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The Portal to Sidhe: Book 3

Page 9

by Kelsey Schaeffer

  “But who are the guards?” I asked. “Who would actually want to come to hell…well besides you?”

  “Oh they’re not volunteers my dear…just evolved demons.”

  “What’s that?” Damon asked.

  “Let me explain,” she began and stood still while she described everything, “When a human falls to hell and becomes a demon, they immediately fall into the judgment room, where the judge, another evolved Demon, will evaluate their life and their sins.” She smiled and said, “either they will go directly to a cell or they will move on to second judgment. The cell is a fate that cannot be changed, and they are stuck in a rotting cell for eternity.”

  I gasped, but Desmorelda continued, “The workers are placed on a spectrum based on the severity of their sins. Most everyone starts as a custodian. They clean everything—the cells, the bathroom, the bedrooms, even the dining hall. Some lucky demons get assigned to cooking because their sins weren’t as awful, or the janitor work is full. The sinners who committed the farthest from the worst sin are typically placed as laborers.”

  “What do laborers do?” I asked.

  Desmorelda grinned as she seemed to enjoy talking about Hell, “They do grunt work except cooking and cleaning. They carry things, deliver messages, and count things. Their job list is pretty inclusive.” I nodded my head as she continued on, “Those are the only three positions a demon will ever start with, but if they work hard and have good behavior they can evolve on the spectrum. Once graduated from cooking, cleaning and grunt work, a demon is once more judged on their skill and aptitude. A demon that was a human doctor will likely be placed in the infirmary. A tougher demon may end up a guard and so on. A worker demon will continue to evolve until they eventually are invited to the royal household.”

  Desmorelda began to point her finger like a teacher, “Before a demon enters the royal household, they are only permitted to eat slob, and are only permitted to work and sleep. Activity—especially sex are strictly prohibited. Anyone caught in any form of fun or enjoyment, will be sent for judgment. Those who continue to disobey may be forever sent to a cell.”

  I gasped once more, but Damon looked slightly amused. Desmorelda continued to speak, “Being invited to the royal household is rare and a great privilege. The royal household can make love, read books and participate in activities. The members of the royal household are the only demons who have any chance of becoming King and Queen and ascending.”

  “Why do you need my son,” Damon said, “If only demons of the royal household can become king or queen.”

  “Well,” Desmorelda began, “Obviously, a demon of the royal household would become king or queen by marriage, and then their child would become their heir.”

  “But our son isn’t your child!” I cried.

  “That is the exception!” Desmorelda laughed, “As I told you before, he is a descendant of my bloodline, therefore he can be my heir so I can ascend.”

  I shook my head and said, “But how did you and Taylor become king and queen?”

  “Because I am a descendant of no one! I can be heir to anyone I please!” she cried as a smirk crawled across her face.

  Desmorelda’s heels clicked loudly on the concrete floor as she continued walking down the unending hallway. As she walked she said, “Don’t worry, your son will only be part of the royal household. He will be waited on hand and food and pampered like a prince should be.”

  My feelings didn’t change by her remark. I still hated that my young son would likely be doomed to live his life here. I only hoped, we were making the very best decision.

  It seemed as if we continued to walk forever as the Queen carried on enthusiastically about what a wonderful place hell was. Finally we reached a cross in the hall and the Queen made a quick right. We followed down another hall for quite some time until we met another cross and turned right once more. As we walked on, I noticed the halls were not only long, but very basic with no signs or arrows for guidance. Each room had a single gold number in the center of the door, but otherwise, everything looked exactly the same.

  After making our final right turn, I realized this hall was much different from the rest. The right side of the hall had not a single door until a single door appeared halfway down the hall. Desmorelda smiled as she reached her hand forward to pull opened the door. The moment the door was open, I could see the brightness of the room shine into the dark gloomy hall. When we stepped into the room, it was apparent, this room was nothing like the rest.

  The room was very small and very plain. The walls were as white as could be and the floors were also a solid white marble. There was a large bright light fixture in the center of the room, creating a bright glow in the tiny room. The room had not a single piece of furniture or décor, but a demon guard was standing immediately to the right of the door and smiled when we entered the room.

  “Welcome Queen,” the guard said, but Desmorelda didn’t even glance his way as she walked straight through the room. Across from the door we had come in through was another large door, and when we reached it, Desmorelda placed her right hand in the center of the door.

  A quick blue glow lit around the outline of her hand, and she quickly pulled her hand away as I heard a soft click come from behind the door. She quickly opened the door, and the three of us strolled through.

  What we came into next was nothing like the rest of Hell, and it was not even comparable to Sidhe. We were greeted by a string quartette playing a relaxing melody just to the right of the main door. The ceilings was at least three stories high, with stunning murals pained everywhere. Gold and ivory columns were posted throughout the entryway, and reached all the way to the ceiling. Ivy and other greenery climbed the columns and dangled across the walls as water crashed down a huge rock waterfall in the middle of the room. Statuses and murals were in every direction of the room, and floral arrangements of pink, burgundy and blue spewed from urns everywhere the eye could see.

  My mouth fell open wide as I gazed around in amazement at my surroundings. Never in my life, did I dream Hell could be so fabulous.

  Desmorelda could see the shocked look on my face as she said, “It not easy to become a member of the royal household. Less than a quarter of a percent of demons live here.”

  As she spoke, I couldn’t keep my mouth shut as I was so amazed by what I saw. My surroundings were not how I had imagined hell. The Queen gave us a meticulous tour of her household as she continued to brag about hell.

  “How many live in the household?” I asked.

  “ one, including myself and Taylor,” she replied. “Six musicians, four chefs, four guards, four servants, two maids, a butler, handyman and a gardener, and my six companions.”

  “Wow,” Damon and I said at the same time.

  “My staff was in position when I took the throne,” she continued, “But I hand selected my own companions. I look forward to introducing you to them this evening.”

  Desmorelda continued showing us around until we reached the royal suites. Desmorelda and Taylor each had their own suite, as she explained they each had multiple companions. I was not surprised by that fact. Finally, Desmorelda showed Damon and I to our rooms.

  “I would be happy to offer you each your own room,” she began, “If you would like to sample some of my wonderful companions.”

  “We will be fine to share,” Damon replied without hesitation.

  I didn’t disagree, as I didn’t want Desmorelda to get any wild ideas.

  Desmorelda opened the door to a suite that made the Sidhe suites seem simple. The suite was much more comparable to an apartment than a guest room as a small entryway was prominent the moment the door was opened. The entryway was small, but exceptionally elegant with a colossal floral arrangement full of fresh flowers as the centerpiece, and a fancy chandelier dazzling the center of the entryway.

  The entryway had an archway on the left, leading to a quaint sitting room. This room was just as eloquent as the rest of the royal household and w
as complete with an elegant Victorian era chaise and a wingback chair. In front of the elegant seating stood a stone fireplace that climbed from floor to ceiling, and another sparkling chandelier lit up the room. On the left side of the fireplace stood two more doors. The first led to a much to sophisticated half bathroom, and the other door leading to the exquisite bedroom.

  I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the splendor of the bedroom. The centerpiece of the bedroom was the massive bed, even bigger than a king. The bed was sprawled out in the middle of the enormous room with four pillars on each post, leading to the ceiling. Along with a white flowing curtains hanging around the bed, live ivy hung from the bed and draped around the sides, creating the most stunning bed I had ever seen. When I threw my hand over my mouth in awe, Desmorelda began to giggle.

  Along with the stunning bed, stood several other large pieces of furniture and a small waterfall flowing into a bubbling hot tub built into the floor. I was in awe as I gazed around the bedroom. I saw baskets of fresh fruit and flowers everywhere I turned—blueberries, grapes, apples, bananas, sliced pineapple, and a variety of flowers. The bedroom had a full bathroom just as glorious

  “It’s not as nice as mine,” Desmorelda said, “But I hope you enjoy it.”

  “It will do,” Damon said as he tried to hide his admiration.

  “Well then,” Desmorelda said, “One of my servants will bring you some clothing soon, and you can find everything you need in the bedroom and bathroom.

  “Thank you,” I said, “but we don’t plan to stay long.”

  Desmorelda smiled and began to giggle. “We’ll see about that,” she said with a wink as she turned to leave the room.

  Chapter 9

  I looked at Damon, “What now?”

  Damon smiled and looked towards the hot tub, “Why not enjoy this…even if we hate her.”

  “I guess,” I said hesitantly.

  Within minutes, Damon had candles lit, seductive music playing, and champagne poured. He shoved a grape in his mouth before he tore of his clothes and headed my way.

  “So I guess we’re doing this?” I said.

  “We’ve never had a honeymoon,” he replied with a shrug.

  “I know,” I said feeling guilty by the idea of enjoying myself. I slowly peeled off my clothing until I was wearing my underwear, and as Damon turned away and stepped into the hot tub, I pulled off my bra and underwear. As I headed towards the hot tub, Damon gazed at my body in awe.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said as he reached his hand out to help me into the tub.

  “Should you really be drinking?” I asked as he handed me a glass of champagne.

  “I won’t drink much…I promise.”

  I nodded my head, but deep inside, I wasn’t sure if I believed him.

  “I’m really sorry about everything that happened and the way I acted the last several months,” he said. “I shouldn’t have acted like that…I shouldn’t have cheated on you and leave you like I did. My mind was a mess. I was crazy.”

  I nodded my head. I loved him and always would, but the things he did hurt me, and the way he treated Ben was awful.

  As Damon apologized, he leaned in closer until his lips grazed across my neck and he moved his lips towards my ear. “I’m so sorry baby,” he whispered. Then he moved his lips across my chest as he used his fingers to fondle my breasts. I didn’t want to enjoy any of this, not after what Damon had done, but my body betrayed me and I could hear myself begin to moan.

  It didn’t take long before I completely let go and allowed relaxation to take over entirely. The champagne began to consume my mind as the hot water and Damon’s kiss caused pleasure to overwhelm my body. As I continued to indulge on his pleasure, I felt him my move one hand under my bottom and the other behind my back. He carefully swooped me into his arms as he stood to his feet and climbed from the tub. Water trickled from our skin as our bodies moved from the tub to the bed, and he quickly set me down as he pulled the white curtains away. He continued to move in towards me until I collapsed on the bed, and he crawled above me.

  I giggled as he kissed every inch of my skin and teased my body with his fingertips. When I his teasing became too much, and I couldn’t take anymore, I screamed, “Take me! Take me!”

  Damon laughed as he slammed himself into me so hard the bed shoved into the wall. I screamed—not from pain, but from excitement and pleasure.

  While Damon and I had used magic in our lovemaking many times, we had never brought our superhuman powers to bed. Something had flipped a switch between us, and suddenly our lovemaking had become rough and powerful. Damon was slamming the bed into the wall as I screamed from delight. I felt so out of control with pleasure, I clawed my fingers into Damon’s back. Damon growled, but only thrust against me harder, and I screamed from the thrill. Our rough lovemaking seemed to go on for quite some time, until we both reached the height of our excitement and collapsed besides one another.

  We only rested a second, before I climbed on top of Damon and we continued our wild lovemaking once again, but just as things began to grow intense, I heard a voice behind us say, “Excuse me?”

  Something inside my mind, told me I needed to pull away from Damon and cover myself, but my mind was overtaken by pleasure, and I couldn’t stop. Damon seemed just as entranced as I, and instead of stopping, we only slowed down enough for Damon to call out, “Yes?”

  A small woman came to the side of our bed, which was enough to make us stop, but I did not move as I kept Damon inside. I did not cover up as I typically would, and instead allowed my breast to hang freely in the open air.

  “I’m sorry to bother you,” the woman said, “I have brought you your clothing.”

  “Very well,” Damon said from below me as he nodded at the woman.

  “Would you like me to put them away for you?”

  “Yes,” I said impatiently, wishing for her to go.

  The woman nodded her head and began to put the clothing in drawers. I didn’t wait a moment longer as I began to rock atop Damon’s body once more as he groaned in delight.

  As we continued to make love, I was so absorbed in the pleasure, I had forgotten the servant was still in the room until she said, “The Queen would like the two of you to join her for dinner in one hour.”

  “Okay,” I moaned, hardly paying attention as I was completely enticed by Damon’s body.

  After our second round, I collapsed to Damon’s side and began panting from the excitement.

  “I love you,” he whispered as he softly kissed my ear.

  “I love you too,” I said with a smile. I looked at my fingers and realized they were covered in blood, which strangely enough, caused me to explode into wild laughter.

  “What’s so funny!” Damon demanded.

  “My hands. They’re covered in blood!”

  Damon began to laugh wildly. Then he said, “Ouch! What did you do to my back?” I sat up and realized the sheets were covered in blood.

  My husband sat up, and when I gazed upon his back, I realized it was torn to shreds and dripping with blood.

  “Oops!” I snickered, nearly falling from laughter.

  Damon through it was funny too, and he quickly forgot his pain as he began to laugh historically.

  “We should get ready for dinner!” I cried. “I wonder what Desmorelda has in store for us tonight.”

  “Something wonderful, I bet,” Damon cried as he smiled in joy.

  The two of us quickly showered and began to dress. Damon wore a black, tight fitting suit with a burgundy vest and bow tie. He looked quite handsome with his silky blond hair combed and styled. Something inside of me felt obligated to please the Queen, so I chose the sexiest outfit she had given me. The top was long sleeved and completely made of lace, and it cut just above my belly button. The bottoms were matching black lace leggings that stretched to the floor. With sudden sense of boldness, I decided to wear nothing underneath, exposing my body entirely. To top of my daring outfit, I wore extre
mely high black stilettos that clicked loudly when I walked—nearly mirroring Desmorelda’s distinctive footsteps. When Damon saw my attire, he looked as if he would collapse to the floor in shock—at first I thought he was angry.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked as I tried to hide a giggle.

  “You look so sexy,” he said as his eyes glazed over me from head to toe. “I could rip that off of you and go again!”

  “We don’t want to be late for dinner,” I giggled. With that, Damon gave such a passionate kiss, I could taste the sweet champagne on the tip of his tongue. In the seven years I had known Damon, we had never had such passion towards one another as we did now, but a burning desire was beginning to grow between the two of us.

  Damon and I headed to the exquisite dining room of the royal household. A small group of people were already seated and were talking amongst themselves. The lights were dimmed to an eerie glow as the musicians played a haunting tune in the corner of the room.

  When we entered the room, a blond haired woman who looked to be a few years younger than I, stood from her seat and strutted in our direction. She reached her hand towards me, and with a smirk, she reached out and shook my hand.

  “Good to finally meet you,” she said as her eyes burned into me.

  “You too,” I said politely.

  “And you’re Damon?” she asked as she quickly took Damon’s hand.

  “Yes,” he replied quickly. She gave him a very seductive smile as he quickly scanned her body from head to toe.

  She guided us back to the table as she directed the two of us to sit across from her. She took a seat next to a large man with ebony skin and jet-black hair and gave him a flirtatious smile. The moment we sat down, he introduced himself as Darren. Seated next to Darren were two more female—Anna and Lucy, and on my right was a man who introduced himself as Sam. After only a few more minutes, one last companion entered the dining room and took a seat next Damon, and his name was Greg.


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