Kathy Andrews Collection
Page 254
“I just don’t trust you yet, Krystal. Besides, this can be more fun when you’re all tied up. You’ll find that out soon enough.”
She did as she was told, watching as Mike drew her arms back and slightly down. Something the teen hadn’t noticed earlier were leather straps bolted to the squat legs of the two benches. These he slipped around her wrists, making certain the material wasn’t touching the already reddened areas of her flesh.
“You were fighting your bonds too much, Krystal. Thai’s not good. All you’ll do is injure yourself. And we don’t want that to happen, do we?”
Krystal had so much loathing, so much hatred for Mike she could have exploded with it. Instead she did nothing, testing the bonds, finding she couldn’t raise her shoulders.
“Now for the legs.”
Next, Krystal felt a strap cinching tightly around her small waist, holding her more firmly to the benches. When Mike walked down to the end of the second bench, she followed him with rounded, terrified eyes. He turned, looking down at his prisoner speculatively, then moved around and fixed long buckled straps to two rings bolted into the wall some six feet above the floor. Instinctively, Krystal knew what was going to happen, squirming her ass against the splintery wood. So when Mike took her right ankle, held it against his chest, then jerked it up until her toes brushed against the wall, Krystal wasn’t surprised.
The strap fitted tightly around her ankle, drawing her leg well away from the centerline of her body. Next came the other leg, similarly drawn to a wall and roped to that buckled strap. Now Krystal could understand the reason for that narrow room. It was ideal for the straps that controlled her legs. Mike now pulled carefully on the benches — first one leg, then the other, until they stood out rigid at almost right angles to Krystal’s strapped body. Slightly raised, they supported the weight of her haunches so that when Mike pulled the lower bench from under Krystal’s ass, its position didn’t change. The only difference was that now it hung suspended past the rest of the bench to which the rest of the teen was strapped.
“Ohhhh no, no! Oh God in heaven, not so tight! It’s tearing me in two!”
Mike ignored her cries, running his fingers up and down the ridged legs and thighs of the young teen. He shook his head.
“No. It’s not enough. I’m going to tighten it just a bit. I don’t want you to move even in the slightest,” he said.
“No, noooooo!”
The pulling agony was awful! There were moments when Krystal thought her arms and legs would be pulled off. She sobbed and pleaded as each of her ankles was drawn out another notch in, the strap. The pain shot through her like a ragged saw. In a panic, the teen struggled. But she found that only part of her could move even a fraction of an inch. Trapped like this — trapped, and not able to do so much as move a muscle!
“No, no, this is awful! Please, don’t do this to me! Oh God, don’t!”
“You’re really stretched wide, you know? I can see right down into your cunt. You can’t close your lips, can you, baby?”
Krystal stopped her twisting for a moment, realizing at this point that Mike was standing right in front of her. He was looking into her pussy, stroking his cock through his trousers. That was it! He had had her roped this way, and was going to fuck her! She flushed beet-red, watching his lips smack together.
“You’re really nice, baby. Good ass, good way you move! You’re going to fit right in here at the school.”
“Uhhhhh, please take me down! Oh, it’s hurting me so!”
“This should take care of it!”
Mike had whipped out his cock, stroking it hard. Once more, Krystal had a chance to see his prick. But now it was far bigger, far longer and thicker than it had been when he was pissing on her. He stroked its sides, greasing it down with his pre-cum, licking his lips as the girl struggled on the bench under him. No, no! This couldn’t be happening! She had always been a good girl, just like her mother had always wished. She had never thought about doing this with a man until lately. And now… and now the man who was supposed to care for her was going to fuck her. Again, Krystal felt a rush of hatred for her mother as she thought of how Carla had led her to this hellhole.
“Now we’re going to have some fun again. You’re going to lose your cherry and finally become a woman. That’s what school’s about — growth!”
She felt his fingers on her thighs, the nails scratching them as he dropped his trousers completely and braced himself against her body. She thought of him pissing in her, the image of this animal leaning against her and flooding her mouth and cunt with his piss. And now he was going to screw her.
“Stop it!”
But before Krystal could shout out her protest once more, Mike had slipped his cockmeat into her cunt and was starting to ram his prickhead against her cherry.
“Eaghghhgbhhh! No! No! Take it out, take it out!”
The pain was excruciating, worse than the whipping Krystal had been forced to submit to. She had been told about losing her cherry, about the tearing agony all women had to go through. But Krystal had pushed those stories to one side. It was something to think about later. Later had come now, and she writhed helplessly against the bench, her cunt divided, her pussy split by that horrid prick.
His cockhead was pressing hard up against her cherry, tearing it away. Shouting, feeling as if she would die, Krystal curled her toes until they cramped. Her cunt was stretching agonizingly, the throbbing knifing into her brain.
“Eaghghghghhh! No! Oh God, no, no, no!”
Krystal felt him puffing back, the elastic itchy walls of her pussy shrinking together once more. The girl cried out a third time, her pussy muscles cinching down tight, cramping around his cock.
“Relax, damn it! You’ve got to relax or it’s gonna kill you!”
“Oh, oh, oh!”
Fucked to death! She could just imagine being roped here, fucked to death! When Krystal still didn’t relax, Mike slapped her several times across the face, reaching down and pinching her nipples hard between his fingers until he had her yelping with agony. She arched her spine as much as she could, banging her head against the bench, screeching for mercy. None came. There was only more pain, more slapping, more pinching until the girl thought she would faint from the pain.
“Please… please, don’t… don’t do this to me!”
Mike shoved back in, smoothing his fingers along her outer labes.
He had done it! Krystal’s face blanched, her mouth opened as his cock bloodied itself down into her cunt. He poled all eight inches of his fuckmeat into her, his hands braced on either side of her tormented body.
“Ohhhh… uhhhhhh, this is… is awful! Oh please, please, don’t hurt me any more! Oh no, no, noooo!”
To add to her pain, Mike had brought two large clamps, clothespin-like devices he now opened and snapped shut on her nipples. Krystal screamed again, feeling the steel teeth of these devices nibbling away at her tit tips. There were small weights attached to the ends, puffing her tits away from her chest.
Mike reached down, tugging at them, pulling at the clamps until Krystal screamed and shouted for him to stop! The girl was sure he would tear her flesh with that awful pulling.
“Yeah, come on, bitch! Tell me about how much it hurts you! You can’t get enough of something like that in your cunt, and you’re complaining that it’s killing you, right?”
Mike jerked at the weights again, watching as they distended her nipples. Krystal looked down, watching as the awful things nearly ripped her flesh. The pain around her tits took away her concentration from around her cunt. It was only when Mike began pulling his cock out, then shoving it back in that Krystal again felt the stretching pain in her pussy.
“Oh, oh, ohhhh!”
Krystal sobbed with shame and complete humiliation. It wasn’t enough that she was here, dragged to this spot by her mother, mis
taken for some kind of juvenile delinquent. Oh no, she had to be shamed by this man, this horrible man who had ripped her cherry apart, clamped her nipples and now was fucking her and making her feel something very strange happening around her cunt. The tight, narrow, formerly unused hole inside her was slowly getting bigger, getting wetter and wetter as his fat cock screwed into her.
Again, her cuntal muscles cinched down, making her cry in pain. It was as if Mike were tearing her body right down the middle as one would tear tissue. She felt as if she were being impaled on a pole and it would ram all the way up to her heart. The girl couldn’t believe her body could handle all that cockmeat!
Mike shoved back, then thrust in once more, his belly slapping wetly against her body. He was tugging at the ropes, tightening them against her flesh, then pulling at the weights and watching Krystal’s agonized expression, the result from the pain. When she tried screaming again, he slapped her, knocking the wind from her lungs. The girl screamed and shrieked, feeling her face become covered with a wash of perspiration. Writhing helplessly under the attack, all Krystal could do was take his brutality and hope it would soon end.
“Oh man, man, nice and hot and tight! Jesus, you’ve got a hungry little cunt there, Krystal. And my cock fits in it just right!”
“Oh, oh, nooooooo!”
Her cries bounced off the wall, ringing in her ears while he started fucking her harder and faster. The hot searing pain blinded her to everything. All the girl could do was flex her crotch muscles, trying to loosen her pussy with that movement so the fucking wouldn’t be so painful. In a few moments, the girl felt her movements take effect. Her cuntal walls were growing more and more hot and wet, the membranes stretching to accommodate the massive prick chugging through her pussy. Krystal wriggled her ass over the bench, feeling the splinters again. But this time the pricking was welcomed, the sensation sending feelings of lust racing through her.
“Oh, ohhh!”
What was happening to her? The whipping? The ropes? The pissing scene? And now this bondage honor with him fucking her on the bench while her legs were chained widely apart to opposite walls! And yet, and yet, Krystal felt nothing but lust, nothing but delight now as he was fucking her pussy with a steady in-and-out movement. Instead of the cries of agony that had escaped her lips before, now only lusty little grunts of pleasure came out. She licked her lips, far from fighting Mike any longer.
“You rat’s ass bitch!” he said, pulling back and looking down at the twisting blonde teen. “You’re so Goddamned hot you could burn off my prick. And you puttin’ on that act about being such a fuckin’ virgin,” Mike growled, completely out of control. He had dropped his slower-paced formal voice, acting like a truck driver while fucking Krystal half-senseless.
“Fuck me, fuck me!”
She didn’t care what he thought of her at this point. Her sex-drive was at high-pitch, her ass hot for him, her pussy running with juice that wet down her cuntal hair. Fucking! That was what she was living for. Her snatch burned for the big stud. Deflowered, her cherry ripped only moments ago, Krystal wanted this man more than anything else she had ever wanted in the world!
“Yeah, bitch. You’re gonna get fucked. But not by me — at least, not right now!”
“No, no, don’t pull it out! Noooo!”
Krystal made a wincing face, tugging at the wrist bonds until her muscles bulged against her sweaty-damp flesh. No! She had to have that hot hard thing in her, spreading her itchy, achey cuntal walls apart, searching down in the hot, smooth depths of her cunt.
“Too bad, Krystal. That’s the way, you little slut! That’s the way!”
“Uh… huhhhhhh!”
She could feel his fat cockhead pulling out slowly, the double lobes tugging at her convulsing cuntal muscles. They shivered at the touch of his prickhead, gobs of juice running down her asscheeks like lava. Thea, with a small squishy pop, Mike was free of her cunt.
The girl jerked her head from left to right, grinding up her ass hungrily as much as she could, silently begging the man for more. She was in high rut now, her belly muscles tightening, the cords sticking out from her throat while strands of blonde hair clung to her hot, damp cheeks.
Krystal wanted that prick. Oh God, she wanted it slipping back into her, scratching that achey itch that was driving her mindless! How could he do something like this to her? How could he leave her this… this abandoned! Krystal let out another cry, tugging at the straps holding her legs apart, able to feel the rub of her cuntlips against one another and her cunt from the violent, restricted moves. Still, it was no substitute for that wonderful fucking Mike had been giving her!
“Here. Here’s something for you, something a whore like you deserves!”
Krystal looked through lust-slitted eyes, seeing him holding what appeared to be a cock. It was a dildo, a long whitish pink thing with tiny spikes sticking out on all sides. A small crank was at the bottom, a crank which the big stud began now turning.
“Ohh… oh God!”
There had to be some steel inner core or something inside the dildo. It was warped, making the latex cock twist and bend in various grotesque ways. At the same time, the tiny spikes moved in and out variously, their pistonlike movement depending upon the speed of the turning crank.
“Like that? Would you like something like this better than having my cock in you?” Mike teased, holding the dildo right next to his still hard cock.
“I wanna cock! Wanna cock,” she said under her breath, her eyes rounded in horrified surprise as she studied the dildo.
“You’ll get it… like this first, though,” Mike said, bending down and sliding under her legs.
Krystal jerked her legs, snapping her head back, banging her skull against the rear bench. Her ass hung there teasingly, invitingly, begging to have something like that terrible dildo slipped into it. Mike rubbed his right forefinger along her cuntlips, seeing she was slicked down enough for the grotesque fucking. Holding the sides of the dildo with his left hand, he turned the crank with his right, sliding the thing into the teen’s pussy.
Krystal jerked both arms and legs, the straps cutting deeply into her flesh. It was horrible, painful! He would tear her apart with that thing. She tried twisting her body off the bench, but the center strap tugged painfully at her belly, knocking the wind from her lungs. Again, he slipped another inch into her pussy, twisting the crank and making these tiny spikes bite into her cuntal walls. Krystal screamed out again, swearing he was ripping her pussy apart with the dildo.
“No, oh God, no… uhhhh, oh please, please, you’ll kill me with that.”
She couldn’t even give it a name. Krystal only knew it hurt her terribly. And now he was turning that crank faster, making the dildo twist around and nudge her cuntal walls. He kept it buried halfway in her pussy now, letting her pussy contract and impale itself on those sharp little spikes. The more Krystal tried to control herself, to keep her cunt from snapping down on that thing, the more itchy her pussy seemed to get and the harder those muscles contracted in spasms.
Then he began moving it, raking those spikes over her cuntal walls, tilting the dildo up so they bit into her clit. Krystal yammered for mercy again, her movements making the bench under her move.
“Christ! You’ll take anything up your Goddamned cunt, won’t you? Fuckin’ slut!”
Krystal felt herself getting closer and closer to that moment of insanity, that wonderful time when she knew all those moments of pain and humiliation would pay off. Mike was going to make her cum! Oh yes, with that thing rodding her, tearing at her, biting her, she was going to cum and cum hard. Arching her spine once more, the girl pressed her belly hard against the center strap, her fingers curling and the nails creasing her sweaty-damp palms. She looked up; a dumb, hard-staring look at the ceiling. The single overhead light seemed suddenly to blow to pieces, becoming a bright
ly colored rainbow.
“Uhhhh… ahhhhhhh!”
There. It was there! She was nearly over the edge. Mike saw this and slowed the movements, making sure the tiny spikes raked continually over her cunt. Krystal felt herself falling through a strange dark world, her cunt clamping down killingly on that spiked dildo while the spasms exploded though her pussy.
Her body writhed and jerked, as if she’d been struck by a lightning bolt. Mike had a difficult time keeping the dildo in her cunt as she swiveled and pitched her ass against the bench. It was a wonderful, all-encompassing feeling as the flames of incredible delight licked up her thighs and into her cunt.
“Uhhhh… oh God, God, I’m… I’m going to cum… I’m making it!”
Krystal had never felt anything like that before in her life! She thrashed against her bonds like a madwoman, the pain and restraint around her wrists and ankles gone while her cunt exploded again and again in white flashes of searing heat.
How long it had gone on for, Krystal didn’t know. Slowly, she felt herself coming back down, her cunt slackening, the muscles around her thighs relaxing while her body sagged back down against the bench. Mike was straddling her now, his fingers working around his cockhead. That awful dildo was still rammed down her pussy, the spikes biting into her cuntal walls.
“Now it’s my turn.”
With those simple words, he jammed his cock into her mouth, grabbing a fistful of her hair and jerking her head back. There had been no warning, no preparation. Krystal gagged, horror reeling through her mind as her jaw spread achingly for the big cock. She felt the shame of doing something like this nearly as intensely as she felt the fat head of his prick poling against her cheeks. He was ready to cum! She could taste something bleachy, something salty and instinctively knew it was his cum bubbling from that slit, his cum about to wash down her throat.
Mike squatted down a little more, his ass resting against her tits while he throat-fucked the bawling teen. Krystal coughed, gasping for air, trying to widen her jaws to accommodate that much cockmeat. Her lips rubbed along the heavily veined sides of Mike’s cock. There! He’d pulled out enough for her to cough again, grab another lungful of air and hold it.