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The Ranger's Heart: A Clean Army Ranger Romance Book Three

Page 8

by Bree Livingston

  “Which is why you’re terrified, because if you like her this much already, there’s a good chance you’ll fall for her.”

  Gunner pinched the bridge of his nose and leaned his hip against the counter. “We either tell her or I’m packing right now. I mean it, Noah.”

  Minutes passed before Noah spoke again. “You better hope Sophia is a great actor, because she’s going to have to pretend she doesn’t know who you are. You’re no longer Thomas Gun, investment banker there to woo her. You’re Thomas Gun, undercover security there to catch a threat. Do you think she can manage that?”

  No, Gunner didn’t, but he’d rather her be a poor actor than brokenhearted because of him. He wasn’t going to lie to her. Just the little bit he’d already done was eating him. “I think if we don’t tell her, I’m coming home.”

  “All right. I’ll tell Hillary Shaw and let her decide how to proceed.”

  “Thank you.”

  For a second, Gunner thought Noah would have something else to say, but instead, he replied, “I’ll talk to you later.”

  Gunner ended the call and slipped the phone back into the secret compartment of his toiletry bag. His heart was racing a million miles a minute. After two weeks, Sophia was going to learn who he was and why he was there. How much was she going to hate him? What would a one-on-one date be like when she knew?

  Palming his forehead, he worked to rein in his thoughts and emotions. A relationship with her would never work. First, his job was dangerous. Second, with as much as he traveled, getting involved with someone wasn’t a good idea. Third, he’d lied to her for too long. That wasn’t likely to be forgiven. Fourth, he was there for one reason and one reason only. To find the person behind the letters and stop them.

  As much as he liked Sophia, it wasn’t in the cards. What he was learning, though, was that he couldn’t keep going through life alone. He loved Bella with all his heart, but she was gone. His Bella wouldn’t have wanted him miserable, because she loved him as much as he loved her. He could love someone else. He hadn’t broken his promise and wouldn’t be breaking it. Loving someone else was okay.

  Chapter 12

  Picking up the screaming tea kettle, Sophia poured scalding water over the tea bag and set it back down on the stove. After being escorted back to the cottage, she’d showered and dressed in her pajamas. Filming had taken most of the day, and she was exhausted, but her mind wouldn’t shut off.

  Between thinking about what Blake had done and the prospect of going on a date with Gunner, her mind was in a whirl. Every time she thought about Gunner, she’d get butterflies. He was sweet and protective. He’d jumped over the chair to keep Blake from saying something mean, something she’d no doubt have carried in her heart because words had a tendency to stick with her.

  A knock came at the door, and Hillary poked her head in. “Hey.”

  Sophia smiled. “Hey, I didn’t expect you tonight.”

  “I know. We…we kinda need to talk.” Hillary wrung her fingers as she approached Sophia. “I need to tell you something, and I hope you’ll be able to forgive me.”

  Taking a deep breath, Sophia waved to the couch. “Okay, have a seat. Let’s talk. I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think it is.”

  “It is, and I’m terrified to tell you because I love you so much, and if I lost your friendship, I’d be devastated.”

  What in the world had Hillary done for her to think that way? “Well, tell me, and we’ll go from there.”

  “I panicked when that first letter arrived addressed to you. Not only was there a chance I could lose my celebrity, but you’re my closest friend. It was my fault you were in the crosshairs of this crazy person. I’d suggested you be on the show, championed it even. You were perfect for it because people love you and you deserve to find happiness.”

  “Okay. Hillary, just tell me what’s going on.”

  “Thomas Gun is undercover security who works for the Guardian Group out of North Carolina. I brought him on secretly so we could figure out who was threatening you. When the letter writer knew there was security before, they stopped their threats. We couldn’t let anyone know he was here.”

  Sophia’s heart hit the floor. Tears welled in her eyes. “Thomas?”

  “Yes, he’s here to catch the person behind the letters. The threat to you.”

  “Oh.” So he was no different than Blake. He’d been playing with her emotions too. Only there for one reason, and that reason wasn’t her. He was acting. “First Blake and then Thomas.” She couldn’t bring herself to call him by the other more intimate name. He was a complete stranger, and all those tingles were fake. “And you did this to me.”

  Hillary’s shoulders sagged. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d like him. He came across as someone you’d pass over. You know how the show works. By the time we got to the final ceremony, you’d have made your choice, and Thomas would be the poor guy sent home. Only it wouldn’t be a big deal because you wouldn’t have feelings for him.”

  Was Hillary ever wrong. Sophia didn’t just like Thomas. She could see herself falling for him. And all the while, he’d been lying to her. “It’s a big deal, Hillary. I don’t know if I’m hurt or angry or both or what.”

  “That’s why when you mentioned Thomas that first night, I pointed you in Justin’s direction. He’s a really nice guy with a ranch and horses, and I really liked his interview. He’s genuine, and I think the two of you could be great together.” She paused. “I honestly thought you’d zero in on Justin.”

  Sophia scoffed. “So much for that. I can’t believe Thomas lied to me. Pretending to like me. Telling me all these nice things.”

  Hillary touched Sophia’s arm. “I will say, in his defense, he’s the reason I’m telling you. He called his boss, threatening to quit if I didn’t tell you. According to Noah, the man in charge of the Guardian Group, Thomas was adamant that you know.”

  Sophia didn’t know what to believe. One of her best friends had kept something important from her, something she should have known from the beginning. How was she supposed to trust anything now? “Right.”

  “I’m serious, Sophia. I think Thomas likes you. I can’t think of another reason a seasoned professional would threaten to quit. He’s done this kind of work before. Going undercover. His boss made it sound like this was out of character for him.”

  Pulling away, Sophia stood and hugged herself. “And how would I know that since I can’t trust you or him?”

  Hillary jumped up. “You can trust me. You know me, Sophia. If I could have thought of another way, I would have done it. No one knows his reason for being here but me. I’ve told no one. I pulled a favor to get him cast, saying he was a cute friend I wanted on the show.”

  “I just wish you’d told me. Then I could have…”

  “What? You’re supposed to be interacting with every one of the bachelors, and you still need to be doing that. Nothing’s changed except now you know he’s not an investment banker.”

  “I could have protected my heart, though. You could have at least allowed me to do that.”

  Her friend sighed. “Honestly and truly, I picked him because I never in a million years thought you’d be interested in him.” She palmed her forehead. “And you hate pretending. I thought I was protecting you by hiring someone and not telling you.”

  Hillary had a point. Sophia was the worst at acting. “How am I supposed to do this?”

  “I think I believe Noah. Thomas likes you, and that’s the reason he wouldn’t continue with the show. Noah quoted him, saying, ‘I’m not spending the next eight weeks lying to this beautiful sweet woman. If we don’t tell her, I’m packing and coming home right now.’ Noah said he was flat-out refusing to do another thing if I didn’t tell you.”

  Was Hillary telling her the truth, or was she only telling Sophia enough to keep the show going? Sophia knew how important keeping the show popular and on the air was to Hillary. Would she put aside their friendship just to save the show? At t
he moment, Sophia was too hurt to know the answer.

  “I need time to think about this, Hillary. I know you want your father to be proud of you. I know how important that is to you. I can’t tell if you’re doing this for me or you. I feel so betrayed and used right now that I don’t know if I can keep going. You’ve really hurt me.”

  Hillary hung her head. “I’m so sorry. I…I didn’t know what to do.”

  “Please go and let me think.”

  Her friend walked to the door, pausing with her hand on the knob. “I love you, Sophia. I wanted you safe, the letter writer caught, and everyone to keep their jobs. I’m not the only one depending on this show continuing.”

  “Just give me some space, Hillary.”

  “Okay,” she said, pulling the door open and walking out.

  Sophia slowly slid onto one of the stools at the small island. What was she going to do? Maybe Travis would have some advice. Hillary would probably blow a gasket, but she’d have to deal. Not talking about this to anyone wasn’t an option.

  “Hey, Travis,” Sophia said as she answered the door and threw her arms around his neck before he even breached the threshold of the cottage.

  He wrapped his arms around her. “Hey, I’m so sorry. Hillary needs to grow up.”

  They stood in her doorway as the minutes ticked by until she stepped back, allowing him in. “I get her reasoning; I do. But I feel…”

  “Used. The correct word is used. You need to just quit this show. There is a guy out there for you, and you don’t need this reality show to find him.”

  They walked to the couch and sat, Sophia curling up next to him. “It’s not just Hillary I’d be hurting. There are cameramen, interns, all sorts of people who have families to provide for. If I quit, they’ll be out of a job. Some of them might be taken care of, but not all of them. I can’t do that.”

  He wrapped his arms around her. “But you’ve got a guy who’s faking being here. He needs to go. I mean, the letter writer didn’t even do anything for two whole weeks. They can find the offender later. It’s not okay to play with your emotions like that.”

  She hadn’t told Travis that Thomas had said he’d quit the show if they didn’t tell her. She wasn’t sure she even believed it herself, and she knew Travis would be suspicious. “But he’s a professional bodyguard. Those first two letters threatened me personally. And just because they waited two weeks doesn’t mean anything. Who’s to say another one of those letters won’t show up? Just because the writer went after one of the bachelors doesn’t mean I’m in the clear.”

  Travis rubbed his hand up and down her arm. “I don’t like it. You’re so open and sweet and caring. I can see you falling for this guy, even knowing he’s a poser.”

  Sophia leaned back. “I’m not that gullible.”

  Lifting an eyebrow, he leveled his gaze with hers.

  “Fine. I am, but I won’t be this time. I’ll keep my heart and my emotions in check, and that’ll be it.” Even as she said it, the conviction just wasn’t there. She’d liked Thomas, still kind of liked him, but she didn’t know if she trusted Hillary enough to believe he’d threatened to quit.

  “And that one-on-one date isn’t happening.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “You know about that?”

  “Of course I do. I was standing over to the side when you picked his name. They escorted you away before I got a chance to talk to you.” He smiled. “I’m glad you called, though,” he said, pushing her hair over her shoulder. “I don’t want to see you get hurt. I care too much about you.”

  She pressed the palm of her hand against his chest and smiled. He’d always been so good to her. If only there could be more than friendship between them, but there was no spark. There never had been, and there never would be. “Thank you.”

  “I know a lot of people are depending on this show, but you can’t stay just because of that. Just quit, and let’s go take a vacation somewhere. Hillary will just have to get over it.” Travis’s eyebrows drew together. “Eight more weeks of this? It’s not fair for her to manipulate you into staying by using that either.”

  As much as Sophia wanted to stay mad at Hillary, she couldn’t. They’d been friends too long to turn her back on their friendship. She knew Hillary far too well to think that she’d been malicious, and she had tried to steer Sophia to Justin. “I know, and I know she can be nutty, but we both love her, and you know it.”

  Travis inhaled deeply and let it out slowly. “I know. It just makes me mad when she pulls stunts like this.”

  “But she was doing it to keep me safe, which was one of your original problems with me doing the show.”

  He shook his head. “I guess if you can forgive her, I can too. I still don’t think it was fair.”

  Sophia hugged him around the chest. “Thanks for letting me vent.”

  “I’d do anything for you, Sophia. You know that.”

  She smiled. “I know.”

  At least she was no longer angry. Still somewhat hurt, but even that was fading. Hillary loved her and wanted her safe. Thomas…she didn’t know what she believed about him. Maybe she’d just keep him at arm’s length and concentrate on Justin. He was a good guy. Good-looking with a great smile. She could fall for a rancher. Or Landon. Either of them was the safe choice. She just had to remember that, and it would be easy to keep her heart from getting broken.

  Chapter 13

  Sweating bullets was just an expression for Gunner before being on a dating show. She’d gone on her one-on-one dates with Justin and Landon, and both guys had nothing but positive things to say. Both of them thought there was a connection there too. Gunner didn’t understand that at all. How they could say that? Was it was possible she’d kissed both of them?

  Television was so weird. Sophia was staying at the cottage on the same property as the guys, but currently, Gunner was in a limo to pick her up for their one-on-one date. He’d spoken to Noah shortly after Sophia learned who Gunner was, and there’d been no communication since.

  At first, he wondered if she wouldn’t send him packing, which, deep down, he didn’t want. Maybe. How awkward would it be since she knew who he was? What would the date be like? Gunner hated this assignment and wished he’d been more adamant about not doing it. Next time if Noah pressed him, he’d just quit before doing something like this again.

  The limo pulled to a stop in front of the house where the ceremony had been held nearly three weeks ago. He rolled his eyes. Was this the magic of television? Shaking his head, he exited the car and walked to the door, knocking on it. The moments between the last rap on the door and her opening it, his stomach did flips. Maybe she’d changed her mind.

  When the door finally opened, he was mesmerized. Sophia was beyond a vision. She was perfection in a red dress. It didn’t show too much or too little. Her hair was pulled up, and she had just a touch of makeup on. “You’re gorgeous.”

  She took him by the arm and pulled him into the house, shutting the door behind her. “Thanks, but we both know why you’re here.”

  “That doesn’t change the fact that you’re beautiful.”

  Holding her hands up, she sighed. “Please, stop. As a compromise, I get a few moments to talk to you off camera. There are some ground rules you and I are going to play by. First, no flattery. I know you’re only here to catch the person writing the letters. Second, if you win one-on-one dates, we’re going to go, be civil, and make the date as short as humanly possible. Three—and I can’t stress this enough—there is nothing between us. Got it?”

  Why did it feel like she’d stabbed him with a knife? He’d known her less than three weeks. A few conversations during the ceremony, little moments during the group dates, and a few at the bowling alley, and he was acting like an amateur. He nodded, slipping his hands into his pants pockets. “Yeah, I got it.”

  “Do you have any leads whatsoever on who might be behind the letters?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

  He shook his head.
“No,” he said, just above a whisper.

  She let out a heavy sigh. “Great.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “For what? Flirting with me and leading me on for two weeks? Yeah, me too.” Her tone could cut steel.

  Taking a deep breath, he fought to keep himself in check. “For all of it.”

  Sophia’s arms fell to her sides. “Everything about you was…is a lie. And I foolishly fell for it.”

  What could he say? That it wasn’t true? That he’d been himself for the most part and everything was the truth except his profession? It was better that she kept him at a distance for both their sakes. He cast his gaze to the floor to avoid making eye contact. “Yeah, I guess it was.”

  “You aren’t going to try to convince me that part of it was true?”

  “No, both Justin and Landon are good guys, at least from what I can tell. But I doubt a ringing endorsement from me helps them.” He pulled his gaze up to hers. “Uh, could we go ahead and get this started? I—”

  Sophia smirked. “Oh, believe me. We’ll have dinner and come straight back. I told Hillary that she’ll need to come up with something else because this one-on-one was going to be the quickest in Celebrity Proposal history.”

  What was wrong with him? It felt like his heart was getting stomped on. How could he feel so strongly about her so quickly? A woman he couldn’t even think about having. “Okay.”

  “Great.” She brushed past him to the door and swung it open, looking over her shoulder with the fakest smile in the history of fake smiles plastered on her face. “Are you ready, Thomas?”

  Thomas? Ouch. But he deserved it. And no, he wasn’t ready, but what choice did he have? This was his job, and he would do his job to the best of his ability. Noah, Hillary, and Sophia, as mad at him as she was, were all counting on him, and he couldn’t break cover. If he did, the threat wouldn’t be found. He wanted Sophia safe and free from being afraid. Whatever that took, he’d do it.


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