The Portal to Sidhe: Book 3

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The Portal to Sidhe: Book 3 Page 10

by Kelsey Schaeffer

  The six companions chatted amongst themselves casually for some time, as Damon and I sat at the table politely, feeling a bit out of place, but surprisingly excited. Despite being demons of Hell, they seemed quite like humans. Finally after Damon and I sat quietly for quite some time, it was Sara who spoke to us first.

  “I guess you’re wondering what I did to get into Hell?” She said as she smiled flirtatiously at Damon.

  “What’s that?” Damon said as he beamed.

  Her smile grew wide as I watched Damon’s eyes scan down towards her breasts, which were covered only by a hot pink top made from mesh. Nothing was hidden underneath the filmy pink material. “I was a prostitute for most of my life,” she said in a tone hardly above a whisper as she softly bit her lower lip.

  As she carefully flirted with my husband, Damon seemed to lean closer and closer towards her as if she was magically pulling him in. I stared in delight as the demon used her charm to slowly seduce my husband, and I surprised myself by smiling at her in approval.

  My focus was torn from Damon and Sara, when Darren said to me, “Would you like something to drink?”

  “Yes, of course,” I said as Darren quickly poured a dark maroon fluid into the sparkling crystal glass in front of me. He didn’t bother to ask Damon as Damon’s focus was glued only on Sara. Darren assumed he wanted a drink as he quickly poured the drink into Damon’s glass.

  I quickly took a sip and was enchanted by the sweet Concord grape flavor of the wine. A chill was sent down my throat as the wine bubbled in my mouth. Darren sent me a charming smile as he could see I was enjoying the wine.

  After only a few sips of wine, my body began to loosen even more, and the dark places in my mind began to fade away. I carefully looked around the room to see that the demons were full of smiles and joy, which made me smile in pleasure.

  As overwhelming happiness continued to flood my mind, suddenly I saw Desmorelda glide into the room. As she entered, the musicians began to play louder and a spotlight followed her footsteps. She was wearing a tight mesh dress in red that covered her from shoulders to her toes, but like me, she was wearing nothing underneath. I noticed something different as I gazed at her feet and realized she wasn’t wearing her usual black stilettos. Instead of black, Desmorelda wore very tall silver heels covered in sparkling rhinestones that shimmered as she sauntered. Like her shimmering shoes, every inch of her skin was covered in sparkling glitter. Her long almost-black hair was piled high with a massive crown upon her head. As I could only focus on her intense attire, it took me a moment to realize Taylor was not by her side.

  I took a moment to try and find my father, but as Desmorelda entered the room, confetti and glitter began to fall from the celling as everyone began to clap and cheer. My mind was flooded with excitement as glitter covered my skin, and I quickly forgot about my biological father. The room grew even dimmer as a wild light display glistened the room, and everyone glowed as glitter engulfed their skin.

  Sara was the first to rise from her chair as she immediacy began to sway her hips to the sound of the haunting tune. As Desmorelda continued into the room, Sara waltzed towards her until the two of them took hands and began to dance methodically to the beat. As if enchanted by a siren, Damon stood up and followed Sara right behind. I watched in delight as the three of them danced happily to the musicians.

  As Damon, Desmorelda and Sara danced together, two servants entered the room carrying large baskets of fruit. Only a moment after the fruit was set on the table, Sam and Darren quickly reached in and began to devour the fresh fruit.

  As glitter polluted the room and music filled the air, Sam turned my way and softly pressed a plum against my lips. I pressed my teeth against the plums cool flesh and tasted the sweet juice as it dripped into my mouth. After taking a single bite, I realized Sam’s warm lips replaced the cold skin of the plum. I moaned as he pressed his lips hard against mine.

  Just as quickly as his lips had grazed against mine, he lifted me from my seat and pulled me in close as his body danced against mine. As we swayed to the music, I felt his solid body press against mine as his hands began to lift my dress from my body. Before I could think about what was happening, I realized I was completely naked as sparkling glitter encased every inch of my skin. I continued to dance and sway as I watched Sam quickly remove every inch of his clothing, and when the two of us were both naked we continued to dance vigorously into the night. I was so entranced by Sam’s glistening body against mine, I completely forgot about anything going on around me.

  As we continued to dance, we fed each other fruit and drank wine from one another’s cups. The moment seemed magical, as my enchanted brain continued to soften, and everything in that moment seemed like a glimmering fantasy. After dancing in the nude for what seemed like hours, Sam used his arm to quickly swipe a section of the dinner table free, as dished went crashing to the ground. I giggled as he lifted my body and softly laid me down.

  Sam’s soft blond hair danced down my body as he began to kiss me from my neck to my toes. As I enjoyed his sweet pleasure, I blissfully stared at the ceiling as glitter danced gracefully through the air. I moaned as he continued to bring me pleasure, and I finally took a moment to look around the room. I smiled in delight as I gazed at my surroundings. Damon, Desmorelda and the rest of her companions were spread about the room eating fruit, drinking wine and engaging in sexual activity. Not a soul in the room was dressed as the sound of moans sang to the musician’s tune.

  As I enjoyed every bit of Sam’s delightfulness, I suddenly felt him pull away, and when I looked up, I saw that Sara had ran off with him. The two were headed to the door hand-in-hand. I quickly took a swig of wine that was sitting next to me before I sat up and raced after the two. Sam and Sara were giggling as they ran freely down the hall as I followed quickly behind.

  Finally I caught up to them, and when Sam noticed me, he took my hand into his. The three of us jogged down the hall, connected like a link with Sam in the middle. When we finally reached our destination, I gasped at the sight. A pool of thick red blood stood just before my eyes as steam rose from the fluid into the air. Sam quickly kissed Sara before he jumped into the pool sending blood splashing into the air.

  Sara smiled at me seductively and said, “Come with me.”

  She took my hand and waltzed quickly towards a spiral staircase behind the pool. She released my hand, and I quickly followed behind her until we climbed to the top. At the top of the staircase was a landing with a slide on either side. She smiled at me, and then she screamed as she lunged down the slide. I took her lead, and took off down the slide on the other side. I echoed her scream as my body slid quickly down the massive blood soaked slide, and when I reached the bottom, I crashed into the warm pool of blood.

  As my body sunk into the warm fluid, I took in a mouthful of blood. To my surprise it had a sweet flowery taste. I leaped out of the water as my breasts bounced against my body and blood burst into the air. “This is amazing!” I screamed in amusement.

  Sara and Sam began laughing hysterically by my actions. Sam quickly pulled himself from the water and took off towards a table near the pool. When he returned, I could see he held something in his hand.

  “For the beautiful ladies,” he said as he shoved something into Sara’s mouth.

  He quickly waded over to where I was standing as he shoved something into my mouth.

  “Mmmmmm,” I sighed as a tiny piece of hard handy slid into my mouth.

  I shut my eyes, as I tasted the sweet taste of cherry sink into my mouth and down my throat. As the taste of the candy swam down my throat, I felt small electrical sensations plunge through my veins and into my brain. The room seemed to take on a pink hue as it softly began to rock. I giggled as I took another drink of blood and moaned in satisfaction. As I continued to drink the warm, flowery blood, I noticed Sara and Sam making love on the side of the pool. Their bodies were swinging back and fourth to the sound of blood splashing against their bodies. I wa
tched in amusement as the two demons made love. When they were through, Sam gestured me to their side, as he began to quickly kiss my lips. While he kissed me with passion, I could hear Sara moan as Sam caressed her breasts.

  I shut my eyes and kissed Sam to the sound of Sara’s moan until I felt Sam enter my body. With my eyes still shut, I arched my neck back and howled in satisfaction. In the darkness, as I felt intense pleasure, I felt my brain begin to spin as my body rocked up and down. I continued to hear moans and howls, unsure if they were from Sara, Sam or myself as I was carefully lifted out of the warm pool. The moans began to blend as my mind twisted in a million directions, and my body began to go numb. My sensations felt overwhelmed as everything began to blur, twist, blend and explode until I felt my body completely lose control.

  Suddenly everything stopped.

  Chapter 10

  My stomach felt ill, but my body felt soft. I quickly opened my eyes and realized I was back in the room I shared with Damon. I was still completely naked from the night before and my body was pressed against Damon’s chest. When I realized Damon was still fast asleep, I quickly sat up to take shower and dress. I gasped when I realized Sara was lying against Damon’s backside with her breasts completely exposed to the air.

  I carefully climbed out of bed, hoping not to wake Sara or Damon as I tiptoed to the massive bathroom. As I cornered around the bed, I was shocked when I saw Sam lying on the floor, stark naked and looking as if he were caught in a sweet dream. My stomach began to feel worse, so I headed for the bathroom as quickly as I could. Just outside the bathroom door, I saw Anna and Greg undressed and intertwined in one another. I didn’t have time to stop as I raced to the toilet and vomited large amounts of red fluid.

  Blood. It must have been the flowery blood I drank from pool, which was the last thing I remembered. As I emptied my stomach into the fancy toilet, I felt a soft hand touch my shoulder.

  “You don’t look so good,” I hear Sara say as she held my shoulder.

  “My stomach is just upset,” I whispered, suddenly feeling embarrassed by her presence.

  “Now, now. Just relax, let me run you a bath, and I’ll fetch you something to drink.”

  Although I felt embarrassed, a cool drink and a hot bath seemed pleasant. I didn’t move as Sara quickly left and I heard the bath running from the main bathroom. Once my stomach eased up, I stood up and slowly headed towards the tub. I looked around for a towel, but they were all folded up, so I used my hands to cover my body.

  When Sara saw my embarrassment she said, “No need to hide from me. We have all seen one another naked, and last night’s events are pretty regular.”

  I swallowed as my mind suddenly took me to the events from the night before. I had made love with Sam while Sara watched, and that was the last thing I remembered. I was worried to know what had happened afterwards.

  As the tub continued to fill with steaming hot water, Sara gestured for me to get in as she gave me a smirk. As soon as my body sunk into the massive tub, Sara quickly left the room, and I felt relief by her absence. The hot water was a welcome relief to my sick stomach.

  I only had a moment of peace before Sara quickly returned with a silver tray full of wine, fruit and water. She sat the tray next to the tub as she quickly poured me a glass of water. I pulled my hand from the tub, prepared to take the glass from her hands, but instead she moved the glass towards my mouth. I quickly placed my hand into the tub as she softly poured water into my mouth.

  “Shhhh,” she whispered. “Just relax,” she said as she slowly poured ice-cold water into my mouth.

  Although I found it weird that she poured the water into my mouth, I quickly welcomed the ice cold water to sooth my throat, and I slowly drank the entire glass as Sara fed it to me like a sick child.

  Just as I finished the glass, she pulled it away, and brought a slice of orange to my lips. I shook my head, but she said, “It will make you all better.”

  I reluctantly allowed her to feed me the orange slice as she gave me an alluring smile. As soon as I swallowed the orange, she had a cherry held to my lips, and after that a grape and a slice of banana. Although her behavior was quite weird, she was right, and I soon felt better after a stomach full of fruit. Once the fruit was gone, she quickly poured me a glass of wine, and like the fruit and water, she began to feed me like I was helpless without her. The moment the wine glass was empty, she didn’t waste a second as she began to pour me another.

  “No, no,” I said as I gestured her to stop. I was already beginning to feel the strong effects of the wine begin to mash through my brain.

  “You’ll feel better,” she smiled.

  “I’ve had enough,” I said. “I feel much better already.” I wasn’t lying, as the fruit, water and wine seemed to give me an instant boost.

  “If you say so,” she said softly as she pressed her hands against my shoulders and gently massaged them.

  At first her touch came as a shock, but as chills were send down my shoulder, I instantly relaxed and felt completely at ease.

  “Relax,” she whispered.

  I shut my eyes and let my mind go empty while the hot water and the touch of Sara’s hands allowed me to feel great satisfaction.

  As ecstasy consumed my mind, the pleasure was suddenly interrupted when I heard footsteps thunder into the bathroom. I quickly opened my eyes to see Damon’s naked body soar through the bathroom and into the toilet closet as he slammed the door behind him.

  “I’ll check on him,” Sara said with a smile.

  Just as quickly as Sara stood up, I heard Damon vomit from behind the closed doors. Moments later, Sara trotted across the bathroom floor, still naked and into the shower. The massive shower was adjacent to the oversize bathtub and was wedged between three walls. A transparent glass wall and a large glass door enclosed the open end of the shower.

  Sara stepped into the oversized shower and turned a few nobs as water began to spray from several directions and steam began to fill the room. The transparency of the shower began to thicken as it was filed with thick white steam; some managing to escape and seep into the bathroom. Soon, Sara, who was damp from the shower, stepped back across the bathroom to fetch my husband from the toilet closet. She held his hand as she gently guided him into the shower. She turned her head and gave me a wild smile as she followed him into the steamy shower.

  As my mind continued to soften from the glass of wine, I watched in amusement through the steam as Sara washed Damon’s body. I watched his smile grow as she moved her kiss down his body and began to sexually amuse him as she washed his body carefully.

  As I watched Damon and Sara’s intimacy, my mind loosened even more, until I felt as if I had not a care in the world. I poured my self a glass of wine as my husband and his companion put on a seductive show. As I watched, I enjoyed the wine so much, I decided to eat some more fruit and as I enjoyed my scrumptious feast, I felt my brain begin to diminish until my mind eased into a blue. As the room began to change hues from pink to red to purple to blue, I felt as if I was watching a movie as Sam entered the room. He gave a seductive smile as he passed me in what seemed like a colorful slow motion. A giggled escaped my breath, but it sounded muted by my shrinking brain. I heard an echo of laughter as Sam entered the steam filled shower. Sam replaced Sara as she left the shower and came to my side. A laugh escaped her lips and echoed into my brain as she offered me her hand to help me from the tub. I carefully stood up as water slid from my body and changed colors as it splashed back into the tub. Red, blue and green droplets sprinkled all around me. I heard a howl of laughter escape my lips as Sara and I walked to the shower hand-in-hand.

  Damon opened the door and smiled wide as the two of us entered the massive shower. Four huge rainfall showerheads were pouring water all around us as we were sprayed by warm water from three sides. I breathed thick red steam into my lungs, as I felt even more alive.

  Bubbles circling through the air suddenly overwhelmed my eyes, and I began to jump out t
o catch them. The others began to laugh hysterically at my attempt; even Damon collapsed to his knees in laughter. With his laughter, he pulled me down, and I slid on the slick shower floor and landed upon him. He instantly began to kiss me between laughs as Sara and Sam cheered from behind.

  As I kissed Damon, I suddenly felt someone rubbing my shoulders, and I realized Sara was washing my body. Sam began to lather shampoo through my hair as Sara washed my skin. Damon began to play with my breasts as the room began to spin and I was washed clean.

  Suddenly the reality of the moment turned to snapshots of the event as I blinked my eyes and Damon was standing on his feet. Sara and Sam were standing to his side as their bodies pressed together under the pouring water. Water droplets froze to the air as if they were an image, as a happy expression burned across Damon’s face. The air was thick with blood colored steam as everyone stood completely still. I blinked again and saw Damon and Sam holding hands as I felt Sara’s hands on my back. One more blink sent me to another image as it happened again and again and again. Soon the images blinked faster as the darkness between them lasted longer until they began to fade away and I was only left with darkness.

  I opened my eyes one final time and I was back in bed cuddled between Sara and Sam. This time, I could feel that I was wearing a satin nightgown under the sheets. As I quietly looked between Sam and Sara who were also wearing light pajamas, I wondered if the bath and shower had been a dream. Everything was growing confusing and my mind was sinking in.

  Suddenly Sara realized I was awake as her eyes shot open and she smiled. “Do you feel better now?”

  I opened my mouth, but I wasn’t sure what to say. I closed my mouth and paused. Then I said, “What happened?”

  She smiled again and whispered, “You and Damon weren’t feeling well. So I cleaned you both up and fed you well.”

  “What about the shower…and the bubbles, and red steam.”


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