The Devil's Laird
Page 11
“I cannot answer that, milady.” Agatha shook her head. “Everyone says that you are gifted . . . maybe you are.”
“I don’t know if what they say is true, perhaps time will tell. However, I’d love to have some control of these magical things that I do.
“Oh, I forgot to mention to Roderick that I had a vision of his son, Michael when Roderick mixed our blood together in the church. I must remember to tell him. I think the child is alive.
She placed her napkin on the table. “Let’s get dressed. I’m supposed to meet the kitchen staff today.”
Cook Alva Scott swung a pot over her head, then slammed it down on the counter. She was more than ready to take on the English lass. No one was going to run her kitchen when she’d been doing fine for the last two years.
“I need to set her straight, right away,” Alva told Mary, her assistant, who was filling a large cauldron with water. Mary knew better than to express her opinion. Alva was fuming and Mary didn’t want something tossed at her head.
Siena appeared in the doorway, almost as if she’d been conjured up. Alva jumped and grabbed her chest. Mary wanted to laugh but didn’t.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you, but Laird Scott ask me to speak with the head cook,” Siena said as she looked at Mary.
“That would be me,” Alva said as she dried her hands on a towel.
Siena noticed the belligerent tone of Alva’s voice. “I’m Lady Siena and your name is?”
“My name be Alva and I run the kitchens. What do ye need?”
Siena could tell Alva wanted no part of her new mistress. “Actually, I need nothing. My question is what do you need?” Siena almost laughed at the surprised look on the cook’s face. At least she had her attention now. “I also would like to see what you have planned for dinner.”
“I—I need,” Alva stuttered. “I dinna ken, lass.”
“Are there any supplies that you need or maybe more help in the kitchen? I’m sure running the kitchen must be difficult feeding so many.”
“Aye, milady. I could use one more to help with the preparation of meals and perhaps two more to serve the men at meals.”
“Then I shall see that you get someone.” Siena smiled. “I’ll speak to Laird Scott tonight.”
Alva smiled at that bit of news. Perhaps she had misjudged, the wee lass. She told Siena mutton was planned for the dinner tonight. Alva had just finished speaking when the back door suddenly opened blowing in wintery air.
“Alva,” a girl with flushed cheeks rushed into the room. “Freddy is feeling poorly. Ye need to come and see him straight away. The Green Lady is busy attending to others and cannot see the child right now.”
“Perhaps, I can help,” Siena suggested. “I’m a healer, myself.”
“Milady would ye do such a thing?”
“I would. Where is the child?”
“He is with the Green Lady,” the young girl said.
“I shall go immediately,” Siena said, and she rushed out the door.
Chapter 12
By the time Siena reached the sickroom, she saw several women sitting around holding either their stomachs or heads, waiting for someone to take care of them. Elen was bent over a patient in the corner. Siena smelled the stuffiness the minute she stepped into the room. “Good day, Elen. How can I help?”
“I’m no so sure ’tis a good day,” Elen grumbled as she straightened up, placing her hands on the small of her back when she stretched. “Seems everyone is complaining about a bellyache.”
“I’ll be happy to help you, but I’d especially like to see Alva’s son Freddy. I promised I would take care of him.
“Over there,” Elen said with a wave of her pipe.
A small boy with sandy brown hair was curled in a ball on a blanket, clutching his stomach. His eyes were squeezed shut. He reminded Siena of a small puppy with his sad face.
Siena scooped Freddy up in her arms. He moaned as she placed him on a small cot. “This will feel better than the hard floor,” she soothed as she sat on the side of the bed and felt the child’s forehead. “Elen, he is burning up. If I had my herbs, I would know what to do for him. Any ideas?”
“My stomach hurts,” the child wailed. “My head hurts, too.”
“I know little one” Siena brushed the hair off the child’s forehead. “We’re going to make you feel better soon.”
“I’m thinkin’ ‘tis something they ate, and ‘twill have to work its way out of their system if ye ken what I mean.” Elen chuckled. “Ye’re welcome to use some of my herbs. The bottles are all labeled. Choose what ye will. I’ve been givin’ them barley water for now.”
“Do you have any sweet marjoram?” Siena asked. She stood and went to a bowl of cool water so that she could wet a cloth.”
“Aye. Found some at the end of last summer. Check the jars.”
After Siena placed the cool cloth on Freddy’s head, she went over to the shelves and scanned each jar until she found a green jar of marjoram. She opened the lid and smelled the sweet pine scent, then took out a pinch and placed it into a pan of water to heat. Once it had reached the correct temperature, she poured the liquid in a cup, then cooled it by blowing on the water. Next came a dash of honey which she stirred into the cup before giving it to Freddy. After soothing the child, she began taking care of the others until they had seen everyone. Only one woman named Ruby refused Siena’s help because the woman saw her birthmark. Ruby threw up her hands in front of her and made the sign of the cross as to ward off evil spirits.
“I’ll take care of the old bat,” Elen said under her breath. “It appears that yer sweet marjoram has calmed everyone down. I do appreciate yer help, lass.”
“I’m still learning my way around, but I’ll try and help you more. I promise,” Siena said, giving Elen a hug before she left.
Siena was still disturbed that people thought her evil because of her birthmark. She only hoped one day that everyone would think of her as a good person.
Later that night, Siena realized she was very tired. However, once she took her seat at the high table next to Roderick, her energy returned, and she felt the calmness that Roderick brought to her. A feeling she couldn’t explain, but one she liked.
“Have ye had a good day, lass?” Roderick asked, placing a hand on her arm in a tender gesture. “Ye know, lass. I think it’s time that ye started wearing my plaid.”
“I would have to have someone show me how to wear it.”
“That can be arranged. ‘Twill keep you warm since even our springs are cool.” He rubbed the back of her hand. “Now, tell me about yer day.”
Siena’s heart fluttered just being this close to her husband, and she wondered how silly she was that his slightest touch could make her feel warm all over and happy.
“We seemed to have a sickness going around, so I helped Elen all afternoon. And before I knew it the day had slipped by.”
“You must be tired,” Roderick said, but found that his gaze was drawn to Siena’s chest and the way her breast strained against the fabric of her gown. He was looking forward to teaching her lesson number two tonight since she had been on his mind most of the day. A thought that both pleased and irritated him at the same time. His mind should be on his men, his clan, and not this slip of a woman.
When she paused, he asked, “Did ye have any problems?”
“A few still don’t want any part of me once they see my birthmark. I try to keep my sleeve pulled down, but it slips up as I’m working.” She smiled and continued, “However, it’s amazing that if you’re really sick your opinion can change very fast. I could have horns growing out of my head and they wouldn’t care a bit.”
Roderick chuckled. “’Twill take time, lass.”
“Where are your brothers?”
“They have returned to their holdings. Next week I will go to the Dunham holding to see if I can help with a territorial dispute, but I won’t be gone long. There will be enough protection for Black Dawn.”
r /> “Do you suppose that one day you’ll paint the walls of Black Dawn white again?” Siena asked.
Roderick sighed. “One day when I can put the past completely behind me.”
Siena gave him a small smile, hoping that one day the castle would once again be white and their awful past behind them.
They enjoyed the rest of their meal as they drank wine and chatted with others. At the end, Roderick leaned over and whispered, “Go upstairs, lass. Take off all yer clothes and wait under the covers for me. Tonight, is lesson number two.”
Siena cheeks burned at his words. She nodded and excused herself from the table, heading for their room.
Thankfully, Agatha was busy talking to Duncan and didn’t notice Siena’s red cheeks when she told Agatha to stay behind, that she would be fine.
Siena wasn’t quite sure how she felt as she lay naked under the covers, remembering the night before and how wonderful the kisses had been. She had a burning desire for another kiss. Heat rippled under her skin in anticipation, wondering what tonight would be like.
The door swung open and in the soft glow of the firelight she watched Roderick stroll over to one of the chairs where he sat down to remove his brown boots. He didn’t say anything as he slipped his shirt over his head, tossing it on the nearby chair, his gaze never leaving hers. Next, he unbuckled his belt, letting his kilt fall around his feet. She could see all his muscular body at one time as he strolled toward the bed, but she didn’t look away this time and she did remember to breathe.
Her husband was magnificent.
Roderick slipped beneath the covers and gathered her in his arms. The next thing she knew he was leaning over her, placing feathery kisses on her face. Siena sighed. Her arms slipped around him, and she pressed her body into his, causing a low growl to issue from Roderick. That pleased her.
“I see you remember lesson one verra wull, lass.”
“Aye,” she replied breathlessly. “I’m a fast learner.”
He kissed her ear, tugging on one of her earlobes, and then he moved lower as he continued to explore her soft flesh, placing light kisses on her neck. She went limp as shivers of desire ran through her.
Raising his mouth for a moment, he gazed into her eyes and saw her desire as he lowered his head to kiss her. His tongue touched her lips, urging them to part and the minute that she did he plunged his tongue into her mouth, mating with hers.
She was fully aware of the hardness of his thighs pressed next to her as his fingers stroked the back of her neck. This kiss was different and more demanding as if he were telling her he wanted more. She began to play with his tongue and was shocked at her own eager response. Her blood felt like it was on fire. His magnificent kisses were driving her crazy.
Roderick felt Siena moving restless against him. He had to admit that she had learned her first lesson well, and he was surprised how his body burned for her. A strange feeling that he couldn’t remember ever feeling before. He’d had sex in the year since his wife’s death, but it was just that, sex. This was different. A growl of satisfaction slipped from his lips. Then he reminded himself he needed to go slow. After all, this was her first time. He would teach her the second lesson and then on the third lesson she would be his. He trailed kisses down to her swollen breast where he took one of the red tipped buds into his mouth. He began to suckle, pulling and tugging until he heard her gasps of pleasure.
He lifted his head and smiled at her as he said, “Lesson number two.”
And then he was kissing her again and again until she couldn’t think straight. Passion rose in her like the hottest fire. She thought she would explode. The way he held her betrayed his hunger and she opened her mouth further. She needed to taste all of him. How in the world would she survive a third lesson? There had to be more. And she wanted it all. And that is when she moaned a single word, “Please.”
Roderick heard her. Blood pounded in his brain. His senses sizzled as her body sprang to life. There would be no other lessons. His wife was driving him crazy. He couldn’t remember wanting anyone as much as he wanted Siena. As he reached down and stroked her soft curls, she bucked against his hand and he felt her wetness. She was ready for him. He spread her thighs with his knee then slipped his hands beneath her hips to lift her up to receive him. Slowly, he slipped in and then withdrew. He needed to go slow but the blood pounding in his head pushed him on to feel her silken warm. He drove fully into her and stopped; his breathing ragged.
She tensed and cried out.
“Are you…” he gasped.
“I—I,” Siena trailed off as she moved her hips, wondering what was missing. She had felt a sharp pain, but it seemed to be easing. Surely this mating wasn’t to be painful. He began to move again slowly at first and then she could feel a pressure replacing the pain, and she wanted to shout thank God. Roderick moved faster and faster, plunging and withdrawing until Siena felt herself being washed away in a sea of desire as Roderick drove into her once last time. They soared with the intense pleasure exploding in their bodies until the peak of delight washed over both of them.
Roderick wanted to say something as he lay on top of her trying to catch his breath. He braced his arms so that he wouldn’t crush her.
He heard her whisper, “I--I don’t think I can stand a third lesson.”
Roderick chuckled, then rolled to his side and pulled his wife next to him, keeping her cradled in his arms. He was truly a satisfied man and he was happy for the first time in a long, long while.
“I think yer lessons are complete, lass.” He drew in another breath and said in a ragged voice, “Ye’re mine lass, completely.” When Siena didn’t respond, he tilted his head down to look at her and found she was fast asleep.
Roderick wasn’t too sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. At least she had a smile on her face.
Chapter 13
The next few months were the happiest that Siena could ever remember. She had brought color to the great hall with the many banners that she’d had hung on the walls. Now it didn’t look so drab and dull. She also kept busy helping the sick or those who would let her. Some were still very standoffish; however, she felt like she was making a difference.
Her husband was very loving at night, but he still had that haunted look in his eyes that she wished she could erase. She knew Michael was the reason, but so far, she couldn’t see anything about the child, making her doubt that she did have a special gift. She wanted to tell Roderick about seeing Michael in her vision at the church, but she still wasn’t sure of her abilities yet. She prayed that this would change. She definitely didn’t want to get Roderick’s hope up until she could tell him something firm.
The days had turned warmer or should she say the snow had melted and now it was cool but not freezing. Elen sent word to Siena that she needed to gather herbs and she’d like for Siena to go with her. Siena dressed in her arisaid, having learned how to wear the plaid, she’d gotten good about wearing it around her shoulders and tied at the waist with a belt to keep warm. However, she still wore her underskirt that she’d had a pouch sewn into the fabric for her precious stones.
Siena was more than ready to get outside now that the weather was nicer, and Agatha said she wanted to go along also. It seemed that everyone was ready for fresh air and sunshine.
They waited outside for Elen to join them, and together they made their way to the stables.
Garvin brought out the horses. “Do ye have the laird’s permission, I might ask?”
Siena looked at him with a puzzled expression. “Should we?”
“Aye, ye should. He is training down in the lower bailey. Be sure to stop by before ye leave so he dinna take off the top of me head.”
“Quit ye fussing and help me up,” Elen instructed.
“Can ye handle the horse?”
“I ain’t dead, lad,” Elen said.
Agatha laughed and so did Siena as they left with Garvin’s mouth hanging wide open.
Elen led the way down t
o the lower bailey, where Roderick was practicing with swords. It appeared he was training the younger soldiers.
He disarmed his opponent as they rode up, then he swung around so fast it startled Siena. She gasped. She could see the strength of a warrior in him. He jabbed the tip of his sword in the ground when he saw them. “Where are ye goin’?”
“We need to gather herbs,” Siena said.
“Ah, wull, I need to send someone with ye, and you still dinna answer my question as to where.” But before they could answer his question, he turned to Elen. “Are ye able to ride, Elen?”
“I’m hundred and three, lad and was sitting a saddle before ye could walk.”
Roderick smiled and held his hands up in defense. “I’ve no doubt, but do ye have a way of protecting yerselves? And where are ye goin’?”
Elen rolled her eyes before answering, “We’re going to the glen where the blue burn is located to see if the hawthorn tree is blooming.”
Siena was glad that Elen answered because she hadn’t bothered to ask where they were going. She was just glad to be outside and riding. “I have my bow and arrows,” Siena answered his other question. “I can protect us.”
She saw Roderick look at the bow she had slung around her body. “But can ye hit anything, lass?”
Siena took offense to Roderick assuming that she couldn’t hit her target or do anything because she was a woman, so she snapped her answer, “I believe I can.”
He didn’t appear to believe her as he stood hands on hips not saying a word. “There is a target on that tree.” He pointed to the end of the field. “Let me see you hit the center.”
“Would you like me to shoot from my horse or on the ground?”
He didn’t answer her barb, but he was gentleman enough to help her down from her mount.
“Show me the target again,” Siena said as she pulled her bow over her head.
Roderick took the bow from her and one of her arrows. “I’ll show ye.” He pulled the string tight and let his arrow fly hitting the dummy right where a heart should be.”