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Fault Lines

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by Kevin M. Kruse

  and Boston busing crisis, 61

  death of, 306

  and ERA, 69

  and health care reform, 306

  and NCLB, 248

  Kerner Commission, 46–47, 328

  Kerry, John, 262, 277, 289

  Keynesian economics, 107–9, 190, 296

  Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 99

  King, Billie Jean, 73–75

  King, Coretta Scott, 124

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 45, 46, 48, 61, 129

  King, Rodney, 196–98

  Kinsolving, Lester, 176

  Kirsch, Steve, 232

  Kissinger, Henry, 14

  Kit Carson National Forest (New Mexico), 53

  Knight, Robert, 279

  Koch brothers, 311

  Kohut, Andrew, 278

  Koop, C. Everett, 90, 177, 178

  Korean Air Lines Flight 007, 125–26

  Koresh, David, 207–8

  Kotto, Yaphet, 32

  Kraft, Joseph, 10

  Kramer, Larry, 175, 177–78

  Kristol, Bill, 226, 343

  Krugman, Paul, 297

  Kudlow, Larry, 357

  Kurtz, Howard, 225

  Kuwait, 185–87

  Kyoto Protocol, 244

  Laffer, Arthur, 108–9

  Laffer Curve, 108–9

  LaHaye, Beverly, 92

  LaHaye, Tim, 94

  LaHood, Ray, 295

  Lamptey, Peter, 263

  Landreth, Bill, 151

  language education, 63

  LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department), 196

  LaPierre, Wayne, 325

  Larry King Live, 201

  Las Vegas mass shooting (2017), 355

  Latin America, 56, 57

  Latinos, 54, 286

  Lauer, Matt, 352

  Lau v. Nichols, 63

  “lavender scare,” 80

  “law and order,” 47

  Lawrence v. Texas, 273

  Lear, Norman, 32, 76, 173

  Lebanon, 161–65

  Lehman Brothers, 293

  Leland, John, 159

  Lessner, Richard, 273

  Levitt, Arthur, 292

  Lewinsky, Monica, 226–27

  Lewis, Anthony, 9–10

  Lewis, Jerry, 298

  LGBTQ rights, See gay rights

  Libby, Lewis “Scooter,” 258

  “liberal establishment,” 12


  and Bork nomination, 173

  and Clinton impeachment, 227

  at end of Reagan administration, 178

  as force in 1980s, 114–22

  internet as platform for, 275–76

  media resistance to George W. Bush’s agenda, 273–76

  Obama’s economic stimulus package, 297

  Obama’s farewell speech, 4

  and television programming, 283–84

  libertarianism, 280

  Libya, See Benghazi attacks

  Limbaugh, Rush, 214–17, 274

  Loan Guarantee Board, 42

  lobbyists, 18–19, 97–98

  Long, Russell, 41

  looting, 268

  Los Angeles, California, 29, 196–98

  Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), 196

  Los Angeles Times, 20, 161–62, 196–97

  Lumet, Sidney, 24

  Luntz, Frank, 216, 217

  Lynn, Barry, 155–56

  McCabe, Andrew, 356

  McCain, John

  election of 2002, 261

  election of 2008, 290–91, 294

  Republican National Convention (2016), 339

  TARP, 294

  Trump and, 336–37

  McCall, C. W., 29

  McCarthy, Kevin, 311, 324

  McConnell, Mitch

  on Access Hollywood revelations, 346

  and Affordable Care Act, 307

  and debt ceiling battle, 313–14

  general opposition to Obama, 298

  and polarization, 310

  McCord, James, 8

  McCorvey, Norma, 78–79

  McDonald, Larry, 125

  McFarlane, Robert, 124

  McGovern, George, 69, 91, 225

  Macintosh computer, 148–49

  McKesson, DeRay, 328

  McKinnon, Mark, 261

  McLemore, Greg, 237

  MacNeil-Lehrer Report, 40

  McVeigh, Timothy, 220

  Madden, John, 148

  Madonna, 153

  Magaziner, Ira, 211

  Maher, Bill, 260

  Maines, Natalie, 266

  Malcolm X, 52

  Malkin, Michelle, 300

  Manafort, Paul, 342–43, 356

  Manchester, New Hampshire, 31

  Mann, Tom, 302

  March for Our Lives movement, 355

  Marines, US, 198

  Markey, Edward, 125

  marriage; See also same-sex marriage

  declining rate in 1970s, 77

  DOMA and, 218–19

  Married . . . With Children (TV program), 224

  Marshall, Josh, 276

  Marshall, Thurgood, 60, 193

  Martin, Trayvon, 326, 329

  Martinez, Bob, 158

  Mary Tyler Moore Show, The (TV program), 76

  Massachusetts, 303, 314

  Massey, Douglas, 51

  mass media, 223, 227–31

  mass shootings, 355

  Matlock, Jack, 170

  Matsushita Electrical Industrial Company, 189

  Mattachine Society, 80

  Matthews, Chris, 267–68

  Maude (TV program), 76

  mayors, 49, 77

  Mazzoli, Romano, 132

  MCA, 189

  Mean Streets (movie), 31–32

  media; See also specific media outlets

  Clinton and, 340

  coverage of Obama’s farewell speech, 4–5

  fragmentation in 1960s–1970s, 3–4

  sexual content and, 223, 227–31

  social media as news source in 2016, 342

  Trump and, 335–36

  Medicaid, 90–91, 302, 306

  Medicare, 212, 302

  Meese, Ed, 155

  Meese Commission, 155–56, 276

  Mellencamp, John Cougar, 154

  Menendez, Robert, 245

  Meredith Corp. v. FCC, 152

  Merrill Lynch, 293

  #MeToo movement, 352

  Metronet, 23

  Mexican Americans, 52–54

  Mexico, 334, 353

  Michaels, Lorne, 254

  Michel, Robert, 111

  Microsoft, 146

  Middle East, 14, 99–101

  midterm elections, See specific election years, e.g.: election of 2010

  Midwest, 17

  military tribunals, 257–58

  militias, 220–21

  Milk, Harvey, 85–86, 94

  Milken, Michael, 134

  Milliken v. Bradley, 59–60

  Mills, Wilbur, 12

  Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh, 258

  Mondale, Walter, 128–30

  “Money for Nothing” (song), 143

  money in politics, 18–19

  Moonves, Les, 337

  Moore, Mary Tyler, 76

  Moore, Roy, 352

  Moral Majority, 93–94, 117, 173

  Morgan, Marabel, 71

  “Morning in America,” 128

  Morris, Dick, 217

  Moscone, George, 85, 94

  Mötley Crüe, 143

  Motorola, 146

  Moulitsas, Markos, 331

  mouse, 147–48, 265

  movies; See also specific movies

  dystopian themes in 1970s, 31–32

  white ethnic cultural roots in, 55

  Ms. magazine, 69, 76–77


  and George W. Bush administration, 284

  early days of, 224

  Iraq War, 265–68

  Lewinsky scandal, 227 />
  Tea Party and, 300

  MTV (Music Television), 142–44, 153, 228, 229

  Mueller, Robert, 356

  multilingual education, 63

  Murdoch, Rupert, 224

  Murphy, Thomas, 42

  Musberger, Brent, 75

  music industry, 152–55

  Muslim immigrants, 253

  Muslim travel ban, 353

  Mutually Assured Destruction, 126–27

  Myers, Michael “Ozzie,” 101

  NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), 48, 59

  Nader, Ralph, 42, 136

  NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 202, 208–9, 350

  Nannygate, 207

  Napolitano, Andrew, 312

  narrowcasting, 143–44

  NASDAQ, 232, 238

  Nashville (movie), 17

  National Affairs Briefing (Dallas, 1980), 95

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 48, 59

  National Association of Broadcasters, 153

  National Audubon Society, 191

  National Black Political Agenda, 50

  National Black Political Convention (1972), 49–50

  National Council for La Raza, 54

  National Council on Aging, 115

  National Election Pool (NEP) exit poll, 278

  National Enquirer, 337

  National Federation for Decency, 93

  National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, 315

  National Football League, 254

  National Guard, 281

  nationalism, 354–55

  National Organization for Women (NOW), 68–69, 194, 196

  National Origins Act (1924), 56

  National Pro-Life Political Action Committee (NPLPAC), 91

  National Review, 215–16

  National Rifle Association (NRA), 325, 355

  National Right to Life Committee, 90, 117

  national security, 122–27

  National Security Agency (NSA), 287–88, 322

  NATO, 124–26, 255

  Nauert, Heather, 357

  NBC television network

  The Apprentice, 332

  election of 1980 coverage, 104

  Iran-Contra investigation, 163

  oligopoly of news in 1970s, 22

  Will & Grace, 229–30

  NCLB (No Child Left Behind Act) (2001), 248–49

  negative campaigning, 180, 183–84, 200, 202, 225

  Nelson, Ben, 306

  NEP (National Election Pool) exit poll, 278

  Netscape, 233

  Network (movie), 24–25

  Nevada, 291–92

  New Bedford, Massachusetts, 31

  New Deal

  popularity of programs, 116

  and postwar prosperity, 26

  Reagan’s rejection of, 102, 120–21

  Social Security and, 114

  New Economy, 234

  New England, 30–31

  New Hampshire primaries, 181

  “new journalism,” 21–22

  New Orleans, Louisiana, 280–83

  New Orleans Police Department, 281

  New Orleans Superdome, 281–83

  New Right, 88, 96–105

  news media, See media

  newspapers, 141–42

  Newsweek magazine, 150, 226, 252

  New Times, 21–22

  Newton, Wayne, 121

  New World Order, 186, 187

  New York City

  blackout (1977), 16–17

  9/11 attacks, 249, 250, 252

  Occupy movement, 308–9

  as setting for dystopian movies in 1970s, 31–32

  strikes, crime, and near-bankruptcy in mid-1970s, 15–17

  Times Square renovation, 233–34

  New York Daily News, 16

  New Yorker, The, 11

  New York Magazine, 34

  New York Police Department (NYPD), 81, 233, 326

  New York Times

  Afghanistan coverage, 255

  George H. W. Bush’s popularity, 188–89

  Hillary Clinton’s emails, 346–47

  Dixie Chicks’ antiwar stance, 266

  dot-com crash, 238

  election of 2008, 295

  money in politics post-Buckley v. Valeo, 19

  9/11 coverage, 249–51

  Nixon’s resignation, 9–10

  NYC sanitation strike, 15

  tax revolt, 103

  Trump campaign, 343

  USA Today’s influence on, 142

  New York Times Magazine, 276

  Nicaragua, 124, 162–65

  Nichols, Terry, 220

  9 to 5 (movie), 195

  9/11 attacks, 243, 249–54

  congressional investigations into, 269

  and Iraq War, 261

  response to, See War on Terror

  1960s, 3, 7

  1970s, 3, 5, 7, 28–34

  1990s, 203–22, 231–35

  Nixon, Richard; See also Watergate

  Roger Ailes and, 224–25

  Robert Bork and, 173

  and Burger court, 170–71

  deregulation of airwaves, 136

  détente, 14

  election of 1976, 35

  environmental regulation, 29

  and ERA, 69

  Ford’s pardoning of, 11–12

  as “law and order” candidate, 47

  and Milliken v. Bradley, 59–60

  “politics of positive polarization,” 351

  public approval parallels with Trump, 357

  resignation, 7, 9–10

  Supreme Court appointees, 18

  Title IX, 72

  Caspar Weinberger and, 123

  White House tapes, 8–9

  Nobel Peace Prize, 99

  Nobel Prize for Economics, 108

  No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) (2001), 248–49

  Noonan, Peggy, 182

  Normandy, 131

  Norma Rae (movie), 32

  North, Oliver, 162–64

  Northeastern US, 17, 28

  Northern Alliance, 255

  Northern US, 51

  Novak, Michael, 55–56

  Novak, Robert, 140

  NOW (National Organization for Women), 68–69, 194, 196

  Noyce, Robert, 147

  NPLPAC (National Pro-Life Political Action Committee), 91

  NRA (National Rifle Association), 325, 355

  NSA (National Security Agency), 287–88, 322

  NSDD-145, 150

  nuclear disarmament, 167, 168

  “nuclear family,” 65

  nuclear freeze movement, 124

  nuclear power, 39

  nuclear war, 126

  nuclear weapons, 122–25

  Nunes, Devin, 356

  Nunn, Sam, 206

  NYPD (New York Police Department), 81, 233, 326

  Obama, Barack

  election of 2008, 290, 294–95

  election of 2012, 314–17, 319

  farewell address, 1–5

  on ISIS, 323

  keynote address at 2004 Democratic National Convention, 289–90

  partisanship and legislative battles during first term, 295–302

  partisanship during second term, 320–25

  and Russian influence on 2016 election, 342

  and Sandy Hook, 325

  Trump and, 333–34

  Obamacare, See Affordable Care Act

  Obergefell v. Hodges, 338

  Obey, David, 298

  O’Brien, Conan, 262


  Meese Commission, 155–56

  PMRC, 152–55, 157

  in rap music, 156–59

  Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 120–21

  O’Connor, Sandra Day, 117

  O’Donnell, Kirk, 116

  Office of Financial Research, 308

  Ogilvy & Mather, 23

  O’Hare Airport, Chicago, 257

  Ohio, 277

  oil embargo (1973), 14, 28

  oil embargo (1979), 39–40

  oil spills, 29

  Oklahoma City bombing (1995), 220–21

  Olbermann, Keith, 284

  O’Leary, Jean, 86

  “Olliemania,” 164

  O’Neill, Tip, 111, 115, 119, 213

  OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), 28, 39

  Operation Desert Storm, 185–88

  Operation Enduring Freedom, 255; See also Afghanistan War (2001– )

  Operation Hammer, 198

  Operation Iraqi Freedom, 268; See also Iraq War (2003–2011)

  Operation Primetime (OPT), 23

  Operation PUSH, 50, 129

  opinion polling, See public opinion polls

  OPT (Operation Primetime), 23

  O’Reilly, Bill, 225, 283

  O’Reilly Report, The (TV program), 225

  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 28, 39

  organized labor, 130

  Ornstein, Norm, 302

  OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), 120–21

  Ossofsky, Jack, 115

  Oswald, Lee Harvey, 337

  Out of the Inner Circle (Landreth), 151

  pack journalism, 19–25

  PACs (political action committees), 19, 97–98

  Page, Clarence, 159

  Palin, Sarah, 291, 305, 312

  Palm Beach County, 241

  Palmer, Arnold, 33–34

  Pan Am, 189

  Parents’ Music Resource Center (PMRC), 152–55, 157

  Paris, ISIS attacks in, 323

  Parkland, Florida, school shooting, 355

  Parsley, Rod, 277

  Parsons, Ed, 137

  partial-birth abortion ban, 272

  Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010), See Affordable Care Act

  Patrick, Dennis, 152

  Patrick, Neal, 150

  Patterson, James, 26–27

  Paul, Rand, 331

  Paul, Ron, 42

  Paulson, Henry, 294

  Peckinpah, Sam, 29

  Pelosi, Nancy, 307

  Peña, Federico, 54

  Pence, Mike, 345

  Pentagon, 82, 249

  People for the American Way, 173

  PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief), 263–64

  perestroika, 165

  Perle, Richard, 123

  Perot, Ross, 201–2, 204, 209

  Perry, Rick, 332

  Persian Gulf War (1991), 185–88

  personal computers, 146–49, 230

  Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (1996), 219

  Peters, John, 76

  Peterson, Peter, 293

  Petraeus, David, 287, 237–38

  Philadelphia Daily News, 289

  Phillips, Kevin, 96, 133, 183, 198

  Piketty, Thomas, 308, 309

  Pitney, John, 268–69

  Pittman, Robert, 142, 143

  Planned Parenthood, 329

  Playboy magazine, 37, 156

  PMRC (Parents’ Music Resource Center), 152–55, 157

  Podesta, John, 346

  Poindexter, John, 162

  political action committees (PACs), 19, 97–98

  Politically Incorrect (TV program), 260

  political polarization, 2–3


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