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The Husband Thief

Page 10

by M J Hardy

  Eddie catches the waiter’s attention and before I know it, we are hailing a cab and the driver says, “Where to guys?”

  Eddie looks at me and his eyes glitter, “It’s up to the lady.”

  I stare at him and drown in the desire in those compelling eyes and say huskily, “212 Indigo terrace.”

  The driver says cheerily, “Righto, I’ll have you there in a jiffy.”

  The cab pulls away and Eddie pulls me close. His lips touch mine lightly as he whispers against mine, “Are you sure about this Isabel?”

  Nodding, I push my lips to his and my kiss is all the answer he needs. At this point, I don’t even care that we’ve technically just met and on the Internet at that. I don’t think about the warnings I was given from everyone I know and some I don’t about the perils of online dating. I don’t think of anything but my basic needs that this man is about to satisfy for me. All of my intelligence has deserted me in a moment of blind lust.

  Eddie and I hit my flat like a hurricane. As soon as we are inside the door, we are ripping each other’s clothes off. It’s fast, furious and frantic and I’m loving every minute of it. We are like wild animals as we devour each other. He slams me against the wall and kisses me all over. He pushes me to the floor as he enters me roughly. He pulls me on top of him as I claim him as mine. Then I scream out his name as he makes me come over and over again several times during the night, as we discover everything about each other until the dawn breaks.

  Yes, Eddie Butler and Isabel Rawlins are compatible online and dynamite in person.


  The next morning is just as frantic. Almost as soon as we wake up, we’re hungry for each other again. Sex with Eddie was worth the wait. I’m making up for all those years when the only satisfaction I got was by my own hand. I am insatiable and so it appears, is Eddie.

  We do manage to head out to lunch by the river Hamble and I feel myself glowing as I share a gorgeous lunch with an equally gorgeous man.

  As soon as we return to my flat, we’re at it again and I have never been so happy in my life.

  However, it has to end as Eddie says regretfully, “I’m sorry, darling. I need to get back to London. I’m up early in the morning before the markets open.”

  I push down my disappointment and pull him against me. “I understand. I have to work too. When will I see you again?”

  He pulls me tightly against him as if he never wants to let me go and says roughly, “I can’t get away until Friday night. I’m sorry but work is so demanding and I can’t take time out to meet you.”

  I nod in understanding and say lightly, “I could always come to London to see you. I don’t know, maybe spend some time at yours.”

  He groans. “I wish you could but I work such long hours it wouldn’t be fair. I also share a flat with a very annoying group of guys and I would never put you through that torture. No, Friday night will be good because it will give me the whole week to imagine what I am going to do to you when I return.”

  I feel a shiver run through me at his words. Sex with Eddie has been something else this weekend. He has introduced me to all kinds of things that I never thought I’d enjoy. It’s been more like fifty shades of fun because we have done things I certainly don’t want anyone else knowing about.

  He kisses me deeply and I melt into him. I could make love to Eddie all day and all night because he is that good. How on earth am I going to last a whole week without him?

  Sadly, I wave him off and set about tidying my flat. Grinning, I toss the sheets in the washing machine and remember the pounding they’ve taken this weekend. Then I call my friend Carol and relive the whole experience, minus the kinky stuff and then get myself ready for work. Maybe I do need a week to recover because I have never had a weekend like this one.

  Outside of communicating online with Eddie, I do have a life to lead. My work at the local primary school is challenging and my evenings are spent marking and preparing lessons for the next day. I don’t think there’s anything odd about my relationship with him and as the weeks go by, all I think about is how much fun we have when he does come to stay.

  I think it’s three weekends later that I broach the subject of him meeting some of my friends.

  We are lying in bed after another marathon session and I stroke his chest lightly. “Do you fancy going to a party later?”

  He sounds surprised. “Where?”

  Shifting, I look into his eyes and say with excitement, “My friend Carol’s having a birthday party tonight and she’s invited us to go. It will only be for a few hours and it may be fun and give me a chance to show you off.”

  He shakes his head sadly and pulls me to his lips. After kissing me gently, he sighs, “I’m sorry, darling. I have to return to London this evening.”

  I feel the disappointment washing over me. “Why?”

  He groans. “There’s an important meeting first thing on Monday morning. I’m going to need to be at my desk early on Sunday morning to prepare for it. I should have told you but as soon as I saw you my mind turned to other things.”

  He winks and I smile but feel the sadness behind it. He’s leaving – early.

  Trying to put on a brave face, I say with disappointment. “I’m sorry, that’s a shame. You would have loved my friends.”

  He kisses me again and murmurs, “I know I would because you wouldn’t spend time with anyone not worth liking.”

  Once again, we forget everything other than making the most of the last few hours we have and as I wave him off, I just feel sad that the weekend has ended so soon.

  That evening I head to the party alone and Carol says in surprise, “Oh, I thought you were bringing Eddie.”

  Feeling a little awkward, I say apologetically, “He had to leave, I’m sorry, Carol, he sends his apologies.”

  She looks concerned. “I’m sorry, is everything ok?”

  “Just his work. He’s got such an important job it demands a lot of his time. Never mind, maybe we can catch up when he comes next time.”

  Carol nods but I don’t miss the doubt in her eyes. I don’t blame her; I’d be the same but I know Eddie and what we have is real. You can’t fake the connection we share and it’s just a shame we live so far apart.

  As the weeks go by, I fall deeper and deeper in love with Eddie. He sends me flowers and chocolates and little cards filled with sentimental verses. We speak on the phone a lot and our face-time calls are purely x-rated. I have never felt as alive as I do when I’m with him and so when he suggests a night away in a plush hotel in the Lake District, I’m beside myself with excitement.

  I meet him at Euston Station on Friday evening and as soon as I see him, I run into his arms. We kiss like any lovers would after not seeing each other for days and my heart soars as he takes my hand in his and says lovingly, “I’ve missed you, darling.”

  I couldn’t be any happier than I am now and for the whole journey, we kiss and cuddle on the train in a carriage with few people to witness us. At one point, we even make our way to the toilets and join the equivalent to the mile-high club. Life just can’t get any better than it is and I have never been so happy.

  We are booked into a five-star luxury hotel with a spa at Lake Windermere. As we enter our room, I squeal with delight at the sight of the luxury four poster bed. Jumping onto it, I stretch out and groan with ecstasy. “This is amazing. I love it here.”

  Eddie joins me and we waste no time in christening the bed and by the time we make our way down to dinner, I feel the luckiest woman in the world.

  However, my luck doesn’t end there because amid the candlelight and champagne, Eddie produces a velvet-covered box and takes my hand in his, saying huskily, “Isabel Rawlins, I love you more than words can express and would be honoured if you would agree to be my wife.”

  I just stare at him in shock and my heart leaps. In fact, it thumps so hard I can almost hear it and as I drown in those sexy eyes, I say breathlessly, “Of course I will.”

ddie opens the box and slides an amazing diamond ring onto my finger and then pulls me across the table and kisses me lingeringly. Then he whispers, “You have made me the happiest man alive.”

  That night we eat like kings.

  That night I have everything I ever wished for.

  That night we pledge our souls to each other forever and that night we make love until the early hours.

  That night I fall hopelessly and unequivocally in love with Eddie Butler and think I have the world.

  That night I did have the world but unfortunately, it didn’t last forever as I hoped. It didn’t even last a month because three weeks to the day everything changed.


  I’m not sure when the doubts started to creep in but like an unwanted fungus, they started seeping into the cracks. It must have been a week after our engagement that I broached the subject of meeting my family.

  His answer set off the alarm bells.

  “I’m sorry, darling. I would love to meet your family but I’m afraid I can only spend one evening with you this weekend and I don’t think they would enjoy seeing what I have planned for you.”

  I stare at him with disappointment. “Why, what’s so urgent you can’t spend the weekend with me?”

  He shakes his head and says sadly, “I’m afraid I’m working on a big project at work. I’m needed there on Saturday and Sunday if we have any hope of landing the bonus I’m counting on.”

  I feel irritable which is unlike me and say angrily, “It’s not fair. I don’t get to see you much and when I do, you can’t stay long. Maybe I could come with you and wait in your flat. I don’t know, I could take in the sights during the day and we could eat out at night.”

  He looks at me irritably. “I’ve told you before, it wouldn’t work. I need every hour I can on this project and only go home to grab a few hours’ sleep. I’m sorry, it can’t be helped.”

  I turn away and he sighs heavily. “Listen, it won’t be for much longer. If I get this bonus, it will set us up for life. It’s worth a small fortune and will enable us to bring the wedding forward and even put down a deposit on a house. Trust me, darling. Of course, I would much rather meet your parents and spend a lovely weekend with you but in this instance, I can’t.”

  I feel a little ashamed as he pulls me to him. “I’m sorry, darling. Please forgive me?”

  I nod and he kisses me gently which makes everything better immediately.

  Once again, sex takes priority and I make the most of it because if he’s leaving tonight, it will be a full week before I see him again.

  I’m not even sure why I did what I did next but after I wave him off, I head back into the bedroom and notice that he’s left his watch on the bedside table. Without thinking, I grab hold of it and jump in my car, intending on meeting him at the station to return it. He’s always insisted on getting a cab to the station which never really struck me as odd until I’m driving that way myself. Why I didn’t just drop him there never occurred to me.

  I pull up outside and head inside the ticket hall and look for the platform to London. I notice that it’s on platform 1 and as I start heading that way, I catch sight of Eddie on the platform below. However, he is not on platform 1 to London, he’s waiting on platform 3.

  Looking up at the board, I notice it’s heading to a different destination and the warning bells start ringing loud and clear. Without thinking, I purchase a ticket to the furthest destination on the route and hurry to the platform, making sure to keep out of sight. I feel a little bad for spying on him but it appears that curiosity has overpowered my sanity because I know in my heart something isn’t right.

  As soon as the train arrives, I take a seat by the window in the second carriage and Eddie sits in the first. As the train pulls out of Southampton, I have no idea where I’m going to end up.

  As I wait, I spin the watch in my hands and notice an engraving on the back. TKJ. I wonder what that means, it’s certainly not Eddie’s initials?

  Maybe it’s a family heirloom or something because I know it’s a good make. It may be quite valuable which doesn’t surprise me because Eddie always dresses well and spoils me with expensive gifts. As my engagement ring catches the light, it flashes a warning at me. Should I be doing this? It’s a bit crazy, really. It’s almost as if I don’t trust him but suddenly everything swirls around my head as I piece together the last few months. I think I know in my heart what I’m about to discover but I’m praying I’m wrong.

  It must be an hour and a half later the train pulls into Surbiton. I see Eddie leave and scramble from my seat. I keep well back and position myself behind the crowd, keeping him in my sights all the time.

  As I follow him from the station, I feel my heart thumping madly and I pray this isn’t what I think it is.

  He walks quickly and then takes a call. I hear him laughing and wonder who he’s talking to. I don’t even notice the smart houses that we pass or the tree-lined avenues. All I can concentrate on is the fact that my fiancé is somewhere other than where he said he was going.

  It must be fifteen minutes later he turns into a smart road and heads toward a white house with shutters and an immaculate front garden. He passes through a little metal gate and I hear the hinge squeak in protest. I hide behind a tree and I see the door opens before he can get his key in the lock and a little boy races out. My breath catches as I see the little boy is the image of Eddie. He reaches down and swings the little boy in his arms and I hear the boy yell, “Mummy, daddy’s home.”

  The tears blind my vision as I feel my heart breaking. Yes, Eddie Butler has been lying to me all along. He is married, and he does have a family. How could I have been so stupid?

  I walk away.

  I walk back along the same streets but I don’t register where I am. All I can think of is that Eddie lied to me. He asked me to marry him when he was already married.

  I head back to the station and wait for the train back to Southampton and think about everything that’s happened over the last few weeks. Then I start making excuses for him. Maybe he does have a child but isn’t with the mother. Perhaps they never married, and he was telling the truth. Could she be the one who left him for his best friend and was pregnant with his child? Maybe he didn’t want to tell me because he was afraid it would drive me away.

  As I travel home, these excuses become more believable with every passing mile. Maybe he is telling the truth and I’m thinking the worst of him. Perhaps he needed to go and see his son on his way home. These thoughts and many more besides keep me company on the journey home.

  By the time I reach Southampton, I’ve decided to give Eddie the benefit of the doubt. I’ll test the water when I see him next. One way or another, I’ll get to the bottom of this once and for all.


  Eddie phones me during the week and at the sound of his voice, my heart leaps. Despite the torture I’ve put myself through, I still crave him more than anything. After a few minutes, I say tentatively, “Um, you left your watch behind, did you notice?”

  He groans. “So that’s where I left it. Thanks, darling, I’ll pick it up on Friday night.”

  “So, will you be staying for the whole weekend this time?”

  There’s a short pause, and he says, “I’m sorry, I can only manage a few hours this week. I’ll make it up to you when this project’s over, I promise.”

  Squeezing my eyes tightly shut to stop the tears from falling, I say in exasperation, “It’s just not fair, can’t you even stay the night?”

  He says wearily, “Look, I know it’s not the best but I can’t help it. You will just have to be more understanding, Isabel. In fact, I shouldn’t really see you on Friday evening but I want to see you so badly I’m risking it.”

  “Risking what?”

  “Upsetting my boss. He wants me to meet him on Friday to go through a few things but I said I had a prior engagement. I’m sorry but you’re a much more attractive proposition than he is so there was no comparison.”r />
  I can tell he’s trying to lighten the mood and just say shortly, “Ok, Friday evening then.”

  He whispers, “I will make it up to you, I promise.”

  As he cuts the call, I throw my phone angrily onto the bed. I’ve had enough. I’m going to confront him on Friday night and find out just what’s going on. I won’t be made to look like a fool and be used if that’s what he’s doing. I have too much self-respect for that and come this Friday, Eddie Butler won’t know what’s hit him.

  I’m not sure how I get through the next week. Eddie calls a few more times and I try to keep things normal. I’m not sure if he picks up on the edge in my voice, or that I don’t appear as loving as always but I hope not. I want him to come on Friday and explain everything and I can’t risk him cancelling.

  Friday comes at last and as I wait, I feel nervous and apprehensive. My heart thumps along with every minute on the clock as I wait for his taxi to pull up outside. But it never does. When it comes to 8 pm I try calling but the phone just rings. There’s no voicemail clicking in, just the endless ringing of a phone that’s never answered.

  I contemplate getting the train back to Surbiton when he doesn’t call the next day. I feel so angry that he’s just cast me aside because I’m not stupid. There’s been no contact, nothing. It’s too much of a coincidence, surely.

  Then the worry takes over as by Sunday I’ve imagined all sorts. The only place I know he has a connection to is that house in Surbiton. It’s agonising waiting for the phone to ring and any movement outside has me racing to the window to see if it’s him.

  Then I do get a call but it’s not Eddie.

  I see an unfamiliar number calling me and answer it quickly, “Isabel Rawlins.”

  “Good evening, Miss Rawlins. I’m sorry to trouble you. My name is Detective Inspector Matthews. I’m calling on behalf of an Eddie Butler.”

  My heart starts thumping and I say shakily, “Yes?”


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