Blackmailed by Her Bully

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Blackmailed by Her Bully Page 3

by Sam Crescent


  There was no time. She couldn’t let him make such a life-changing decision.

  “Yes!” She cried out the word. The moment she did, she wanted the world to open her up and swallow her whole.

  This couldn’t be happening.

  But with each passing second, there was no denying exactly what was going on. Logan was going to use her. One of the men from her past had used her for Logan. Nothing she had with Grant was real. She’d wondered what had happened to him. He traveled a lot with his work. At least that was what he said to her. After she slept with him, they continued dating for a couple of months before he broke it off, and it was the end of their relationship. The end of everything.

  “Yes?” Logan asked. He gave another squeeze to her neck before finally pulling away and letting her breathe.

  “Yes, I will do whatever it is you need me to do. Just don’t release them. Please, destroy them.”

  “There is that tiny word again. It means so little to a lot of people. Please. You never said it to me before,” he said. “I rather enjoy hearing you say it now.” He took a step away from her and glanced up and down her body.

  She wore jeans and a shirt, but from the way Logan looked at her, she could be naked. Stripped bare for his pleasure.



  “If you think I’m going to allow you to head home, knowing you had plans to skip town, you’ve got another think coming. You’re here. You’re mine, and I’m not letting you go. Now fucking strip.”

  “Logan, please.”

  “That word again. It was nice, but now, until I want to hear it, it’s gone.”


  “You’re not allowed to say it or you will be punished.”

  “I don’t know what sick kind of revenge you want—”

  His hand was once again around her throat. “Let’s get something straight here, sweetheart. You’re not the one in charge here. I am. I say what goes, and what I say goes right now, is you stripping off your clothes and doing as you’re told.”

  She looked toward Hunter. The other man stood by the door, looking as if this was a regular nighttime activity for him. It wasn’t something she was used to on a Monday night.

  “Don’t look to him for help. In fact, don’t look to anyone for help. The sheriff won’t come for you. No one in this town will, and the first person who does, I’ll kill them.”

  “Is that what you are now, a killer?”

  “I’m a lot of things. I’ve had to be in order to survive. Maybe one day you’ll see some of my new sides. Now, enough small talk. Strip.”

  He stepped away from her.

  She covered the space around her neck. He’d held onto her just a little too tightly. It had been on the verge of pain, but now, she was free. Would his marks still be with her come morning, or disappear?

  Pushing those thoughts from the back of her mind, she kicked off her shoes. She hadn’t exactly paid attention to the best kind of running shoes. These were slip-on ones, and at the first sign of trouble, they wouldn’t last. Not to run in. Next, she didn’t know what to do. Her jeans or her shirt? Either one would expose her underwear to his gaze.

  “Hurry up. I’m not wanting to wait around forever for you to make a necessary decision.” He tapped his watch.

  It didn’t matter which one she removed. They were both coming off anyway. She went for her jeans first, unsnapping the button and trying to ignore both men standing in the room, watching her. Were they watching her?

  She didn’t make a habit of getting naked for anyone, and yet here she was, doing exactly that for two men. Her previous lovers, she’d been with some time and always expected her time with them to last a lifetime. Relationships had always been important to her. She had hoped to get over what happened to her, but the men in her life hadn’t lasted. Nothing had worked.

  Again, they were thoughts she really didn’t need nor want. This was all on her.

  Tucking hair behind her ear, she played with the hem of her shirt.

  “Time’s wasting away here.”

  She pulled the shirt over her head, throwing it to the floor.

  Hoping he wouldn’t make her go completely naked, she stood before him. She wore underwear that had seen better days. She wasn’t made of money, so she only replaced her underwear when it was really necessary. It hadn’t been so at the last mall shopping trip.

  “Nice try. All of it.”

  “Why have you turned into this person?” she asked.

  “Being falsely accused of something and having your reputation tarnished will do that to you, oh, and going to prison.”

  “How? What did you get slapped with that has you taking this out on me?”

  “Shut the fuck up and do as you’re told. Your innocent act is not going to wash with me.”

  “I don’t know what it is you think I’ve done, but you’re wrong.”

  His hand was around her throat. “Enough talking.” He spun her around, and she had no choice but to put her hands on the desk or be smashed against it. Logan grabbed her panties, and without waiting, tore them from her body. The sound of the tear echoed around the room, shocking her to the core.

  This was all a little too much.

  She didn’t know what to do.

  Heart pounding, she felt his hand run across her ass cheeks.

  “Such a nice, plump ass.”

  She cried out as he squeezed one of the cheeks before giving it a slap.

  “What do you think, Hunter? Perfect to be hit. To be spanked.”

  “It has got a nice curve to it. Spread her cheeks. I wonder if she’s ever had anything but a stick up her ass.”

  She tried to push him away, but he trapped her against the desk. The hard edge of the wood dug into her body as he pressed her against it. He gripped the curves of her ass, spreading them.

  “Stop it!” It was on the tip of her tongue to beg him to stop. To plead with him, but she pressed her lips together.

  “Look at this.” His finger stroked between the lips of her pussy.

  “Is she nice and wet?”

  He cupped her with his entire hand, one finger sliding between her slit, going from her clit, down to her entrance. He pushed a single digit inside, then a second one.


  “She tight?”

  “Yes. So very fucking tight. How long has it been since you let a cock inside here?”

  “Leave me alone.”

  “Aw, she thinks she can scream and curse.” His hands stopped touching her.

  She screamed as he slapped her ass, three times, giving a final fourth. The pain was instant, harsh, and humiliating.

  Hunter saw it all. She’d heard his questions. He was in on this with Logan. There was not going to be any saving from him. They were both working together, and she was the object.

  Nothing more.

  Logan lifted her up, spun her around.

  “You can play the victim all you want to here, but I see the evidence. So does my friend here.” Logan ran his fingers across her lip. “Taste yourself.”

  She wanted to deny him, to be defiant.

  He grabbed her hair, making her gasp, causing her to open her mouth, and she had no choice. He slid his fingers inside, and she tasted herself.

  “For a woman who claims to be afraid, you’re wet, Ava. We’re going to have a lot of fun with this. You know that, right?”

  He let her go, and she had no choice but to use the desk to help keep her on her feet. Her legs were like jelly.

  “The rest of it.”

  She reached behind her, flicking the catch of her bra open, and letting it fall to the ground. She wanted to cover herself, but there was no use in doing that.

  “Nice tits,” Hunter said.

  “Leave us,” Logan said, and she looked up.

  Hunter didn’t question him. Simply opened the door and left, closing it behind him.

  “You’re the one in charge?” she
asked. “You can command anyone to do whatever you want? They don’t care what it is you’re doing?”

  “You’re asking a lot of questions, and I’ve got no interest in answering them. Spread your legs.”

  She opened her mouth, about to ask him another question. He let out a tut, and put a finger against his lips.

  “If I was you, I’d be careful what you asked me. I’m growing rather impatient, and you’re boring me. Spread your fucking legs or get on your knees. I’m sure your throat can take my cock, and swallow a nice big mouthful of cum.”

  She opened her legs. There was no way she’d be able to handle being on her knees.

  “That’s a good girl.” He stepped up toward her and touched her thigh. She let out a little gasp.

  Logan stared into her eyes. His were so dark. They were brown but almost black. In the past, whenever she had looked at him, he’d been watching her. She didn’t know why he was, only that he’d always been one step ahead of her. She couldn’t stop him from doing anything. He’d been in charge, and she merely at his mercy.

  “What are you going to do?” she asked.

  “What I should have done all those years ago. I mean, after all, I did back away before it went too far, but you still went screaming.”

  “Logan?” He continued to accuse her of something she hadn’t done.

  “Shut up!” The tips of his fingers traced up her body. He moved past her pussy, going up to her tits. He caressed over them, over each tight nipple, then back down again. Each time, she expected him to go for her pussy, but he didn’t. He was the master of control.

  Always one step ahead of her.

  “Do you know it is harder for a man to see when a woman is aroused?” he asked.

  She didn’t respond.

  “For a guy, everyone knows. A nice, hard dick. It’s hard to hide.” He chuckled. “Get it, hard to hide.”

  “I get it.”

  “But a woman. Unless you touch her pussy, for the inexperienced, it’s not that easy, but for me, you see, I know women. I’ve studied them. This little flush on their skin. So easy to believe it’s the result of a blush and not the evidence of a very aroused woman.” He went to her nipples. “The air isn’t cold. It’s nice and warm in here. I made sure of it, and these hard nipples, another sign. Again, a woman can claim to be cold. I know you’re not cold. I feel how warm you are.”

  “You have me naked, Logan.”

  “Do not try to pretend you’re cold. I know you’re aroused by me.” His hand cupped her pussy, and he plunged two fingers inside her. “The evidence is right here. Soaking wet, tight, and ready for a nice, hard cock. You want to keep on fighting and claiming you’re a sweet, little innocent woman, go ahead. I know you’re getting off on what is happening here. You have no control over what happens here, whereas I have all of it. Every single scrap.”

  In and out he pushed his fingers inside her, working her pussy.

  She closed her eyes, and he pinched her clit, making her open them.

  “I didn’t give you permission to close them. You keep those beauties on me at all times, understood?”


  “Do I make myself clear?” he asked.


  He was the one in charge.

  Staring into his brown eyes, she waited, expecting him to hurt her, but all he did was play with her pussy, preparing her, getting her nice and wet. He drew her to the peak, to the edge of arousal, making her stay at the precipice, not letting her push over, keeping her precariously there, waiting, expecting, and when she thought he was going to let her come, he took a step back.

  She watched as he licked his fingers, the evidence of her arousal glistening on his hand.

  “Go to bed. Hunter will show you the way.”


  “You think you deserve an orgasm? Nah, you’re not going to get one that easy. You’re going to earn it. Now, get the fuck upstairs, and don’t even think of getting your clothes. You’re not wearing them. Consider it another privilege you need to earn.”

  He took a step away from her, and she watched him go to his liquor.

  “Logan, can’t we talk?”

  “No. No more talking. You seem to think you’re the one with the power here. You’re here to do as I wish, unless you want this to go viral by the end of the day.”

  She left the office and looked at Hunter, who smirked. She didn’t want to cover herself, but it took every single ounce of strength not to. She would make Logan pay. He would see how wrong he’d gotten this, and when he did, he’d be fucking sorry. Very sorry.


  The following morning, Logan stood outside on his back porch, staring at the perfect garden once again. Only this time, it was light and he got to see just how perfect everything was. He hated it, but he wouldn’t have anyone do anything to it. Not yet, not ever, probably.

  He wanted it to overgrow, to be surrounded by mess.

  His parents had once demanded perfection, and he’d been a huge disappointment to them, or at least he thought he had until they had squandered their fortune trying to help him. They’d wanted to prove his innocence, but all the judge had wanted to do was to lock his ass up. He’d been painted as an entitled little rich boy who was used to getting what he wanted. When his parents died, they’d done so, broke. The Stanford Legacy had been shattered. They’d died while he’d been in prison. They hadn’t seen the man he’d turned into, but then, he imagined they would be disappointed after all. He wasn’t a model citizen, not anymore.

  Stepping out onto the lawn, he looked up at the French windows that were open. He saw her. She was wide awake, using the curtain around her to try to hide her nakedness.

  Taking a long draw on his cigarette, he blew out the smoke.

  She saw him. Her hazel eyes were right on him.

  There had been so many times throughout his life he’d thought of those eyes. He’d watched her all the fucking time, to no avail.

  She stepped back into her room, closing the doors, but he wasn’t ready to end their little staring contest.

  Throwing his cigarette to the ground, he stamped it out, heading inside. On his way to the stairs, Hunter crossed his path.

  “What’s on the agenda for the day?”

  “Nothing. Have your fill of entertainment on the town.”

  Hunter grabbed his arm. “I know all about vengeance, my friend. Maybe you should come with me. I saw a lot of women more than willing to grace your bed.”

  “I don’t want any of them.”

  “This woman, Ava, she’s more than the reason for your imprisonment, isn’t she?” Hunter asked.

  This man before him was the closest he’d call a friend in recent years.

  “You don’t need to know a single detail about her.”

  “Don’t let her consume you.”

  “Did I ask for your opinion?” Logan asked.

  “No. You didn’t. Force of habit. I will give you one final piece of advice though.”

  “What?” He was growing tired of this conversation and had far more important details to work through than what his friend wanted.

  “Find out what it is you want to do with her, and make a decision before you do something reckless. Ava clearly still has power over you.”

  He grabbed Hunter’s jacket, drawing him close. “She is nothing.”

  “She’s something to have you reacting this way. Just think about it. It’s important for you to know how you feel in the scheme of things. It’s you I care about, no one else.”

  Logan let Hunter go and turned back to the stairs.

  Walking up them, he stopped at Ava’s door. He’d had this room specially decorated for her.

  He spared no expense. There was no way for her to get out. He had the key, which was currently in the lock right now.

  Opening the door, he found her, with the curtains wrapped around her, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  He closed the door, key in hand, and locked the door.

  “I’m a prisoner now.”

  “Yes, but don’t worry. I’m not going to lock you in the basement or behind bars. I’d say your room is rather comfortable. You have a nice, comfy bed. A bathroom.”

  “And I’m guessing there are cameras, right?”

  There weren’t, but she didn’t need to know that. He wasn’t an idiot. Of course he’d have loved to have the ability to watch her when he wasn’t there, but to do that, he would risk others watching the two of them together, and that he couldn’t have. The only room in this house with cameras was his office.

  “What do you want, Logan?” she asked. “I don’t know what I ever did for you to hate me this much?”

  “You don’t? Still playing up the innocent act, I see.” He removed his jacket, putting it on the chair beside the door.

  Next, he started on the buttons of his shirt.

  “What are you doing?”

  He kicked off his shoes and removed his pants. He was careful to push past the hardness of his dick. He was so fucking hard for her, it was unreal.


  She stood up as he did, to his full height.

  Compared to him, she’d always been a small little thing. During their high school, girls had thrown themselves at him, but he hadn’t been interested in any of them. Sure, he fucked a few of them. Why not? He was one of the most popular guys in school and could have his pick of the best of them.

  Ava never threw herself at him. She did everything to avoid them.

  “Did you touch yourself?” he asked.

  She opened her mouth, closed it, and looked away.

  He laughed. “I figured you would. You were all nice and wet, fucking my hand. Desperate for it.”

  “Please stop.”

  “It’s what you wanted, wasn’t it? To come?”

  “Why are you doing this?” she asked.

  “Because it’s so fucking easy. You’re this little goody two shoes who thinks she’s better than everyone else.”

  “I don’t.”

  “You don’t?”

  “You don’t know me.”

  “Oh, but I do. You’re nothing but a coward that runs at the first signs of danger.” He took a step toward her, and once again they were playing this cat-and-mouse game. One step forward, one step back.

  There was nowhere else for her to go.


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