Brothers, Joyce, 140
Brown, Harold O. J., 90
Brown, James, 52
Brown, Kurt, 232–33
Brown, Michael (African American teenager), 326–28
Brown, Michael (FEMA Chief), 282–83
Brown, Scott, 306
Brown, Sherrod, 299
Brown v. Board of Education, 171
Bryant, Anita, 84, 89
Bryant Park, New York, 233–34
Buchanan, Pat, 177, 199, 222, 241
Buckley v. Valeo, 18–19
budget battles, 323
budget surpluses, 210, 245
Buggles, the, 142, 143
Bunning, Jim, 210–11
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, 207
Bureau of Labor Statistics, 316
Burford, Anne Gorsuch, 121–22
Burger, Warren, 18, 60, 170
Burnett, Mark, 332
Burns, Alex, 335
Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, 338
Bush, George H. W., and administration
Roger Ailes and, 225
George W. Bush and, 244
election of 1988, 180–85
election of 1992, 199–202
end of Cold War, 170
environmental initiatives, 191–92
Rodney King incident, 196–98
Rush Limbaugh and, 215
Operation Desert Storm, 185–88
recession (1990-1991), 189–91
Republican National Convention (2016), 339
Thomas hearings, 193–96
“voodoo economics” comment, 107
Bush, George W., and administration
Abu Ghraib prison scandal, 270
anti-AIDS initiatives, 263–64
approval ratings during Iraq War, 270
“axis of evil” speech, 260–61
Stephen Colbert and, 283–84
“compassionate conservatism,” 243–49
culture wars, 271–79
election of 2000, 239–42
election of 2004, 271, 277–78
election of 2008, 290
faith-based initiatives, 246–48
Guantanamo detention camp, 285
Hurricane Katrina, 280–83
Iraq War, 260–68
9/11 attacks, 251–54
9/11 hearings, 269
obstacles in later years of presidency, 283–88
and Republican National Convention (2016), 339
and TARP, 293
War on Terror, 254–60
Bush, Jeb, 279, 331, 337
Bush v. Gore, 242
Business Roundtable, 19, 43
busing, 58–60
Butterfield, Alexander, 8
“butterfly ballot,” 241
“Buy American” campaigns, 30
Byrne, Jane, 129
cable television, 136–44, 226–27, 230; See also specific networks
Cadden, Vivian, 71
Cahill, Mary Beth, 289
anti-gay backlash in, 84–85
anti-immigrant sentiment in, 219–20
tax revolt, 102–3
California Coalition for Immigration Reform, 219–20
California National Guard, 198
Campaign Against Nuclear War, 125
campaign finance reform, 13, 18–19
Campbell, Luther, 157, 158
Camp David Accords, 99
Cantor, Eric, 297, 311, 312, 324
cap and trade, 192
Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Piketty), 309
Capitalism and Freedom (Friedman), 108
Carey, Hugh, 16
Carlson, Margaret, 240
Carlson, Tucker, 275
Carmichael, Stokely, 47
Carr, David, 300
Carson, Ben, 337
Carson, Rachel, 28
Carter, Jimmy, and administration, 34–43
election of 1976, 34–38
election of 1980, 102
female cabinet secretaries, 77
and gay rights, 86
Iranian hostage crisis, 99–100
“malaise” speech, 40
Reagan’s criticism of, 98–99
Barbara Walters and, 75–76
Carter, Rosalynn, 75–76
Castor, Kathy, 305
Catholics, 89, 90, 277–79
Cavuto, Neil, 268, 300
CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network), 93, 138
CB Simulator (CompuServe feature), 149
CBS television network
Iran hostage crisis and, 100
oligarchy of news in 1970s, 22
Reagan–Gorbachev summit coverage, 166
Ceballos, Rosalba, 234
Celler, Emanuel, 67
cell phones, 145–46, 328
Central America, 124
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 8, 15, 162, 258
CEOs (chief executive officers), 234
Cerf, Vinton, 239–40
Chamber of Commerce, US, 33
Chambers, Dean, 316
Chancellor, John, 241
Chapman, William, 328
Charleston, South Carolina, church shooting, 329
Charlie’s Angels (TV program), 76
Charlottesville, Virginia, “Unite the Right” rally, 354
Chase, Chevy, 37
Chastain, Jane, 75
Chavez, Cesar, 53
Chayefsky, Paddy, 24, 25
Cheney, Richard
election of 1978, 104
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 285
Iran-Contra report, 165
Iraq War, 261
war on terror, 258
on Watergate, 12
Chicago, Illinois, 63
Chicano Manifesto, 53
Chicano rights movement, 53–54
Chicopee Manufacturing Company, 31
Children’s Health Insurance Program, 222
“Chimes of Freedom” (song), 169
China, 14
China Syndrome, The (movie), 39
Chinese Americans, 54–55
Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), 93, 138
Christianity Today, 90
Christie, Chris, 331, 339
Chrysler Corporation, 41–43
Church, Frank, 15, 91
Church Committee, 15
CIA, See Central Intelligence Agency
Cisneros, Henry, 54
civil liberties, 256
civil rights
and affirmative action, 61–63
George H. W. Bush and, 192
gay rights, See gay rights
and Clarence Thomas nomination, 193, 194
Civil Rights Act (1964), 44, 46, 63, 67–68, 72
civil rights movement, 45–48, 51
Civil Service Commission, US, 82
Clark, Dick, 91
Clark, Jim, 233
Clarke, Richard, 269
Clean Air Act (1970), 29
Clean Air Act (1990), 192
Clean Water Act (1972), 29
Cleland, Max, 261, 262
climate change, 191
Clinton, Bill, and administration
approval ratings at time of impeachment, 231
approval ratings in 2000, 239
centrist agenda of, 205
and divided government, 203
on economy in 2000, 232
election of 1992, 199–202
election of 1996, 222
election of 2000, 239
and executive orders, 244
Fox News coverage of scandals, 225–26
health care reform, 211–12
on influence of The Real World program, 229
Lewinsky scandal, 226–27
and prison privatization, 236
Republican opposition, 212–17, 223
setbacks in early years of presidency, 204–12
triangulation after 1994 midterms, 217–22
Clinton, Chelsea, 215
Clinton, Hillary
Benghazi inv
estigation, 321, 322, 324
election of 1992, 199
election of 2008, 290
election of 2016 (primaries), 330–31, 339, 340
election of 2016 (general election), 1, 340–47
health care reform, 211
Iraq War vote, 262
9/11 response, 251
CNBC, 300
CNN (Cable News Network), 139–41
Crossfire, 275
Ferguson coverage, 327
Fox News and, 224, 225
Iran-Contra investigation, 163
Operation Desert Storm, 187–88
Reagan–Gorbachev Geneva summit, 166
Tea Party and, 300
CNN-2, 141
Coalition Media Center, 266
Coe, Barbara, 219–20
Coffee, Linda, 79
Cohen, Wilbur, 115
Colbert, Stephen, 283–84, 347
Colbert Report, The (TV program), 283
Cold War
end of, 6, 169–70, 185
Reagan and, 114, 122–27
and US economy, 26
“Cold War consensus,” 7
Cole, Tom, 298
college education, 73
Collins, Susan, 299
Colman, McCarthy, 22
Colmes, Alan, 225
Comey, James, 342, 346, 356
Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP), 8
Commodity Futures Modernization Act, 292
Common Cause, 214
Communications Decency Act, 218
communications technology, See telecommunications
“compassionate conservatism,” 243–49, 280–81
CompuServe Network Services, 149–50
Concerned Women for America (CWA), 92–93, 279
African Americans in, 49
and AIDS crisis, 178
and Chrysler bailout, 42
and Clinton budgets, 210
in early Clinton years, 205
election of 2012, 317
and ERA, 69–72
and health care reform, 303
and INF treaty, 168
Iran-Contra investigation, 163
Iraq War funding debates, 268
and lobbyists, 18–19
9/11 hearings, 269
and NYC fiscal crisis, 16
Obama and, 296–302
post-Watergate reforms, 13–14
Reagan’s Supreme Court appointments, 171–72
Congressional Black Caucus, 49, 294
Congressional Hispanic Caucus, 54
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 48
Connolly, Norma, 76
Conservation Foundation, 121
conservative Christianity, 71, 89; See also Religious Right
Conservative Opportunity Society (COS), 212–13
and Clinton health care plan, 212
coverage of Obama’s farewell speech, 4–5
and election of 1976, 36
at end of Reagan administration, 178
and “family values,” 66
and INF treaty, 168
Reagan’s Supreme Court appointments, 170–75
and talk radio, 214–16
and Watergate, 12
consumer culture, 82
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 308
Contract with America, 216
“Contragate,” See Iran-Contra
Contras, 124, 213
“Convoy” (song), 29
Coors, Joseph, 23, 97
CORE (Congress of Racial Equality), 48
COS (Conservative Opportunity Society), 212–13
Cosell, Howard, 74–75
Countdown: Iraq (TV program), 266
Countdown with Keith Olbermann (TV program), 284
Couric, Katie, 291
Cox, Archibald, 8
Craig v. Boren, 79–80
CREEP (Committee to Re-Elect the President), 8
Crier, Catherine, 225
Crier Report, The (TV program), 225
crime, 15–17, 200, 235
Criswell, W. A., 90
Cronkite, Walter, 100
Crossfire (TV program), 275
Crowley, Candy, 321
Crusade for Justice, 53
Cruz, Ted, 331, 337
Crystal, Billy, 83
C-SPAN (Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network), 213
cultural nationalism, 52–57
culture wars
in 1990s, 204
Buchanan’s speech on, 199
during George W. Bush’s administration, 271–79
and Clinton’s approach to gays in the military, 206
election of 1988, 183
election of 2004, 271–73
and hearings for Scalia’s successor, 338
sexual content in popular culture/mass media, 223, 227–31
and Supreme Court nominations, 192–93
Curtis, Gladys, 115
Cuyahoga River fire, 29
CWA (Concerned Women for America), 92–93, 279
DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), 354
Dade County, Florida, 83–84
Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The (TV program), 274–75, 283
Daley, Steve, 163
Darman, Richard, 190
Daschle, Tom, 245, 251, 255
Datsun, 30
Daughters of Bilitis, 80
Davis, Angela, 77
Day After, The (TV program), 125
Dean, Howard, 275–76
Dear, Robert, Jr., 329
Dearborn, Michigan, 253
“death panels,” 305
death penalty, 184
Deaver, Michael, 105, 106
debt ceiling battle (2011), 311–14
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) (1996), 218–19
defense spending, 98–99, 117, 123–24
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), 354
deficits, 117–18
deficit spending, 107
Deford, Frank, 127
DeGeneres, Ellen, 229
deindustrialization, 26, 66
DeLay, Tom, 257
Democratic Leadership Council (DLC), 205
Democratic National Committee, 77, 331
Democratic National Convention (1972), 83
Democratic National Convention (1976), 35
Democratic National Convention (1980), 83, 86
Democratic National Convention (2004), 289–90
Democratic Party; See also specific politicians
and ABSCAM, 101
Chicanos in, 54
Clinton agenda, 205
Clinton budgets, 210
control of Congress in late 1980s–early 1990s, 203
and counterterrorism programs, 256
election of 1974, 13
election of 1976, 35, 38
election of 1982, 119
election of 1984, 128–31
election of 1986, 161
election of 2004, 277
election of 2006, 285–86
election of 2008, 290, 294–95
election of 2016, 330–31
and NAFTA, 209
and NCLB, 248–49
and Obama’s attempts at bipartisanship, 296
post-Watergate reforms, 13–14
and Reagan Revolution, 113–34
and Reagan’s economic policies, 119
and Reagan tax cuts, 111–12
resurgence in 1980s, 114–22
Denny, Reginald, 197–98
Denton, Nancy, 51
Denver, John, 154
Department of Education, US, 248
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 262–63, 282
Department of Justice, US
AT&T antitrust suit, 145
counterterrorism programs, 256–57
and DACA, 354
in early Clinton years, 207–8
prison privatization, 236
war on terror, 258
br /> deregulation
cable television, 136–37
and financial crisis (2008), 292–93
Reagan and, 102
derivatives, 292
détente, 14, 36, 98
Detroit, Michigan, 51, 58–60
DHS (Department of Homeland Security), 262–63, 282
Diamond, Jeremy, 334
Dickerson, Nancy, 75
DiIulio, John, 247
direct mail, 96
Dire Straits (band), 143
disability rights, 192
Disneyland, 34
diversity, 61–63
divorce, 66–67
Dixie Chicks (band), 266
DLC (Democratic Leadership Council), 205
Dobbs, Lou, 312, 357
Dobson, James, 92, 273
Dodd, Christopher, 307
Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, 307–8
Dole, Elizabeth, 117
Dole, Robert, 118, 181, 217, 222, 339
DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act), 218–19
domestic surveillance, 287–88, 322
Donahue, Phil, 265
“don’t ask, don’t tell,” 206
Doocy, Steve, 268
dot-com boom/bust, 232–33, 237–38
Dowd, Maureen, 267, 316
Dow Jones Industrial Average, 232, 293–94
Dow Jones Internet Index, 238
“Dreamers,” 354
Drudge, Matt, 226
Drudge Report, 223, 226, 300
Dublin, Arnold, 31
Dukakis, Michael, 182–84
Dylan, Bob, 169
DynaTAC 8000X cell phone, 146
East Berlin, 167
East Coast, 28
Eastern Airlines, 189
Eastern Europe, 169
Easton, Sheena, 155
ecology movement, 28–29
Economic Advisory Board, 108
economic inequality, See income inequality
economic insecurity, 235
economic policy, 350–51
Economic Recovery Tax Act (1981), 112
economic reform, 204–5
economic stimulus package (2009), 296–300
economy; See also income inequality
George H. W. Bush and, 189–90
Carter and, 38
Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign, 201
crisis of confidence in, 26–34
election of 1980 and, 101–2
election of 2012 and, 316
financial crisis (2008), 291–94, 296–300
in 1990s, 231–35
recession (1982), 118–19
recovery (1983), 119–20
Trump and, 334
EDF (Environmental Defense Fund), 191–92
education, 248–49
educational equality, 72–73
“Education of David Stockman” (Atlantic article), 117–18
Edwards, John, 274
EEOC, See Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Egypt, 99
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 253
election of 1964, 114
election of 1972, 225
election of 1974, 13
election of 1976, 34–38, 54, 114, 241
election of 1978, 103–4
election of 1980, 95, 100–102, 104–5
election of 1982, 119
election of 1984, 114, 128–32
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