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Page 53

by Adrian Gilbert

Kampfgruppe Euling, 357

  Kampfgruppe Jeckeln, 270–271

  Kampfgruppe Nord, 105, 130, 131, 150–152

  Kampfgruppe Steiner, 49, 50

  Kampfgruppe Weidinger, 337

  Kampgruppe Frey, 337

  Kandler, Willi, 339

  Kempf, Werner, 45–46, 51, 57, 155, 179

  Kennard, George, 124

  Keppler, Georg, 41–42, 58, 98, 145, 168, 205, 214

  invasion of Netherlands and, 67, 70, 72–73

  Kepplinger, Ludwig, 70, 98

  Kesselschlact battle, 185–187

  Kharkov battle, 209–219

  Kiev, battle over, 254–257

  Killinger, Manfred von, 12

  Kirponos, Mikhail, 153

  Kleinheisterkamp, Matthias, 22, 92, 102, 144, 145, 157, 183, 397

  Kleinkrieg (Little Wars) (Ehrhardt), 291

  Kleist, Paul Ludwig Ewald von, 153, 160, 162, 163, 171, 201

  Klidi Pass, 119–121

  Kling, Heinz, 226

  Klingenberg, Fritz, 117–118

  Klisura Pass, 121

  Kluge, Hans von, 77, 231, 339, 343–344, 346, 348, 350

  Knight’s Cross, importance of, 98–99

  Knoblauch, Kurt, 92, 103, 105

  Knöchlein, Fritz, 87–88, 92, 412

  Kohlroser, Martin, 20, 361

  Köhne, Heinz, 29

  Kommandostab Reichsführer-SS, 131

  Krabbe, Olaf, 136

  Kraemer, Fritz, 316, 328, 336, 346, 348, 411

  Krause, Bernhard, 340

  Kretzler, Paul, 150

  “Kristallnacht,” 42

  Krüger, Walter, 71, 222

  Krukenberg, Gustav, 360

  Kryssing, Christian Peder, 136–137

  Küchler, Georg, 51, 59, 68, 185

  Kumm, Otto, 73, 74, 84, 168, 183, 304, 308, 379, 383, 415

  Kursk offensive, 222, 223–231

  Kyriss, Reinhold, 384

  Lammerding, Heinz, 103, 145, 331–333, 343, 412

  Landstorm Nederland, 361–362

  Langemarck Brigade, 239–240, 262, 263, 361

  Latvia, 250, 270–271, 290, 418, 421–422

  Latvian Divisions, 251, 272–273

  Leeb, Wilhelm Ritter, 128, 141, 185

  Légion des Volontaires Français, 241, 359

  Legion Flandern, 137–138, 191–192, 239–240

  Legion Niederlande, 137, 194–195

  Legion Norwegen, 138, 193–194

  Legion Wallonie, 199, 240–241

  Lehmann, Rudolf, 221, 386


  Allied offensive in France and, 340, 352

  antipartisan warfare and, 288

  casualties in Normandy, 352

  defense against Red Army advance into Hungary, 386

  on Eastern Front during winter 1941–1942, 180–181

  end of war and, 401

  garrison duties in Metz, 100

  German offensive in France and, 345, 346, 350, 351

  Germany’s final offensive in Belgium and, 363, 365, 366, 368–369

  improvements in soldierly bearing, 91

  invasion of France and, 82–83, 85–86, 88–90, 93, 96–97, 98

  invasion of Netherlands and, 66, 68, 70–72

  invasion of Poland and, 43–44, 48–49, 54–55

  invasion of Ukraine and, 155, 159

  invasion of Yugoslavia and, 118–119

  Kharkov battle and, 216–218

  Kharkov counterstroke and, 209, 211–213

  Kursk offensive and, 225–227, 228–230

  military assessment of, 421

  new battalion from Hitler Youth volunteers, 182

  Night of the Long Knives and, 18–20

  Operation Barbarossa and, 130, 131

  Panzer Corps and, 221

  as part of Panzer Corps, 207

  performance of during invasion of Poland, 51–53, 56

  plans for invasion of Britain and, 101

  praise for performance at Eastern Front, 178–179

  preparation to return to Eastern Front 1942, 209

  retreat from Ukraine and, 254, 255–257

  sent to Italy, 231, 232–233

  transfer to France in 1942, 205

  Leibstandarte Kampfgruppe, Allied invasion of France and, 336, 337

  Leibstandarte SS “Adolf Hitler,” 15, 16, 22, 27

  Allied invasion of France and, 334

  Dietrich and, 30–32

  invasion of Austria and, 41

  invasion of Greece and, 116

  invasion of Poland and, 45

  invasion of Ukraine and, 153–154, 157

  redeployment to West, 59–60

  upgrade of, 103–104


  German advance on, 141–152

  Soviet offensive from, 267

  Le Paradis shootings, 92, 412

  Lettow-Vorbeck, Hans von, 187

  Lippert, Lucien, 241

  Lippert, Michael, 19, 191, 192, 354, 357

  List, Wilhelm, 116, 118, 122

  Lithuania, 128, 250

  Lombard, Gustav, 380

  Longerich, Peter, 11


  Allied invasion of France and, 322

  Kursk offensive and, 223–224

  Operation Fall Blau and, 198

  as source of replacements for Leibstandarte, Das Reich, and Totenkopf, 222

  Lumans, Valdis, 112–113

  Lutz, Victor, 20

  Lynn-Allen, James, 89

  Mackensen, Eberhard von, 154, 158–159, 163, 179

  Maeger, Herbert, 209, 217

  Maitla, Paul, 272

  Malmédy Massacre, 366, 368, 411

  Manstein, Erich von, 2, 65–66, 253

  Army Group North’s campaign and, 141–142, 144, 145–146

  Kharkov counterstroke and, 213–214, 217, 219

  Kursk offensive and, 223, 230

  Ukraine and, 157–158, 159, 257, 258, 260


  battle for Normandy, 1944, 320

  Eastern Front, 1941–1942, 129

  Eastern Front in the North, 1943–1945, 394

  Eastern Front in the South 1943–1944, 210

  German blitzkrieg, 69

  Maria Theresa Division, 378, 380

  Martinsen, Knud Børge, 187

  “masked ball,” SS training and, 27


  of Allied prisoners, 87–88, 89–90, 412

  in Italy, 232, 311

  Le Paradis, 92, 412

  Malmédy, 366, 368, 411

  Oradour and Tulle, 412

  by SS during Allied offensive France, 332–333

  by Totenkopf troops during invasion in France, 82, 92, 412

  See also atrocities

  mass rapes, war on Eastern Front and, 133–134

  Mauthausen concentration camp, 42

  Mazière, Christien de la, 360

  Meier, Heinz, 399

  Meitzel, Bernhard, 335

  Mengele, Josef, 197

  Messerle, Fritz, 283–284

  Meyer, Kurt, 23

  Allied offensive in France and, 317, 318–319, 322, 323–324, 328, 335, 337, 340, 341

  capture by Belgian Resistance, 353

  German offensive against Allies in France and, 348–349

  HIAG and, 413

  invasion and occupation of Greece and, 121, 123, 124

  invasion of France and, 94

  invasion of Netherlands and, 70–71, 74–75

  invasion of Poland and, 48, 53

  invasion of Ukraine and, 157–158, 161

  Kharkov counterstroke and, 213, 216–217

  on Nogai Steppe, 159–160

  Panzer Corps and, 221

  trial of, 411

  war memoirs, 416

  MG42 machine guns, 207

  Model, Walter, 183, 223, 350, 355, 357, 362, 368

  Mohnke, Wilhelm, 89, 90, 383, 401, 412

  Allied offensive in France and, 317, 327, 335

  Germany’s final offensive in Belgiu
m and, 367

  invasion of Yugoslavia and, 118

  Montgomery, Bernard, 341–342, 348–349, 354, 403

  Montigny, Cassius von, 64–65, 87

  Mooyman, Geradus, 195

  Morawetz, Alois, 324

  Moscow, German drive on, 149, 165–176

  Mühlenkamp, Johannes, 196, 281–282

  Mulgan, John, 309

  Müller, Thomas, 361

  Muller-John, Hermann, 55

  Mülverstadt, Arthur, 145

  Munck, Jan, 26

  Munich Agreement of October 1938, 42

  Muslim units, in Waffen-SS, 245–248, 305, 308

  Mussert, Anton, 137

  Mussolini, Benito, 115, 122–123, 231, 233, 299

  “Narwa,” Army Detachment, 268–270, 271, 272

  national legions

  absorption into SS Infantry Brigades, 237–238

  British Free Corps, 241

  on Eastern Front 1942–1943, 191–195

  Estonian Legion, 250–252

  Freikorps Danmark, 136–137, 187–188, 192–193, 421

  Légion des Volontaires Français, 241

  Legion Flandern, 137–138, 191–192, 239–240

  Legion Neiderlande, 137, 194–195

  Legion Norwegen, 138, 193–194

  number of recruits, 138–139

  Walloon Legion, 199, 240–241

  war on Eastern Front and, 135–136

  National Socialism, SS training and indoctrination into, 24

  Nazi propaganda, continued fighting among Waffen-SS and, 398


  dissension among leadership after failed Russian campaign, 263–266

  Jews on Eastern Front and program of genocide, 172, 173

  Volksdeutsche and, 111–113

  Nederland Brigade, 239, 267


  invasion of, 65, 66, 67–77

  Legion Neiderlande, 137, 194–195

  Operation Market Garden, 354–358

  Neumann, Sturmmann, 201

  New Jerusalem Monastery, 175

  Nicolussi-Leck, Karl, 280

  Night of the Long Knives, 18–20, 194, 361

  Nogai Steppe, 159–160

  Nord Division, 273–276, 370–371, 422

  “Nordland” Regiment, 108–109, 204

  antipartisan warfare and, 288

  end of war and, 401, 402

  formation of, 238–239

  invasion of Ukraine and, 154, 162

  leadership of, 111

  military assessment of, 421

  Operation Sonnewende and, 393, 395

  retreat from northern Eastern Front and, 267–268

  “Nordost” Battalion, 131

  “Norge” Battalion, 382, 401, 402

  Normandy, battle for, 315–358

  Allied aerial strength and, 329–330, 332, 337–338, 340, 346–347

  Allied naval artillery support, 321–322, 328

  Allied offensive, 315–344

  flight of Vichy paramilitary troops to Germany, 359–360

  German casualties in, 352

  German offensive against Allies, 345–352

  German retreat, 352–353

  map of, 320

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 415


  German conquest of, 104–105

  Legion Norwegen, 138, 193–194

  Nugiseks, Harald, 269

  Nuremberg trials, 411–413

  Oberkamp, Karl von, 110–111, 302, 303, 304

  Olafsen, Jutte, 138, 193–194

  Olboeter, Erich, 340, 353

  Operation Bagration, 277–282

  Operation Barbarossa, 127–135, 139–140, 178

  advance on Leningrad, 141–152

  antipartisan warfare and, 289

  drive on Moscow, 165–176

  Eastern Front 1941–1942, 177–189

  Eastern Front 1942–1943, 191–204

  invasion of Ukraine, 153–164

  Russian weather and terrain and, 139–140

  Operation Black, 301

  Operation Bluecoat, 343

  Operation Citadel, 223–233

  Operation Cobra, 342–343

  Operation Easter Egg, 304–305

  Operation Epsom (Third Battle of Caen), 335, 338–339

  Operation Fall Blau, 197–204

  Operation Goodwood, 341–342

  Operation Knight’s Move, 306

  Operation Konrad, 381

  Operation Konrad I, 381

  Operation Konrad II, 381

  Operation Konrad III, 382

  Operation Margaretha, 310

  Operation Market Garden, 354–358

  Operation Maypole, 305

  Operation Nordwind, 370–373, 397

  Operation Perch, 325

  Operation Sealion, 101–102

  Operation Sonnenwende, 393–395

  Operation Spring Awakening, 384–390

  Operation Totalize, 348–349

  Operation Tractable, 349

  Operation Typhoon, 173–175

  Operation Uranus, 208–209

  Operation Waldrausch, 304

  Operation White, 300–301

  Oradour Massacre, 412

  Organization Todt, 238

  Ostendorff, Werner, 57, 71, 170, 330–331, 343, 386

  Ott, Eugen, 199–200, 201, 202

  Pan-Germanic Europe, Himmler and, 1–2, 4, 60, 252, 421, 430

  Panzerbrigade 150, 363–364

  Panzer Corps, 207–208, 239

  Allied offensive in France and, 334, 336, 337, 338

  defense against Red Army advance into Hungary, 381, 382, 383, 384, 386, 388

  defense of Warsaw and, 282–284

  Dietrich and, 221

  Germany’s final offensive in Belgium and, 363, 365, 367–368

  in Italy, 231

  Kursk offensive and, 225–233

  retreat from northern Eastern Front and, 267–269

  in Ukraine, 260–264

  Panzer Division Kempf, invasion of Poland and, 45–47, 49, 50, 51, 53–54, 56

  Panzergrenadier Division, Allied invasion of France and, 328, 329–331

  panzergrenadiers, reassignment of infantry to, 206

  Panzer Group Kleist, 93, 95, 97, 154

  Parachute Battalion, antipartisan warfare in Yugoslavia and, 306–308

  partisan warfare, on the Eastern Front, 287–297. See also antipartisan warfare

  Patton, George S., 342–343, 347, 369

  Pavelić, Ante, 242

  Pehrsson, Hans-Göta, 401–402

  Peiper, Jochen, 211–212, 218, 232, 256–257, 346, 366–367, 383, 411–412

  Peiper Kampfgruppe, Germany’s final offensive in Belgium and, 366–367

  Pfeffer-Wildenbruch, Karl, 63, 94, 270, 380, 382, 383–384

  Phleps, Artur, 111, 154, 242, 246, 300, 302, 304

  Pleiss, Gerd, 120


  antipartisan warfare in, 294–296

  German invasion of, 42–44, 45–56

  Red Army incursion into, 282–285

  Polish Resistance, 282–283, 294–295

  Polizei Division, 62–63, 66, 94, 131, 145, 308–309

  Postenberg, Hans, 363, 365–366

  Priess, Hermann, 222, 363, 365, 383, 411

  Prinz Eugen Division, 248

  antipartisan warfare and, 288, 308

  end of war and, 403

  formation of, 242–243

  military assessment of, 422

  in Yugoslavia, 299–300, 302, 303–304, 308, 379–380

  “Prinz Eugen” regimental march, 42

  Pripet Marshes, 172–173, 291, 293

  prisoners of war

  Allied, 87–88, 89–90, 412

  German, 408–410

  Puard, Edgar, 360

  Quassowski, Hans, 131–132

  Quisling, Vidkun, 193, 410

  RAF, Allied invasion of France and, 322, 338

  Ramcke, Hermann, 414

a, 160–161, 215

  recruitment for Waffen-SS, 14, 22–23, 102, 106–110, 195, 261

  of Volksdeutsche, 107–113, 118, 238, 241–248, 261, 378, 380

  Red Air Force, 224

  Red Army

  advance into Yugoslavia, 379–380

  German troops desire to avoid capture by Soviets, 403–404

  Operation Bagration and, 277–282

  in Poland, 282–285

  state of at time of German invasion, 128

  winter offensive 1941–1942, 176, 177–178

  See also Eastern Front

  Reder, Walter, 311

  Red Star Brigade, 311

  Reich, Otto, 194

  Reich Division

  drive on Moscow and, 165, 166–172, 174, 175–176

  on Eastern Front during winter 1941–1942, 182–184

  invasion of Yugoslavia and, 116–117

  Operation Barbarossa and, 130

  transfer to France in 1942, 205

  See also Das Reich Division

  Reich Germans in Waffen-SS, 108, 130, 206, 238–239, 292

  Reich Labor Service, 23

  Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD), 261

  Reichsführer-SS Division, 310–311

  Rhineland, remilitarization of, 40

  Ribbentrop, Rudolf von, 229, 399

  Richthofen, Wolfram von, 198, 200

  Ringsdorf, Alfred, 356

  Röhm, Ernst, 10, 18–19


  collapse of, 379

  Soviet invasion of, 308

  Volksdeutsche from in Waffen-SS, 113, 118, 238, 241, 243, 244

  Rommel, Erwin, 2, 80, 81, 315–316, 336–337, 339, 341

  Rossner, Erich, 169

  Rostov-on-Don, drive on, 159, 160–161, 162–163

  Royalist Chetniks, 241

  Rundstedt, Gerd von, 65, 85, 177

  Allied offensive in France and, 313, 315, 317, 336–337, 339

  invasion of Ukraine and, 130, 153, 155–156, 163

  Russia. See Eastern Front; Red Army

  Rybka, Kurt, 306, 307

  SA. See Sturmabteilung (SA)

  Salomon, Ernst von, 12

  Sauberzweig, Karl-Gustav, 247, 304

  Schalburg, Christian von, 137, 187

  Schellenberg, Walter, 233

  Schellong, Konrad, 192

  Schick, Otto, 28

  Schlect, Hein, 81

  Schleicher, Kurt von, 19

  Schmauser, Heinrich, 19

  Schmidt, Andreas, 113

  Schnabel, Dieter, 411

  Scholz, Fritz von, 111, 158, 201, 204, 239, 272

  Schönberger, Georg, 256

  Schreck, Julius, 9

  Schrecklichkeit, 288

  Schrijnen, Remi, 271–272

  Schulze, Richard, 365

  Schürmann, Paul, 76

  Schweppenburg, Geyr von, 316, 339

  Schwert und Plug (Sword and Plough) (Nazi curriculum), 103

  Schwinke, Georg, 184

  SdKfz 251 vehicle, 206–207

  Seela, Max, 148, 185

  selection criteria

  for national legions/foreign volunteers, 109, 135

  Waffen-SS, 23–24, 62–63, 109–110

  Serbia, expansion of Waffen-SS and Volksdeutsche from, 241, 243


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