Blackmailed by Her Bully

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Blackmailed by Her Bully Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  The wall, this time, stopped her.

  He slammed his hands on either side of her head.

  “You couldn’t handle what I did to you, and rather than tell me, you ran to the Sheriff. Do you know what it’s like to be arrested? To have your rights shouted at you? Or better yet, to be tarnished as a sexual predator? Or how about being locked up? To be surrounded by fucking filth and disgust? Having your rights taken from you all because of lies?”

  She shook her head. “I didn’t report you for that.”

  “I read the file. The Sheriff was more than happy to oblige when I told him what had happened. That day, in the classroom, you were more than ready for me.”

  “Logan, please, it’s not what I—”

  “Shut the fuck up. I don’t want to hear your excuses.” He stared into her eyes once again. “I then had to hear it at my trial. Every word you’d said about me.” He wouldn’t allow her gaze to affect him.

  So many times he’d been enraptured by them, dreamed about them. Of course, there were times when he didn’t want to hurt her, but after what she did, he felt nothing but the need to hurt her. To make her pay.

  “Seeing as you took care of yourself without me, it seems only fair, you now get to take care of me.”


  He put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her to the floor.

  She didn’t put up a fight.

  “Grant told me about how he taught you the best way to suck a cock. You wanted to please him, to make him come back for more. Now I want you to show me just how good you are at sucking, and then, maybe we can talk about something else.”

  “Pl—Logan,” she said.

  Wrapping her hair around his fingers, he gripped the back of her neck.

  “Open your mouth. You don’t really believe Grant was telling you how to suck a cock for him, do you?” He laughed. He’d hated listening to every single second of her time with Grant, watching it even, but he’d done it to learn her. To watch her.

  Grant was the guy he sent to women. He had this power over them. He made them think he was a good guy, a nice guy.

  The man was a monster. Loved fucking women. Loved hurting them as well.

  Logan had made sure Ava wouldn’t be hurt, just primed and ready, and of course, the movie he had of the two of them also helped his cause.

  She touched his cock, flicking the head with her tongue.

  “Yeah, baby, that’s right. Get it nice and ready. You taste my pre-cum, don’t you? I’m going to fill your mouth with every single drop.”

  She licked the head, moving her tongue down the long vein at the side before gliding back up and taking him in her mouth.

  He grabbed her head, jerking her back so she had no choice but to look at him.

  “If you think to hurt me, use your teeth, I will make you pay. I will punish you. You think stripping in front of Hunter is bad, I’ve got a whole team of men who will do anything for me, and your body is just a vessel for pleasure, understand?”

  She nodded her head. “I won’t hurt you.”

  “You’d better not.”

  He still held onto her hair, and she took his cock back into her mouth. She didn’t use her teeth, but he didn’t imagine she would.

  Ava would never know what he’d be willing to do or how far he was willing to go. He’d learned long ago to not tell his secrets, to keep his own weaknesses to himself.

  She took the head of his cock into her mouth, bobbing up and down, not taking too much. He wouldn’t be able to choke her on his length.

  She covered the length of him in saliva, and he liked watching her like this, on her knees, at his mercy, having to do whatever he told her to.

  This was what he’d wanted.

  She let out a little moan, and it traveled the length of his cock. Did she know she was enjoying it?

  Watching her, he felt his balls tingle, but he wasn’t some teenage boy getting his first blowjob. He was an expert, and he wanted this to last. He’d imagined it enough times, even as a young man, having her at his mercy like this.

  This was by far better than anything he could have imagined.

  As he pumped his hips, her eyes opened and she stared up at him. He didn’t stop even as her hand squeezed the length of him that wasn’t in her mouth.

  He hit the back of her throat, and he held himself there, letting her get used to him.

  Her nostrils flared.

  “Take it all,” he said.

  She didn’t nod or give him a signal.

  Ava moved a tiny fraction on his length, and he watched as she gagged on him, but didn’t stop. She moved a little more, and he pushed past her throat. There was a panic in her eyes, and he pulled back.

  Again, her nostrils flared, but she didn’t try to push him away. Not that it would do her any good. He was the one with the power, not her. He got to say what she did or didn’t do.

  Letting go of her hair, he stroked his fingers through the length before fisting it once again. This time, as he fucked her throat, he didn’t let up. He gave her everything, and he didn’t give her a chance to question him.

  “When I come, I want to see it in your mouth. Don’t swallow until I tell you to. You’re going to show it to me.” In and out, he thrust, feeling the stirring within his balls. The moment he was close, he pressed his cock to her lips and filled her mouth, making her take it all. Only when she’d milked every ounce did he pull away, and as he did, she closed her mouth. “Let me see.”

  She glared at him but tilted her head back, showing him the creamy jizz he’d thrust into her mouth.

  “Good, now swallow.”

  He was curious what she would do, if she would spit it back at him or take it like a good little girl.

  She swallowed him down. He watched her throat work. It took her two swallows to finish.

  “Show me.”

  She opened her mouth, and he smiled. Was that so hard?

  Chapter Three

  Fourteen years ago

  Sitting at the back of the library on the floor, Ava flicked through the history book, not finding the answers on the last world war she needed to finish off her essay. History wasn’t her strong suit, and she had to work twice as hard in order to get a decent grade.

  History didn’t give her a thrill. It was boring, tedious, and she just didn’t enjoy it.

  Once she’d flicked through the small pile of books she had at her side, she got to her feet, reading the labels to put them in the correct order.

  “Well, well, well, look what we have here.”

  She froze, turning to see Luke a few feet away from her. Without talking to him, she went back to looking on the shelves, seeing where the book would go. The last one was on the bottom of the shelf. She leaned down, sliding it into place, and gasped as Luke grabbed her by the hips, and there was no denying what he had pressed against her ass.

  She tried to wriggle away, but it only served to press her up against the shelves.

  Opening her mouth, she tried to scream, to do anything that would make him leave her alone, to make him move, but he didn’t budge. His hand covered her mouth, muffling any sound from coming out.

  “Let me go!” She tried to tell him, but again, his hand stopped her. She was completely powerless beneath him.

  His lips brushed across her ear.

  “I can’t hear you. But I have to say, I see what all the fuss is about. I mean, I just figured this was a fat ass, but there is a lot of cushion with it.” He gripped her ass tightly. She would have bruises where he touched her.

  Tears filled her eyes, and she was terrified.

  “What do you say I take this fat ass out and show you what you’re supposed to do with it?”

  He bit down on her neck, and she let out a squeal.

  “You don’t want to play with her,” Logan said, interrupting the moment.

  Luke sighed. “Until next time.” He whispered the words so she didn’t know if Logan heard them or not. Logan didn’t give any indi
cation that he had, which she hated. “You have your fun with her, buddy. She’s on the large size. I need a girl who’ll feel my dick.”

  She was shaken, but she couldn’t let weakness show.

  This was the first time Luke had ever cornered her. His touch revolted her, and she couldn’t bring herself to look at Logan.

  He and Luke were best friends, and that had to say a lot about the man himself.

  Hands shaking, she went to walk away, but Logan captured her arm, pulling her back.

  “If you want a piece of advice, don’t be left alone with him.”

  He held her close, one of his hands moving to her stomach, and she became very aware of how close they stood together.

  “I have no intention of it.”

  “He doesn’t want you.”

  She tried to wriggle away. There was no chance of it. Logan was the strong one. It was the only time in her life she felt small, gentle even.

  He had her tightly though, so she was only getting away when he saw to it.

  “I don’t want him.”

  “Every girl wants him.”

  “I don’t.”

  “Then that’s your mistake.” He let her go, and without looking at him, she rushed to the back of the library, grabbing her bag and notebooks, leaving it without trying to find him.


  Present day

  Staring at her reflection in the mirror, Ava couldn’t believe she’d sucked Logan’s cock. Her face looked normal, apart from the red blotches on her cheeks. Her body didn’t show any marks at all, not even bruises from his firm grip.

  Pushing her hair out of the way, she stared at the locks, wondering if she could cut it off to stop him from touching her hair. She didn’t want him to use her in any way to further his own pleasure.

  “It’s going to be okay,” she said, releasing a breath.

  After he’d come, he’d let himself out of her room, locking the door behind him. She was a prisoner.

  No clothes.

  No food.

  She’d just been used for sex, for his personal pleasure, and it humiliated her to know he knew she’d taken care of herself. Having his hands on her, it had ignited a fire within her she didn’t know she had.

  Staring down at the sick, she scooped up some of the cold water and splashed it on her face.

  “I’m fine.” She spoke between each face wash.

  She wasn’t talking to anyone. Just herself.

  When her face was thoroughly washed, she stepped back. She’d already taken a bath, but there was no bath towel and she had no way of drying herself.

  The room was warm.

  Leaving the bathroom, she paused as she saw Hunter in her room. He sat on the edge of her bed, smiling.

  “He wants you downstairs,” he said.

  “For what?”

  “For breakfast.”

  “Why didn’t he come and get me himself?” she asked.

  “I like how you think you can ask any question you want.”

  “Are you his friend?”

  “One of them.”

  This made her pause. “He has other friends?”

  “Of course he does. He’s Logan Stanford. He has a great many friends. Just not all of them are nice.”

  She gritted her teeth. This was impossible. “Do I get any clothes?”

  “No. Until Logan wishes it, you’re here, naked, doing as you’re bid. Be grateful he doesn’t have you walking around town saying ‘I’m Logan’s cum dump.’”

  She refused to let him see how his words were affecting her. There was no way she could fall. Squaring her shoulders as best she could, she followed Hunter downstairs.

  Men were posted at the door. She couldn’t bring herself to look them in the eyes. They all saw her.

  Logan certainly knew how to hurt her. There was no coming back from this.

  They walked down a long corridor, going toward a door that opened up into a dining room. Logan was already there, eating breakfast, reading the newspaper.

  Hunter grabbed her arm, marching her toward where Logan was and pushing her into a seat.

  She noticed a towel had already been placed on the seat for her.

  Small mercies at least.

  There was no food for her to eat. No place setting.

  “I’ve got to go to work today,” she said, thinking about the library.

  “I’ve already called ahead. I’ve told them you’ll be having a few weeks off.”

  “You can’t do that.”

  “I did.” He took a bite of his waffle.

  “I like working.”

  “You’ll go back to work when I’m ready.” He held out a piece of waffle for her to eat. “I suggest you eat it. You’re not getting anything else. Everything you eat or wear will be earned. I figured with all that cum warming your belly, you needed something a bit more substantial.”

  She hated him.

  There had been moments over the years she’d not liked him, but hate was an emotion she wasn’t familiar with. She didn’t like to feel anything too strongly, but it was next to impossible not to feel something.

  “I hate you,” she said.

  “Still sucked my cock dry this morning. Hate is a very good motivator. I guess you know all about that. Trying to ruin my life for a long time now.” He pressed the fork to her lips. “Come on, eat up.”

  She could spit the food at him, and refuse to cooperate, or she could live to fight another day. Keep her strength up rather than starve herself. Opening her lips, she took the waffle he offered, chewing on it.

  Hunter giggled. She ignored him.

  For the next ten minutes, Logan continued to feed her, offering her up tiny bites, which she took, in between feeding himself.

  When breakfast was done, he allowed her a cup of coffee, which she took with a thank you. Again, it would be easy for her to cause a fight, but she decided against it. She would only pick battles she knew she could win.

  “I’ve never seen you this … docile before,” Logan said. “Rather intriguing.”

  “You want to school together, right?” Hunter asked.

  “I did. There was a time Ava Marshall was one of the most intelligent women at school. She was smart. Everyone went to her to be tutored. It was the only way they were getting out of the shithole of a town. Being with her, got the grades people wanted.”

  “What changed?” Hunter asked.

  “I don’t know what changed. Why are you here, still working at the library?” Logan asked.

  She turned her head to look at him. “You know why.”

  “What makes you think I know?”

  “You came to town with all this wealth. You did your research.”

  “That’s right. After little Miss Righteous here falsely accused me of sexual assault—”

  “I didn’t—”

  “No one in town wanted anything to do with her. She had to be homeschooled. She still got the grades to go to colleges, but Luke’s parents, they paid people to make sure no one would ever accept her into a good college. Money speaks, and me being Luke’s friend, they wanted to help. She’s all alone. No one will touch her. Isn’t that right?”

  She closed her eyes, gritting her teeth. “You’ve got it all wrong.”

  “I have, have I? You see, I don’t think I do. I’ve got it just right.” Logan folded up his newspaper. “You’re nothing. The people in this town don’t care about what happens to you. It didn’t even take much from me to get the good sheriff to turn his back. No one here will step in my way. You’re mine, Ava. To do with as I see fit and the way I see it, I’m going to make sure you pay for the lies you told.” He swiped his hand in the air. “Take her back to her room. I don’t want to look at her anymore.”

  She didn’t fight Hunter as he lifted her up.

  Glancing back at Logan, she saw him still looking at her. No, not looking, glaring. There was real hatred in his gaze. He hated her.

  That was okay. She wanted him to hate her. It would make
fighting him every single step of the way easier.

  Hunter opened the door, and she stepped inside. For a prison cell, it wasn’t too bad.

  “If you take advice…”

  “You seem to be offering a lot of it. I thought you were his friend.”

  “Oh, I am his friend. I know Logan better than he knows himself. There’s something going on that I’m not sure of. Why don’t you tell me?” Hunter said.

  “I didn’t accuse him of sexual assault.”

  “What did you accuse him of exactly?”

  She stared down at her hands. “That’s the thing, I didn’t accuse Logan of anything.”

  Hunter laughed. “You expect me to believe that?”

  “It’s the truth.”

  “I’ve seen the words on the papers, sweetheart. You’re not innocent. You accuse Logan of everything. Raping you. The entire scene the way it played out, is in full black and white. I’ve seen what you’ve said, and believe me, he has a right to be pissed.”

  “What are you talking about?” She truly had no idea what was going on.

  “You’re a good actress, I’ll give you that. Did you always want Logan to notice you, is that it? Do you like playing hard to get?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “This conversation bores me. I actually thought you’d tell me the truth. After all, what do you have to lose? Nothing.” He slammed the door closed, and she rushed toward it.

  “Let me out! I’m not lying. Get me out of here. You fucking bastards! Let me out.” She slammed her hands against the door, hurting herself in the process, but she didn’t care. She had to make them listen to her. She had to leave.

  No one came.

  She tried the handle on the door.

  It wouldn’t budge.

  She was once again trapped and alone. Sliding down the door, she didn’t know what was going on. She had gone to the police but not to tell on Logan. He’d been brought up, only because he was a friend of the man she had gone to report. A man she hoped to never see again.

  This wasn’t the first time she’d heard people accuse her of reporting Logan, nor the sexual assault allegations, but she’d never justified her actions, never needed to because she had thought he had been dealt with. What the hell had Logan done? Whoever reported him, it wasn’t her. She had proof with her witness statements. Only now she was starting to wonder what the sheriff had done, and why Logan had been taken away in the process. She’d never been told what had happened to Logan, only that he’d been arrested. The sheriff had advised her parents to send her out of town, and she’d gone to stay at a small resort until after the trial. The sheriff had said he’d take care of anything so she didn’t have to deal with the trauma.


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