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by Kevin M. Kruse

politics, 77

  Politics of Rich and Poor, The (Phillips), 133

  polls, See public opinion polls

  Poniewozik, James, 342

  Poor People’s Campaign, 48

  popular culture, sexuality and, 223, 227–31

  pornography, 145, 155–56, 230

  Posner, Sarah, 343

  poverty, 26, 235

  Powell, Colin, 206, 264–65

  Powell, Lewis, 33, 63–64, 172, 175

  Power of the Positive Woman (Schlafly), 70

  Predator drones, 255

  President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), 263–64

  Priebus, Reince, 346

  Prince, 152

  PRISM program, 287–88

  prisons, 235–37

  privacy rights, 79

  privatization, 236, 278–79

  productivity, 27

  Pro-Family Rally (Houston, 1977), 92

  professional schools, 73

  pro-life legislation, 272

  pro-life movement, 279

  Proposition 13, 102–3, 108

  Proposition 187, 220

  proxy wars, 124

  Pryor, Richard, 32

  public health, 160–61, 175–79

  public opinion polls

  abortion rights, 78

  George H. W. Bush’s approval ratings after Desert Storm, 188–89

  George W. Bush’s approval ratings after Katrina, 283

  George W. Bush’s approval ratings during Iraq War, 270

  George H. W. Bush’s approval ratings in early 1992, 200

  Clinton’s approval ratings at time of impeachment, 231

  Clinton’s approval ratings in 1993, 209

  on direction of US in 2000, 238–39

  economic recovery (1983), 120

  on economy in 1990s, 231

  election of 2012, 316

  election of 2016, 342

  Ford’s popularity after Nixon pardon, 11–12

  homosexuality, 272–73

  importance of Obama’s election, 295

  Iraq War in late 2006, 285–86

  major political parties’ approval ratings, 331

  moral values as 2004 election issue, 278

  Nixon’s resignation, 10

  Reagan’s culpability in Iran-Contra affair, 162

  Reagan’s economic policies, 119

  Reagan’s popularity, 110

  Reagan’s post-Iran-Contra approval ratings, 165

  Republican/Democratic ideological division, 323

  Terry Schiavo case, 279

  school busing, 58

  Trump approval ratings, 357

  trust in government (1966–1981), 34

  trust in government (1972–1977), 17

  unemployment in 1970s, 32

  Pulitzer Prize, 61

  PUSH (People United to Save Humanity), 50, 129

  Putting People First (Clinton), 204

  Quayle, Dan, 182, 215

  quotas, immigration, 56

  race and racism, 44–64

  cultural nationalism, 52–57

  Kerner Commission report, 46–47

  Rodney King incident, 196–98

  struggle for black equality, 44–52

  as topic in Obama’s farewell speech, 2

  Trump supporters and, 335

  Rainbow Coalition, 129, 200–201

  rap music, 156–59, 200–201

  Rasmussen, William, 138

  Raza Unida, La, 54

  RCA, 136, 138–40

  Reagan, Ronald, and administration

  and AIDS crisis, 176, 178

  arms-for-hostages scandal, 161–65

  beginning of second term, 132–34

  Berlin Wall speech (1987), 167

  and Briggs Initiative, 85

  and California abortion bill, 78

  CNN’s coverage of assassination attempt, 141

  election of 1976, 36

  election of 1980, 101–2, 104–5

  election of 1984, 128–32

  election of 1988, 183

  and fairness doctrine, 151–52

  as “Great Communicator,” 89

  Hinckley’s assassination attempt against, 110–11

  Iran-Contra affair, 162–65

  Iranian hostage crisis, 100

  Rush Limbaugh and, 215

  Meese Commission, 155–56

  as model for Trump’s undermining of ACA, 350

  national security policies, 122–27

  negotiations with Gorbachev, 165–68

  and New Right, 98, 104–5

  Sandra Day O’Connor and, 117

  on Proposition 13, 103

  and Religious Roundtable, 95

  Supreme Court appointments, 160, 170–75

  tax cuts, 102, 106–7, 109–12

  Reagan, Ronald, Jr., 118

  Reagan Democrats, 104

  Reaganomics, 133–34, 245; See also supply-side economics

  Reagan Revolution, 105–12

  George H. W. Bush and, 182

  chaos unleashed by, 134

  and Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign, 201

  and “compassionate conservatism,” 244

  election of 1984, 131–32

  fragility of, 180

  reality television, 229

  Real World, The (TV program), 229

  recession (1982), 118–19

  recession (1990–1991), 189–91

  recession (2008), 291–94, 296–300

  Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), 153

  Rector, Ricky Ray, 200

  Reddit, 341

  Redford, Robert, 19

  redistricting, 310

  “red states,” 240–41, 289

  Reed, Ralph, 346

  Reeves, Richard, 34

  Reform Party, 333

  Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, 61–63

  Regional Bell Operating Companies, 145

  regulation, 97–98

  Rehm, Diane, 207

  Rehnquist, William, 171–72

  Reid, Chip, 267

  Reid, Harry, 307

  religion; See also specific religious groups

  ERA opposition, 71

  faith-based initiatives, 246–48

  women as clergy, 77

  Religious Right, 88–95

  and Access Hollywood revelations, 346

  and Bork nomination, 173

  and George W. Bush’s Social Security privatization initiative, 278–79

  election of 1980, 104

  election of 1988, 181

  election of 2004, 271–73

  and election of 2004, 277–78

  ERA opposition, 71

  and faith-based initiatives, 247

  and New Right, 96

  and Reagan administration’s first year, 116–17

  Terry Schiavo case, 279

  Trump and, 338

  Religious Roundtable, 95

  Rendón, Armando, 53

  Reno, Janet, 207–8

  reproductive rights, 78–79, 89–91, 193; See also abortion rights

  Republican National Committee, 77, 261, 346

  Republican National Convention (1980), 86, 104

  Republican National Convention (1988), 182

  Republican National Convention (1992), 199

  Republican National Convention (2016), 338–40

  Republican Party; See also specific politicians

  approval ratings at time of Clinton impeachment, 231

  and Benghazi issue, 321

  George H. W. Bush and, 181

  Carter administration criticism, 43

  and Clinton budgets, 210

  and Clinton health care plan, 212

  and Clinton impeachment, 231

  election of 1974 midterms, 13

  election of 1976, 36

  election of 1978, 104

  election of 1984, 131

  election of 1994, 216

  election of 2008, 290–91, 294

  election of 2010, 309–10
  election of 2014, 324

  election of 2016, 331–32

  and financial crisis (2008), 293–94

  and Ford’s pardoning of Nixon, 12

  and NAFTA, 209

  and NCLB, 248

  and Obama’s attempts a bipartisanship, 296–98

  and Obama’s economic stimulus package, 297

  opposition to Clinton agenda, 205

  opposition to Obama agenda, 296–302

  and Reagan tax cuts, 111

  response to counterterrorism programs, 256

  and resurgence of Right in 1970s–1980s, 88

  and Tea Party, 300

  and Trump’s presidential victory, 1–2

  Reykjavik Summit (1986), 166–67

  Reynolds, Frank, 100

  Reza Shah Pahlavi, Mohammed (shah of Iran), 99–100

  RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), 153

  Riccardo, John, 41

  Rice, Condoleezza, 261

  Rice, Tamir, 327

  Rich, Frank, 266

  Richards, Ann, 182

  Richardson, Elliot, 8, 173

  Ridge, Tom, 262

  Riggs, Bobby, 74


  backlash against cultural changes of 1970s, 88–112

  Democratic reaction to Reagan Revolution, 113–34

  New Right, 88, 96–105

  Reagan Revolution, 105–12

  Religious Right, 89–95

  right to privacy, 79

  RINOs (Republicans in Name Only), 299

  riots, 46, 197–98

  Rivera, Geraldo, 282

  Roberts, John, 285, 315, 318

  Roberts, Paul Craig, 109

  Robertson, Pat, 93, 95, 138, 181, 183

  Robison, James, 95

  Roesgen, Susan, 300

  Roe v. Wade, 78–79

  and Religious Right, 89–91

  and Clarence Thomas nomination, 194

  and Webster case, 193

  Rolling Stone magazine, 23

  Rollins, Ed, 106, 183

  Roman Catholic Church, See Catholics

  Romney, George, 314

  Romney, Mitt

  Benghazi comments, 321

  election of 2012, 314–19

  health care reform in Massachusetts, 303

  and individual mandate, 303, 314

  and Republican National Convention (2016), 339

  Roof, Dylann, 329, 343

  Rooney, Tom, 357

  Roots (TV series), 52

  Rosenberg, Howard, 197–98

  Rosenstein, Rod, 356

  Roth, William, 103

  Rove, Karl, 246–47, 296, 316–17

  Rubio, Marco, 331, 337, 343

  Ruckelshaus, William, 173

  Rumsfeld, Donald

  Abu Ghraib prison scandal, 270

  on Guantanamo detention camp, 257–58

  and Iraq War, 261, 268

  resignation of, 287


  coup attempt (1991), 170

  and Operation Desert Storm, 186

  Trump and, 341

  US election of 2016 election, 342, 345, 355–57

  Rust Belt, 17, 31, 347

  Rustin, Bayard, 49

  Ryan, Paul, 311, 314–15, 325

  Sadat, Anwar, 99

  safe sex, 177

  Safire, William, 20

  SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty), 14

  same-sex marriage, 218–19

  and election of 2004, 277

  hearings for Scalia’s successor, 338

  Lawrence v. Texas as harbinger of, 273

  “Sanctified Lady” (song), 155

  Sanders, Bernie, 330, 331, 358

  Sandinistas, 124

  Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings, 325–26

  San Francisco, California, 85

  sanitation workers’ strike (New York, 1975), 15

  Santa Barbara oil spill (1969), 29

  Santelli, Rick, 300

  Sasse, Ben, 339

  Satellite News Channel, 141

  satellite television, 136–37

  Saturday Night Live (TV program), 37, 254, 291

  “Saturday Night Massacre,” 8, 173

  Saudi Arabia, 186

  Save Our Children, Inc., 84

  Save Our Security, 115

  savings and loan (S&L) crisis (late 1980s), 190

  “Say It Loud: I’m Black and I’m Proud!” (song), 52

  Scaife, Richard Mellon, 97

  Scalia, Antonin, 171, 172, 259, 338


  in early Clinton years, 207, 208

  Fox News coverage of, 225–26

  media coverage of Clinton’s scandals vs. Trump’s, 340–41

  Schaeffer, Francis, 90

  Schiavo, Michael, 279

  Schiavo, Terri, 279

  Schlafly, Phyllis, 70, 72, 89, 92, 95, 177

  Schlosser, Eric, 236

  Schneider, Bill, 182

  Schonfeld, Reese, 23, 139–40

  school segregation/desegregation, 51, 58–60, 171

  school shootings, 325–26, 355

  Schorr, Daniel, 140

  Schultz, George, 264–65

  Schumer, Charles, 133

  Schweiker, Richard, 114

  SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), 45, 48

  Scorsese, Martin, 31

  Scott, Ridley, 148

  Scott, Walter, 327

  Scully, John, 148

  SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative), 126–27, 166, 168

  Sears, 93

  SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), 292

  Second Amendment, 325

  Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 292

  segregation, 51, 58–60, 171

  Seib, Charles, 21

  Select Committee on Benghazi, 321–22

  Senate, US

  Affordable Care Act, 307

  blocking of Obama appointments, 301

  Edward Brooke’s election to, 49

  election of 1980, 105

  election of 1982, 119

  election of 1986, 161

  election of 2008, 294

  election of 2014, 324

  Hill–Thomas hearings, 195–96

  INF treaty, 168

  Operation Desert Storm, 186

  Rehnquist hearings, 172

  Thomas hearings, 196

  Watergate hearings, 8, 9

  Senate Banking Committee, 292

  Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, 153–55

  Senate Finance Committee, 304–5

  Senate Intelligence Committee, 258

  Senate Judiciary Committee, 194, 195, 302

  September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, See 9/11 attacks

  service sector, 38–39, 66, 67

  Sessions, Jeff, 287, 356

  Sessions, Pete, 294, 297, 298

  700 Club, The (TV program), 93

  Sex and the City (TV program), 230

  sexual harassment, 194–95

  Shales, Tom, 101

  Shapiro, Ben, 343

  Shaw, Bernard, 184

  Shays, Chris, 279

  Shelby County v. Holder, 318

  “Shock and Awe,” 266

  Shore, Stephen, 31

  Shriver, Maria, 200

  Sierra Club, 191

  Silent Spring (Carson), 28

  Silicon Valley, 147, 232–33, 235

  Silver, Nate, 347

  Simmons, Chester R., 138

  Simon, Paul, 254

  Simpson, Alan, 132, 195–96

  Simpsons, The (TV program), 224

  Sinclair Broadcast Group, 357–58

  single mothers, 66–67

  Sirica, John J., 8

  Sister Souljah, 200–201

  60 Minutes 2 (TV program), 269

  Skrentny, John, 63

  S&L crisis (late 1980s), 190

  Smith, Howard, 67

  Smith, Shepard, 282

  Smithsonian magazine, 191

  smog, 29
r />   SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee), 45, 48

  Snider, Dee, 154–55

  Snowden, Edward, 322

  Snowe, Olympia, 299

  Snyder, Jimmy “the Greek,” 75

  Soap (TV program), 83, 93

  social conservatives/conservatism, 91–92; See also Religious Right

  in 1990s, 204

  and election of 1992, 199

  libertarianism vs., 280

  and Reagan administration’s first year, 116–17

  Trump and, 338

  “socialized medicine,” 212, 302

  social media

  and BLM movement, 328

  CompuServe and, 149–50

  and Howard Dean candidacy, 276

  as news source, 3–4

  and polarization, 330

  Trump and, 341–42, 351

  Social Security, 114–16, 120, 278–79

  Social Security Amendments of 1983, 120

  “soft news” shows, 275

  “Soiling of Old Glory, The” (photograph), 61

  Sony v. Universal City Studios, 145

  sound bites, 106

  Souter, David, 193

  South Central Los Angeles riots (1992), 197–98

  Southern Baptist Convention, 89–90

  Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 45, 48

  Soviet bloc, 170

  Soviet Union; See also Cold War

  coup attempt (1991), 170

  and European intermediate-range nuclear missile deployment, 124–25

  NATO Able Archer 83 exercise, 126

  Olympic boycott (1984), 127

  Reagan’s national security policies, 123

  Reagan’s negotiations with Gorbachev, 165–68

  Speakes, Larry, 106, 176

  Specter, Arlen, 299, 305

  speed limits, 29

  Spitzer, Eliot, 309

  sports, 73–74, 138

  Sports Illustrated, 74

  Springsteen, Bruce, 131, 169

  Staberock, Gerald, 285

  stagflation, 30–34, 107

  Standard and Poor’s, 313

  Stand Your Ground laws, 326

  Starr, Kenneth, 226

  “Star Wars” (Strategic Defense Initiative), 126–27

  state legislatures, 310

  State of the Union Address (1991), 187

  State of the Union Address (1996), 219

  State of the Union Address (2000), 232

  State of the Union Address (2003), 263

  steel industry, 31

  Steinem, Gloria, 76

  Stephanopoulos, George, 323

  Stern, Howard, 223, 228, 332

  Stevens, Christopher, 321

  Stewart, Jon, 240, 274–75, 284

  Stewart, Potter, 59

  Sting, 143

  Stockman, David, 109, 117–18

  stock market; See also Wall Street

  crash (1987), 134

  and debt ceiling battle, 313

  dot-com boom/bust, 237–38

  and financial crisis (2008), 293–94

  Stokes, Louis, 49

  Stone, Oliver, 134

  Stonewall riots, 81

  STOP ERA, 70

  Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT), 14

  Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 126–27, 166, 168

  Streisand, Barbra, 76


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