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Page 16

by Lila Rose


  I had never had many people in my life who made me feel like I was worth something. When I saw Josh stalking into the meeting with his club brothers, I knew he saw more in me than what I saw in myself.

  I was enamoured by him.

  I had worried he would see sense when he went home. But he hadn’t. He was back, and just after one night. I couldn’t stop looking at him as he sat next to me, talking and eating with his family. When he glanced my way with a gentle smile, my body reacted. My pulse raced, stomach tingled, and my cock throbbed.

  His hand slid to my thigh and squeezed as he spoke to his father. I couldn’t look away. How had I become so lucky to have Josh here with me? Wanting to stay.

  Ryo leaned into my other side. “You look like a lovesick puppy.”

  My face heated. “I do not.”

  Ryo laughed. “The men have stopped speaking to you because you didn’t answer, only stared at the man beside you. He’s real, Wolf. He’s here for you. Let that sink in.”

  I couldn’t because having him as mine seemed too farfetched. What did he see in me to come back? For Josh to have told his family about me meant so much. I couldn’t believe he’d decided to do it, and all within a few hours being home.

  Ryo was right. I did need to let the knowledge Josh was here for me sink in. The man had proved enough already that he wanted me in his life.

  “Were the others really speaking to me?”

  Ryo grinned. “Some.”

  “You should have nudged me.”

  “They didn’t care.”

  They didn’t either, else they wouldn’t be sharing a meal with me. I never thought I could be this happy. But here I was, full of the warmth Josh provided for me in everything he did.

  As with every relationship, we wouldn’t always see eye to eye, but when we did fight, I would make sure we made up in the best of ways. Already I didn’t want us to be apart again.

  The past twenty-four hours had been a nightmare. All my insecurities played with my head, but most of all, I had been scared I’d lost Josh by pushing him away. I knew he could handle difficult situations; the ones we’d already had showed me so. It didn’t stop me from wanting to protect him though. But I figured in the end, we could have each other’s backs. I wouldn’t push him to leave again, and definitely not from the fear that’d coursed through my body and heart when I thought of him in danger.

  Further down the table, Talon stood. “Let’s hit the road.” He turned to me. “Thanks for lunch. No doubt we’ll see you again.”

  I could feel Josh looking at me. I squeezed his hand. “You will,” I told Talon.

  The Hawks men started filing out as I stood with Josh. His father was the last to leave. “Call your mother,” he ordered Josh.

  “I will.”

  Stoke glanced from his son to me. “Take care of him.”

  I tipped my head down. “You have my word.”

  “It’s not forever,” Josh said. “I still gotta come home and get my shit….” He looked to me, eyes wide a little. “That’s if—”

  I gripped his upper arm and told him, “You are moving in.”

  He smirked. “That an order?”

  I grinned. “Yes.”

  “I’ll need to find a job.”

  I nodded. “I’m sure you will.”

  “You’ve always got work within the Hawks,” Stoke said. “You know that.”

  “Yeah, I know, Dad.”

  Stoke’s jaw clenched. He reached out, and I let go of my hold on Josh for Stoke to tug him forward. They rested their foreheads together. “Love you, kid.”

  “Back at you, Dad.”

  With a slap to the upper arm, Stoke shifted away.

  “Please thank Talon again for his assistance. I will forever be in debt to the Hawks MC.”

  “It’s all good, Wolf. Just do good by him.” He thumbed towards Josh.

  “I will.”

  “He’ll try to at least, but he gets on my nerves sometimes,” Josh commented.

  I glared at him. “You mean you get on my nerves.”

  Stoke grinned and told Josh again, “Call your mum. I’m gonna have to bring the tribe here, you know that?”

  “Shit,” Josh groaned.

  I elbowed him. “They’re more than welcome.”

  “Babe,” Josh said quickly, covering my mouth with a hand. “You have no idea what you’re sayin’. Mum will dote, Nary will question, and Rayne will think now I’m into a guy, that we can do nails and make-up.”

  Unable to resist, I pulled his hand away and started laughing. Wiping my eyes, I said, “Again, you are all more than welcome.”

  Along with Stoke’s smile, he sent me a chin lift, and with another pat to Josh’s arm, he made his way to the door where Ryo stood waiting.

  “I have cancelled everything for the day,” Ryo announced. “If something comes up, I’ll deal with it,” he added and bowed before he closed the door after Stoke and himself.

  Josh faced me, smiling. He tipped his chin up. I noticed it was something the Hawks men did a lot in communication. The gesture was cute. Josh said, “Hey.”

  Shaking my head, I laughed. “Hi.”

  “Hope you didn’t care about me interruptin’ the meetin’. I wasn’t gonna let another uncle of yours fuck with you.”

  “How did you know— Ryo,” I bit out.

  “He’s just lookin’ out for you, and I was already gonna head back here today anyway. I’d made the wrong move by leavin’. I know you were stressed and worried, but I should have fought, and I hate that I didn’t.” He stepped closer to place his hands on my waist. I let out a gasp when he lifted me and planted my arse on the table. He nudged his way between my legs. “This is new between us, but I wanna see where it can go, Taro.”

  I thumped my forehead against his chest. “I want to as well. So much.”

  “Good. Now, I need you to know I won’t be leavin’ again when shit gets hard.” His hands slid to my back, one rubbing up to cup the back of my neck. “You sure you’re cool with me stayin’?”

  Lifting my head, I tilted it back to have his eyes. “I’m more than okay having you here with me. Like you said, this is new, but… I hated not having you in my bed last night. I hated I pushed you away. I won’t do it again, Josh. I want you to be mine, for however long it’ll last. Besides, you haven’t even fucked me yet.”

  His eyes darkened before he dipped in to claim my mouth. I gripped him to me, locking my legs around his thighs, and deepened the kiss. My heart thumped hard in my chest. One day I would accept how lucky I was for Josh taking a chance on me, but until then, I would enjoy the ride we had together.

  Josh threaded his fingers through my hair and tugged my head back, kissing down my neck. I shoved my hands up under his tee and vest, wanting, no, needing, to touch his warm skin.

  He nipped at my chest, just above my shirt, and before I could do anything, he’d gripped it and ripped my shirt open, baring my body to him.

  “Josh,” I uttered as he kissed down to suck a nipple into his mouth. “Bedroom, now,” I demanded.

  He grunted against my flesh and licked around the other nipple before he took it between his teeth and bit down. I groaned, and with my hands, I forced his hips against me, feeling his erection caress mine.

  I slapped his arse and growled, “Bedroom.” I did not want anyone to see how Josh made me come undone or him lost in desire. That was for only me to see.

  Josh grumbled but moved back and lifted me off the table easily. His muscles bunched and moved. I couldn’t wait to see them shift when he took me for the first time.

  Panting, I pulled my shirt closed, but as soon as I dropped my hands, the sides parted. I glared up at him. “This was a favourite shirt.”

  His grin was cocky. “I’d say I’d buy you another, but it probably cost a few hundred.” He kissed my nose, and I melted at the adorable move.

  “I’m going to have to walk through the house like this.”

fuck you will.” Lifting his hands, he patted down my hair and brushed the strands from my face. He grabbed my shirt and pulled it closed. It opened right back up. “Shit.” Josh glanced around. What for, I didn’t have a clue, but he obviously didn’t find anything when he scowled back down at my shirt.

  “You should have stopped me,” he snapped.

  I snorted. “So this is my fault?”

  His lips thinned. “Well, no.” He scrubbed a hand through his hair. “You’ll just have to walk behind me, holding your shirt closed so no one will see you.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes,” he hissed. “Or do you want me to punch everyone who looks at you?”

  I didn’t think that would go down well with my employees. “No,” I admitted.

  “Good. Let’s go.” He took my hand in his, and I used my free one to hold my shirt closed. At the door, Josh opened it and peeked his head out. He glanced over his shoulder as he dropped his hand. “Stay close.”

  A laugh fell from my mouth. It was like we were on a mission. I winked, saying “Yes, pet.”

  He grinned, kissed me once, and moved out the door. I stayed close behind him and nearly collided into his back when he stopped suddenly. It was then I heard voices.

  Botan and a few other men rounded the end of the hallway. Josh crossed his arms over his chest, and I looked to see him glaring. Rolling my eyes, I pushed at his back.

  Botan stopped. “Taro-sama, is everything all right?”

  “It’s fine,” Josh answered.

  Botan glared at him. “I wasn’t speaking to you.”

  “Too bad,” Josh retorted.

  I pushed at his back again. Holding my shirt closed tighter since I had a feeling, from the hostility Josh was emanating, that he would punch someone if they caught sight of my chest. I thinned my lips, desperate to laugh since I had never had anyone act possessive of me before. Strange how it had made me happy.

  “We’re fine, Botan,” I told him and gave another shove to Josh’s back. He started forward again.

  “I don’t like that guy. He’s always had a problem with me,” Josh said.


  “Um, it could have something to do with you being in my bed. Botan was once a lover.”

  Josh halted immediately, only that time he turned and started off after Botan. Laughing, I grabbed his arm. “Stop.” Smiling, I said, “He never meant anything, just someone to pass the time with, and it was a long time ago.”

  “Fucker,” Josh snarled. “No wonder he was a dick to me the whole time. He saw somethin’ between us.” He glared down the hall, and I glanced over to see the other men had moved on, but Botan stood scowling at Josh.

  I ran my hand up Josh’s chest. “Forget about it.”

  “He’d better not try anythin’ with you, or I’ll kick his arse.” That I believed. Josh’s hands slid to my arse cheeks and gripped. He pulled me close, our groins rubbed, and I sucked in a breath, wrapping my arms around his neck. I heard a noise down the hall but ignored it because Josh kissed me. It wasn’t soft, but hard—a declaration to the other man that I was his.

  I liked it. A little too much.

  Josh pulled back, and I blinked dazedly. He smirked at me. “I think he got the message.”

  Grinning, I shook my head at him. I couldn’t scold him for his actions. If it was the other way around, I would have done the same.

  “You could pee on me,” I offered. “Though, I do prefer this instead.”

  His brows dipped. “Wait, so I need to? How many guys have you slept with in your security?”

  Fuck. “Ah….”

  “Jesus Christ, this place will be a bloodbath. I want their names, where they work—”

  I placed my hand over his mouth. “How about you remember that none of them meant anything. No one, until you. I don’t care about them like I do you.”

  He glared and removed my hand as he sighed. “Fine. I suppose I can’t kill them all off since they do help guard you and this place. Just get Ryo to make sure none of them look at you like they want a piece of you, or I won’t be held responsible for my actions.”

  I smiled. “Have you always been this possessive?”

  His head jerked back, and he was silent for a moment. “No,” he said softly. “Never seen the point before. No one mattered that much to me. Until you.”

  My heart swelled in my chest.

  I took his hand in mine and dragged him down the hall and all the way to our bedroom. Thankfully, we didn’t run into anyone else.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  My words said to Taro had meant something. That was clear by the urgency in his steps as he dragged me towards and into the bedroom. All I could do was grin like a fool because I finally fucking understood what I’d been missing. The others in the Hawks MC had found, even Coyote, their someone who they’d do anything for, who they would protect at any cost, even if they had to use their own body. Their person who drove them wild and brought out their possessiveness.

  Mine was definitely Taro.

  I’d never acted this way with anyone before, and the knowledge of him being my one cemented itself inside me.

  I kicked the door closed as soon as we’d entered and spun Taro around.

  I needed him.

  I grabbed his hair and tugged his head back to have his mouth in a hot and fiercely demanding kiss. Taro moaned and pushed his hands up under my tee, running them over my skin, making me shudder.

  I would finally have him.

  He would be mine, and I couldn’t wait.

  I just hoped I didn’t embarrass myself by blowing a nut too quickly, because if my dick could talk, it’d be singing the song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams.


  Our kisses tapered off to pecks, until Josh caught my gaze, both our breaths heavy. “I’m gonna fuck you,” he stated, his voice rough and dark.

  My already hard cock throbbed. “Yes,” I answered breathlessly.

  Josh stepped back and removed his vest, gently laying it on the back of a couch. He kicked off his shoes and removed his socks. I quickly did the same and then watched him. He reached behind his neck and dragged his tee up and off his body, throwing it to the floor. I scraped my top teeth over my bottom lip, drinking in the sight of him.

  “Shirt off,” he ordered.

  I slipped my arms from the already open shirt, and it slid to the floor. Our chests rose and fell rapidly at the anticipation of knowing what was to come. I followed Josh’s hands as they went to his jeans. When he popped the button, I swallowed thickly. His gorgeous cock would be on display soon. Josh slid the zipper down, hooked his thumbs in the waistband, and pushed his jeans down. There were no boxers in sight.

  I raised a brow, and Josh smirked. “I was in a hurry this mornin’ since I knew I was comin’ back to you.”

  My heart skipped a beat. I rushed to get my pants undone and down off my legs, along with my boxers. As I kicked them to the side, Josh chuckled. I took a step towards him, then paused. I… I had to get myself prepared for him. I didn’t know if Josh would be turned off if I did it in front of him or not, since he was new to this with a man and not a woman. Though, I could be fretting over nothing. I didn’t know, and I hated second-guessing myself.

  His hands cupped my cheeks. I jolted a little but met his gaze. “Where did you go?”

  My cheeks burnt. “Sorry, I just have to slip to the bathroom.”

  His brows shot down. “Why?”

  “To, ah, you know, get ready.”


  “I have to prepare myself for you.”

  It dawned on him, and his eyes widened a fraction. “Why do it in the bathroom?”

  “I wasn’t sure if it would be something you would want to see….” If it would be too gay for him or if he’d prefer for me to deal with it so he could just fuck me.

  His reply was to tug my hips forward, causing our hard cocks to rub against each other. I sucked in a sharp breath
when his hands gripped my arse cheeks. He went further and lifted me. I let out a yip but managed to wrap my legs around his waist and arms around his shoulders. No one had ever picked me up like this before. I found I liked being manhandled.

  “What are you doing?” I asked breathlessly.

  His smile was wicked. His eyes lit in a way I hadn’t seen. One of his hands dipped lower. A finger slid in and caressed against my ring. I tightened my arms and legs around him as a shiver took over my body.

  “Josh,” I whispered, dropping my forehead to his shoulder.

  “You ain’t takin’ away part of this experience from me,” he told me gruffly. His finger disappeared, and I heard Josh spit before his finger reappeared wet as he ran it over my hole once again. I shuddered.

  “All of this, all of you, is mine, and I’m all in. With everythin’. Got me?”

  Smiling, I nipped his shoulder. “Got you.”

  He grunted, “Good.” A finger gently and slowly pushed in. “Fuck, you’re tight.” His hands went to my waist, and I was lifted from his body. “Get on your knees on the bed,” he ordered before he moved around me to my bedside table, which he opened and took out the lube. He glanced to the bed, saw I wasn’t there, and turned to glare at me. “Bed, now.”

  My smile deepened even as my pulse raced. Josh placed his hands on his waist and watched me as I leisurely climbed on the bed, all while never taking my eyes off him. I ran them over his taut body, his hard cock that I couldn’t wait to give attention to.

  Josh kneeled on the bed beside me. I could have purred when he ran a hand over my back and arse. “Christ, you’re hot,” he muttered.

  “So are you,” I said softly.

  He rested a hand on my shoulder and applied pressure. I sank to my chest, leaving my arse up in the air, which was how he wanted me if his hissed-out breath was any indication. His hand rubbed over my cheeks before he slapped down. I moaned from the sting.

  Opening my eyes, I glanced back to see him slick two fingers up with lube. My cock throbbed. Already I was too close to the edge, because this was Josh. This was him taking care of me, getting me ready for him to fuck me.

  All of it was a turn-on. Especially when I watched Josh as his hand disappeared and I felt his fingers glide over my entrance. He dragged his top teeth over his bottom lip, and his eyes darkened once again.


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