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The Sweet Road Back

Page 11

by Jacki Kelly

  “Okay, now, tell me what you’re wearing.” His voice slipped into a seductive whisper. She glanced down at her skinny jeans and oversized sweater.

  “Absolutely nothing. As a matter of fact, I’m standing in the kitchen in my birthday suit, just waiting for you to ask me.”

  He laughed. “You’re fully dressed, aren’t you?”

  “I am. How about you; what are you wearing?”

  “Baby, I’m in boxers. Nothing but boxers. And I’m not lying. But no matter what you have on, I have a real good image of what my sexy wife looks like when she’s really naked. If I close my eyes, I can almost believe I’m touching your luscious, perky breasts. I’m going to fall asleep with that image plastered on my brain. I’ll call you in the morning. Melissa, I love you.”

  “I love you too. And I can see right through those boxer shorts.”

  Darius broke into a full laugh. She couldn’t help but join in.

  “I’ll sleep on your pillow tonight just to be closer to you.” She clicked off. The moment she put the phone down, her heart called out to him. She felt connected to him in a way that transcended logic. Her heart would forgive him of anything.

  After gathering her bags from the entry hall, she made her way to the second floor. With a thud, she dropped the packages in the middle of the bedroom and undressed. “Turbo, stay away from my stuff.” She tapped the bed. The dog jumped up next to her and immediately dropped his head on his paws. “I guess I’ll let you keep me company tonight.”

  In the empty house, the quiet bounced off the walls and heightened the feeling of loneliness.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Darius stretched his hands toward the ceiling to loosen the kinks from his back. Without an energy drink, it was hard to get going in the morning. His system needed refueling. He closed the door behind the room service attendant and surveyed the cart. Eggs, toast, juice, and coffee would have to suffice. He climbed on the bed, balanced the tray on his lap, and turned on the television. After propping the pillows up, he flipped through the channels until he found the Sunny Kincaid Show.

  With a fork in one hand and his cell phone in the other, he called Melissa.

  “Wake up, sweetie,” he said as soon as she picked up the phone.

  She grunted something he couldn’t make out. He smiled. She wasn’t a morning person.

  “Come on, Melissa. It’s Friday. You have an eight o’clock class, which means it’s time for you to get out of bed and start moving.”

  “Darius, what time is it?” Her voice sounded like she was gargling with marbles.

  “Ten here in New York, for you it’s six. Which means, if you don’t get up now, there is no way you’re going to make the drive across town in time for your class at eight.” He chuckled. They had the same discussion every week, even when he was at home.

  “Why are you so happy this morning?”

  “Because I dreamt about you all night. Girl, the things you did to me should be illegal.”

  “Oh, yeah. Well, in my dream, you were pretty naughty too. So, just imagine what we’ll do to each other when we get together.”

  “I can’t wait, baby.” He laughed. “How’s my dog? Are you taking good care of him?”

  “Yes, I am. He’s my dog now. As a matter of fact, he slept on your side of the bed.”

  “I’ve only been gone for one night and you’ve replaced me.”

  “Only until you come home. Then you know you’ll be my number one.”

  “I’ll bet you say the same thing to all your men,” he teased. “Guess who came to my show last night?”

  “Let me see…thousands of screaming girls waving their panties.”

  “Very funny. Actually, Sunny Kincaid was seated near the front row with her daughter. She did a brief interview with me after the show.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me about your adventures last night?”

  “It slipped my mind. The interview wasn’t prearranged or formal, just an impromptu kind-of-thing.”

  She laughed. “Darius, you are probably the only famous person who goes gaga over someone who is as popular as yourself. You seem surprised to see her at your show.”

  “I’m not so excited that she was there, but if she’ll talk about my performance on her show this morning, I’ll get some free advertising. And I like free.”

  “I’m sure she will. I’ll even tape her show for you. So when you get home you can watch it over and over again.”

  “Oh, you’ve got lots of jokes, don’t you? I know you think it’s silly, but grant me this one indulgence.”

  “Honey, you’re fine. I like teasing you. Look, I need to get moving. I think Turbo needs to go outside and I better get dressed. Where is your concert tonight?”

  “In Washington. I’ll call you after the show. There are three days before the next gig, so I’m flying home right after the show. I’ve got a charter, so I should be there by morning.”

  “You’re kidding me, right?”

  “No. I miss you. I figure I can come home, get enough good loving to carry me for the next couple of concerts.”

  She hesitated for a moment. “Is something wrong, Darius?”

  “Nothing a little time with you won’t cure. I’ll have a bottle of wine chilling for you when you walk in from class.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. And thanks for waking me up. I can’t think of any better way to start my day.” She blew him a kiss before hanging up the phone.

  He nestled back against the pillow, pulled the serving tray closer, and sipped on his orange juice. Sunny glided across the set in her five-inch heels and sat on her cushion sofa. She started dishing out the latest industry gossip by focusing on the grand opening of a new celebrity restaurant. Darius buttered toast, hoping she’d mention the concert. An endorsement improved his odds of getting the movie score. Each step put him closer to his dream. He couldn’t wait to tell his father some good news.

  “How many of you went to the Dark Drizzle concert last night at the Garden? Did you see that fine-looking Darius B? Real nice eye-candy, and his voice?” She nodded and emphasized her words. He tried not to smile. “He could sing to me all night long and I’d tell my husband he’d just have to get used to it. You know, I talked with him briefly after the show. He was very friendly. I wonder if he’s dating anyone we know? Someone as good-looking as him has got to be attached, doesn’t he? But he must keep it hush, hush. I haven’t seen any notable pictures of him with anyone lately. Why don’t you Sunny fans find out for me and let me know. Send it to me on Twitter or Facebook. And you know I love pictures.” She nodded again.

  Darius wanted a comment about the concert, not about his appearance or an investigation into his love life. And if one of her fans found out about Melissa, then all the better. The whole world could know. They’ll know anyway in just a few months when she shows up on his arm at the next awards ceremony.

  His phone chirped with Dan’s ring.

  “Yeah, Dan, I heard it,” he said.

  “I knew you’d be watching. Isn’t it great she mentioned the show?”

  “Why are you so excited? You didn’t do anything to get the promo. It was pure luck she was in the audience. She just brought her daughter to the show. Now, get me some free TV footage for the DC show, then I’ll give you a pat on the back.”

  “You’re a tough customer, Darius.”

  “It’s not personal; it’s just business. What time is the car picking me up?”

  “Noon. I’ll knock when they get here.”

  “Hey, Dan, for the publicity, don’t do anything Melissa won’t approve of. I’m not signing on for any nonsense.”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “Nope, not open for discussion.” He ended the call.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Darius unlocked the door to the house. Turbo charged at him with so much enthusiasm he had to back up.

  “Hey, boy.” He scratched the dog on his chin. “She lets you run free in the house now? This must mea
n she’s locked up all her shoes.” He followed the wagging tail into the living room and dropped his bag.

  This visit home wasn’t just about seeing Melissa. As much as he hated to admit it, he wanted to check in on her too. Make sure everything between them was as good as he’d imagined. The thought made him uneasy, but he was a realist. Every night some woman tried to get into his room or behind the stage, and if he was half-willing, she’d spread her legs for him.

  He roamed through the rooms of the house. Everything was in order. Melissa would be home in less than an hour. He picked up the phone in the kitchen and ordered dinner from their favorite Italian restaurant. Afterwards, he set the small table on the porch and lit the hurricane lamps Melissa used for decoration.

  His phone rang. He pulled it from the pocket of his jeans and checked the display. When he saw his father’s number, he answered the call.

  “Dad, how are you?”

  “Son, where are you? I need to talk with you.” His father’s voice sounded strained.

  Darius dropped into the nearest chair. “What’s wrong?”

  “She left me. I came home from a fishing trip and all her things are gone. She just cleared out, all gone.”


  “Yeah.” His father choked out a sob and cleared his throat. “I was half-expecting it. Lately, she was so quiet and withdrawn. Maybe this is the best thing for both of us. For too many years, we’ve been trying. I’m tired of trying, son.”

  Darius pulled his free hand down his face. “Did she say anything? Did she leave a note?”

  “There’s a note. But it doesn’t make me feel any better. She says she doesn’t want anything but her freedom. I wasn’t keeping her locked down. She could have left anytime she wanted. She should have left twenty years ago when she….”

  The line was quiet for several moments.

  “Dad, are you still there?”

  “I shouldn’t have called you, but you are the only person who knows what we’ve been going through. And I needed to talk to someone.”

  “I flew home this morning or I’d jump in the car and come to New York.”

  “No. I don’t want you to come home. I don’t need rescuing. I just thought you should know. We’ll get together in the fall, just the way we planned.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Positive.” His voice sounded stronger now. He asked about Melissa and the tour just like nothing of importance had happened, then he hung up.

  Darius stared at the grout lines in the tiled kitchen floor without moving. He didn’t want to take sides, but the acrimony he felt for his mother blossomed again.

  He stared at the phone a long time before dialing her number. He wasn’t even sure what he planned to say. She picked up on the first ring.

  “You’ve talked to your father, haven’t you?” she asked.

  “Why, Mom? How could you hurt him like this again?” He knew he had no right to talk to her like a peer. But the boiling rage in his gut consumed him.

  “Listen here, Darius. You might not like what’s going on between your father and me, but don’t think you can be disrespectful. You don’t know everything, and I’ve tried to keep our business private. This is between me and your father. Our marriage was over a long time ago, but we kept trying to resurrect those ashes and it was just too exhausting. You don’t need to know everything and I’m not telling you any more. You’re grown now. You’ve got Melissa and you guys are happy. I want to be happy too.”


  “No, Darius. There are no buts. When you’re done with this tour, we’ll spend some time together. Not to talk about me and your father, but just to talk. Okay?”

  He swallowed all the things he wanted to say. “Yeah, okay,” he murmured.

  Melissa came home and found him still seated in the kitchen.

  “I thought you’d be happy to see me and rush to the door like Turbo.” She kissed his forehead before moving to his lips. He parted his lips and accepted her tongue. More than anything he wanted to put his parents’ problems out of his head, but they recycled on a constant loop.

  The sweet taste of Melissa’s mouth was enough to push away the disappointing conversation with his parents for a while. He lifted her in his arms and sunk his tongue deeper into her mouth. Allowing her to fill all the emptiness lingering in him. He released her so her feet touched the floor. All he wanted was to pretend life was good and perfect for a few moments. What he and Melissa had was more loving and caring than anything his parents ever shared. The urge to claim Melissa and demonstrate the depth of his feelings for her overwhelmed him like nothing else had in years.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” he whispered as he fumbled with the buttons on her shirt. “I can’t decide if I want to take you here in the kitchen or upstairs in the bedroom.”

  “Mmm.” Her throaty response heightened his lust. He pushed her skirt up and ran his hand along her smooth thighs. She buried her chin in the curve of his neck, breathing heavy.

  “We’ll start here and work our way upstairs.” He helped her wiggle out of her tiny panties and dropped them on the floor. While she undid his belt buckle and zipper, he eased his finger between her moistened folds. The sound of her pleasure echoed in the room, drowning out the noise in his head.

  He burrowed under her shirt and grasped her breast.


  “Sorry, baby.” He reduced the pressure on her nipple and removed her shirt. He ran his tongue over the perky tip. The scruff of his unshaven chin brushed her skin, leaving red marks as he moved from one to the other.

  He pulled away from her long enough to remove his clothing. She cradled his rod in the palm of her hand, pulling back and forth until he was ready to burst.

  He bent her over the kitchen table and entered her. With his hands gripping her narrow hips, he eased in and out, careful to manage his hunger for her. Her response loosened the ache swelling in his heart. They were different. Their love was stronger. There were no hidden agenda’s or secrets waiting to rip them apart.

  Melissa pushed her butt higher, making his access easier. Her body stiffened.

  “Darius, now,” she demanded as she slammed against him.

  He obeyed, holding her steady while he climbed to ecstasy. As soon as he caught his breath, he lifted her into his arms and made his way upstairs.

  “I thought you were only kidding about making love in both places.”

  “I’ll make love to you in ten places. You just name them.”


  Melissa threw her leg over Darius’s and tried to catch her breath. Last night, he released her just long enough to eat the delicious dinner he’d ordered before taking her again and again. Tonight, he seemed insatiable. Her skin felt like it had been rubbed raw in places, but every moment was enjoyable.

  She walked her fingers up his chest, feeling every muscle as she inched toward his Adam’s apple. “I’ve eaten breakfast in bed, but never dinner. What a nice change.”

  “I think we were both too sore to eat downstairs.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “I missed you, alright?”

  “We missed each other. But I wasn’t expecting you to jump my bones as soon as I walked in the door.”

  “I only wanted to be with you. Besides, you stuck your tongue in my mouth. I had to give you my best. I want you to know what you’re missing so you’ll want me even more when I come home.”

  “I always miss you when you’re gone for more than a day. I’ve told you the same thing so many times, I feel like if I never said it again, you’d already know.”

  “You could tell me the same thing every day and I’d need to hear you say it once more.”

  “You are about as tight as a girdle. There was a little anger in your lovemaking too. Are you still upset you couldn’t reach me when you landed in New York? What’s bothering you?” She sat up and moved behind him to massage his shoulders.

  He told her about the call from his father and his call to his mo
ther. He sounded stoic, but she knew him well enough to know the news had almost ripped him apart.

  “Is your father okay?”

  “He says he will be. But he didn’t convince me.”

  “How did your mother sound?”

  “She’s always just fine. Nothing shakes the Ice Queen.” His shoulders tensed.

  “Maybe you aren’t being fair. Nobody knows what goes on in a relationship, so nobody can judge what’s right for other people.”

  “You always take her side. She’s wrong, Melissa. You should have heard how hurt my father sounded.” He shrugged away from her.

  “Maybe she was hurting too. Should she stay married even if she’s unhappy? Living an unfulfilled life wouldn’t be fair to her.” She tugged on his arm to get his attention. “Darius, you’ve let your parents’ relationship color our interaction. Baby, you’ve got to stop visiting the bad things that happened to your parents on us. We aren’t your parents. Our marriage is different.”

  He faced her. “Let’s not talk about them anymore. I’m home for two days, and I’ve got an amazing weekend planned for us.” The stare he gave her was clouded with more emotion than what registered in his voice.

  He pulled her down on the bed and gave her a tender kiss. She accepted his tongue, even though the shadow from his parents’ announcement still hung over them.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Melissa spotted Pam ensconced in a booth to the right of the hostess stand. She pushed her bag onto the leather-covered bench and sidled in next to it. “I’m sorry I’m late. I got wrapped up talking with a realtor talking about a storefront I saw that might be perfect for a gallery.”

  “No worries, I just got here. My drink hasn’t even arrived yet.” Pam pushed her hair behind her ear. “Did you and Darius enjoy your weekend at the Bed and Breakfast?”

  “Yes and no. We had a nice time, but he was preoccupied with his parents’ stuff. He tried to pretend, but I could tell he was thinking about them.”

  “At least he tried,” Pam said. “I’d give a million dollars if Steve had been half as committed as Darius.”


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