The Portal to Sidhe: Book 3

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The Portal to Sidhe: Book 3 Page 11

by Kelsey Schaeffer

  Sara began to giggle as she quickly kissed my cheek. I quickly backed away from her face as she said, “We were just having fun.”

  “So all of that happened?” I asked as my mind felt lost.

  She nodded her head. “We’re going to have so much more fun today,” she whispered.

  “I need to go home,” I said as I realized I had no idea how long I had been in Hell.

  “Oh no,” she said, “Not yet. I will show you and Damon such a good time. What do you like to do? We can do anything.”

  “Sara,” I said, “You’ve shown Damon and I a good time, but we need to go home.”

  As I spoke, I realized I had done some very distressing deeds, especially as a married woman, and the night before began to flash through my brain. For some strange reason, I had actually allowed it to happen, and worst of all, enjoyed it. I had to find Damon, and we had to go home.

  Sara looked hurt as a frown crept across her face, “But we were having so much fun. Can’t you stay just a bit longer?”

  “I’m sorry, but I have to get home to my family. I appreciate the hospitality, but now I need you to take me to your Queen so she can send me home.”

  Sara looked panicked, but her expression quickly changed to a smile, “Okay,” she said. “I’ll take you to the Queen…but first you should eat. You must be starved after all the fun we’ve had.”

  “No, it’s okay,” I said. “I’ll just eat after I speak with Desmorelda.”

  “I insist!” She cried. Her tone must have awoken Sam as he began to stir.

  I rolled my eyes. Wishing Sara would leave me alone, I said, “Fine. I’ll eat.”

  She looked thrilled as she quickly bounced off the bed. She was finally dressed, but wearing a thin satin gown in lavender that hardly covered her skin. Sara skipped out of the room and quickly disappeared.

  Sam began to moan, as he was growing fully awake. “Good morning,” he whispered with a smile.

  “Where’s Damon?” I asked.

  He groaned, “I’m sure he’s with Anna and Greg. I think he grew bored with the three of us earlier and took off.”

  I was beginning to panic and knew I had to find Damon and leave before the two us did more unspeakable things. But just as I was about to ask Sam to take me to Desmorelda, Sara came skipping in the room with a massive tray of food.

  I began to get out of bed, but she said, “No, no! You stay! I’ll bring it to you.”

  Reluctantly, I remained in bed as I waited to Sara to bring me the food. She sat the massive silver tray on the nightstand, and I could see it was filled with not only fruit, but also pastries and a large pot of tea. She quickly poured me a glass and pressed it to my lips. Not only was the tea the perfect temperature, but exceptionally good. Without hesitation, I quickly slurped it down as it sent tingling warmth down my stomach.

  “Good, good,” Sara muttered as she nodded her head with a smile across her face.

  Her smile remained as she pulled the cup away and began to feed me pieces of a strawberry pastry. Like the tea, the pastry was exceptional and warmed my body with delight. I smiled wide as she continued to press the food into my mouth.

  “Mmmmm,” I moaned as my mouth was filled with the warm flaky treat. “Mmmmm,” I moaned again as I shut my eyes and warmth continued to flood through my body, sending delightful sensations down my spine.

  “Yes, yes. Good,” Sara whispered as I felt Sam move to the end of the bed and massage my feet.

  As he pressed his fingers up my legs, I felt him pull up my nightgown exposing my lower half. I felt uncomfortable for only a moment, but relaxation and enjoyment set in fast. Sara continued to feed me tasty treats one after another as Sam used his fingers to relax my entire body.

  I groaned with a mouth full of food, and my eyes shut as my body fell into deep ecstasy. I could taste food and feel relaxation, but the signals to my brain from my body seemed to grow chaotic as time went one. Soon time began to disintegrate too. My body was being touched in a thousand places, and soon my body was rocking to a tune as my hands were held in place. I was kissed deeply, and then something sugary-sweet sunk into my mouth.

  As I moaned and kissed and cried and laughed I felt my body begin to move—to lunge, then dance, then rock and crash into something hard. I felt something sharp press into my body from several directions as the sound of a crash was echoed into my ears, but no pain was felt.

  As I lay on the ground, music settled into my ears as warm shadowy bodies began to surround me. I saw Sara and Sam and Darren and Lucy, but their faces began to blend until I could no longer tell them apart. I laughed, and I couldn’t stop as my stomach filled with butterflies.

  Everything was blurring, and everything was wild, but I felt nothing but pure delight. Something warm began to flow around me, but I heard the music and stood back up as I continued to dance on and on. Screams began to fill my ears as laugher soothed them down. Once more my body collapsed to the ground, and I felt my hands being held down. A deep kiss was pressed into my mouth as bliss from the sex was felt, but something warm and thick continued to flow around me. More screams, more laughs, more kissing, more sex—with food in between as the music blasted on.

  The lovemaking continued on and on, as I felt warm hands hold me down. I could see pink bodies, but their faces were all a blur. As the array of flesh swarmed all around me, and the trance of the sex grew wild, I felt warm thick fluid continue flowing around me. Soon the pink bodies turned gray and the sounds went flat. I began to scream, but my screams to turned to laughs, and soon they grew silent as the gray turned to black.

  Chapter 11


  I couldn’t see.


  I couldn’t feel.


  I could only hear my name being shouted from far away.

  “Miranda, please wake up.” I heard him say. “Please.”

  I wanted to talk so I opened my mouth, but not a sound came out.

  “Miranda, I’m sorry I let this happen. I’m so sorry for all I’ve done.”

  I opened my mouth again, but nothing was heard. I opened my eyes, but everything was blurred. I wanted to speak. I wanted to know where I was and what had happened, but I couldn’t speak.

  “Miranda, please,” I heard as I realized I was wrapped in something warm and soft. I was moving, but my vision was so fuzzy I couldn’t see where.

  I looked up at his face, but it was only a peach blur. I could tell by his voice, he was a man, but I couldn’t tell whom. Colors blended and changed as he carried me on, until I felt the touch of his arms turn to something very soft. He lifted something over my body, and all went black.

  When I opened my eyes again, the blur was finally gone. I was in a room—in a bed, but this time, I was alone. I tried to sit up, but I was in pain—horrible pain.

  “Hello,” I whispered as I placed my hands over my throat and realized sound had come out.

  I looked around the room as my eyes continued to focus. Finally I saw his shadow sitting in the corner. It was too dark to see who he was, but it was certainly a man. When he heard my voice, he quickly sat up. I watched his dark blond hair sway and his blue eyes shine through the darkness as he quickly walked towards me. The moment his face hit the light, I immediately knew who it was.

  “Taylor?” I whispered as I began to tremble.

  He reached out to softly stroke my hair as I tried to pull away, but pain shot up through my abdomen and throughout my entire body.

  “Ughh!” I cried out in pain.

  “Don’t try to move honey,” he said softly as he continued to brush his fingers through my hair.

  “What do you want,” I moaned.

  “You’re hurt bad. I shouldn’t have let things get this far. I should have stopped it and sent you home…but I’m a coward.”

  “What are you talking about? How did I get hurt? How did I even get here? I’m so confused. I hardly remember anything.” As I spoke I tried to re
collect the things that had happened since I arrived in Hell, but my mind was completely warped. I remember having sex—lots of sex, and I remember being kissed, and touched. I remember being fed a lot of food, and hot baths and wild showers, but everything was so blurred together, I couldn’t break apart the events.

  “Shhh,” Taylor whispered as he continued to gently stroke my hair. “You’re safe for now, but we have to get you home.”

  “Where’s Damon? What happened?” I kept asking questions.

  “I don’t know where Damon is Miranda, but your mind has been enchanted. Desmorelda used her magic to enchant much of the fruit and wine…even some of the tea and pastries. She put Sara in charge of keeping you drugged until the Queen had what she wanted.”

  “What does she want?” I asked.

  “She wants a legacy—a family.”

  “But I was going to give up my son to her. I’m ashamed, but we felt it was for the best…” Part of me wanted to tell him the truth about Luke, but I didn’t trust him—not at all.

  “She did it for insurance, Miranda. She wasn’t lying. If you give her one of your children, she would do everything she said. Both her and I would ascend, and you the rest of the universe would be free of her wrath forever.”

  “If she wasn’t lying, why would she bring me here and drug me?”

  Taylor sighed, “She didn’t believe you would ever give up a child. Honestly, I’m surprised you would…but—”

  “We thought it best for…everyone,” I said feeling ashamed.

  “I can understand that,” he said. “Anyway…the Queen didn’t believe you would take her deal, so she baited you to come see Hell for yourself.”


  “You took the bait…exactly as she hoped. She enchanted you, so that you would stay forever…or at least until we ascended. Her enchantment is like a drug—it messes with your mind. It makes you do things you normally wouldn’t and accept them as reasonable. I’m sure you realized, it causes blackouts—holes in your memories.”

  “But why!” I cried, “Why does she want me here; why would she drug me? How is that a legacy?”

  Taylor looked ashamed and horrified all at the same time, “she wanted her male companions to mate with you Miranda, to create heirs—many heirs—many demon heirs.” He paused. “A child of her blood, close to eighteen years old was her best option, but to have an heir—many heirs born in hell, raised as a demon, is just as good—maybe better.”

  “The two of you are sick!” I growled, “Sick,” I screamed as I grasped my side in pain.

  “Shhh, please. Shhh.” Taylor moaned. “I should have stopped this long ago, but I’m weak, a coward. I’m a piece of shit. I’ve stayed hidden in the background in fear of my wild wife, but I can’t. You fell into a mirror the other night and were bleeding. You were crying and screaming in pain, but your mind was so warped, you were laughing at the same time, while the companions had sex with you, trying to impregnate you and make their Queen happy. When they were done, they left you to bleed and suffer until a servant found you, but I found you first and took you away. I couldn’t leave you like that…you’re my daughter—my own flesh and blood.

  “I’ve brought you to a guest room to care for you until you’re strong enough to go. Desmorelda mostly ignores me, but soon they’ll know you’re missing and come looking for you. You need to rest for at least another day. Then I will find Desmorelda’s magic stone and we’ll send you home.”

  “But what about Damon?” I asked. Then I said, “Won’t she go crazy when she finds out you helped me go?”

  “Miranda, I don’t know where Damon is, but he is of no interest to Desmorelda. If you don’t leave, you will be drugged and bred until the day she ascends; then there is no telling what will happen to you. She needs an heir, and if you willingly give up your son, this will end. I swear to you.”

  “How do you expect me to hand over my child after what she did to me. She’s crazy!”

  “It will be only a short while, and then we will ascend. She is tired of living. She has been around too long, and there is nothing more she wants than for it to be over.”

  “And what about while she still exists?” I looked down in embarrassment and said, “Despite the reason I am sending my son here, I don’t want him exposed to this.”

  Taylor looked deep into my eyes and said, “I promise you I won’t let her do anything to him. I will make him my responsibility, and teach him how to be king. She has no interest in him anyway. Like I said, she only wants an heir, so her supernatural life can end. I will care for him, Miranda. I’m not vile, and I’m not a demon.”

  I nodded my head. I didn’t know whether to trust Taylor or not, but something in me felt obligated to tell him the truth about my son.

  “Taylor, the one and only reason I have even considered to send my son here, is because he is vile.”

  Taylor gazed at me with true empathy in his eyes. “I don’t even know what to say honey.”

  I felt a tear begin to fall from my eye. Taylor continued to lovingly stroke his fingers through my hair. I was so confused about his loving behavior after everything he had said and done to me. I was so confused; I even considered that my mind was still enchanted.

  “Why are you being like this?” I asked.

  “I don’t know what you mean?” he said.

  “Trying to help me. Acting like you care about me, and my son.”

  “Because I do care!” he said with the saddest look upon his face.

  “When you came through the portal last year, you didn’t say a word to me, and you tried to kill my son several years ago.”

  “I know,” he nodded. “I was scum…truly scum—maybe worse than scum. I don’t expect you or your family to ever forgive me, and I don’t deserve it…but I can’t help loving you. I was vile Miranda. I was born bad. It was truly out of my control, and when you took my powers away, it completely warped my mind…for years. My moods were completely unstable, until recently.” Taylor paused as he brushed his tears away. It’s too late now. Desmorelda used me. She took me in when I was vulnerable and made me trust her, but she’s crazy and horrible.”

  “But how am I supposed to trust you?”

  “Just let me help you. Let me help you home, back to your family.”

  “What about Damon?” I asked again. “I’m not leaving without him.”

  Taylor looked reluctant, but he said, “I’ll look for him. I have a few ideas where he could be, but I can’t make any promises. Just promise me one thing.”

  “Please tell me first.”

  “If I can’t find Damon in twenty-four hours, you’ll open a portal yourself and go home.”

  I shook my head. “I won’t leave without my husband,” I said.

  Taylor groaned, but he looked at me and said, “Okay. Then I will find him. I swear to you, I’ll find him. Miranda, if you don’t leave soon, I’m afraid your wounds will kill you. I will do what I can to find him, but just know, if you don’t return home tomorrow, I will take you to the infirmary. I will not watch you die.”

  I nodded my head. “I believe you can do this Taylor.”

  “I will do this for you,” he said. “I love you Miranda. Just know that.”

  I nodded my head.

  “I will go now. You need rest,” he said. “I’ll come check in on your later and bring you something to eat.”

  I nodded my head again.

  Just before he left, he said, “I can get you the gemstone, but you’ll have to open a portal. Can you do that honey?”

  My heart started to race. It was hard enough to open a portal with a group of others. How could I open a portal on my own? “I will try,” I said softly, with not an ounce of confidence in my tone.

  Taylor nodded his head, “You have to do this.”

  I was exhausted and in severe pain. Moments after Taylor left, I drifted into a deep sleep as chaotic dreams began to flood my brain.

  I finally felt peace as sweet dreams danced through
my mind when I heard a series of terrible sounds. I heard a thunder of stomping feet followed by a loud crash. As I sat in alert, I heard a growl, a bark and another loud crash. Pain shot up my abdomen as I sat up straight, but I began to panic, knowing something terrible was happening.

  I tried to pull myself out of bed as growling grew louder, but the pain was too severe and I pressed my back against the headboard. I would have to use protection magic to save myself from whatever was headed my way.

  The foot stomping and growling only grew louder and louder as my heart boomed in my chest. I held my fingers out, prepared to protect myself from whatever came for me. Just when I thought whatever was coming for me would burst down the door, I threw my protection magic all around me as my door flung open.

  To my surprise, Damon was thrust through the door with Taylor right behind. Taylor slammed the door and quickly locked it behind him. He ran to the side of the dresser and as his face turned bright red, he began to push it in front of the door.

  Taylor was panting and out of breath, as Damon was walking around in circles, laughing and babbling to himself. The moment Taylor had the dresser in front of the door, he shoved Damon into the closet nearby. I heard Damon howl in laughter as Taylor quickly came to me and lifted me off the bed. As pain burst up and down my side, Taylor carried me into the closet and shut the door behind him.

  “You have to open the portal now!” he gasped as if he had been running for miles.

  He handed me the gemstone as I nodded my head. As soon as I held the stone in my hand, Taylor began to move a dressing table from the closet in front of the door, while Damon lay on the floor, laughing hysterically.

  “Now Miranda! It will only take minutes for the hell hounds to bust down the door.”

  As sweat dripped down Taylor’s red face, I shut my eyes and started the very powerful magic. I didn’t have potion, or help which would make this spell near impossible.

  “Miranda, Now!” Taylor screamed as a horrifying thud determined that the bedroom door had been knocked door.

  I used my superhuman powers to supercharge my magic as I quickly sent the magic to open a portal through my fingers. The magic was too much for my body to handle as blood began spraying out of my nose. I knew I only had moments to open the portal wide enough, before I went completely unconscious.


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