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The Culling: Book 1 (The Culling Series)

Page 35

by Tricia Wentworth

  Across the room, I can see Benjamin stumbling around while Renae seems ready to kill him. Lyncoln was right about that one. My bad.

  Another twenty minutes passes while I continue to talk to our little group and I find I’m enjoying myself. I managed to meet the cabinet members here tonight and not mess up too badly. I handled Benjamin’s betrayal right in the midst of it all too. Henry and Lyncoln found out I have kissed them both, but even that seems to make me feel relieved instead of uneasy. Despite being an emotional one, this night seems to be a success, other than I wish Vanessa or Marcia were here to make all the drama and masks more bearable.

  A half hour later, all the candidates are standing in a group laughing and telling stories. None of us have left for the night and are sticking around to enjoy the party without all the seriousness of the President and the cabinet members from earlier. I, of course, have Lyncoln on one side and Henry on the other. We are all about to call it quits for the night when someone I don’t recognize comes running over to Lyncoln looking panicked.

  “Code black, sir,” he says out of breath.

  “How?” Lyncoln answers angrily.

  I hear some popping noises in the distance and immediately recognize them as gunshots. This must be what they have been whispering about all night. I take from the panicked look on everyone’s faces that this is very bad and not just a test either.

  As people look around wondering what to do and where to go, or even why someone is shooting a gun, a guard opens a door in the back of the room and tells everyone to hurry and follow. Our personal guards are all immediately in the room and at our sides with guns drawn. They form a sort of barrier around all of us.

  Before I even have time to mentally comprehend what is happening, Lyncoln scoops me up into his arms, kisses me on the forehead, and then places me in Henry’s arms.

  “Get her out of here,” he demands. They exchange a glance and he nods.

  As Henry starts moving me through the crowd of us going out the door I didn’t even know existed, I look back and see Lyncoln rip off his mask and pull out a handgun from around his ankle and another from his back. He then takes off in the opposite direction we are all going with two uniformed men, not his guards, at his side.

  Have those been there the whole night? Where the heck is he going?

  He’s a candidate too, dang it!

  And who the heck is shooting at us?!

  Chapter 17

  Out the door, we go down what seems to be a hundred stairs, and then more stairs followed by a hallway that seems to go on for forever. I try to get Henry to let me walk at least a dozen times, but he refuses to put me down. I feel a bit better seeing a few other boys carrying girls in heels too. It can’t be easy carrying someone down stairs, but it sure is faster than trying to run down them in heels.

  Finally, we arrive in a dark room with metal looking walls, which I assume is underground. The guards lock all of us in. They perform extra security measures and then station themselves near the entrance of the massive room. It’s dark so they light some lanterns and pass them out. Considering they just locked us in with retina scanners, it seems weird they would use something as old fashioned as lanterns.

  “Doing okay?” Jamie asks me, in warrior mode, tense and looking around as he hands me one.

  “I’m okay. Confused but okay.”

  “Don’t worry, this room could survive a nuke,” Jamie shrugs as he hands me a water bottle. I wonder where he got it. There must be some sort of food and water supply down here.

  Henry and I find a corner of the large room and sit up against the wall. The light-hearted mood and camaraderie from earlier are now gone. We are coupled up and sitting separate from one another except for October, who is gladly sitting by herself and chatting softly with her guard. Henry takes off his mask and I do the same though mine takes more effort. He puts an arm around me and I lean the back of my head against his chest. I take a quick count as I look around to make sure we all made it…except for Lyncoln, of course. I can feel how hard Henry’s heart is beating through his suit. I realize mine is beating hard too. My hands are shaking also. We were in real danger back there, whatever it was. Whoever it was.

  “So I know you can’t tell me much, but someone has been trying to attack Mile High haven’t they?” I ask quietly.

  “Yes,” Henry responds honestly and moves to wrap his arm around my cold shoulders, rubbing them. I didn’t even realize how cold the room and the wall we are leaning against are, but Henry did. He always notices the little things. He reaches his other hand around and takes my shaking hand. “If it were up to me, I would’ve told you everything a while ago.”

  “Thank you for telling me even that much. Lyncoln is up there doing his tactical forces thing?” I ask, not even bothering to disguise my concern.

  “Yes. Don’t worry. You should be more worried about them than you should be about him. And I would be right there with him if I weren’t my father’s son. I wish I could be.” The way in which he says it makes me hear his torment. He has always had to struggle with being the son of a powerful man, essentially royalty, and trying to make his own way and be his own person. There are a lot of expectations weighing him down wherever he goes and whatever he does.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” I say sincerely.

  “Good.” He rests the front of his head on the side of mine.

  We sit there a moment in silence as we draw strength from one another. If it weren’t for my adrenaline rush and fearing for our lives, I think I would probably fall asleep right here in Henry’s arms. He’s just so darn comfy. He’s helping me to calm down and feel safe. Well…safer.

  “So Marisol,” Henry starts a conversation a few minutes later.

  My eyes immediately go to her and try to stab her with my glare. She almost ruined my entire evening. And probably would have made me freak out if Lyncoln wouldn’t have stopped me.

  I sigh. “What about her?”

  “I’m afraid she’s going to be around awhile. I just wanted you to know. She’s picking on you in particular. You should know that it’s because you are her biggest threat. Just try not to let it get under your skin.” I feel him shrug from behind me.

  “She was trying to pit you and Lyncoln against one another. That’s just cruel,” I say angrily.

  “Yeah, but it won’t work. She won’t.” He says the words softly and sure.

  “No. I will be the one to do that.”

  “Reagan,” he whispers in my ear, scolding in his tone.

  I turn to look at him. “Don’t ‘Reagan’ me. You found out I’ve kissed both of you tonight. Don’t you see how messed up that is? Instead of feeling guilty, I actually feel relieved that you both know. At what point will you start to hate each other? At what point do I become the girl that came between you and ruined not only a friendship, but your brother-like relationship?” I speak quietly but still fiercely. This isn’t the time or place for this conversation, but it keeps my mind off of whatever is going on upstairs.

  He looks me in the eyes, never looking away. “What you said right there? That guilt and care and concern for both of us? That’s the reason why you won’t ruin our friendship.” I hear the truth and confidence in his voice. “Does it bother me he kissed you? Heck yes, it bothers me. But, I have also relived our own kiss at least a dozen times. I know you wanted it just as bad as I did. So I hold onto that instead of my jealousy. I’m going to focus on us, and hope that the rest will work out in the end.”

  How is this man that perfect?

  “You are ridiculous.” I look to the ceiling and let out a frustrated sigh.

  “Ridiculous?” he asks taken aback, thinking I’m mad at him instead of hearing the admiration in my tone.

  “You are ridiculously perfect. You always have the right attitude and say the right things. I don’t know how you do it,” I say honestly. “I would be livid if you had kissed another girl.”

  “My mom was that way so I try to emulate her. I don�
��t always succeed, but I try.” He shrugs and ignores my other comment.

  “I know you miss her.” I squeeze his hand.

  “It has almost been two years. I miss her more now that I’ve met you. I want her to meet you. I want her to joke around with you. I also want her to be here for this crazy process. I want her advice.” He shakes his head. “Sometimes I don’t even know if the presidency is worth it, with all this going on. If it weren’t for you, I think I would somehow sabotage myself.”

  His self-doubt is heartbreaking. He is, hands down, the best person I’ve ever met.

  “Henry, you’ll be amazing if you’re the next president.” I pause, making sure he is looking at me while I speak. “You will be kind and compassionate and work harder than anyone else. I don’t even know what is going on with this attack, but I’m sure you will handle that too. You aren’t the man for the job because your dad did it and you are the so called heir, you are the man for the job because you are you. You are more capable than you know. People want it to be you because of your dad and they have high expectations. If they actually knew you, you would blow those expectations out of the water. It really should be you. Not because you are the heir, but because of the man you are.”

  He briefly looks around the room and then puts his hand on my cheek, leaning in to kiss me. It’s quick but emotional. In one kiss he makes me feel wanted. He makes me feel cherished. He makes me feel needed. And every single time it makes me want to continue kissing him.

  He pulls away and sets me back in his arms. I can feel his breath on my back.

  “By the way, I kind of have a thing for your neck.” I can hear from his voice he is smiling.

  “What?” I was not expecting him to say that.

  He is talking so quietly it’s almost a whisper, “Your hair is magnificent and always down, but I kind of like seeing your neck and back too.”

  “Oh.” Oh is all I can manage to say.

  We continue to sit there for what seems like hours. Henry at some point gives me his suit jacket and takes off his bowtie. I continue to sit in his arms as we ask each other random questions to get to know one another even better. I’m feeling safer the more time passes, but am still worried about Lyncoln. I can’t get over the look on his face when I saw him grab his guns and run in the direction of danger. He had no fear, just raw determination. He didn’t even hesitate. That was predator Lyncoln in all of his hot, majestic glory.

  “Shouldn’t Lyncoln be exempt from combat type situations while the Culling is going on?” I ask after a while. I see Attie and Elizabeth have both fallen asleep, heads on the shoulders of their dates.

  “Yeah. They tried. You know him. He’s the best we have right now and he knows it. So when something happens, he gladly volunteers.” He shrugs. “He can be a total jerk sometimes, but above all, he is protective. I’ve seen him in action. His instincts are unlike anything I have ever seen before. He’s an animal. He just doesn’t want to risk anyone else’s life if he knows he can handle the situation himself.”

  “Makes sense. Sucks…but makes sense,” I say quietly.

  “Yeah. Welcome to the curse of loving Lyncoln. You never know if he’s going to come back in one piece, but you love him enough to let him go.” He shakes his head sadly.

  His words make me realize that I do love Lyncoln and Henry both. I’m not sure I’m romantically in love with either of them yet, but I love them like family. Like I love Attie, Vanessa, or Marcia. I can’t imagine going back home and living life without either of them. Or Attie or Vanessa or Marcia for that matter.

  “How long do you think this is going to take?” I ask, wondering when we will see Lyncoln next. I just want to make sure he’s okay.

  “Since the guards at the doors aren’t quite as tense as when we walked in, I’m sure everything is already taken care of. They’ll go room by room and clear all the floors though, so it takes a while. That’s probably what they’re doing now. Could take a few more hours though,” he explains with a sigh but then adds, “Not that I don’t like sitting here with you, I just wish we were somewhere more comfortable or alone. I would much, much, much rather it be we were alone.”

  My pulse jumps as I think of the last time I was alone with Henry. I wouldn’t mind a repeat of the experience.

  We continue to sit there for probably another hour. I hear Henry’s breathing slow as he must have fallen asleep. I look around and see that most people have, with the exception of Bronson, Marisol, Renae, and Oliver. To Marisol’s credit, she looks genuinely horrified. I think it’s the first real emotion I have seen on her face. I give Renae a tight smile and she returns it. I almost feel bad that Benjamin is sleeping off his drunkenness next to her and that I ruined her date, but he deserved it.

  Much later, as I am beginning to think we will never get to leave and that I would like to be able to empty my bladder, the guards get word that it’s all clear and we can return to our rooms. Our personal guards come to us and tell us we are good to go.

  I gently wake Henry as Jamie sees that I’m still awake. Henry seems surprised that he fell asleep. He stands and pulls me up with him.

  “I’m still double checking your room.” He says it not really to me, but more to Jamie and his guards.

  “Yes, sir,” one of his guards respond.

  The trip back up from wherever we are is quicker as we can use an elevator. It takes close to ten loads of us before the candidates plus guards are all out of there. Henry and I opt for the last elevator and I’m glad. I’m not ready to go to my room and try to sleep knowing that there was an attack here tonight. There are so many unanswered questions for what went on here.

  What were they attacking? Us, the Culling candidates? Or were they after something else? Why so late? Why not when the President was there?

  When we make it to my doorway, Henry has me stand outside while he checks everything through. Then he opens and props open the door, asking the guards a few questions before he leads me in.

  “Do you want me to stay for a while?” he asks politely.

  He seems exhausted, and not just from this evening. “No. I mean yes, but no. I’m beat. And you need to get some sleep, too.”

  “I wish I could just sleep with you,” he says softly.

  He must see the panicked look on my face because he laughs and puts his hands in the air in surrender, “Don’t worry, nothing more than sleep. That hour of sleep I just got with you was the best sleep I’ve had in a while, that’s all.”

  I laugh and blush, embarrassed that my mind was in the gutter.

  “One more thing though,” Henry says as he walks purposely for me. I haven’t looked in the mirror, but I know by now I look like crap. He, however, looks exactly like he did when I first saw him this evening. In fact, without his jacket and bowtie, in just his dress shirt unbuttoned, his dress pants, and vest, he might look even better. He looks tired, but still put together. Not fair at all if you ask me.

  He reaches me and grabs his suit jacket by the lapels. I move my arms so he can pull it off, assuming he wants it back. He just pulls me in close using the lapels and then wraps his arms around me trapping me. He has one hand around my back and one hand on my cheek and kisses me.

  This kiss is soft and affectionate. For some reason, these kisses melt me. I remember thinking Henry’s lips looked soft like little pillows when we first met; I was right, they are very soft and very kissable. He breaks our kiss shortly after, keeping it appropriate, and kisses my cheek.

  “Good night, beautiful,” he whispers.

  “Good night, Henry,” I smile at him and he turns to leave, shutting my door behind him as he does.

  I turn and sit on the edge of my bed with Henry’s jacket still on. I’m still worried about Lyncoln but decide he must be okay. Wouldn’t they tell me if he wasn’t?

  I slowly take off my shoes which murdered my feet and then slip out of my dress, trying not to process everything that happened this evening. So much happened. So very much. I feel
emotionally numb from it all. I slip into a big cotton t-shirt and some pajama shorts. I take down my hair, which takes me awhile since all the pins are in it. I half-heartedly brush my teeth before giving up and calling it good enough. I feel too tired to take off my makeup so I don’t even bother.

  I lay down in my big, comfy bed and try to sleep. Despite being overly exhausted, I can’t. I think of about a hundred different scenarios in which Lyncoln gets hurt or injured and the fact that when I saw him turn and run into danger, it could have been the last time I ever saw him. After trying for over an hour, I finally punch my pillow in frustration and get back out of bed.

  I open the door to find Sarge and Jamie in an informative discussion, as they must be switching shifts.

  “Ms. Scott. Are you okay? Do you want some sleeping medication? Want to leave the door open so we are right here?” Jamie asks, looking concerned. It warms my heart a little since I have seen that same look from Ashton a hundred times.

  “Do either of you know if Lyncoln is back in his room yet?” I ask. “I can’t sleep because I don’t know that he’s safe yet. I keep imagining a hundred ways he has died.”

  They look at one another and don’t say anything so I take that as a no. I reach back in my room and grab my slippers and a cardigan and head down the hallway. They know something or they would have just told me right away.

  “Don’t you think you should wait until morning?” Jamie asks.

  “Until I know for sure he isn’t bleeding or worse, I won’t be sleeping. Let’s go,” I say determined.

  Sarge catches up to me at almost the elevator, looking amused. I know nothing horrible has happened or they would both be acting different, but they aren’t telling me anything either. So is Lyncoln hurt or something? Or is this one of those weird times where they aren’t supposed to be sharing certain information?


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