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Broken: A YA Paranormal Romance Novel (Volume 1 of the Reflections Books)

Page 43

by Dean Murray

  Chapter 28

  Alec was completely drenched in sweat, and I still wanted to throw myself at him so badly my teeth hurt. It shouldn't be possible for someone to look so good dressed in what amounted to little more than loose, extra-stretchy sweatpants.

  "How was training?" It was hard to sound casual. The urge to kiss him had become almost overpowering in the last few days. He knew me better on every level imaginable than anyone outside my immediate family ever had, and all I could think about right now was how much I wanted to touch him.

  "Fairly well, all things considered. We took it easy though..." I'd gotten used to the idea that he left a substantial number of thoughts unsaid out of a desire to protect me from knowing too much. I didn't like it, but I'd learned to accept it. He didn't need to finish that particular sentence though. They'd gone easy because today was Ashure Day, and once the dance finished up, he'd be facing off against Brandon, and it would be stupid to tire himself out when he was going to be fighting for his life.

  It was a thought pretty much guaranteed to stifle a conversation, but I managed a smile. "Only you would come back dripping in sweat and say you took it easy."

  Alec's smile was a bit strained at the edges, but the tenderness on his face was genuine. "I don't know what I'd have done without you these last few weeks."

  My heart went pitter-patter, but still mindful of the fact that throwing myself at him would just result in him freaking out and keeping me at arm's length, I managed not to go all gooey on the outside too. Unfortunately the effort meant I was slow responding. He moved on before I got anything out.

  "How's your homework coming?"

  Now I did frown at him. "I think my mind's going to explode if I look at my Biology book even just one more time this weekend. Other than that things are great."

  Alec's chuckle seemed to reach out and caress me. "I take it you'd be up for a brief field trip then?"

  My ears must have perked up. For all that we'd spent an incredible amount of time together over the last little bit, he hadn't taken me anywhere.

  "A field trip sounds great. Except I have to be back at least three hours before the dance, or Rachel and Jasmin will eat me. At least that's what they said, and I tend to believe them."

  Alec crossed over to me and ran a finger down the side of my face. "Only you could manage to make a joke out of having fallen in with monsters."

  I shrugged. "What else is a girl to do?"

  Alec's reply shrug mirrored mine exactly and yet still turned the movement into something far more graceful and eloquent than what I'd managed.

  "Be that as it may, I think you don't give yourself enough credit for just how amazing you are."

  I felt myself start to blush as Alec disappeared into the bathroom.

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