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The Black Stone of Elu

Page 18

by Darrin Long

  As the sun began to rise on the Glen, Neilan climbed out of bed. He had been awake for the last four hours already, unable to sleep with all the thoughts and fears that plagued him.

  “Good morning,” Iri said to him.

  “Oh, ye are awake?” he said.

  “Yes, I have been awake for a while,” she said.

  Neilan glanced at Iri, it seemed strange to even think about their future with the battle looming only one day away. He and Iri had sat up late into the night talking about the battle, their future and how Kaylu wanted him to practice with a swordsman.

  “I may not come back,” he said without looking at her.

  “Kaylu will not let anything happen to you” she assured him.

  But Neilan remembered his talk with Kaylu and he wasn’t sure about anything anymore. In fact, he was scared to death. After all, how many fifteen-year-old boys go up against a magical giant? They had talked a lot last night, but this morning there didn’t seem to be anything left unsaid. Neilan stretched his arms and walked outside. A cold breeze was blowing over the Glen and his body involuntarily shivered. He would have gone back inside, but the stinging cold air gave him some sense of comfort so, he stood and embraced it.

  He took several deep breaths as he watched the sunrise on the horizon and his mind and heart were filled with resolve. He was ready; he was ready to fight and if need be, to die. The only thing that he needed to think about was killing Caudee. Without that, there would be no life to live anyway, for anyone.

  “I’m making some tea,” Iri said shivering in the doorway.

  Neilan looked back, but there was no smile to give and he knew that Iri could see it. She gave him a strong look as she lifted her chin. Never had he met a woman with such strength and resolve, for not even his mum was this strong. He was glad that she had stayed by his side and if the All-Powerful would allow it, he will ask her to be his wife one day; assuming he lives through this.

  A moment later, Iri walked out with their tea and a blanket wrapped around her. They were sitting together on the bench drinking their tea when they noticed a Dragoine flying towards them carrying a sword. The Dragoine landed and transformed into a soldier. He bowed to Iri and then, turned to Neilan.

  “I have come to train you in the sword,” the soldier said.

  “Right” Neilan replied, “let me get my sword and I’ll be right out.”

  Neilan grabbed his sword from the wall next to the door. The Dragoine soldier was standing a few feet in front of the cave when Neilan came back out and reached out his hand.

  “My name is-” he said.

  “It doesn’t matter what your name is” the soldier replied, “if we are both alive in two days, you can give it to me then.”

  The soldier pulled out his sword and stood ready. Neilan had very little sword training, but he knew enough to protect himself. They sparred for about an hour or at least Neilan tried not to get killed for about an hour. The soldier taught Neilan many things about the art of swordsmanship and Neilan was extremely impressed at the disciplined soldier’s handling of his sword. It was almost like an extension of his arm as he moved it in ways Neilan had never seen before. When they had finally stopped Neilan was completely exhausted.

  “The battle will not stop for you to rest,” the soldier said, “you will need to learn to rely on the soldier next to you as he will need to be able to rely on you.”

  Neilan nodded as he rubbed the back of his arms. He could feel the fatigue after only one hour.

  “What if the battle lasts for several hours?” He said. “I will just have to kill Caudee in the first hour of the battle.”

  If he could only wear the breastplate then, he would not tire at all. But there will be no time to wait for the sun.

  “I think you are ready enough,” the soldier said, “you will not be alone on the field of battle; there will be many trained soldiers beside you.”

  “Thank ye,” Neilan said.

  “No, thank you,” the soldier said lifting his chin, “it has been an honour to teach the Reiteach and it will be an honour to fight by your side.”

  Neilan did not know what to say, but it was ok since the soldier didn’t wait long enough for him to say anything as he turned on his heels and was in the air in moments and headed north. Neilan turned to see Iri standing in the doorway. He could see from the look in her eyes that she needed him to hold her and he needed to hold her too. They stood in the doorway with their arms wrapped around each other. He wished that he would never have to let go, but he also knew that he had to. There was a good chance that he would not live through this battle, but he was determined to live long enough to kill Caudee. No words were said as they stood there; no words could describe how he was feeling so, he just held her for as long as he could.

  Chapter 14

  Determination and Desperation

  That evening Kaylu arrived at the cave and he was not alone.

  “I think you already know Sonje” Kaylu said as Neilan answered the door.

  “Yes, come in,” Neilan said stepping back to allow the two to enter the cave. “I am surprised to see ye Sonje, especially with Kaylu.”

  “Yes, well, I have learned a lot in a very short time,” Sonje said.

  “Sonje has volunteered to help us tomorrow,” Kaylu said “he has agreed to be our decoy. He will distract Caudee long enough for you to shoot that crown off his head.”

  Kaylu looked at Neilan to see his response, but Neilan was just nodding his head.

  “I see that you don’t think my plan is absolutely crazy,” Kaylu said.

  “No, actually that’s what I was thinking myself,” Neilan said “my bow is my best weapon. I’ve been practising shooting rapidly at the target.”

  “Well, good” Kaylu said looking proud of himself, but Neilan could see that he was still worried about the whole thing.

  “Please sit down,” Neilan said.

  “Oh no,” Kaylu said “we will not be staying. The Dragoine army is on the mountain and the Tunai army is on its way as well. We will camp on the mountain tonight and leave just before the dawn. You will need to pack your things.”

  Neilan looked at Iri then, back at kaylu.

  “Sure,” he said, “I’ll get my things.”

  “Great, we will wait for you outside then” kaylu replied as he and Sonje walked out.

  Neilan turned to Iri, but didn’t know what to say; what could he say? They slowly started gathering his things together; moving as if their bodies were numb. A lump stuck in Neilan’s throat as he thought about what he had to do. He turned towards the door and was about to walk to it when Iri grabbed his arm. He stopped in his tracks and turned to her with tears running down his face. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest. He closed his arms around her and closed his eyes. Never had anything felt so right to him. How cruel life can be, to offer him what he needed the most and then ask him to risk it all. She kissed him then, pulled away and wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “You come back to me,” she said.

  He nodded and touched her cheek. Then, he grabbed his bag and weapons and headed out the door. Kaylu gave Iri a glance, but then looked away.

  “Watch over him,” she said, to Kaylu who nodded to her.

  Then the three of them disappeared into the dark.

  “Good you’re finally here” King Krell hollered as the three appeared on the mountain.

  “Krell,” Kaylu said, “how long have you been here?”

  “About an hour,” Krell said, “we need to sit down and talk strategy.”

  “Yes,” kaylu said motioning them to a large tent close by.

  Once inside the tent, Kaylu pointed out where Neilan could put his things and they sat down with King Krell at a table set up in the centre of the tent.

  “Where Is Lamu?” Kaylu asked.

  “He’s on the way,” Krell said eyeing Neilan, causing him to look away.

  “There can be no hesitation,” Krell said stil
l looking at Neilan “when the moment presents itself, we must all be prepared to act.”

  Kaylu noticed where Krell was looking.

  “He will be ready when he needs to be,” Kaylu said.

  King Lamu entered the tent and paused when he saw Neilan. Then, he sat down taking a deep breath.

  “Ok,” Kaylu said spreading a map out on the table for everyone to see. “Thanks to Neilan’s dreams we are aware of not one, but two entrances into the valley; one in the north side of the mountain and one along the eastern ridge. Both groups must enter at the same time. Sonje will be in the group to the east and he will move towards Caudee’s tent. Neilan will be in the main group entering through the northern pass. I will cause Caudee to reveal himself by attacking him first then, Sonje will come in beside me. Since Caudee can drain Dragoine powers, I cannot linger long near his tent so, Sonje will have to jump in rather quickly. Hopefully, Caudee will buy our little diversion and be too occupied with Sonje to worry about anyone else. That will give Neilan time to take the shots that he needs. I have created a spell that should protect Sonje, but not for long.”

  Krell looked up from the map into Neilan’s eyes.

  “I see much fear in your eyes boy,” He said shaking his head. “War will take that fear and cram it down your throat so hard that you choke on it as you watch men die.”

  Neilan swallowed hard.

  “Now, Krell” kaylu warned “you leave Neilan to me. He will come through when we need him to.”

  Krell looked at Kaylu and then back at Neilan and nodded.

  “I will have my soldiers ready,” Krell said.

  “Lamu,” Kaylu said “for obvious reasons, the Dragoine cannot enter the valley until I have been able to remove the protective spell that Caudee has placed upon it. Have your men positioned in the mountain pass awaiting my signal.”

  King Lamu nodded in approval, but never took his eyes off Neilan.

  “Neilan, you must rest. I have something for you” Kaylu said handing Neilan a small bottle of green liquid. “It will help you sleep, you must be alert and ready when the time comes.”

  Everyone stood up to exit the tent and Neilan took the bottle over to his bed. He sat in silence for a few minutes listening to the soldiers moving around outside and he looked at the green liquid in the small bottle. He could hear Krell hollering orders to his soldiers across the camp.

  “How can I possibly sleep,” he thought as the knot in his stomach seemed to double at the thought of war.

  For a moment, he thought he was going to be sick so, he bent over and placed his head between his knees; a trick his mother had taught him.

  “Drink the potion,” a voice said.

  Neilan looked up and saw that Kaylu had reentered the tent and was looking at him.

  “Come now,” he said, “drink it up and lay down.”

  Neilan wasn’t sure if he could keep it down, but he did what he was told and drank the green liquid. He laid down on the blankets and closed his eyes, trying to block out the sounds from the camp; listening only to the beating of his own heart.

  “Can I do this?” he asked himself “will I really be able to do this?”

  His mind slowly became clouded and every muscle in his body began to relax as he drifted off to sleep.

  “Iri, I love ye,” he said.

  “Neilan” a voice called out.

  He opened his eyes to see his mum standing at the door to his room in Mar.

  “There is someone here to meet ye son,” she said stepping aside to allow a strange looking man into the room.

  The man approached Neilan’s bedside and Neilan could clearly see the mark on his forehead; it was the same one that Neilan had.

  “How are you son?” the man said.

  “Fine sir” Neilan answered.

  The man smiled, “he’s a little gentleman” he said to Neilan’s mum.

  She just smiled at Neilan.

  “Well”, the man said standing up.

  Neilan thought he saw tears in the man’s eyes as he bent over and offered Neilan his hand.

  “Nice to meet you, son,” he said as Neilan took his hand and nodded.

  Then, Neilan’s mother tucked him in and she and the man walked out of the room and closed the door. A moment later, there was a flash of blue light that shone under Neilan’s door and the house became quiet.

  “Your mother asked me to remove those memories from her. She could not bear to carry that anguish around with her, so I left her only a few pleasant thoughts of him” Kaylu’s voice said.

  “Reiteach, Reiteach, Reiteach” a voice kept repeating in his brain. “You’re the only one who can.”

  Neilan was awakened by a nudge in his side. Kaylu was standing over him.

  “It is time,” he said then he walked over to the far wall and started digging through an old chest. “There is food for you,” he said motioning to the table. “It would be best if you eat it now before your body catches up with your mind and you lose your appetite.”

  Neilan went over and sat down at the table where there were two broken pieces of bread. He wasn’t very hungry, but he wasn’t sure when he would be able to eat again, so he lifted the bread to his mouth and took a bite.

  “I will be right back,” Kaylu said, “make sure you eat it all.”

  Neilan nodded as Kaylu left the tent. Neilan’s stomach was no longer in a knot as it was the night before. In fact, he wasn’t feeling anything at all.

  “Must be the effects of that stuff Kaylu gave me,” he said.

  He had just finished the bread when Kaylu re-entered the tent.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  Neilan nodded and grabbing his sword and bow, walked out into the cold morning air. Neilan could see his breath in the air as he pulled his collar up around his neck. It was a lot colder on the mountain than it was in the Glen, but for some reason, it didn’t bother him at all. He could see the Dragoine soldiers taking flight to his left.

  “They are going to fly to the mouth of the northern pass,” Kaylu said. “I have enough work trying to get the two halves of the Tunai army down there, wait here.”

  Neilan fastened on his sword and strapped on his quiver.

  “Hold onto each other and do not let go” Kaylu yelled as the first half of the Tunai army disappeared into the darkness.

  Neilan could see the soldiers looking at him and whispering amongst themselves and it made him feel very self-conscious.

  “Eyes forward” King Krell yelled as the soldiers snapped back into attention. “If for one moment you forget where you are, this may be the last day of your life.”

  Neilan swallowed hard; he definitely did not want this to be the last day of his life. He thought about Iri back at the cave; he wanted so badly to be back there with her. She made him feel so strong; something he really could use right now. A popping noise brought Neilan out of his thoughts and told him that Kaylu had returned. The soldier to his left startled Neilan when he grabbed his hand.

  “You ok?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” Neilan said offering his other hand to the soldier on his right.

  Neilan could hear Kaylu yelling again.

  “Do not let go,” he said.

  Neilan took a deep breath and the mountaintop disappeared. A moment later, Neilan found himself standing at the foot of a mountain that he remembered well from his dreams. Ahead of him was the northern pass, leading through the mountain and to Caudee. The soldiers waited there for what seemed like an eternity.

  “What’s taking so long,” Neilan thought, feeling nervous and exposed. “Caudee will sense that we are here.”

  “Steady,” the soldier to his left said glancing over at him.

  Neilan took a deep breath and the soldiers in front of them started to move.

  “This is it,” the soldier said with a smile and they rushed into the mountain pass.

  Neilan could see Kaylu at the other end of the pass standing on a rock. He raised his staff into the a
ir and the mass of soldiers surged forward, pressing through the pass shoulder to shoulder. Though the order was given to move as quietly as possible, the unmistakable sound of metal and leather echoed off the walls.

  Neilan’s job was simple, blend in until an opportunity presents itself. As the first soldiers cleared the mountain pass, Neilan could see that their surprise attack was indeed a good one. Deamhan were sitting around their campfires and were quite unaware of what was about to befall them. Neilan ran into the valley staying within the ranks of the Tunai soldiers. He could see the soldiers entering the valley from the eastern pass and engaging the Deamhan.

  A cloud of steam rose off the Tunai soldier’s armour into the cold morning air and was the perfect cover for someone who did not want to be seen. Neilan couldn’t take a chance with armour, he needed to be able to move quickly and shoot without any restrictions. Though it left him feeling very vulnerable, he knew it was the only way. He looked forward and saw Kaylu already moving towards Caudee’s tent. As the Tunai soldiers pressed forward and collided with the unprepared Deamhan. Neilan waited and watched as the battle unfolded before him. The Deamhan were good fighters as would be expected; since they were once Tuani soldiers. When the soldiers before Neilan stopped, he saw a storage area to his right, so jumping out of their ranks, he ducked behind some crates. Pulling an arrow out of his quiver, he could hear the sound of swords and hammers striking shields. The sound echoed off the valley walls and mixed with the screams of the fighting soldiers. Everything seemed to happen in slow-motion as he notched his arrow and peered around the crate to see a blue flame shooting from Kaylu’s staff and engulfing Caudee’s tent. The tent went up in flames and Neilan could see Kaylu glancing back to see where Neilan was. Unwilling to give away his hiding place, Neilan remained behind the crates waiting for Caudee to reveal himself. He pulled back the arrow and took aim at the entrance of Caudee’s tent.

  “One arrow to the head should knock the crown off,” he told himself “then one more arrow before he has time to recover and this ugly nightmare will be over.” His arm twitched with anticipation. “Just one more moment,” he thought.


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