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Blackmailed by Her Bully

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “She knew you were here,” Hunter said.

  “Of course she did. I made sure I was seen around town. It’s a small place.”

  “She was going to run. Were you prepared for it?”

  “I’m disappointed she didn’t make this easier for me.” He stepped into the house with Hunter hot on his tail. He got to his office and paused.

  Every single year he’d been away, he had one of his men take pictures, to follow her for a couple of days a month. He hadn’t seen her in the flesh in twelve years.

  “You’ll stay here,” he said.

  “Logan, do you really think this is the best idea?”


  Hunter was a close friend. He wasn’t just an employee, and Logan valued what he had to say, most of the time. Right now, wasn’t one of the times he wanted the other man to speak. He wanted silence so he could do what needed to be done.

  Stepping into the office, he closed the door and took in the woman tied to a chair. Hunter had even gagged her. There were tear stains from her eyes. She hadn’t been able to wipe them away.

  Ava never cried.

  She saw him, and for a split second, the air stilled. He watched her, seeing the hazel of her eyes once again. She’d changed. Her hair was much longer than before. Back in high school, she’d always worn it to her shoulders. The blonde locks had been a tease even then. He couldn’t get a good look at her body, but he saw she still had her curves.

  Her tits were still nice and big. He wondered if Hunter had purposefully tied the rope to highlight just how big they were. He imagined his friend did. Hunter would want her to be on display. His friend had promised time and again to help him.

  Facing his past wouldn’t be easy, or at least that was what he’d been told.

  One look at her, and he knew it was good to be home.

  She started to struggle against the ropes.

  Stepping into the room, he crouched down. “Well, look at you. All grown up. I like what I see.”

  Her voice was muffled. He stared at her. She didn’t look away. Her gaze was focused on him. He couldn’t bring himself to not watch her.

  Twelve years was a long time to find closure.

  The room was silent, and he didn’t want it to be.

  When he reached out, she flinched away from his touch, and he grabbed her face. “The first thing you’re going to learn is not to do that. Do you understand?” He tightened his grip, and she nodded her head. “Good.”

  He removed the gag, and the moment he did, she started to scream. He raised a brow as she opened her mouth again and screamed.

  “Are you done? No one can hear you. Not that anyone would come running.”

  “Fuck you,” she said. Her voice sounded shaky.

  He laughed. “You’ve still got a mouth on you, I see.”

  “Stop it. Let me go.”

  “Not going to happen. You can waste your energy screaming if you like.” He moved to the back of her chair and started to open the ropes.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You’re not very trusting, are you?”

  “You got your goon to grab me from my house. You haven’t given me a reason to trust you!”

  He lifted up, his lips right next to her ear.

  “You’re alive, aren’t you? I’d say I can get points for that. Besides, you deserve everything you’ve got coming to you. The lies you told.”

  “I didn’t lie.”

  As the ropes loosened, she got to her feet, trying to make a run for it. He grabbed her hand, hauling her back. Banding his arms around her, he felt just how curvy she was, her nice plump tits, curvy ass, and juicy thighs. He loved her curves, always had.

  “Keep on moving. Keep on wriggling. I’ve got all night.”

  At his words, she slumped in his arms, and he smiled. This was Ava through and through. First, she’d fight, and the moment she thought she was giving him what he wanted, she’d give in.

  He let her go, and again, she didn’t disappoint; only this time, he let her leave the room.

  He stepped out, to find Hunter had her in his arms. Only his friend had a hand across her mouth, and the other cupping her throat.

  “You let her go?”

  “Nope. I didn’t let her go. She’s fun to play with, and she does everything I expect her to.” He folded his arms across his chest. “Bring her back into the office. We’ve still got to have our little chat.”

  Hunter pulled her, wriggling and fighting, into the office. He threw her to the floor.

  “Do you want me to stay?” Hunter asked.

  “Sure, why not? I’m sure Ava will love an audience. Especially for what I’ve got planned.”

  “I don’t know what it is you think you’re going to get out of me, Logan. I can’t change what happened.”

  Hunter was no longer holding her down.

  Ava sat perfectly still on the sofa, her accusing gaze on him. Her hands were up as if to protect herself.

  He smiled. “This is one of the many things I like about you, Ava. You think you’re the one in control, but you’re not.”

  Sitting on the edge of the coffee table in front of her, he stared into her eyes. He’d thought about them so often. Soon, they would be filled with pleasure. She was going to accept his bargain, and she’d be all his. Everyone in town would know her for the liar she was, and he’d have his revenge upon every single person in town who’d dared to harm his reputation.

  “You know, sexual assault is a hard reputation to come out of. Did you know that?”

  Ava frowned. “What?”

  He smiled. “You can play dumb all you want, but I know the truth. You, Ava, are a fucking fraud. You think I didn’t know what you wanted, even back then. I knew you wanted me.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  He put his hands on her knees, and she captured his wrists.

  “Stop it,” she said.

  “You see, Ava, there is only one way this is going to go.”

  “I don’t know what you think I did, Logan. You’ve got it all wrong.”

  He laughed.

  “Shut her up,” he said.

  Hunter was there, hand over her mouth, holding her back.

  “There, that’s better. Let’s see, yes, Ava, I’ve decided I’m not going to hurt you. Believe me, I can if I wanted to. I’d even be able to hide the body afterward. Trust me. There’s so much I can do to you.” He stroked her knee. “You’re going to be my fuck toy, Ava.” She shook her head and tried to talk. “You see, when I left Crow Valley, I did so with the knowledge I’d come back. They put me in prison, threw away the key. I had to serve time for your lies. Did you expect me to be there for life? I was a good boy in there, Ava. I knew how to lay low. I made some connections, and I knew it would only be a matter of time I’d deal with you. I believe Luke told you I’d be back. He did give you a warning. You’re still here, and I know it’s time for you to pay up for what you did. The tarnish you attached to my name. No matter what I do, I cannot remove that little label from my life, but you see, you’re going to help me with that. You’re going to prove to the town how you lied. You’re going to be at my disposal, whenever and however I fucking like. You’re going to ride my cock, and beg me for more. I’m going to capture every single moment of it. If you’re a good girl, only you and I will ever be able to see it. The town will know you belong to me. Let go of her mouth.”

  Hunter shrugged.

  “I would never do that. There’s no way, I’d be … that for you.”

  He smiled. “You seem to think I’m giving you a choice.”

  “I don’t know what kind of sick game you think you’re playing, Logan. I don’t want it. I’m not part of this. I didn’t lie. I don’t know what you think you know. Sexual assault—”

  He didn’t give her a chance to finish her sentence.

  “I suggest you be careful how you finish that little sentence. Do you understand me?” He had his hand wrapped around her
neck, silencing all protest from her.

  “Stop,” she said, muffling out the word.

  “I rather like this. You seem to think you have a choice, but there is no choice.” He squeezed her neck a little more before finally letting her go.

  He listened to her gasping for breath. He watched her as she grabbed at her throat, but he made no move to help her.

  Staring at her now, he looked forward to seeing her relent. To finally getting a taste of her body.

  He’d liked her back then. Even as he’d bullied her every single day, not giving her a reason to even look at him, he’d taken advantage of every moment to touch, to feel her.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, he stared at her now.

  She really was a beautiful woman.

  “What makes you think I’d ever agree to something like this?” she asked. “You’ve got to be completely crazy if you think I’d ever allow you to do anything like this.”

  He smiled.

  “How about now?” He pointed at the television and pressed “Play.”

  Loud and clear the sound of fucking filled the air, and Ava’s face paled.

  “Do you see anything you like?” he asked. “I see a whole load of things.”

  “How did you get this?”

  “I happened to know a few people. It would seem your parents weren’t as squeaky clean as you’d think. No, they liked to fuck a lot of people, and believe me, their medical bills show a great deal. Did you know they enjoyed many a weekend with other people?”

  “My parents are dead,” she said. “You can’t hurt them.”

  “But this would hurt their memory, but what about you?” he asked. He clicked the forward button, and next, he didn’t exactly like watching this one, but seeing as he set it all up, he made himself watch it.

  “Grant?” she asked.

  “Oh, he’s an employee of mine. You know, the one who always had to go away on business. The hotel I own, and let’s just say, I made sure every single corner you were exposed to.”

  He looked at her, seeing the tears in her eyes. “If you want any of this to go public, walk away. Leave. You can go right now.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “You know why. I’m not even going to justify that question with a fucking answer. You owe me, Ava, and you’re going to pay up one way or another. So, what will it be?”

  Chapter Two

  Sixteen years ago

  Ava cried out as she was slammed into her locker.

  “Well, well, well, if it’s not little fatty!”

  The pressure was pulled away from her. There was no mistaking Luke, one of the most popular guys in school, who was also one of many guys who liked to bully her.

  She grabbed her book and closed her locker, turning to see his little crew. There were three other guys.

  “Be careful, she might eat you, Luke,” Riley said.

  There was a round of chuckles.

  “Nah, she won’t eat me. She only eats stuff with real flesh on. You’ll be the one in trouble, Logan. The guy’s huge. I bet she’d choke on him.”

  They all started to laugh.

  “Are you done?” she asked.

  They crowded around her, and she hated it when she became the center of attention, even when it was bullying. She hated attention of any kind.

  Her hands shook, but she held onto her book in the hope none of them saw just how nervous they made her.

  Logan stepped forward and pushed her hard. His hand was large; even at fourteen he was the biggest guy in school. He pushed her against the locker. “I suggest, little girl, you be careful who you talk to.”

  “We’re the same age. That hardly makes me little.” She shoved against his hand.

  “Ah, so you like it rough. Is that what you’re trying to say?” Logan asked. Both of his hands went to her shoulders, and she let out a gasp as he pushed her hard against the locker, making her wince.

  “Logan, man, we’ve got to go. Principal is heading this way,” Marvin said.

  “Then I guess, we better go.” Logan made no move to release her.

  She glared at him, refusing to break eye contact even as her heart raced. Out of all of the guys, Luke terrified her, whereas Logan confused her. She had noticed Logan stared at her. It was like he was trying to figure her out, or whatever the reason he had for staring at her.

  He was bigger than she was in every single way. Before he left, he pushed himself against her, making her very much aware of who was stronger between the two of them. There was nowhere else for her to go. She was at his complete mercy.

  “Until next time.” He gave her a final shove before walking away.

  Without waiting around to be questioned by the principal, she quickly darted across the hall and turned the corner, heading toward her next class. There was no way she could tell on Logan or the others. They were the stars of the school, and if she did, it would make her public enemy number one. All she hoped to do was get through high school and leave town. It was all she really wanted.


  Present day

  “I can’t believe this,” Ava said.

  The movie was on pause, and she saw how naked she was. Hunter and Logan were able to see. There was no way for them to stop looking. There she stood, in all of her naked glory.

  This can’t be happening.

  Only, it was.

  Logan would release the footage of her parents. She’d had no idea they were into orgies or any of what she’d caught a glimpse of. With regards to Grant, she’d met him in a bar a few years ago and they got close. He’d asked her out on a date, and she’d taken it. They’d dated for a couple of months before they actually had sex. When he’d taken her to a motel room, she hadn’t thought much about it, seeing as he said he moved around. She’d used Grant in an effort to move on, to find a way out of the pain that was her everyday life.

  All this time, he’d been working for Logan, and only doing as he’d been told. There hadn’t been any feelings for her.

  “I hate you.” The words spilled from her lips with ease. She did hate him, just not as much as she hated him.

  Glaring at Logan, she wanted nothing to do with him. There was no way she could make this choice. Not fair in any way. Her parents didn’t deserve to have their memory crushed because he wanted revenge. What was the deal with him calling sexual assault? That wasn’t her, and now she was more confused than ever before.

  It doesn’t matter.

  Logan chuckled. “I’m not going to need you to like me in order to fuck me.” He stepped toward her, and she took one back. With each one he took, she kept on moving away until his desk was in the way, and she was trapped. He put his hands flat on top of his desk. She felt the hard ridge of his cock pressing against her stomach. This wasn’t the first time she’d been in this predicament, not with Logan. There were a few times, so many years ago, almost a lifetime ago, when it was different. When he’d trapped her in a school classroom and wouldn’t let her go, not until he had one taste.

  She pushed those memories aside and instead focused on trying to get out of this.

  “I’m not going to sleep with you.”

  “You want everyone to know what you get up to in your spare time? How you look when you come? You want the entire town, if not the world, to see.”

  “You can’t do that,” she said.

  “Oh, believe me, I can. I wonder what people will think when they see miss squeaky clean all dirty and more than happy to have a cock inside her pussy. It won’t be as easy to convince people of your innocence.”

  “What do you want?” she asked.

  “For you to beg.”

  “Let me go. Be the bigger man and forget all about this.”

  He laughed. “Do you really think I came back to this piece of shit town for the views? No. I came all this way for you. To right a wrong you committed. Everything that happens from here on out is all because of you. Now, either submit to me, or pay the price. Either way, you’re no
t getting out of this squeaky clean.”

  She glanced over his shoulder, staring at the television. It taunted her.

  “I thought he cared.”

  “Oh, he did. For the big paycheck heading his way when I got what I wanted. He’s got no problem starring in your little porn show.” Logan lifted his hand close to her face, and she couldn’t help but flinch as he touched her.

  He tutted. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I have no intention of hurting you. At least, not where anyone else can see. You won’t get any black eyes from me. I’ll make sure of it. Your time is running out. I will pick for you if you take too long.”

  She hated this.

  Why had it come down to this?

  Why didn’t you leave town when you had the chance?

  So many questions whirling around her head, but none of them could be given an answer. Not until she dealt with this little problem. She hated feeling like this. Trapped. Unable to move. But it wouldn’t have mattered if she left town. Logan was clearly determined to find her.

  The evidence of Logan’s excitement pressed against her, and what was more, she wasn’t offended by it. What the hell was wrong with her?


  “Wait, what? No, you can’t count down.”


  “Stop it.” This couldn’t be happening. Her time was being taken from her. There was no way for her to think past the panic. It was all happening too fast.


  “Logan, please, stop this. I get you’re angry with me. I know you are.” The entire town was, but this wasn’t the way forward. It couldn’t be. There’s no way she could accept this as being all she had to—


  “No, please, give me more time. You have to understand you’re wrong about a lot of things. So very wrong. Please, Logan. You have to see reason.”

  “I like hearing you say please. Believe me, you’re going to be begging for a lot more by the time I’m through with you.” The fingers that had touched her so gently traveled to her neck, and he wrapped his hand around her throat, giving it a gentle squeeze. He didn’t cut the air off, but the threat was there. He was the one with all the power, while she was powerless to do anything.


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