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Kathy Andrews Collection

Page 3

by Kathy Andrews

  Her hand moved of its own volition, and she brushed it about his throbbing cock deliberately this time. She ran her fingers along the hard side, brushed a fingertip ever his smooth cock head and across the dripping piss hole. She moaned, jerking her hand away.

  She grabbed his wrists and removed his hands from her tits, then found the strength to walk from the kitchen. She went down the short hall and into her bedroom. But, as she turned to close the door, she found Donny right behind her, his cock still sticking out so sweetly.

  She looked down at his prick for a long moment as he stood there, expectation on his face. Lifting her eyes, she stared into his, and, with a deep breath, grabbed hold of her son’s cock with tight fingers.

  “All right, Donny,” she said in a thick voice. “There doesn’t seem any way to make you behave. I want this as badly as you do. But I’m warning you, Donny, if you say one word about this to anyone, I’ll blister your ass good, understand?”

  He nodded, still grinning lewdly at his mother.

  She walked over to the bed. Running her hands under the faded old dress, she stripped her panties off and flung them to the floor. She climbed onto the bed and spread her thighs wide. Donny, with his eyes staring between his mother’s thighs, shoved his pants down quickly, then knelt between her legs, his cock bulging with eagerness.

  Peggy took hold of her son’s cock as she lifted her crotch a bit. She placed his swollen prick head upon the lips of her desperate cunt.

  “Push, damn you!” she told him.

  Donny pushed.

  Peggy groaned as his cock entered her cunt. That was all she required to make her start churning her ass. She had her ass twisting and writhing before the full length of her son’s cock was inside her gripping cunt. She flung her arms above her head, her auburn hair flying about as she moaned with passion. She gripped the rungs of the headboard with tight fingers, closing her creamy thighs about her son’s now-pumping hips. He held himself with his hands on each side of her chest, grunting and panting as he fucked his cock in and out of her clinging, slippery cunt.

  Peggy’s ass moved with him, bouncing up and down on the bed, meeting his cock with her cunt, hearing the moist slapping of his crotch upon hers. She felt his balls beating a tattoo against her upturned ass. Her eyes were open but were glassy with the intensity of the ecstasy that flowed through her excited body, making her mind reel.

  The sensation of having a hard cock fucking into her cunt after such a long time was thrilling.

  She lifted her crotch higher as she began to scissor her hot, smooth thighs about her son’s hips. She made soft, mewling sounds as her tongue licked her lips. The throbbing hardness of her son’s cock seemed to fuck very deep into her bubbling cunt, deeper than she would have expected. His prick also stretched the hairlined lips of her pussy in a delicious manner. She felt her clit scraping against his taut cock shaft with each plunge he made, and there was an explosive orgasm building like liquid fire in the pit of her trembling stomach.

  The panting and gasping of her son excited her, telling her his pleasure was as good as her own.

  Then Peggy began to squeal in a soft voice as her orgasm rumbled to a head, causing her cunt to flex on her son’s cock, to tighten and relax. It was a motion that she had no control over, a thing her cunt did on its own. The rippling waves of her cunt actually sucked Donny’s cock. Despite the ecstasy that boiled through her, she managed to see her son’s face contort a few inches away from her own. The throbbing of his cock became more pronounced inside, her cunt, the beating of his balls upon her squirming ass became faster. Donny was making sounds as if he were strangling.

  “Do it!” she urged in a thick voice, banging her cunt hard against his fucking cock. “Do it, Donny! Don’t hold it back! Let it go! Come, damn you, come!”

  With her cunt gripping his cock in contracting waves of her steamy orgasm, sucking on his prick in a powerful, satiny way, Peggy badly wanted her son to come inside her cunt. She did not want him to jerk out, come on her thighs or stomach. She wanted his come juice gushing hotly into her pussy. Donny’s body became tight, then he seemed to shiver.

  “Ohhhh!” he groaned.

  Peggy felt her son’s cock lurch, then his come juice struck the sensitive walls of her satiny cunt. She felt the throbbing spurts filling, her, and it triggered a second orgasm within, her body. She screamed with ecstasy and churned her ass swiftly against him, grinding powerfully, her head thrown back and eyes squeezed shut. She gurgled as if she were clicking, her hips moving against him as his cock spurted creamy come juice into her pussy.

  When Donny slumped on top of her, exhausted, Peggy wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly while he recovered. She could feel his cock still inside her cunt, and she felt the involuntary squeeze the hairlined lips of her pussy gave his prick. She moaned softly with pleasure, then released him.

  “Get off me,” she whispered.

  Reluctantly, Donny pulled his prick free of his mother’s clasping cunt. He rolled onto his back beside her, arms and legs flung out, his smooth chest rising and falling.

  Peggy sat up, glanced at her son’s wetly glistening cock and, cupping a hand between her thighs, entered the adjoining bathroom.

  She stared at herself in the mirror above the sink accused her reflections.

  How could you? How could you fuck your own son? Are you that hot for cock? Then she answered herself. You’re Goddamn right I am!

  She used a damp cloth between her thighs, tossing it into the clothing hamper. Again she looked at her reflection, somehow thinking she would see a monster, a sex-crazed woman without guilt or shame.

  She saw none of that.

  She saw a face that was still beautiful, with honey-colored flesh and green eyes, eyes that now sparkled with the satisfaction she had not felt in two long years. She saw a woman with rich auburn hair that had coppery highlights, a woman with a face that could grace any magazine cover.

  She saw a woman who still had the same figure as when she was cheerleading in high school. She saw a woman with firm tits, high and spongy on her chest, with nipples that still jutted.

  Peggy’s waist was still very narrow, with a flat stomach that had just the hint of roundness to it. Her hips were rounded and flowed gracefully to enticingly long, creamy smooth, thighs and curvy legs. Her ass swelled and arched in a teasing manner, the cheeks as firm as any teenage girl’s ass, writhing when she walked, tantalizing any who watched.

  Peggy was a woman with an erotic mind, and a body to match.


  Two years before, Peggy’s husband had been killed in an industrial accident.

  They had been married for nineteen years. It had been a very good nineteen years, years filled with love and sexual satisfaction that delighted them both. Neither had a hang-up with sex.

  She had met her husband while still in high school, and there was an immediate attraction between them. On their first date, they wound up in the back seat of his car, discovering the heat of uncontrolled passion.

  Within a month, they had gone through every possible action a man and a woman could do with each other’s body. They enjoyed it all, and their hunger continued to climb until it seared and threatened to devour them.

  Quite by accident, they became involved with another young couple, also engaged tote married.

  Peggy found no jealousy in observing her husband-to-be fucking this other woman, nor was there any hr her husband as he watched her fuck and suck the other man. What the incident did to them was create a desire in them both for more of the same. By the time they had gone together for six months, Peggy and he had enjoyed sex with four other couples and two singles. One of the singles had been a man and the other a girl. Therefore, when they married, they still sought out others with the same inclinations. Peggy had been surprised at how easy this was, surprised at the number of couples and single men and women who wanted to join others for rousing fucking and sucking.

  Unlike some couples, fucki

ng around with others only cemented the bond of love between Peggy and her husband. They had enjoyed an active sex life with others, until she became pregnant with Donny. That did not stop them altogether. She and her husband continued to fuck another couple well into late pregnancy. She had to drop out for a couple of months, of course, but she continued to enjoy watching her husband fuck other girls, and of course she had her mouth which was always eager to wrap around a hard cock.

  She and her husband had kept up the swinging until he had been killed.

  Even after that Peggy had wanted to continue, but somehow she felt it would have been disloyal to his memory. Opportunities abounded, naturally enough. She was asked to be introduced to many single men, but that wasn’t for her. Some of the people she and her husband had been close to were disappointed in Peggy for stopping, but she didn’t care. Even now, two years later, she received calls from a wife or husband, asking her to visit, to climb into bed with them, promising to have a nice-looking single man to join them.

  But she had refused all offers.

  For the past six months she had not been bothered that much, the people finally understanding and accepting her desire not to join. She had a son to raise, and she wanted to raise him — she would use that as an excuse. She had been shocked when one man and wife offered to allow Donny to join them. The woman had been very explicit in saying what she would do with Donny and let him do with her.

  After her initial shock wore off, Peggy began to feel the excitement of incest. She had even been tempted to take her son and visit the couple, but fought it off.

  But it had caused her to start watching her son.

  And she had seen his interest in the girls about the neighborhood. And she had seen his preoccupation with sex grow and watched him when he was with a girl, especially the blonde flirty girl.

  That could be a problem, she thought.

  The girl’s parents were kind of icy in their attitude with others, and they seemed to watch the girl closely, as if they suspected her erotic nature. The girl, Susy, was certainly a succulent tidbit, Peggy had to admit. If her parents didn’t keep a very close eye on her, she would soon be taking her panties off in the alley for boys.

  Peggy couldn’t understand how the lovely girl could have such an outgoing personality when her parents were so standoffish. She knew the parents, of course, but had not liked them very much due to their attitude. The man wits tall and good looking in an outdoorsy way. The woman, Peggy could see, would be very attractive if she would look at the world with a little warmth in her eyes. Both were in their thirties, and did not seem to have a social life at all. They stayed by themselves, and Peggy seldom saw Susy out of the house after five in the afternoons.

  They lived next door to Peggy, and she had seen them in the back yard, barbecuing or having a drink. After a few awkward overtures of friendliness, she had given up when all she got in return were polite comments. Since they had not encouraged friendliness, Peggy had given up and simply waved, when she saw one of them.

  She felt no shame after fucking Donny.

  He had not approached her since that day, either, but she caught him many times looking at her with that knowing gleam in his eyes. She knew that her son would welcome another opportunity to climb into her bed with her, fuck her again.

  Two days after it had happened Peggy realized she had been considering just that.

  His cook had felt so good inside her cunt so damned good! The first cock she had had in two years, and she had come so explosively. She knew she had to have more cock or else she would wind up snappish and irritable. For two years she had managed, getting by on her erotic fantasies and using her finger. She had almost become accustomed to it… and then her son had fucked her.

  She was preparing for bed, her body fresh from the bath, scented deliciously. She knew Donny was in his room, probably surrounded by his comic books. As she sat at the vanity, stroking her long hair, she wondered if she thought about that day, thought about how her pussy felt clinging to his cock. The thoughts were making her excited. She put the brush down and stared at herself, wondering if she should go to him. There were no doubts what so ever in her mind that Donny wanted her to.

  He had been unabashedly aggressive with her that day. But since then, all he seemed to do was look at her. She wondered if perhaps he was feeling guilty about fucking her. That wouldn’t do, she felt, her son should not feel ashamed of fucking, even if it had been his mother he fucked. Peggy did not want her son to experience any feelings of shame when it came to sex.

  Standing up, she pulled her negligee about her body, her decision firm in her mind. She opened the door and stepped into the hall, going toward Donny’s bedroom.

  As usual, his door was open.

  She found him, sitting up in bed, leaning against the headboard, looking at his comics. “Donny, I think we need to have a talk, don’t you?”

  He looked at his mother, a shy smile on his face. She entered the room and sat on the edge of his bed. The brown of her nipples were a hazy outline beneath the gauzy negligee. That was where his gaze moved and stayed.

  Peggy picked at her negligee nervously. She felt his eyes burning on her tits, and she also felt her tits swelling out sharply.

  “What tare we going to talk about, Mother?” he asked, his voice quiet.

  “The other day,” she said, keeping a tremble out of her voice with some effort.

  “You wanna do it again?”

  She saw the hot gleam in his eyes and knew instantly that she didn’t have to worry about him feeling guilty. What she saw was a desire as hot, if not hotter, than she had seen that day when they had fucked.

  Donny had the sheet up to his hips, his knees drawn up with a book resting on his thighs. Peggy felt desire bubbling inside her again, and she was not at all surprised.

  “Do you?” she asked, her green eyes taking on a smoky expression as she looked at him.

  Donny nodded, licking his lips.

  With a flaring of hunger swelling inside the pit of her stomach, Peggy reached out and pulled the book from her son’s thighs. She then slipped the sheet away, end her mouth parted in a soft gasp of pleasure. He was naked under the sheet, his lovely cock already hard, standing up from the base, his prick head smooth and moist. Peggy gazed with delighted hunger at her son’s cock and balls, her cunt twitching with an almost desperate desire to feel his prick penetrating the sensitive lips of her pussy. Her clit swelled and became intensely distended. She tightened her thighs, a soft mewl bubbling from her tight throat.

  She readied out and touched her son’s cock tracing a finger down his taut skin, feeling his prick throb so powerfully. She ran her fingertip up and down his cock, then about his balls, listening to her son’s gurgles of pleasure. She cupped his balls gently and fondled them. She gave his balls a delicate squeeze and watched his cock lurch with ecstasy. There were tiny beads of clear fuck juices seeping from the piss hole.

  She sipped her fingers up from his balls, over his cock, and pressed her palm upon his moist prick head. Finally she closed her fingers about her son’s prick and began to slowly and lovingly jack him. She held his prick loosely for a while, feeling his cock throb in her fist. Then she tightened her fingers and made his prick head swell even more. She pumped up and down on her son’s prick, gasping with pleasure to have his cock in her hand.

  “I wanna see you, Mother,” he said in a thick voice. “You gotta let me see you, too.”

  She smiled at him, a wicked sort of grin. “I suppose that would only be fair, wouldn’t it?”

  Still holding his cock tightly, moving her fist up and down, her green eyes burning with desire, she slipped her negligee from her shoulders, letting it fall. Her tits came free, shapely and arching with stiff, tingling nipples. Donny reached out and shoved the negligee from her lower body, and, as she lifted one knee to the bed, her other leg still dangling over the edge, his eyes gazed at the thick curls of her cunt hair. His hand moved along the inside of her sensitive th
igh, moving slowly toward her pussy. Peggy’s body trembled with the anticipation of her urn feeling her cunt, and she lifted her legs to the bed, bending her knees and holding them apart. Her son seemed fascinated with her hairy cunt, his fingers running about the puffy lips and gently probing at her distended clit.

  When his finger moved into her cunt, Peggy gave a soft mewl of pleasure, scooting her ass on the bed to give him plenty of room at her cunt. Her fist continued to beat up and down on his cock.

  “This isn’t what I want, Donny,” she murmured thickly. “I can have a finger anytime… I want this!” She squeezed her son’s cock to emphasize her meaning.

  “I do, too,” he groaned.

  “Ohhh, baby!” Peggy whimpered as she stood on her knees, flinging one knee of his body. “I want it so much! Oh, God… I need it, darling!”

  She reached down and grasped his cock as she lowered her cunt. She teased herself and her son by brushing his swollen cock head about her pussy, her hips sliding back and forth. Then, with a low wail, she settled her cunt upon her son’s cock and sank downward. She moaned with the ecstasy of his cock filling her cunt, stretching the sensitive, steamy pussy lips and, going deep as his cock could possibly go. For a long time, she sat there on him, his cock buried in her clasping pussy. Her naked body shivered with pleasure as she reached behind and pulled his balls up, rubbing them against her creamy smooth ass cheeks. She could feel his cock throbbing against the wet, satiny walls of her cunt, and finally she began to lift and lower her ass, fucking her son with slow motions, letting the delicious sensations wrap about them both.

  “Hold my tits!” she urged throatily. “Hold Mother’s tits, Donny! Oooo, I love it when my tits are squeezed… with a lovely hard cock in my cunt!”

  His eyes shot up into hers in surprise.

  She gurgled, “That’s right, Donny! Tits… cunt… cock!”

  With his prick engulfed by his mother’s fiery cunt, he laughed, and began to chant, “Cock, cunt, tits, fuck!”


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