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by Kevin M. Kruse

election of 1986, 161

  election of 1988, 180–85, 225

  election of 1992, 199–202

  election of 1996, 222

  election of 1998, 231

  election of 2000, 238–42, 333

  election of 2002, 261–62

  election of 2004, 271–79, 289

  election of 2008, 290–91, 294–95

  election of 2010, 310

  election of 2012, 314–19, 321, 333

  election of 2014, 324

  election of 2016

  debates, 345

  general election, 320, 340–48

  primary battles, 330–40

  themes in Obama’s farewell speech, 1–5

  Elizabeth II (queen of England), 34

  Ellen (TV program), 229

  Ellsberg, Daniel, 9

  El Salvador, 124

  Elzie, Johnetta, 328

  emails, Hillary Clinton’s, 322, 341, 346–47

  embedded reporters, 266–67

  “Emergence of Yellow Power in America, The” (Uyematsu), 55

  emissions trading, 191–92

  Enersen, Jean, 75

  England, Lynndie, 269

  “enhanced interrogation,” 258

  Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), 191–92

  environmentalism, 28–29

  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 29, 121–22, 191, 244–45

  environmental regulation, 29, 121–22, 191–92

  Episcopal Church, 77

  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 68, 122, 193, 195

  equal protection clause, 63

  Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 69–72, 94, 117

  Ervin, Sam, Jr., 9

  Escape from New York (movie), 17

  ESPN (Entertainment and Sports Programming Network, Inc.), 138

  ethnic identity, white, 55–56

  Eurythmics, 143

  Europe, 124–25

  evangelical Protestants, 90, 277, 338

  Evans, Rowland, 140

  Evers, Charles, 49

  “evil empire,” 123

  executive compensation, 33

  executive orders, 244

  executive privilege, 9

  exit polls, 278

  Facebook, 3–4, 341–42

  Fairchild Semiconductor, 147

  fairness doctrine, 151–52

  faith-based initiatives, 246–48

  Faludi, Susan, 227

  Falwell, Jerry, 94, 95, 117, 173, 177, 229

  Family Research Council, 229, 273

  “family values,” 66

  FCC, See Federal Communications Commission

  FDA (Food and Drug Administration), 178, 179

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  ABSCAM, 100–101

  Branch Davidians, 207

  Comey firing, 356

  Russia probe, 355–56

  surveillance of gays and lesbians, 80

  Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

  anticompetitive policies of, 136

  and cell phones, 145–46

  and deregulation, 136

  fairness doctrine, 151, 152

  Howard Stern and, 228

  federal debt, 190, 201, 209–11

  Federal Election Campaign Act (1971), 18

  Federal Election Commission, 13

  Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 282–83

  Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA), 273

  Federal Reserve Board, 38, 237

  feminism, 66–80, 91–92

  Ferguson, Missouri, 326–27

  Ferraro, Geraldine, 130, 241

  Fey, Tina, 291

  Field, Sally, 32

  Filegate, 208

  filibuster, 301–2, 306

  financial crisis (2008)

  causes and effects of, 291–94

  and economic stimulus package (2009), 296–300

  financial regulations, 307–8

  Financial Stability Oversight Council, 308

  Finch, Peter, 24

  Fineman, Howard, 184

  Fiorna, Carly, 337

  First Amendment, 159

  Flake, Jeff, 339

  Fleischer, Ari, 260


  gun control legislation, 355

  Trayvon Martin shooting, 326

  recount battle (2000), 240–42

  Flynn, Michael, 339, 356

  FMA (Federal Marriage Amendment), 273

  Focus on the Family, 92, 273

  Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 178, 179

  Ford, Gerald, and administration

  bicentennial celebration, 34

  Boston busing crisis, 61

  election of 1976, 36–37

  Federal Election Commission, 13

  female cabinet secretaries, 77

  “long national nightmare” speech, 25

  New York City bankruptcy, 16

  Nixon pardon, 11–12

  Nixon’s resignation, 9

  route to presidency, 10

  Whip Inflation Now campaign, 33–34

  foreclosure crisis, 291–92

  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (1978), 287–88

  foreign relations, 14, 114, 287

  Forman, Stanley, 61

  Foster, Jodie, 110

  Fourteenth Amendment, 63

  Fox, Fanne (Annabelle Battistella), 12

  Fox Broadcasting Company, 224

  Fox & Friends, 357

  Fox News Channel, 223–26

  and Affordable Care Act, 305

  debt ceiling commentary, 312

  election of 2012, 316–17

  Hurricane Katrina coverage, 282

  Iraq War, 268

  Lewinsky scandal, 226–27

  Obama farewell speech coverage, 4–5

  Tea Party and, 300

  “Trump TV Presidency,” 357

  and war on terror, 259–60

  Frame Technology, 232

  Frank, Barney, 307

  Frank, Reuven, 75

  Franken, Al, 274, 352

  Franks, Tommy, 266

  Fraser, Douglas, 42, 115–16

  Freedom Caucus, 324

  FreedomWorks, 300

  free enterprise system, 32–33

  free-trade agreements, 350

  Friedan, Betty, 68, 69, 92, 227

  Friedman, Milton, 108

  Fries, Bill, 29

  Frist, Bill, 263

  Frum, David, 80

  fuel economy, 30

  fundraising, 276

  gang violence, 198

  Gann, Paul, 102

  Gannett Company, 141–42

  Garner, Eric, 326

  Garvin, Clifton, 40

  Gary Convention (National Black Political Convention, 1972), 49–50

  gasoline shortages, 28

  Gates, Bill, 146

  Gates, Daryl, 198

  Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 159

  Gates, Robert, 126, 287, 295

  “-gate” suffix, 20–21, 208

  Gaye, Marvin, 155

  Gay Liberation Front (GLF), 81, 82

  gay marriage, 218–19

  gay rights, 66, 80–87

  and AIDS activism, 175–79

  George W. Bush’s blocking of, 272–73

  and Clinton’s approach to gays in the military, 205–6

  and DOMA, 218–19

  and election of 2004, 277

  Jerry Falwell’s opposition to, 94

  and IWY National Women’s Conference, 92

  and media portrayal of gays, 229–30

  Washington march (1987), 175

  Geithner, Timothy, 301

  gender discrimination

  Craig v. Boren, 79–80

  feminism as response to, 66–69

  gender politics, 352

  gender roles, 65–66; See also feminism

  General Motors (GM), 42, 189

  Geneva Conventions, 258, 285

  Geneva Summit (1985), 166

  Genzlinger, Robert, 137

  George, Ph
yllis, 75

  Gephardt, Dick, 208

  Gergen, David, 105, 106, 116

  German Democratic Republic (East Germany), 169

  Gerson, Michael, 296

  Getty Oil, 138

  Gibbons, Billy, 142–43

  Gibson, John, 227

  Gigot, Paul, 239

  Gingrich, Newt

  Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (1996), 221

  on Benghazi report, 321

  on George H. W. Bush’s popularity, 188

  and George H. W. Bush’s tax increase, 190

  and Clinton health care plan, 212

  and Clinton’s reelection, 222

  on deficits, 118

  election of 1978, 104

  election of 1994, 216–17

  election of 2012, 315

  and KAL Flight 007 disaster, 125

  as leader of opposition to Clinton, 212–14

  Rush Limbaugh and, 216–17

  resignation as Speaker, 231

  Ginsburg, Douglas, 174

  Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 318

  Giuliani, Rudy, 233, 252, 254

  glasnost, 165

  Glass–Steagall Act (1933), 292

  GLF (Gay Liberation Front), 81, 82

  global financial crisis, See financial crisis (2008)

  Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis, 263

  GM (General Motors), 42, 189

  Godinez, Maria, 234

  Goldberg, Danny, 154

  Goldwater, Barry, 96, 114

  Goltz, John, 149

  Gonzales, Alberto, 258

  Gonzales, Rodolfo “Corky,” 53

  Gonzalez, Jose, 158

  Goodman, Mark, 143, 144

  Good Morning America (TV program), 250

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 165–70

  Gore, Al, Jr.

  and Clinton budgets, 210

  election of 1988, 184

  election of 2000, 239–42

  and Kyoto Protocol, 244

  PMRC hearings, 153–54

  Gore, Tipper, 152, 153, 155, 158

  Gorsuch, Neil, 349

  Gortikov, Stan, 153

  government, distrust in

  in 1970s, 17

  in aftermath of Watergate, 10–19

  Ford’s pardoning of Nixon and, 11–12

  government shutdown, 323

  Gowdy, Trey, 321–22

  Gowdy Committee (Select Committee on Benghazi), 321–22

  graduate schools, 73

  Graham, Billy, 89

  Graham, Lindsey, 321, 331

  Gramm, Phil, 292

  Gramm–Rudman–Hollings Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act (1985), 132

  Grant, Bob, 98

  Grassley, Chuck, 303–4, 325

  Grasso, Ella, 77

  Gray, C. Boyden, 191–92

  Gray, Freddie, 327–28

  Great Society, 44, 219

  Green, Mark, 19

  Greenwich Village, 81

  Gregg, Judd, 295

  Greider, William, 117

  Gretna, Louisiana, 281

  Griffiths, Martha, 68

  Gross, Matthew, 276

  Gruber, Jonathan, 303

  Guantanamo Bay Naval Base detention camp, 257–59, 285

  Gulf War (1991), 185–88

  guns and gun control, 325–26, 355

  Hacker, Jacob, 235

  hacking, 150–51

  Haley, Alex, 52

  Hall, Fawn, 163

  Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 285

  Hammond, Tommy, 157

  Hancock, Herbie, 144

  Hannity, Sean

  coverage of Obama’s farewell speech, 4

  and debt ceiling, 312

  and Fox News lineup, 225

  and Kevin McCarthy’s Benghazi comments, 324

  and Tea Party, 300

  “Trump TV Presidency,” 357

  Hannity and Colmes (TV program), 225

  Harlan County U.S.A. (movie), 32

  Harris, Eric, 327

  Harris, Katharine, 241–42

  Hart, Gary, 13, 128–29

  Hart, Lois, 140

  Hatch, Orrin, 195

  Hatcher, Richard, 50

  HBO (Home Box Office), 138

  health care reform

  Clinton plan, 211–12

  election of 2012 and, 314

  Obama and, 302–7

  Heart of Texas, 341

  Hefner, Christine, 156

  Heller, Dean, 339

  Helms, Jesse, 116, 117

  Hemmer, Nicole, 224

  Heritage Foundation, 97, 216, 303

  Hersh, Seymour, 269

  Hewitt, Hugh, 197

  Heyward, Andrew, 267

  Hezbollah, 161

  Higham, John, 56

  Higher Education Act Amendments (1972), 72–73

  Hill, Anita, 194–96, 227

  Hillsborough, Robert, 85

  Hinckley, John, Jr., 110, 141

  Hispanics, 54, 63

  HIV/AIDS, See AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)

  Hoffman, Dustin, 19

  Holbrook, Robert, 90

  Holliday, George, 196

  Hollings, Ernest, 154

  Holt, Lester, 356

  Home Box Office (HBO), 138

  home ownership, 27

  Horton, Willie, 183, 184

  House Armed Services Committee, 321

  House Ethics Committee, 214

  House Intelligence Committee, 321, 356–57

  House Judiciary Committee, 9

  House of Representatives, US

  ABSCAM, 101

  George H. W. Bush’s tax increase, 190–91

  election of 1982, 119

  election of 1984, 131

  election of 1986, 161

  election of 1994, 216

  election of 1998, 231

  election of 2008, 294

  election of 2014, 324

  internal fractures among GOP, 311

  NAFTA, 208–9

  Reagan Revolution, 105

  housing bubble, 291–92

  Huckabee, Mike, 332

  Huckabee Sanders, Sarah, 344–45

  Hudson, Henry E., 155–56

  Hudson, Rock, 176

  Huelskamp, Tim, 325

  Huerta, Dolores, 53

  Hurricane Katrina, 280–83

  Hussein, Saddam, 186, 187, 261, 262, 267, 270

  Hyde, Henry, 90

  Hyde Amendment, 90–91

  Iacocca, Lee, 41–42

  IBM, 146

  ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), 354

  IEDs (improvised explosive devices), 285

  illegal immigrants, See undocumented immigrants


  in 1970s–1980s, 55–57

  George W. Bush’s reform initiative, 286–87

  in mid-1990s, 235

  Obama’s 2013 reform bill, 323

  Reagan policies, 132–33

  Trump and, 334, 339, 340, 352–54

  welfare reform and, 219–20

  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), 354

  Immigration and Nationality Act (1965), 44, 56

  Immigration Reform Act (1986), 132–33


  Bill Clinton, 227, 231

  Richard Nixon’s resignation in face of, 9

  improvised explosive devices (IEDs), 285

  Imus, Don, 240, 332

  income inequality

  in 1970s–1980s, 33

  in 1990s, 203–4, 234–35

  election of 1984, 130

  Obama’s farewell speech, 2

  Reaganomics and, 133

  independent counsel law, 163

  Independent Television News Association, 23

  individual mandate, 303–4, 314

  Indivisible, 349–50

  INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty), 168

  Infinity Broadcasting, 228

  inflation, 27, 30, 38; See also stagflation

  Infoseek, 232r />
  Inglis, Bob, 321

  Ingraham, Laura, 4–5

  Inner Circle hacking group, 150, 151

  Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), 168

  intermediate-range nuclear missiles, 124–25

  International Women’s Year (IWY), 91–92

  internet, 149–51; See also social media

  and Howard Dean candidacy, 275–76

  Al Gore’s comments on creation of, 239–40

  Iraq War protests, 265

  as platform for liberal views, 275–76

  pornography on, 230

  PRISM program, 287–88

  investigative journalism, 19–22

  Investigative Reporters and Editors, 21

  Iowa Caucuses, 35, 181, 337

  Iran, 161–65

  Iran-Contra affair, 162–65, 167

  Iranian hostage crisis, 99–100, 105

  Iranian revolution, 39, 99

  Iraq, 185–88

  Iraq War (2003–2011)

  beginning of, 266–68

  and Howard Dean candidacy, 275

  election of 2006, 285–86

  election of 2008, 290

  funding debates in Congress, 268

  and IEDs, 285

  preparations for, 260–61, 264–66

  problems after initial invasion, 268–69

  resolution for use of force in Iraq, 261–62

  and “surge,” 287

  ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), 322–23

  Islam, 253

  Islamic Center (Washington, D. C.), 253–54

  Islamic fundamentalism, 39

  Islamic militants, See Benghazi attacks; 9/11 attacks

  Israel, 99

  Ivins, Molly, 200

  IWY (International Women’s Year), 91–92

  Jackson, Jesse, 50, 128–30, 200–201, 295

  Jackson, Michael, 144

  Jackson, Robert, 171

  Japan, 30, 189

  Japanese Americans, 54–55

  Jarvis, Howard, 102, 103

  Jeffords, Jim, 247

  Jennings, Peter, 127

  Jerry Springer Show, The (TV program), 228

  Jindal, Bobby, 332

  job creation, 38–39

  Jobs, Steve, 146–48

  Johnson, Haynes, 105

  Johnson, Lyndon B., and administration

  affirmative action, 61

  health care reform, 211

  immigration policies, 44

  inflation during presidency, 27

  Kerner Commission, 46–47

  Medicare, 302

  Vietnam War, 7

  Joint Direct Attack Munitions, 255

  Jones, Paula, 226

  Jordan, Jim, 310

  journalism, See media

  junk bonds, 134

  Kaplan, Gregory, 114–15

  Karmazin, Mel, 228

  Kasich, John, 332

  Keenan, Barbara, 301–2

  Keillor, Garrison, 352

  Keitel, Harvey, 32

  Kelly, Megyn, 316, 317

  Kemp, Jack, 103, 109, 220

  Kemp–Roth Plan, 103–4

  Kennedy, Anthony, 174–75, 193

  Kennedy, Florynce, 194, 195

  Kennedy, Jayne, 75

  Kennedy, John F., 61

  Kennedy, Ted

  on 1982 unemployment figures, 119

  and 2009 economic stimulus package, 299

  and Bork nomination hearings, 173


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