to a Priest for Hunter and was told that her favor would be needed later,” Blaze added with a cough. “I was going to mention it later, but now seems good.”

  “Same,” Wildmane growled. “Leo, while very upset about what has happened to our leader, cautioned me to hold back on his favor. Moreover, some of our scouts have seen some anomalies from the Lunines over the last week.”

  “You’re likely the target for the next major trouble, then,” Blaze said.

  “We will be there to assist when the time comes,” Benedict said quickly. “Heart’s Light will always be there to assist.”

  “We will, too,” Blaze added.

  “Alpha Company will be there, as well,” Gerald added.

  “We thank you,” Wildmane replied. “First, we must strike down those who dared attack our leader.”

  “Sire, I have brought the next leader for the Two-souled,” Mantoya said.

  “Sire, I am Eldenar, leader of Exterminus. A good half of those who were following Sidewinder are gone. I’m not sure we can do much with what’s left.”

  “We need you to hold this graveyard and be ready to repel any unexpected attacks,” Tyr said simply. “I shall be compensating the remaining Two-souled even more than I have previously offered.”

  “Sounds good,” Eldenar grinned.

  “We’ll be using the Dark Lord’s favor for this fight, if it’s Dimitry,” Alburet said, bringing the topic back to the next fight.

  “And Justice’s will be used for Stein,” Benedict said.

  “Very well; let’s take over the next wing and see what lies beyond,” Tyr said. “First, take an hour to get some res
t. I’ve had my men resting in shifts and eating as necessary. I would think you should do the same.”

  “An hour’s break, then Alpha Company will head for the black globe,” Benedict said. “Blaze will be stationed right outside, waiting for your signal, and I’ll make sure the next gate is secured for us.”


  Alburet, Fluff, and Karen met up with their friends for a small meal, and said their goodbyes to Stewart, Almira, and Grimgar as they went back to get into position. “They made it through the last fight okay,” Alburet murmured, watching the three walk away.

  “It didn’t feel the same without Stacia here,” Fluff said softly.

  “It didn’t,” Karen agreed sadly. “Already used to the four of us being together.”

  “Which is why we’re doing this,” Alburet said, pulling them both in for a hug. “For our family.”

  “Still wish you had kept the ring,” Karen muttered, “but Stacia had a point. Stormguard will need its King after we kill Stein.”

  “She got him healed right up in the last wing,” Fluff pointed out. “That might make a bigger difference than a single rez.”

  “Fair enough, Fluff,” Karen agreed. “I’m dealing with it, and I can see the point now that I’ve had a chance to calm down.”

  “Al, you guys ready?” Gerald asked, coming over with Marysue beside him.

  “Ready. How are the others doing?”

  “Morale is still really high,” Gerald’s smile faded and he paused. “Even with our losses.”

  “Stoutheart, Darkhand,” Vladimir said, approaching them. “I’m ready to strike my brother down.”

  Alburet’s eyebrows went up as he looked at the decidedly deadly looking Vampire. Hardened leathers in black and red fitted his toned physique closely, looking almost painted on. A dozen daggers were strapped to his body at different spots, and on one hand, a ruby glittered with an internal light.

  “You seem prepared,” Gerald said slowly.

  “I am,” Vladimir responded. “I have done all I can to make sure that this time, my brother doesn’t escape me.”

  “Dimitry won’t get away this time,” Gerald replied, “and please, call me Gerald.”

  “And Al,” Alburet added. “Friends should be more informal.”

  “Friends?” Vladimir paused. “I see. It has been a long time since anyone has offered me friendship. You may call me Vlad.” Bowing his head, Vladimir spun to walk off to where Violet’s group was gathered, but first stopped and handed Alburet a small crystal statue shaped like Gygax. “Mother wished you to have this.”

  “Thank you?” Alburet said, putting the strange figurine into his belt pouch.

  “I’ll be coming with you, as well,” Ioaniss said.

  “Jones,” Gerald nodded, “I figured you would. I’m going to put you with Almira, Grimgar, and Stewart. They’re the last to engage. I would like you to stay as safe as possible. I do not want to have to tell the King that you died on my watch.”

  “I have brought my little friend,” Ioaniss said, touching the small crossbow on his hip. “I’ll do what I can from range. I’ve filled my bags with ammunition.”

  “Five minutes,” Roberto called out. “Alpha Company moves out in five. Everyone, be ready to support them.”

  Yuna landed beside Alburet, “Lord Darkhand, a moment, if you please?”

  “I’ll catch up,” Alburet told Gerald, walking a few feet away with Yuna.

  Once they were separated from the others, Yuna pulled out a red crystal. “Mother wished me to give this to you. I’m only allowed to tell you that if things seem to be going badly, then you can use it. If you do… the balance might swing in your favor, but the cost will be high.”

  “Okay,” Alburet said, slowly taking the crystal and putting it into his belt pouch.

  “Best of luck. I wish I could go with you and help,” Yuna said, her eyes going to Stewart. “Do please keep an eye on my lineage.”

  “I’ll do what I can,” Alburet said.

  Bowing her head, Yuna took to the air. Alburet went over to Gerald, who was speaking to Andrea and Parsnew.

  “Very well, I’ll allow it, but you are both to stay well back,” Gerald was saying.

  “We are only there to assist,” Andrea smiled, “to help level the playing field against Ophelia’s voice.” Her right hand trembled slightly as she said the last two words.

  “Are you going to be okay facing her?” Fluff asked, the concern in her voice clear.

  “I will be there for you, sister,” Parsnew said, taking Andrea’s hand. “The first challenge has been faced down. Now, it is time to face the architect of your pain.”

  Andrea’s eyes closed as a single tear rolled down her cheek. “Yes. I need to face him and her.”

  “Are you sure?” Gerald asked. “We can go without you if it hurts you.”

  “I need to go,” Andrea replied, wiping the tears away. “Neither my sister nor I will be enough alone to interfere with Ophelia’s voice.”

  “We’ll keep you both as far back as we can,” Marysue said. “Parsnew, are you sure you can handle Andrea if things go badly?”

  “We’ll be fine,” Parsnew replied. “Peace has given us renewed strength.”

  “Gerald,” Wilbur said, running over to the group, “you need to go now. Commander Roberto just received word that a massive army of undead is heading toward the prison. Most of the guards are being sent back to assist the Two-souled at the first gate. A small detachment will be left here with the King and Commander Roberto.”

  “Alpha Company, move out!” Gerald commanded as he headed for the front of the Guild. “We’re on a deadline now.”

  Chapter Forty-eight

  Alburet exchanged nods with a handful of guildies while he followed Gerald to the front of the group. Gerald waved to Blaze and Benedict as he marched past the gate and toward the black sphere that took up most of the wing.

  Crossing the little bit of courtyard that wasn’t covered, Alburet felt eagerness and fear from the people following them. As each person stepped through the bubble, the light dimmed, leaving them in an artificial twilight. The air was chilled enough to show their breath. They crossed the courtyard toward a small ziggurat, which stood where a building should be.

  “He changed the whole yard,” Alburet murmured as he looked at the ground around the ziggurat. “You can see where a different building stood before.”

  “Can you hear that?” Fluff asked softly. “A faint chanting?”

  The others shook their heads as they drew closer to the four-story structure. “They used the classic style,” Gerald said. “Three stairways leading up, and that will be it. They were designed to keep everyone but the Priests off with just a few guards. Bob, can you get a look up top?”

  “Sure,” Bob said, and BB flew up. Over a hundred beams of oily blackness hit BB as soon as his head poked above the height of the top level. “Fuckers,” Bob hissed. “All I could see was a smaller structure on top, but it’s covered in things that all looked at me.”

  “Summoners and Necromancers, be aware the guards have the capability to dismiss your minions,” Gerald sent over the Raidstone. “If you’re running Copies, keep your originals at the bottom of the ziggurat.”

  “Fools! My husband is almost finished with his task,” Ophelia’s voice carried in the still air. “My brother and I will stop you from going any further.”

  “Sister!” Vladimir’s voice echoed. “Today, we shall have a final tally of where the family’s loyalties lay!”

  “Oh, poor Mir, always in the shadow of your siblings. You should have listened to our elder brother. If you had, our family would be ruling beside Stein at this very moment instead of having to squash the remnants of the old empire.”

  “Ironhand, take five groups and go left. Violet, take five groups and go right. Everyone else, follow my group up the center,” Gerald ordered over the Raidstone.

  “Oh, is that… my toy has come back to me,” Ophelia’s voice had a
hard edge to it. “I haven’t forgotten your interruption under Peace… Alburet. Nor have I forgotten the delicious horror you fed me during our first meeting. I plan—.”

  “Is he here?” Dimitry’s voice cut off Ophelia. “He is. Good, good. I’ve waited for you, Mir. Have you come to finish our last meeting?”

  “I have come to cleanse the family name,” Vladimir replied as wings grew out of his back. “I’ll be right up, brother.”


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