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Falling for Agent Cruz:A Falling novel

Page 3

by DL Gallie

Lifting my head up, I sigh in relief when I see that parking lot is empty, except for creeper me.

  Grabbing my phone, I check the time and shake my head. “Dammit, Baylor,” I say to myself, frustrated that she is really, really late now.

  My eyes keep gravitating toward the bike, if I had lady balls, I’d head into the bar and proposition that sexy as sin man, but that’s not me. So I stay where I am and hide like the big-ass pansy I am.

  After staring at the bike again, I decide to head inside. Maybe I’ll see Biker Boy and his fine looks can keep me occupied while I wait. Climbing out of my car, I walk across the parking lot to the bar. Opening the door, I step inside and like a heat-seeking missile, my eyes lock on my sexy Biker Boy and I find him sitting at the bar, alone.

  Walking toward the bar, I take a seat at the opposite end, with a clear view of him, and order myself a glass of red and pull out my phone to text Bay.

  CHARLI: Once you’ve finished getting down and dirty, I’m seated at the bar waiting for girls’ night to start.

  Placing my phone on the bar top, I pick up my glass of wine and take a sip. I close my eyes and enjoy the robust flavors currently dancing on my tongue. When I open my eyes, my gaze connects with him and I freeze. Everything around me fades away; it’s just him and me. Our moment is interrupted when Baylor collapses into the seat next to me.

  “Sorry, I’m late,” she pants, “I was…”

  “Giving Cox a kiss goodbye?” She stares at me blankly. “Don’t try and deny it, Bay, your lipstick is smudged.” She wipes at her mouth and I laugh, “Haha, gotcha.”

  “Huh?” she asks, grabbing my wine and taking a sip.

  “Your lipstick is fine but my assumptions as to why you’re late are correct.”

  “Hardy har har,” she sasses back at me and drinks the last of my wine. “That’s for being a bitch.”

  “You love me.” I shrug, as I signal the bartender back over. Looking back at Bay, I smile at her but I’m really staring at the man behind her. I can’t stop looking at him, he has a magnetic pull that is beyond my control to ignore.

  “Lucky for you I do love you. Now, how are you?” she asks, but I’m too focused on him to answer her. She swivels around and I know the moment she sees him because she spins back to me, and her face lights up like a Christmas tree. “You HAVE to go home with him tonight.”

  “No,” I confirm. “I cannot do that.”

  “Why not?” she questions. “That man is fucking hot. If I didn’t have my own hottie, I’d be over there right now.”

  “Well, we are here for girls’ night and he is not a girl.”

  “Charli,” she says, her tone lowering. “Let loose for once in your life. Go and have a night of wild monkey sex with that fine as fuck man and come morning, become straightlaced Agent Charli Davis once again.” She pauses and then laughs. “I can totally see why you and Core are friends. You are two straight and narrow peas in a pod.”

  I process her words and thankfully, the bartender arrives and places a glass of red in front of me. “Courtesy of the man over there.” I follow his finger and realize he’s pointing at my Biker Boy, well not MY Biker Boy but the Biker Boy I was ogling earlier. I smile and nod my head in thanks. He lifts his glass and salutes me.

  “Just do it,” Baylor says, and then turns her attention to the bartender. “Can I please get a bottle of that,” she points to my glass, “and a charcuterie board for us to share?”

  He nods and gets to opening the bottle of wine that Bay just ordered. My eyes keep drifting over to Biker Boy and each time, he’s staring at me. Biting my lip, I contemplate what I should do, but my thoughts are interrupted when Bay says, “I’m going to the bathroom and then I’ll get us a booth.”

  Nodding my head, I pick up my wine and take a sip. Just as my glass reaches my lips, a body bumps into me and I spill red wine all over my shirt, thankfully it’s red wine red in color and it won’t stain, but he spilled my wine and that there is sacrilege. It’s the equivalent to a toddler spilling their milk, not good. “You all right?” I inquire.

  The guy turns around and his eyes roam over me, I shudder at the lewdness in his gaze. It’s nothing like Biker Boy’s gaze. Finally his creepy once-over reaches my eyes. “Did it hurt?” he asks me.

  “Did what hurt?” My face scrunching up at his weird and random question.

  “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”

  “Seriously? You are using that lame line on me after spilling my drink? The words coming from your mouth should be, ‘I’m so sorry, I’ll get you another’ but no, you have to use the corniest pickup line in the history of pickup lines.”

  He stares at me and I don’t like the intensity in his gaze. “My my, you are feisty. I bet you fuck like a wild animal.”

  “Excuse me,” I shout, just as I feel a heat behind me.

  “Yo, dickwad, apologize to the lady now.”

  “Get fucked, asshole, I was here first.”

  “Actually, bud, no, you are not number one. This lady here is mine.” He places his hand protectively on my shoulder and my body comes alive at his touch. “Now I suggest you apologize and then scurry away before I lose it and my fist becomes acquainted with your face.”

  Normally I’d be pissed at hearing someone call me ‘mine’ but coming from him, I want to strip out of my wine-soaked blouse and fuck him like the wild animal Creeper McCreeperson says I am. That reaction shocks me because I don’t do that. I don’t fall under a man’s spell so easily. I’m pushing thirty and I’ve never had a one-night stand.

  “Sorry,” Creeper McCreeperson mumbles, his voice wavering in fear at the presence of Biker Boy here. He throws a ten spot on the bar top and walks away but when I say walk, I mean he runs like a scared little boy. Mind you, Biker Boy is pretty intimidating. Whereas Creeper McCreeperson is scared, I’m enthralled with fake rescuing boyfriend.

  “Pretty sure he just pissed his pants,” I tell Biker Boy. Craning my neck, I look up at him and smile. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  We stare at one another and just like earlier, everything around us disappears and it's just the two of us. Our moment is interrupted when Bay returns. “I got us a table.” Her eyes widen when she realizes who I’m with. “I’ll just take this,” she grabs the bottle of wine and her glass, and whispers, “I’ll be over there.” She turns and walks away. Pausing, she spins around, grabs my hands, and says, “Charli, just do it.” She throws a wink at me and then I watch as she walks over to the booth we will be in for the rest of the evening.

  “Do what, Charli?” Biker Boy asks me; his voice is deep, gruff and has my body tingling. All that from only three words.

  “With Baylor, she could be referring to anything.”

  He steps closer to me and leans down. I can feel his breath on my neck. Just from his breathing, my body buzzes with anticipation. He whispers, “I think she’s referring to you doing me and I agree with your friend, Angel” He stands up and I instantly miss his closeness. “I’ll be waiting. The ball’s in your court.” He winks and walks away from me, returning to his seat from earlier.

  Sitting here, my breathing is labored and my clit is pulsating like never before. Grabbing my wine glass, I take a big gulp-like sip, and then stand up and head over to Bay. I feel his eyes on me with each step I take across the room.

  My mind is racing with a million and one questions and thoughts right now. Can I do it? Can I have a one-night stand? What if he’s a serial killer? Will the charcuterie board have smoked cheese? A random thought I know, but hello, cheese. Then my mind drifts to what it would feel like to have his lips on mine. His hands on my body. His breath on my neck was enough to turn me into a pile of goo and if his breath can do that, then I can only imagine what else he could do to me. Maybe I should just go for it.

  Taking my seat across from Bay, I’m aroused at the thought of what might be but also hesitant to take that leap. Looking back over to Biker Boy, I wonder if, just for one night,
I should just let go like Bay is suggesting.

  Gah, I have no idea what to do.



  Seeing that guy hit on her makes me ragey mad. Before I know what I’m doing, I’m stalking over to my girl—yes she’s mine, she just doesn’t know it yet—and staking my claim. “Actually, bud, no, you are not number one. This lady here is mine. Now I suggest you apologize and then scurry away before I lose it and my fist becomes acquainted with your face.”

  The asshole scurries away after mumbling a quiet apology. Pulling out the chair next to her, I take a seat. We silently stare intently at one another but I don’t notice anything but her. Her friend returns, whispers a few things that I can’t quite hear but my ears perk up when she says, “Charli, just do it,” before leaving us alone again. I’m pretty sure she’s referring to ‘doing me’ but Charli—beautiful name for a beautiful woman—is hesitant. It’s nice to know her friend is on my side, now to get Charli to come over to Team Cruz too. She seems shy so I need to play my cards carefully, but I want her to know how I feel without coming on too strong. I lean into her and breathe her in, she smells divine. Her skin prickles from my breath and I know she feels what I’m feeling too, so I decide to throw caution to the wind and go for it. “I think she’s referring to you doing me and I agree with your friend, Angel.” I stand up and stare down at her, “I’ll be waiting. The ball’s in your court.”

  Walking back to my seat, I have no idea if I have a chance in hell of her coming home with me tonight, but I do know I haven’t felt a pull like this in a long time. I don’t think I ever felt like this with Bianca.

  I can feel her watching me but as I told her, the ball’s in her court now.

  A hand touches my shoulder and when I turn my head, I deflate when I see it’s her friend. She’s grinning at me. “Hi, I’m Baylor.”

  “Dominic,” I offer, and really hope she doesn’t try to hit on me.

  “Charli is my girl and I want to see her happy. I need you to man up and swoop her off her feet, even if just for tonight,” she pauses and steps closer to me, “BUT if you hurt her, I will hunt you down and hurt you a million times worse.”

  This woman is crazy, I should let her know she just threatened a federal agent, but I want what she wants for us so I nod. “Even without your pep talk,” I tell her, “I was contemplating doing exactly that but how am I meant to woo her? She seems closed off.”

  “Leave that to me,” she says matter-of-factly and then turns away and walks back to the booth they have snagged. Charli is nowhere to be seen and then I see her, returning from the bathrooms. Her cheeks are flushed, but I can’t wait to see her flushed from arousal while she’s riding my cock.

  She rejoins her friend and I continue to sit here and watch the two of them, waiting in the wings, or wine bar in this case, for my moment to swoop in and woo her. Finally the moment is here, it's time to make my move. She’s giggling and seems to be tipsy. I really hope she’s drunk enough to let go, but not too drunk that she’ll regret her decision in the light of day when she’s sober.

  Walking over to them, her eyes lock on me, and she watches as I get closer to her. Her eyes rake over me, and from the glint in her eye I know she wants me. She’s ready to let loose and have a night of fun with me as I suggested earlier. “Ladies,” I say as I reach them.

  “Hey, Biker Boy,” Charli says with a smile, her voice deep, husky, and ohh so sexy.

  Her cheeks are a gorgeous flush of pink, and I hope it’s from my presence and not the wine, then I click that she called me Biker Boy. “How did you know I ride a bike?”

  Her eyes widen in shock. “Ummm, ahhhhh, your jacket. It's a bike jacket, not just a sexy leather jacket.”

  “Nice save,” Baylor quietly says, lifting her glass with a cheeky smirk. She takes a sip. “Sooo, what’s your intention with my friend?”

  “Baylor,” Charli scolds, “you can’t say shit like that.”

  Baylor shrugs and focuses on me, raising her eyebrows in that ‘tell me now’ way.


  “A hole in the ground with water in it,” Charli says, and then she giggles at her own joke. The sound is music to my ears. It’s the first time I’ve seen her so relaxed since I’ve been watching her—shit, that makes me sound like a stalker. I smile at her response while Baylor shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “You seriously are a dork, Davis.”

  “An adorable dork,” I add, gazing at her and basking in her tipsy beauty.

  “Did you just call me a dork?”

  “No, I called you an adorable dork, there’s a difference.”

  “Mmmhmpf.” She stares back at me. The air around us thickens. Her breaths have become labored and the pink of her cheeks continues to darken as her eyes roam over me. Then she says five words that make my night, hell my whole year. “Take me home, Biker Boy.”

  From next to her Baylor squeals and from the megawatt grin on her face, I think she’s happy with Charli’s decision too, “I’ll call Core to come get me.” She hops up and walks away to call Core, whoever he is.

  Reaching out, I cup her cheek in my palm. An electrical current jolts between us, her eyes widen, she felt it too. “You sure about this, Angel?”

  She nods and nuzzles into my palm, “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”



  I can’t believe I just agreed to go home with him. There must have been something in the wine, the cheese, or I’ve entered an alternate universe because I don’t do things like this, I don’t tell men to ‘take me home.’ This is so out of character for me but as soon as those words left my mouth, I felt so confident. Now that he’s actually ‘taking me home’ and my brain has kicked into gear, I’m having second thoughts.

  His thumb gently runs along my jawbone and he continues to cup my cheek. Lifting my eyes, they lock on his and within seconds, any doubts I had evaporate. Hell, all thoughts leave my brain and I lose myself in his rich chocolate brown orbs. A calmness washes over me and I’m left with a buzzing body filled with desire, want, and need for the man standing before me.

  He removes his hand from my cheek and I sigh at the loss.

  Baylor rejoins us, grinning at me. “Core will be here in ten,” she says. Picking her glass up, she chugs back the last of her wine before grabbing her things and walking toward the exit. Dominic offers me his hand and helps me out of my chair. Like when he cupped my cheek, a spark jolts through me when my fingers touch his palm.

  Once standing, he escorts me outside and we wait with Bay for Corey. I feel bad for ditching her but from the megawatt grin on her face, she doesn’t care.

  The heat from his hand on my lower back causes my body to react in a way that I haven’t felt in a very long time. He’s barely even physically touching me and already I want more.

  Corey pulls up to the curb, climbs out, and makes a beeline for Baylor. When he reaches her, he dips her back and kisses the life out of her, as if he hasn’t seen her for months and not just hours. It’s over the top for being in public, but it’s them to a T. He brings her upright again and then looks to me and notices Dominic standing at my side.

  “Who are you?” he asks, all big brother protective like.

  “Dominic Cruz,” he says, stepping forward, offering his hand to Corey.

  “Corey Cox,” he replies, shaking his hand. The alpha male testosterone pinging all around us.

  “Settle down, Core. Nic here—”

  “Dominic,” he interrupts Baylor.

  “Sorry, Dominic and Charli here are going to have a lovely night together. She doesn’t need you going all caveman big brother on her. Now, take me home and ravage me.” She links her fingers with his and pulls him toward the car, as she looks over her shoulder at me. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” she singsongs as she opens the door and climbs in.

  Corey closes it and looks back to us, specifically me. “Charli, call me if you need anything.”

Nodding at him, he walks around the hood, climbs in, and we watch them drive away.

  “So,” he says breaking the silence, “shall we head back to my place?”

  Looking over at him, I nod. “As I said before, take me home, Biker Boy.”

  He laces his fingers with mine and we walk toward the parking lot, his bike comes into view and I smile. Remembering sitting in my car and watching him earlier, I shake my head when I realize all those dirty thoughts I had are about to hopefully come true.

  “What are you smiling about, Angel?”

  “I saw you pull up earlier and I sat in my car over there.” I point to my car. “I was totally checking you out.”

  “Well,” he croons, grabbing my hips and pulling me to him, “As soon as I saw you, I was checking you out too. Seems this was inevitable.”

  “I don’t believe in that bullshit.”

  “What do you believe in?” he asks me.

  “What’s right in front of me. What I can see, touch, and feel.”

  “And what can you see, touch, and feel?”

  “You…and I can’t wait to touch and feel you in private.” My words shock me, I’m not normally so brazen like this. Clearly Bay is rubbing off on me.

  “Have at it, baby,” he says, stepping back and opening his arms wide.

  He stares at me and my body comes alive at the intensity of his gaze. Brazenly, I step to him and I slide my hands under his shirt and up his stomach. My fingers brush over ab after ab, sliding my hands around to his back, I slip them down and squeeze his ass.

  “Like what you touch?” he asks me. Biting my lip, I nod. “Well, I definitely like what I see and I’d very much like to see, touch, and lick what’s underneath your clothes. Shall we get going so we may touch, see, and feel each other in privacy?” Again, I nod my head. “Good,” he replies.

  Leaning down, he kisses the tip of my nose. The tip tingling from the connection with him.


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