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Blue Moon Investigations Ten Book Bundle

Page 43

by steve higgs

  ‘Kids?’ Rachael yelled through to the lounge where the kids and dogs had gone. ‘Take the dogs in the garden.’ The instruction was delivered in a tone that held no option for bartering, discussing or arguing. Only mothers and Sergeant Majors could achieve that tone in my experience.

  I moved to the patio door and watched as the dogs plopped over the sill followed closely by the children. Then Bull spotted a squirrel on the ground across the garden and attempted to break the land speed record to get to it. Both of my dogs had a thing about squirrels. I could not work out if they felt it was some form of personal insult that a squirrel would come into the garden, or whether it was something else, but they went after them as if they were balls thrown by God.

  The children had yet to take off their coats, so would be sufficiently warm running around and playing among the trees and bushes outside.

  Rachael was finishing making the teas when I got back to the kitchen. ‘Got any biscuits?' she asked, levering herself back onto a tall stool at the breakfast bar.

  Eating sugary treats was rare for me but I was partial to a thick chocolate chunk cookie, so produced a tin of them from a drawer and offered her first pick.

  ‘Did mum ask you to organise the baby shower?' she asked.


  Rachael sighed. ‘I even told her not to.’ she said munching her biscuit. A few crumbs had dropped and were sitting on top of her bump. ‘It was all her idea you know.’

  ‘Really? Mother gave me the distinct impression that you had asked her.’

  ‘Nope. Well, sort of I suppose. We were talking about the baby and she asked when I would be visiting and then asked if I wanted a baby shower. It was obvious she wanted me to have one, so she could show off a grandchild to her friends. I accepted the inevitable and asked if she wanted to organise something when I next visited.’

  I chuckled. That did sound like mum.

  ‘So, since it is happening anyway. What sort of event do you want?’ Rachael was munching again so the question hung for a moment while she tried to clear her mouth. I pressed on with my plan rather than wait for her. ‘I was planning to find a quiet venue that caters so that you avoid mum’s soggy egg sandwiches and heavy pastries. It would be arranged for a weekend during daylight hours and I would invite a limited number of your friends plus mum’s collection of old ladies.’

  ‘That sounds perfect. Thank you, Tempest.’

  ‘No problem. I already have a place picked out. I just need to speak with them and see when they have availability. I'll let you know what I organise.' I sipped my tea as Rachael dunked what must have been her fourth or fifth biscuit in hers. I guess growing a baby makes you hungry. ‘I am going to need a list of the friends you wish to invite with email addresses and phone numbers. It would help, I suspect if you email them to me and cc all of them on the email, so they will have a clue who I am when I make contact.'

  Rachael chuckled. ‘Still struggling to talk to women, Tempest? How is it that you are so awkward with girls when you are so good looking?’

  ‘I don’t struggle to talk to women.’ I corrected her. ‘I struggle to translate talking into anything else.’

  A scream from outside split the air. I was off my stool and moving in a fraction of a heartbeat. Rachael didn’t react at all. ‘They are just playing.’ she said dipping another biscuit in her still warm tea. ‘That was Martha’s over-excited scream.’

  Out of the window, I could see the children chasing the dogs around a tree. I sat back down.

  ‘What was I saying?’ I asked myself more than her.

  ‘You were lying to me about how you can actually talk to girls.’

  I opened my mouth to protest but she cut me off. ‘Don’t worry. Most of the girls I wish to invite already know you. We went to school with some of them.’

  ‘Okay.' I said weakly, unsure who she might be referring to and still smarting about her comment on my ability with ladies. A thought occurred to me. ‘I have a date in a few hours actually.'

  ‘No, you don’t.’ she replied without looking up.

  ‘Yes, I bloody do.’

  ‘Okay then. I'll bite.'

  ‘Her name is Hayley. She works at the coffee shop near my office.’

  ‘And you asked her out?’ Rachael asked, her voice ripe with disbelief.

  ‘Mostly.’ I conceded now unsure what had actually happened.

  ‘Good. Just don’t tell mum. You know how desperate she is for you to produce an heir.’

  I nodded. It was wise advice.

  Rachael and I continued to chat for another hour. The patio doors burst open at one point. The dogs and children arriving in the kitchen moments later with the scent of autumn on their clothes and fur. The kids drained their glasses of water and snagged a chocolate cookie for each hand. The dogs drank from their water bowl and to keep things even I gave them a gravy bone each.

  ‘The dog did a poo.’ Martha announced.

  ‘They do that.’ Rachael replied.

  With no other news to report, Martha, Fallon and the dogs went back outside. Through the window, we could see them grabbing piles of fallen leaves and throwing them high in the air to run underneath as they fell. The action was accompanied by squeals of laughter and excitement and the odd bark from a dog.

  All too soon, Rachael said it was time to go. The children groaned but conceded and suddenly the house was quiet.

  Too quiet.

  I turned on the TV for some noise and set about getting ready for my date

  A Date with Hayley. Saturday, 9th October 1845hrs

  Hayley wanted to pick me up at my house. I had thought it a little odd when she suggested it but dismissed the thought as old-fashioned bordering on sexist. It didn’t bother me that she was the one taking me out. Why would it? I was a fan of strong, independent women after all.

  I shot my cuff to check my watch only to find that I had not put it on yet. I pulled my phone from its back pocket hiding place instead: 1845hrs. She was not due for half an hour yet, so I had plenty of time to finish getting dressed.

  Mildly concerned about spinach between my teeth or the risk of bad breath, I had reserved brushing, flossing and mouth washing until the last minute. It seemed last minute enough now so I headed upstairs to the bathroom.

  I took my shirt off to eliminate the chance of dripping toothpaste on it and hung it on the end of the stair banister.

  In the bathroom, I posed shirtless in front of the mirror, flexed my arms a few times inspecting the musculature critically. I didn’t feel like I was getting old, grey hair had yet to come and I was keeping body fat mostly at bay. I slapped my stomach where a light covering of unnecessary fat ruined my abs and told myself to stop overthinking life. I could lose the fat if I really wanted to, but to achieve that I would have to pin my diet back to the point that it would bother me. It seemed unnecessary.

  I gave myself a mental slap and opened the bathroom cabinet. Then the doorbell went.

  The dogs, who had undoubtedly been asleep on the sofa, burst to life in a fit of barking. I could hear them rush through the house to arrive, skidding to a halt, at the front door.

  I wanted to make whomever it was wait, but the dogs would continue to make noise and there were babies in nearby houses who might be sleeping at this time. It was better that I just answer the door.

  I snagged my shirt on my way down the stairs and threw it on without doing it up. Through the frosted glass of the front door, I could see the figure was a woman and it looked very much to me that the distorted silhouette was Hayley.

  Bull and Dozer were going nuts at my feet, so I shooed them back into the kitchen and shut the door. Then quickly checked myself in the mirror in the hall to make sure I did not have anything sticking to my face or hanging from my nose. Satisfied, I opened the door.

  Hayley was wearing a figure-hugging pair of skinny jeans which made her legs look longer than they were, a pair of Mary Janes with a two-inch heel in bright blue and a matching blue three quarter
length leather jacket over a white satin halter neck top. She looked stunning.

  I knew she was attractive, I had always been interested, but I realised now that I had only ever seen her in work clothes with an apron around her waist. A short, quiet noise of excitement came from just below my belt.

  ‘Hello, Hayley. You look stunning.’ I said simply and honestly. ‘Would you like to come in?’

  ‘I’m a little early. Sorry.’ She replied taking in my bare feet and open shirt.

  ‘That's okay, I'm nearly ready. If you can give me a couple of minutes we can go.' I stepped away from the door so that she could come in. As I shut the door, the dogs started up barking again. ‘I will have to let them out. Is that okay?'

  ‘Of course, Tempest. I am dying to see them anyway.’

  ‘Just watch out for them in case they claw your legs or leave nose prints on your clothes.' I opened the kitchen door and the pair of idiots fell out as one mass of black and tan fur with eight legs and two tails. They were both trying to occupy the same space so were essentially both simultaneously trying to stand on the other's back. Propelling themselves forward anyway, they ran right into Hayley's legs and started trying to climb them. Hayley bent down to coo and fuss them, so the pair rolled onto their backs for tummy tickles. They were so fearsome.

  ‘I will be just a few minutes.’ I assured Hayley as I headed for the stairs.

  ‘Please don’t rush, I will be just fine here with your lovely dogs.’

  Back upstairs I could hear Hayley talking to the dogs in a typical childish voice that one uses on pets. I did the same thing myself. I set about cleaning my teeth but with a greater sense of urgency that I had intended as I did not wish to keep the lady waiting.

  Teeth cleaned, hair tidied, and aftershave applied, I wandered through to the bedroom to get my shoes and buttoned my shirt as I went. In total, I had probably taken about five minutes and I was looking forward to a few hours spent in the company of an attractive woman. It had been several months since I had gone on an actual date and longer than that since I had engaged in any nocturnal, naked activity. Mr. Wriggly was very conscious of this fact and had been reminding me all day.

  As I came down the stairs, I could see that Hayley and the dogs were no longer in the entrance hallway. I checked quickly in the dining room/office, but they were not there so I moved through the house to the kitchen, which was also empty and then into the lounge.

  In the middle of the lounge, stood in front of the mantelpiece was Hayley, no longer wearing her skinny jeans and jacket combo. Instead, she was in bright white, very sexy lingerie, stockings and all and still wearing the heels.

  Mr. Wriggly made a noise that sounded pretty much exactly like a rule does when a school child twangs it off the edge of their desk while holding it down and creating a reverberation with the free end. Kind of a boooinngggoooinggoooiinng noise as he changed state from sleepy passiveness to determined aggression in about half a heartbeat. Visually, it would have been much like a party blower unfurling. I could hear him mustering the rowers up to ramming speed.

  As I watched, she took off her bra, letting it fall from her fingertips to the carpet. Then she crossed the room and began to kiss me. The remainder of my evening was, shall we say eventful and entertaining.

  A Rude Awakening. Sunday, 10th October 0815hrs

  I awoke to a hammering on the door and the dogs barking incessantly downstairs. I was on the wrong side of my bed and momentarily disoriented until Hayley sat up next to me, her breasts demanding my attention as the covers fell away from them.

  ‘Good morning.' I said with a smile remembering the night before. Then smiling again as I re-categorized my memory to be of the early evening, late evening, night and early morning before. My belly rumbled its emptiness as dinner had simply never happened.

  ‘Err, Hi.’ Hayley replied, squinting a little. ‘What is all that noise?’

  ‘The terrible attack dogs reacting to someone knocking on the door. I had better go and see who it is.’ I hopped out of bed unashamedly naked and grabbed jogging bottoms and a t-shirt. I pulled them on, leaned over to kiss Hayley quickly and headed along the corridor to go downstairs.

  The dogs were both spinning in place, wagging their tails and doing their best to block my way so that I had to pick them both up first and deposit them in the kitchen before I could answer the door.

  I yelled out, ‘Won't be a moment.' as I did so.

  On my doorstep was Amanda looking lovely as usual and I felt a sudden pang of guilt over having sex with Hayley. It was entirely irrational I knew. ‘What’s up?’ I asked her.

  ‘Sorry for the early intrusion. I have been trying to get you for hours. There was a phantom attack at the Mill.’

  ‘Oh.’ I said dumbly. ‘I was, um, busy. Otherwise engaged.’ I hazarded.

  ‘Hello.’ Came Hayley’s voice from behind me.

  Amanda was now looking over my shoulder at Hayley who had appeared at the bottom of the stairs wearing my shirt from last night. It was buttoned up using only two buttons so that the slightest movement would reveal her private topiary.

  ‘Hello.’ said Amanda politely. ‘Shall I come back later?’ she asked looking at me. Her tone was a little snippy.

  ‘Perhaps I could meet you at the office in thirty minutes? I could do with a shower.’

  ‘I bet you could.’ she said. Again, it was a snippy retort but then she seemed to recover her composure. ‘Of course, Tempest. Sorry. I didn’t think this through and it was rude of me to be hammering on your door so early. I have never asked you if you had a girlfriend.’

  Hayley had wandered through to the kitchen where I could hear the kettle beginning to make noise.

  ‘I’ll, err. I’ll go. sorry. I’ll see you at the office later then?’ She seemed embarrassed now.

  ‘Thirty minutes. I’ll see you there.’

  ‘Okay.' She turned to go but then a thought occurred to me.

  ‘How did you find out?’ I asked. ‘How did you know there had been an attack?’

  ‘Brett called me. He wants us to take the case and find the Phantom.’ This was unexpected. The hiring us bit, not the bit where he called Amanda. He had been dribbling at her from the moment we went into his office yesterday. I elected to not say anything about Brett.

  ‘Okay. Well, that is a development. I will be as quick as I can.'

  Amanda went back down the path from my house to the road. I saw her getting into her car as I closed my front door. I went into the kitchen where Hayley was searching through cupboards for something. She was standing on tippy-toes to investigate the top shelf and the shirt was riding up to reveal her peach shaped bum cheeks. A glow of desire shot through me.

  ‘Where do you keep your teabags?’ she asked. I walked over to her, spun her around and kissed her.

  ‘Forget the tea.’ I murmured then grabbed her waist and lifted her onto the breakfast bar. There was no resistance and I silently admonished myself as I undid the shirt buttons and accepted that I was probably not going to get to the office in thirty minutes.

  The Office. Sunday, 10th October 0903hrs

  I pulled into my parking space at 0903hrs. I had taken forty-three minutes and was hoping that Amanda would be cool about it. It was unusual for me to arrive late anywhere, but then it was unusual for me to have sex and one had caused the other.

  I had checked my phone when Hayley and I had finally come up for air, there were thirteen missed calls from Amanda over a two-hour span starting at 0518hrs. She had also left text messages telling me what she was calling for, but I had missed it all as my phone had been downstairs and switched to silent.

  I had left Hayley at my house rather than hurry her up and kick her out. When I left, she was still wearing my shirt and drinking tea on the sofa with both my dogs. I had promised to call her later, skipped breakfast because there simply wasn't time and had run out the door peeling a banana as I went.

  In the car, during the short ride to the office, I repl
ayed the previous night. It had, quite simply, been fantastic. Hayley has a great body and knows how to have sex. She had been thoroughly enthusiastic, knew exactly what she wanted and exactly what I would want her to do. However, now that I was no longer in her company, I found that I wasn't thinking about her so much as I was yet again thinking about Amanda.

  Fortunately, it was a short drive to my office, so I could not dwell on the confusing complexities of my desires for very long. I ran up the stairs to my office. Amanda was sitting at my desk using the computer.

  ‘Good morning.’ I called as I went past her to the kettle and cups in the corner by the window. ‘Do you fancy a tea?’

  ‘Yes, please.’ she said nothing else while I filled the kettle and set out two mugs but was clearly waiting to speak when turned around.

  ‘Everything okay?' I enquired.

  ‘Err, Yes. Only no, sort of. I feel bad about this morning. I had no idea you would have company. Is that your girlfriend? No, sorry. Forget I asked. It's none of my business.' Amanda was blushing now. It was the first time I had seen her flustered. ‘Sorry. I'm being odd. Can we just focus on work?'

  ‘The young lady you met is Hayley. I need to tell you that because she works in the coffee shop across the street and you will almost certainly bump into her at some point working here.’

  ‘Oh. Okay.’

  ‘She is not my girlfriend. Actually, I don’t know what she is, or how she would class herself if I were to ask her to.’ I thought about that for a second myself. ‘Perhaps focussing on work is what we should do.’

  I handed Amanda a mug of tea and went over to see what she was doing on the computer. I didn’t want to talk to her about Hayley.

  ‘I have been researching the Phantom, trying to correlate the attacks with other events at the Mill or events in the Barker family. I wondered if I might find a link between the chaps that have been injured or killed and something else that was going on at the time. So far nothing, but with one hundred years of history to dredge through it might take a while.’


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