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Blue Moon Investigations Ten Book Bundle

Page 122

by steve higgs

  Oh no.

  With some dread, I realised that I had rescued Kimberly but now had no plan for what to do with her. I was not going to be able to convince her to go home. I wouldn't go back there if it was where I lived, and Brett was supposed to be coming to my house tonight. I would have to cancel.


  ‘Are you okay, Amanda?' asked Big Ben from his prone position on the back seat. ‘You’re muttering to yourself.'

  ‘Oh, err. Just trying to work out what to do with Kimberly.' I briefly considered asking Big Ben if he could put her up for the night. It would mean I could tidy myself up and still have my date with Brett. Before I voiced that idea though, I acknowledged that he would happily say yes but then spend the night pounding her into his mattress. She would go with him because she would feel she had no choice and that would be my fault. I had a responsibility to look after her.

  My brain was racing, trying to work out what I might be able to do about Bartholomew. From a legal position, he had still not done anything that would get him arrested. Stalking cases were notoriously hard to prove and often went on for months. I could report his latest escapades, but I needed evidence that he had perpetrated a more serious crime than standing outside his house with his friends, which is what any defence lawyer would claim. That he was dressed in a scary fashion on Halloween would be laughed out of court.

  By the time I arrived back at my building, my pulse had returned to normal and I had resigned myself to the fact that I was going to have to call Brett and cancel our evening of fun. I was angry about it. The whole evening was planned out in my head, from how I was going to greet him at the door, to how I was going to lead him to my bed and what I was going to do with him then. I had been really looking forward to moving our relationship forward. Plus, a damned good seeing to was long overdue.


  Who Sleeps Where? Monday, October 31st 1945hrs

  ‘Good evening, Amanda.’ Brett said as he came onto the phone. His deep voice went right to my Doo-Dah and made my legs feel weak. God, I wanted to feel his weight on me.

  ‘Uh, Brett. Hi.’ I started, stammering and making no sense. ‘I, ah. I need to cancel our date tonight.’

  ‘Oh.’ He replied. If he had been trying to avoid sounding disappointed, he had failed. He didn’t say anything else though and a couple of seconds ticked by.

  I needed to fill the void in our conversation. ‘Sorry. Truly I am. I have gotten myself caught up in a case and had to take a girl in. She will be sleeping on my couch tonight…’

  ‘Understood, Amanda.’ He replied, his usual confident, relaxed manner returning. ‘It is disappointing, of course, but life is not a linear journey. Will the lady be staying long?’ He asked.

  ‘Only for the night. I will make alternate arrangements tomorrow.’ Even if I had to send her to stay with Patience for a night so I could have Brett visit.

  ‘Shall we reconvene tomorrow?’ his voice had that husky edge again that always appeared when he was talking about intiMacey. It was making me feel breathless and horny.

  ‘Tomorrow, yes. Same time?’

  ‘That would work for me. Shall I bring something to drink? A bottle of champagne perhaps? One of the ones you helped me to select in Paris?’ I hadn’t helped him at all, other than to say that I liked the look of one bottle because it had a cute bunny on the logo. Champagne sounded good though and he only bought the stuff that was so expensive it had no price tag.

  ‘That would be lovely, Brett.’

  ‘I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to it, Amanda.’ We were still calling each other by our first names. I wondered if pet names would follow as so many couples did.

  ‘Me too.’ I squeaked, momentarily losing control of my voice in my desire.

  I needed to go, Kimberly was already in my apartment with Big Ben waiting for me. I had told them I needed to make a call, then stayed outside to make it. Brett and I said our goodbyes and reluctantly disconnected.

  With disappointment ruling my emotions, I pushed my door open and went inside.

  Big Ben had found a bottle of wine and had poured Kimberly a large glass, probably to settle her nerves and the two of them were sitting on my three-seater sofa waiting for my return.

  ‘Everything alright?’ Big Ben asked. My face probably betrayed my mood.

  ‘Yes. I needed to change my plans for the evening. I had a date arranged.’

  Kimberly’s head shot around to look at me and then at Big Ben. ‘You two are not a couple?’

  We both said no simultaneously.

  Kimberly was visibly pleased by this news, her body language changing instantly. Somehow, without moving, the distance between her and Big Ben on the sofa reduced. She took a gulp of wine and stared at him. He smiled back at her. No words exchanged but plenty being said.

  I rolled my eyes.

  ‘Ben only popped around to check on me actually. We sort of work together. You can go now though Benjamin. I think us girls can handle it from here.’

  ‘What if Bartholomew comes here?’ asked Kimberly. ‘He might track me here.’

  ‘He cannot possibly know where I live.’

  ‘He does voodoo magic. I told you, he can do anything. He probably has a strand of your hair and is performing a tracking spell already. Don’t you think Ben should stay with us for a while just to make sure we are safe.’

  I thought about the tug I had felt on my hair when I was escaping his house earlier today.

  ‘Kim, we don’t need men to make us safe. We can do that for ourselves.’ Her attitude was ticking me off, or perhaps I was already ticked off because my plans for this evening had been ruined, but whatever the case, I was displaying impatience.

  Kim’s face looked upset at my comments. I genuinely thought she might start crying and reminded myself that she was probably a little on edge.

  Big Ben spoke before I got a chance, ‘We can all just hang out and watch some TV, Amanda. I can stay a while and if any voodoo cronies turn up you will have an extra pair of hands to deal with them.’

  ‘Fine. I need a cup of tea. Anyone else?’ I asked over my shoulder as I walked across the open plan living space to my kitchen.

  ‘Yes, please. White, no sugar.' Answered Big Ben.

  ‘I would like more wine. Shall I pop out and get some?’ asked Kimberly.

  ‘I'll go.' said Big Ben getting up. ‘There is a metro shop around the corner, isn't there?' he asked me. 'Shall I grab a pizza while I am at it?'

  I nodded and waited for him to shut the door. Now that he was out of the house, I took the opportunity to have a quick chat with Kimberly about Big Ben and his social habits.

  The kettle was getting agitated behind me as I sat down next to her on the sofa.


  ‘Yes.’ She said, turning to meet my eyes.

  ‘About Big Ben.’

  ‘Oh, my God. How are you not sleeping with him? He is so gorgeous. I swear I thought my knickers were going to fall off when he smiled at me. Is he your ex or something? Is it okay if I sleep with him?’

  The words had burst out in a torrent as if that was the only thing she was able to think about. I just stared at her, no idea what to say next. I got that Big Ben was attractive. I just wasn’t attracted to him. ‘Kimberly, I have to warn you that Big Ben sleeps with a different woman every day, sometimes more than one woman in a day.’

  ‘Really?' she breathed out, her voice incredulous and her eyes up and to the right while her brain was sorting the new information. Maybe I had put her off a bit. ‘So, he must be really good then. So much experience to call upon and no chance of irritating clinginess afterward, just guilt-free, attachment-free sex. Do you know if everything is in proportion? Because, you know… the rest of him is huge.'

  OMG, I really did not want to think about Big Ben's junk or what size it might be. I rolled my eyes again and got up to make my tea. Behind me, on the sofa, Kimberly was deep in thought.

  ‘Do you mind if
I get a shower and change?’ she asked. ‘I didn’t get a chance after I came home from work today.’

  ‘Of course.’ I showed her the bathroom and turned the light on.

  ‘I, err. I forgot to pack toiletries in all the excitement.’

  ‘Help yourself to whatever you find.’ I couldn’t afford expensive shampoos or other items and my decent perfume was in my bedroom so there was nothing she could use that I cared about.

  The door closed as I went back to rescue my tea and the shower came on just as Big Ben came back through the door. I wanted to tell him that he wasn't allowed to shag Kimberly, but I could not see how I could stop him since she seemed likely to throw herself at him at some point. I handed him his tea instead and put the wine he had bought for Kimberly in the fridge. The pizza went on the kitchen counter from where I flipped the lid open and selected two slices. It was a big pizza.

  Presently, Kimberly emerged from the bathroom in a cloud of steam. She was wearing a negligee.

  ‘Do you have a dressing gown or something, Amanda?’ she asked. ‘I just threw things in from my drawers at home and this was the only bedwear I grabbed it would seem.’ I doubted a tiny, black, silk negligee was the only thing she would have found to wear if it had just been me in the apartment with her.

  ‘Back of the bathroom door.' I answered. I was trying to not be critical.

  I had finished my tea and my evening was ruined. I would get rid of Kimberly in the morning. I already had an idea about where to stash her safely. For now, though, I needed to get Big Ben out of my apartment and set up the sofa for Kimberly to sleep on. I was going to take a bath and get to bed.

  ‘Ben, I think we can probably assume that the voodoo lot are not coming to get us now. I am certain Kimberly and I will be safe without you. I am sure you’re looking forward to getting home.’

  ‘Oh. Well if you are sure, Amanda. I can hang on if you like. Maybe stay until you’re safely asleep.’

  ‘Yes, that sounds like a better plan.’ Said Kimberly, excitement in her voice.

  ‘No need, Benjamin. This is a safe part of town and we are in a safe building. I will lock up after you’re gone and be quite safe until tomorrow morning.'

  So, get out, you big lump of over-sexed meat.

  ‘Okay.’ With resignation in his voice, he levered his huge frame off the sofa, wished us both a good evening and went out the door. I locked it behind him. I had been quite worried I would go for a bath and find him shagging Kimberly on my bed when I came out. Knowing Big Ben, he would most likely then encourage me to join them. I felt a lot better now that he was going home.

  If Kimberly felt the need to argue she managed to keep her thoughts to herself.

  ‘I am quite tired, Kim. I am going to get a bath and get to bed. Please help yourself to any food you find and feel free to use the TV and DVD etcetera. I'll get you some bedding to make up the sofa.'

  I went into the bathroom to turn on the taps. There was a spider in it. A big fat one with hairy legs. That was three or more already today which felt like it was more than average. I told myself I was being silly, grabbed the shower attachment and washed it back down the drain hole with cold water. The plug went in and the hot tap began filling the tub. The quick addition of a bath bomb ensured a relaxing experience.

  Thirty minutes later, I was laying in the bath with my eyes closed, wishing I had brought a cold glass of wine with me when I became aware of an odd rhythmic noise coming from my living room. Worried that I already knew what I was hearing, I sat up in the bath and stretched across to open the bathroom door a crack.

  There were four feet hanging off the end of my sofa. The back of the sofa faced the bathroom so that was all I could see, but the feet were not stationary, neither was the sofa for that matter as it appeared to be making its way slowly across my carpet. As I watched, Big Ben's hand gripped the top of the sofa for extra purchase.

  Big Ben and Kim were having sex on my sofa! FFS!

  I almost shouted at them but caught myself and eased the bathroom door closed again. Yelling at them would feel petulant. I might need to clean my sofa though.

  I was all done in the bath but did not now feel that I could leave the room and re-enter the main living area with them both naked on my couch. How long would they keep going for? Was Big Ben the sexual tyrannosaurus he constantly claims to be?

  Snakes Alive! Tuesday, November 1st 0700hrs

  My alarm woke me at 0700hrs. The bleeping noise cutting through the dream I was having and banishing it from my memory. I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling while I got my bearings. Then I remembered the reason I had set my alarm. I had hidden in my own bathroom for more than an hour while I had waited for Big Ben and Kimberly to grow tired of their nocturnal activities. Then, finally too impatient and uncomfortable to wait any longer, I had hammered on the inside of the bathroom door and announced that I was coming out. I had a towel wrapped around my head which I pulled across my face to shield me from seeing anything I did not wish to as I speed walked between the bathroom and my bedroom.

  It is not that I am a prude. I just don't want to see Big Ben naked or parts of Big Ben hanging out of the client I was trying to protect.

  My question now was whether Big Ben had finished or was still going or had perhaps also just woken up and was about to get started again. I could hear no noise coming from the other side of my bedroom door, thus my decision was to get out there quickly before anything could start again.

  I threw on some sports gear that I had to hand and opened the door. My eyes were trying to decide whether it was best to take everything in quickly and find out if there was anything I did not want to see or stare at the carpet until I could verbally confirm if there was or not.

  I went with cautious.

  ‘Good morning, Hotstuff.' I looked up to find Big Ben doing press ups by my front door. He had on his underpants only, there was a light sheen of sweat on his skin and the veins on his shoulders and arms were very visible as they pulsed blood to his demanding muscles.

  Kimberly was watching from the couch, as one might watch a chef prepare a meal when you’re famished.

  ‘Good morning.’ I offered to them both as I crossed the room to the kitchen area and flipped the coffee maker on. I needed it strong and black this morning. There was going to be toast also, a treat to myself. No, bagels! I had bagels in the freezer that toasted up perfectly every time. They were a little naughty, but I was very much in the mood for it.

  ‘Anyone for breakfast?’ I asked over my shoulder.

  ‘Yeah, I’m starved.’ Kimberly answered.


  ‘Probably best if I feed myself. My typical breakfast is a dozen raw eggs with protein powder and veggies, blended and served in three pint-glasses.'

  That sounded awful. I took four bagels from my freezer, showed them to Kimberly to gauge her opinion and put them in the toaster just as the coffee machine delivered my wake-up juice.

  The toaster popped, the room already filled with the scent of the bagels. I slathered two in butter and handed them to Kimberly. She shuffled across the sofa to make room for me. I eyed it suspiciously. Did it smell? Was it clean? Had anything dripped onto it last night? I went back to the kitchen area and ate my breakfast standing up. I would deal with the sofa later.

  Big Ben put on the same clothes he had been wearing yesterday. Well, it wasn't as if I could offer him anything fresh to wear. He was going home shortly but stayed for coffee and to ask if there was anything he could do for me. ‘I don't think so, Ben.' I said between bites of bagel. ‘I will take Kimberly to work and arrange alternate accommodation for her for the next few days until I can crack this case. Today, I will be liaising with the Police to determine how best we can deal with Bartholomew.'

  ‘You make it sound all so easy.’ Kimberly said.

  I cleared my mouth with a swig of coffee. ‘There is no mystery to solve really. Bartholomew is the guilty party. Knowing that makes it much easier to find o
ut how he is causing the ill-effects you are suffering. I can make no guarantee, but I think I will have this sewn up and Bartholomew behind bars very soon.'

  ‘Talking about ill effects, I noticed this morning that my scalp was not itching the way it had been and my skin is less red than it was yesterday. Even my teeth feel better. Why do you think that is?’ she asked.

  I had a theory forming. I needed to check some things out first though. Rather than tell her something that might prove to be false, I instead assured her I would be working on the answer today.

  Big Ben was ready to go, he would shower and change and feed himself back at his place. He waited for me and Kimberly to organise ourselves though. I went to my bedroom, Kimberly to the bathroom where we both dressed for the day and sorted out hair and makeup. It took me far less time than Kimberly needed, but a little more than twenty minutes later we were going out of my front door and I was locking it behind me.

  I plipped my car open and got in. Then screamed a scream that people in China must have heard. I propelled myself back out of my car, bounced off a bush and landed in a puddle where I immediately began scrambling away, oblivious to the wet and muck that now covered my favourite tan trousers.

  ‘Um, everything okay?' Big Ben asked. He had already said goodbye to Kimberly and was walking away as if he had not just spent the night riding her like a show pony. His penthouse was a quarter mile away across the other side of the river that flowed through the centre of town.

  He was smiling at me in a goofy way. Questioning what could possibly be wrong with me to have elicited such a reaction. I wanted to slap him. Instead, I levered myself off the pavement and pointed to my car.

  He could go and look because I sure as heck wasn't going anywhere near it.

  He followed my arm and wandered over to my car. ‘Oh, yes. I see.’

  ‘What is it?’ asked Kimberly as she moved to take a peek. She then screamed just as loud as I had and followed it up with a long string of expletives.


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