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Blackmailed by Her Bully

Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  With all of his anger and aggression, he’d done the only thing he could think of doing: he fought.

  Every single day, he signed his name up and made a name for himself. Underground fighting was a big deal in the city. Men and women made a lot of money off the sweat and blood of fights. The death fights were the biggest gamble, and he’d entered a couple, coming out victorious.

  He’d been the most vicious, and he’d never lost a fight.

  “What is it?” Ava asked, drawing him back to the present.

  She was a woman, and he’d had to fight a couple back in his day. Hurting her should be easy for him. If she’d not done what she did, he wouldn’t be where he was now. He’d be back in Crow Valley.

  But did you ever want that?

  Did she do you a favor?

  He was clearly fucked in the head because he didn’t think anything she did was worth what he’d gone through.

  The power.

  The money.

  The fear.

  All of it was part of his life.

  It was what separated him from the boy she knew.

  He wasn’t Logan Stanford, little rich boy who could do what he wanted. No, this time, he was the monster people feared. The fighter who was nothing who took down the crime lord who tried to own him.

  One day, he’d tell her the story, but for now, his dick was hard, and he didn’t want to go down memory lane. There was no need to.

  Taking possession of her lips, he heard her moan, wrapping her arms around him. He spun her around so he was the one on the bed, and she straddled him.

  “Let me feel you.”

  She smiled at him, and it sure as shit melted his heart. Ava lifted up, and he helped her, holding the hard length of his dick as she slowly sank down on him.

  He closed his eyes, basking in the wet heat consuming him as she sat on him. When she was seated to the hilt, he ran his hands up and down her thighs, watching her.

  “What is it?” she asked, another teasing smile on those curvy lips.

  “It’s you. It will always be you.” He stroked a finger up her body, across one full breast and moving back down toward her navel and to her clit.

  The moment he touched her, she closed her eyes, gasping and lifting up.

  “Ride my dick,” he said.

  Part of him wanted to push her to the bed, spread her legs wide, and fuck her hard. Not giving her a chance to want to stop and showing her who was the boss, but he always wanted to see her naked, writhing on him, begging for more.

  Her nipples were nice and hard, and as she started to bounce on his dick, he watched them, mesmerized with each drop and fall. Her tits were natural.

  He stopped touching her clit, stroking his hands up her body, to cup those delightful mounds. The moment he did, she let out a moan, and he pinched the ends. She ground down on his cock, and he loved how tight she got when he applied a little pain to those peaked ends.

  Without pulling out of her, he spun them back so he was the one between her thighs. He grabbed her hands, pushing them above her head, keeping her locked in place as he bit down on her neck.

  He felt possessed, needing to mark her precious skin with his touch so anyone who saw would know who she belonged to.

  Being back in the city, he was himself again. Not some snot-nosed boy looking for revenge. It had all been too easy getting Ava back in his life.

  With a few threats and clicks of his fingers, he could have anything.

  Ava, though, she liked to put up a fight, and he was more than okay with that.

  He pulled out of her tight heat, staring down at her cunt, seeing how wet she was. He wanted to flood her pussy, to have her dripping with his cum. While he owned her, she would only have one cock, and it would be his. Wrapping his fingers around his length, he worked it up and down, pulling back the foreskin as he did.

  “On your knees,” he said.

  She didn’t argue with him.

  “Spread those legs. Keep them wide open.” He climbed off the bed and went to the bottom drawer in his cabinet against the far wall.

  Pulling out a tube of lubricant, he knew there was only one place he wanted to be inside tonight.

  On his walk back to the bed, he smeared a generous amount of lubrication all over his cock. Climbing back onto the bed, he squirted some over her ass, and she gasped. When she made to move, he pressed a hand against her back.

  “Don’t move.”


  “Did I say you can talk? Shut up before I put your mouth to good work on someone else’s dick.”

  He wouldn’t bring Hunter into the room. There was only so much of Ava he was willing to share, and too many had seen her naked already.

  You released the videos, dickhead.

  It didn’t matter what he’d done. He couldn’t undo it, even though he currently had a team removing all traces of them from anyone who could easily see them. He wasn’t a total monster, and he did wish to right that wrong.

  She was silent as he worked the lubrication against her ass.

  He wondered if she was aroused when Grant did this.

  Not going there.

  Everything he’d done over the years had brought him to this moment, and he wasn’t going to regret a single decision, even if he didn’t like what he’d done.

  There was no stopping it or changing it. He had to live with what he’d done.

  Pushing the tip of his finger against her ass, he started to tease her open, to prepare her, to get her ready for his dick. In and out he worked, adding a second finger and pushing her open, trying to get her spread for him.

  She whimpered his name, and he slapped her ass. “What did I tell you about speaking?”

  He didn’t want to hear her voice, but for her to be quiet.

  When she was silent once again, he touched her clit with his other hand, combining the pleasure for her, getting her used to the feel of his fingers, taking his time, not wanting to hurt her.

  He waited until she was ready for more, when she took two of his fingers with ease and began to rock back against him.

  If he was anyone else, he’d take his sweet time letting her get accustomed to him, taking weeks to stretch that tight little asshole.

  Instead, he was impatient and wanted her all now, without waiting.

  He didn’t believe in being patient for anything, and he had no problems taking what he wanted.

  With the tip of his cock at her anus, he slowly, inch by inch, sank inside her. She cried out, and he paused, working her clit so she was distracted as he took her.

  His cock was far bigger than Grant’s. He’d seen the other guy completely naked to know he was no competition when it came to the length of his dick. He was the one with all the power, no one else.

  As he stroked her clit, he thrust in, until he was finally seated balls deep within her. It was tight, fucking hot, and he got a thrill knowing she’d taken him all.

  Gripping her hips, he waited while she got used to the feel of him. He wasn’t a total monster and knew she had to be feeling a little full, but again, he wasn’t a patient guy.

  With his hands on her hips, he pulled out of her.

  “Touch your clit, baby. I’m not going to stop and you’re going to love me being in this ass, so you better start enjoying it.”

  He reached between her thighs, finding her fingers already stroking her clit.

  “Good girl.” He worked in and out of her.

  At first, he started out slowly, giving her a chance to accommodate him, taking his sweet time, watching her hot ass open up around his cock.

  She moaned his name, whimpered it as he worked in and out, giving her more, speeding up. His thrusts started to show his impatience as he worked her, going deeper until their flesh slapped together as he fucked her harder.

  He heard and felt as she came, finding her release before him. This time, he didn’t mind her coming without him, especially as he wasn’t far behind her.

  When he came, he did so
hard, filling her hot ass with his cum.

  He held himself deep within her, waiting, gaining control before he finally eased out of her.

  Unable to look away, he saw some of his cum leak out of her and he pressed a kiss to her ass cheek.

  “Stay there,” he said.

  Climbing off the bed, he made his way toward the bathroom. He wouldn’t look at himself in the mirror because he didn’t want to even think about what he saw there. This was nothing.

  Ava was here for his mere amusement, and it was nothing more.

  Walking back to the bedroom with a washcloth in hand, he placed it against her anus and cleaned her up.

  He left again, rinsing out the cloth and throwing it in the laundry basket. On his way back to the bedroom, he stopped in the doorway. Ava had moved from her position; she was lying on his side of the bed, curled up, and he saw some tears in her eyes.

  Without saying a word, he climbed in behind her.

  He didn’t care what the tears were for.

  Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her back against him, but she fought.

  “You can fight me now, Ava, or I can kick you out in the street for the night, naked. You can see how you fare. A naked woman like you would be easy pickings.”

  “I can’t believe we just did that. I let you do that.”

  “Ava, you wanted it, just like I did.”

  “But, it’s … even … I don’t know. I’m so confused.”

  He sighed and reached over her head, turning on the light. She tried to turn it off, but he captured her hand, stopping her from touching it.

  “I’m thinking you’re needing a spank to realize your place,” he said. “This isn’t the first time someone has taken your ass, and I’m sure it won’t be the last. Why are you reacting like this?”

  “The last time … with…”

  “Grant!” He was growing impatient.

  It had been a long day, and frankly he was tired, sated, and in need of some beauty sleep. Not to analyze the way she’d been fucked by his orders of one of his men.

  “Yes, even when me and Grant did that, it didn’t end well.”

  Now he paused. “What?”

  “I, I didn’t want to do it, but he said it would help me get over my issues. It didn’t help.”

  Now, he was angry. “Are you saying Grant forced you?”

  “No, no, he never did that. It wasn’t like you’re saying. I’m making a mess of this.”

  If Grant so much as touched her in force, he’d fucking kill him. “Then tell me exactly what it is you mean?”

  “It never felt like this,” she said. “With Grant, I wasn’t really thinking about him or what it would mean. I did what I had to in order to get the moment over. It wasn’t rape. I didn’t want my past to constantly get in the way, and I was tired of not enjoying anything. He helped in his own way. He just wasn’t who I wanted or who I needed.”

  “Who was it you needed?”

  “I don’t know. I guess someone who wasn’t being ordered to do a job. It’s probably why I couldn’t always allow myself to get comfortable with him. He wouldn’t allow himself to because I was nothing more than a job.”

  Chapter Nine

  Until Logan believed her, Ava had made a vow that she wouldn’t bring up what Luke did to her. There was no point, but one day soon, she’d have the truth, and then it was up to Logan what he did with it.

  After she’d revealed her feelings about Grant, he’d not said anything. He’d stared at her for a couple of minutes, maybe even longer, but he’d turned off the light, pulled her close, and gone to sleep.

  Nothing more.

  It had been impossible for her to sleep, and she’d pulled out of Logan’s hold when he’d fallen asleep, which had been stupid. She’d missed his arms the moment they were gone and wish she hadn’t pushed him away.

  At some point throughout the night she must have fallen asleep because the next morning she woke up alone in his large bed, without a sign of Logan.

  She sat up, stretched her arms above her head and tried to work out the knots in her shoulders. For the most part of last night she’d been tense.

  Climbing out of bed, she padded across the floor, making a beeline for the closet to grab something to wear, and made her way toward the bathroom. Doing her morning routine, she ended with staring at her reflection in the mirror. Did she look older?

  There was no grey hair she could detect, and for the most part, she looked normal. Yet, in the past few days, she’d never known fear quite like it. There was only one other time, but it hadn’t been nearly this close.

  She didn’t think she’d ever have to face Luke again. She’d been promised it was all over, and now, she didn’t know what to do or what to think.

  Running fingers through her hair, she tried to clear her mind, but it wasn’t doing her any good.

  Letting out another breath, she looked around the bathroom and finally decided to head into the kitchen to have a cup of coffee. This was where she found Logan still. He was on his cell phone, dressed impeccably in a suit.

  “You know, I don’t have a clue what it is you actually do,” she said.

  She wore a pair of sweatpants and a shirt three times her size. She’d stolen them out of Logan’s closet. It was nice having a guy in her life who wore larger clothes than her. She didn’t have a problem with her curves at all, but she liked wearing his clothes and in a completely non-weird way, having his scent completely wrapped around her.

  “How do you mean?”

  “Back at the library a couple of your exes were talking about how wealthy you are.”

  He laughed. “You sound a little jealous there.”

  “Not jealous.”

  He snorted. “Oh, I think you are. Believe me, some of the women would be pissed I picked you.”

  “They’re married.”

  “Doesn’t matter to some women. They don’t give a shit about the men in their life and are always looking for the bigger bank balance.”

  “Not all women are the same.”

  “Again, never said they were. The same could be said for men as well, you know. We’re no saints either. I’ve seen my fair share of men who want a woman with lots of money.” He shrugged. “It’s why sex can be so good.”

  “I don’t know what it is you’re talking about.”

  “You’re telling me my wealth doesn’t impress you?” he asked.

  “Logan, you were one of the richest kids in town when I was growing up. I didn’t care then, and I don’t now. It doesn’t change who you are.”

  He snorted. “You would be surprised at how wrong you are. Besides, the money I had back then was all my dad’s. This is all mine. Earned and taken in the right way.” He pocketed his cell phone. “Hurry up, have breakfast and get ready. We’re heading out.”

  “We are?”

  “Yes. I think it’s time you saw a little of what it is I do.”

  She stepped into the kitchen. “Sure, I’d love to. What do you want? Pancakes? Toast? Cereal?”

  “I’ve already eaten. I’ll go and pick you out an outfit. You will wear it, do you understand?”

  She didn’t want to admit she felt a little upset that he’d already eaten without her. Pasting on a smile, she nodded. “Sure.”

  He left the kitchen, and rather than get her kitchen goddess on, she settled on a small bowl of cereal and a coffee.

  He returned minutes later, but he didn’t stand with her. He was back on his cell phone, and he took it outside onto the balcony. She watched him, eating mouthfuls of her cereal, wondering what he actually did. It was natural to be curious, wasn’t it?

  She finished off her food, and cleaned up after herself, before walking back into the bedroom.

  The bed, which she’d left untidy, had been made, and her clothes were laid out for her. She stared at the red dress.

  Picking it up, she walked back out to find Logan, who was entering the penthouse again.

  “I can’t wear t

  “I picked it out for you. You will wear it.”

  “Logan, you want me to go to your workplace. I can’t wear this. It’s like an … evening dress.”

  “You continue to question me and you’re going to make yourself look stupid. I don’t need to lift a finger to help you with that. This is what you’re wearing. I want you to do your hair, and to look the part as my woman. Do you understand?”

  “Why do I have the feeling I’m not going to like this?” she asked.

  He chuckled. “You probably won’t, but again, not my problem. I’ve given you an instruction, and you will follow it.” He grabbed her arms and spun her around. “Hurry up. I don’t want to be late.”

  She stepped back into the bedroom, holding the dress in a death grip. How was she supposed to wear this?

  It was so … sexy.

  It doesn’t matter. This is what he’s told you to wear, so wear it.

  Stepping out of her sweats and shirt, she missed them the moment she took them off, but didn’t make a grab for them.

  She had to do this.

  Even though she’d come here and she liked to believe it was by a choice, Logan still held all the power over her. He could do what he wanted.

  “Let’s face it, it’s not a choice.” She mumbled the words to herself, noting there wasn’t even a bra or a pair of panties waiting for her.

  She stepped into the dress, lifting it up. There was some padding in for her breasts, but nothing for her panties.

  “Beautiful,” Logan said, making her aware he’d stepped into the room.

  “You like it?”

  “Yes, I like it.” He zipped up the back of her dress, and his hand lingered on her waist. “I’m going to look forward to taking this off.”

  “Why no panties?”

  “Because, if I can’t wait until we get home, I want to be able to touch you whenever I want.”

  She gasped as his hand slid beneath the bottom of the dress.

  “And I can do that with so much ease right now. You’re so wet, Ava.” He kissed her temple, and before she could even get close to having an orgasm, his hand was gone.

  She missed his touch, but she didn’t beg.

  “I’ll be waiting for you outside.”

  Logan left her alone once again, and she was so curious about him. Who was this man?


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